View Full Version : Music and Mirage (Closed)

10-21-07, 06:33 PM
(Minor bunnying has been approved for this thread. For more detail on the plot already developed, read the soloquest Vandal Valiance (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=8661).)

Mathias loved music. It was a way for him to escape the bonds that held him to this particular firmament. It was odd to think of a planeswalker imprisoned. Truly, no bars had ever held him before. No shackles could bind him. No doors could block his way. He could simply phase out of his corporeal body and pass through the steel and wood barriers, let the manacles slip from his wrists. Not this time, however. Whatever odd magic his 'benevolent Master,' had bestowed upon the seemingly simple iron bracers, they held him steadfast in his physical conscience. Any attempt at blinking out of this existence and moving to another reality was shattered by an intense pain, as if his blood had become shards of glass and passed through his body with intense laceration.

The bracers had been able to yank him from other planes when he tried to Walk them... yet, he distinctively remembered the many missions where he was able to use his powers freely... The lock had become permanent, it seemed, since he had escaped the Master. It was a fail-safe, to make sure that the vandal couldn't get very far from the reach of influence of the dark sorceror. So he was cut off from all the Planes he had grown to know so intimately...

Music, though, was another plane of existence altogether. Even if he could planeswalk, it was a place that he knew he could not reach physically. No magic could touch this, for it was a magic unto itself. No imagination could grasp it. The only possibility, then, was to simply enjoy it. To know it and become a part of it, unconsciously. Anyone who would try to grasp it and exist within it would find themselves unable to do so. It was a fleeting, nomadic tangibility that flowed where the sounds of it went.

However; playing in the middle of Scara Brae as an escaped slave of a maniacal wizard whose sole purpose was unknown, but was clearly of extraordinary deviousness, was probably not the smartest idea that Mathias had had. But, he was out of range of the spell that would clasp his shackles together, so atleast he had his hands. Regardless, it could be that the Master had imbued the bracelets with a way to track him, or other magics that may otherwise be harmful to the escaped slave. For now, escape from the bracers were not a priority. For now... all that mattered was the music and the escape from tension that it gave.

He wasn't playing for an audience. Nor was he playing for money. People, though, took to him with admiration, or respect, or even pity. It didn't matter, because it was not for them he was playing. They assumed his violin case was opened up before him to accept donations. They assumed he was a beggar of sorts. A street musician with enough talent to impress, but not enough to inspire awe. They assumed incorrectly.

However, the coin was not unwelcome. As passerby dropped silvers and in some cases, gold, into the case, a small dose of inspiration was injected into the young man. This, however, was countered by a dark foreboding that he could not help but be aware of. Straight out of some novella, he felt those all-too-often-described eyes peering at him from the shadows. The classical and clichéd feeling of being watched crept over him. The hairs upon his neck bristled with anticipation as he packed up his case, pocketed his money, and left for another street.

Sure enough, however, the feeling followed.

After playing for a short while and deciding to leave again, Mathias took what he hoped would be an unexpected turn into an alleyway. From what he could tell, further down it met a crossroads that branched off into several backway lanes. He started a brisk pace down the cobblestone path, only to hear several pairs of footsteps, almost in marching unison, follow him into the same alley. Taking off down the backstreet to his left, Mat began a jog, only to hear the echoes behind him start to cobble into one as well. This was it, he realized. Someone was after him, for whatever reason someone could take ill will to a street musician, eking out his pathetic living by playing in open theater.

Turning around, Mat dropped his case a few feet behind him and ripped off his jacket, throwing it towards three figures, shrouded in black cloaks with silver lining, with silver patterns up the sleeves. They wore black pants and their faces were masked by their hoods. He launched forward, bringing up his fist and striking it towards one of the enigmas. His punch connected, sending the man sprawling with a spray of blood from his now broken nose. The one to Mathias's right reached out and grabbed ahold of him, grasping and locking his arms with his own. The boy swung up his feet, cracking the only target he could in the side of the head. The figure holding him, however, quickly restrained him and sent them sprawling towards the ground.

Mat's head hit the solid stones of the pavement and the body of his wrangler crashed upon his back. For a moment, the world started to go black and then it refocused into a blur, with pain setting in from several fronts. At that very moment, he was at the complete mercy of these mysterious thugs.

10-21-07, 08:03 PM
For Taeki, music was all she knew. Everything she did and even said generally had something to do with music. She could take something or someone and compare them to a song or an instrument or some kind of musical term.

The young man on the street with the violin. He was a lot of different things. The music he was playing must have been his own tune for she hadn't heard it before. It was a mysterious tune didn't really remind her of anything she was familiar with. Being a musician herself, she stopped and listened to him play for a few moments. He probably didn't notice the old woman because her hood was pulled down so low.

He was handsome enough but it was more the instrument that Taeki was interested in. She'd never played a violin before. She stood and admired the small thing. It was like a cello only miniature. She liked it immediately. Especially the way he was playing it. Something about him captured her...almost like a spell and it scared her but she couldn't bring herself to walk away until the young man lowered his instrument and put it back into it's case after removing the few coins that were in it.

Taeki couldn't help herself. She had to follow him. She wanted to hear him play some more. She thought for sure that he'd go to another street to play for a few more coins.
Just as she'd predicted, he stopped again and played some more. Once again, she was certain he didn't notice the old lady standing before him watching him play. He was too much into his music. He reminded her a little of herself when she played her flute. She was just about to bring out her piccolo and perform a duet with the handsome man, but he packed up again and was off before she had the chance.

For some reason, he took a strange turn away from the streets. Being the old woman that she is, Taeki fell behind. Before she could catch up to the blond man, three black-cloaked men cut her off. She didn't think much of it until the musician tossed his instrument away and threw his jacket at the strangers.

She gasped. She'd never actually seen anyone hurt their instrument like that. She kept her piccolo close to her all the time just like her amethyst necklace around her neck. She backed into the shadows so as to not be carried into whatever might ensue.
All Taeki could make out was the scuffling of shoes on the ground, the grunts of a man being held against his will, and the crash of something hitting someone's skull. When she finally gathered up enough strength to lean her head around the wall, it was all she could do not to run and help.

There was the young violinist laying on the ground with one of the black cloaked men holding him down on the ground. The other two were making their way up off the ground to search the musician.

One of them bent down next to the one held captive and asked "Where is she?"
When the young man took too long to answer he was kicked in the stomach.
Taeki knew they were looking for her and the young man was about to suffer for her lack of being able to help him.

10-22-07, 03:26 PM
Mat coughed - a harsh, sobbed choke that emitted unwillingly and as an admission of his vulnerability at the hands of these fiends. "Who the hell are you talking about? Who the fuck are you guys?"

The first cloaked man that the planeswalker had struck leaned over, not yet having recovered to his feet. He had a sardonic smile plastered across his face. "We're agents of the Master," he said, his breath rolling off of Mat's cheek. His voice was a rasp of dry sandpaper over his vocal chords. His stench was like pickle juice and pus.

The second one, noticeably shorter than the other two, as well as considerably hunched, hopped around with excitement. "He's... hehe. He's searching for you. Yes, yes... searching. Oho, you made him mad, oh yes you did! You did, you made him mad, and now he's found you, and he's going to hurt you!" the little fiend let out a cackle. His voice was raspy as well, although a bit more light in tone and certainly more maniacal than the other's... in that lab-assistant hunchback sort of way.

The third grabbed Mat's hair and lifted up his head, slamming the side of his face down into the harsh, cold stone. He felt something in his face crack. That would be my cheekbone, you dick, he thought. "You escapists. The Master says the escaped specimens have a code... in music... and thanks to you, we've heard it. You all are looking for her, aren't you? That's the reason you hid it in music, isn't it? Yeah... that's what the Master thought. That's what the Master knows."

Gritting through the agony that had seemed to be hammering the side of his face off, the young man tried to speak as defiantly as he could, although his jaw hurt with every movement. "I don't know anything. And your Master can kiss my ass."

The giddy hunchback jumped a few times, an excited hop. It was unsynchronized, however. Each leg went up and then hit the ground split seconds apart from eachother. He clapped his hands and giggled. "You shouldn't speak of our Master that way. Hehehe. No, no, no, you shouldn't! The Master's your master and our master and he doesn't like that kind of talk... Hehehahaha." And then, without warning, his voice turned harsh and powerful, full and probably an octave or two deeper. "So WE don't like that kind of talk!"

With that, the man on top of Mathias rolled off. Before he could feel any solace or relief, however, a rain of blows from tiny feet started to land upon his back as the little misfit began to stomp rigorously on him. With the air being pushed out of him every time he took the slightest breath, only weak little grunts rolled from his mouth, flowing pitifully through the air and into the alleyways with a weak echo.

He couldn't even shout for help.

10-28-07, 06:09 PM
Taeki was certian that if she didn't come to the blond man's aid, no one would. She had the feeling that she was the only one that could be of any help to him. Taeki had been hidden in a small indent inside the alleyway. When she peeked around, all she saw was the young man on the ground being slaughtered by the buffoons she'd heard earlier.

She took a deep breath and readied her hands; she hadn't done this in awhile. She could feel the cello in her hands although she couldn't see it, no one could. She felt the cold wood she knew all too well come to life once her flesh touched it. She knew the warmth. This instrument wanted to be played. It wanted her to use it. It knew what it's job was and it was eager.

Taeki took hold of the bow in her right hand and felt the srtings beneath her left fingers. She stepped out from behind her hiding place and stood strong. No one seemed to notice her standing there until the began her magic.

She focused on the brute closest to her. She saw his face even though the hood was covering it. She saw his eyes and she kept the images. Taeki was an amature, but she was a good amature if that makes any sense... She drew the bow across cello strings and a low rumble came out.

The dorks turned in sruprise. However before they could memorize her face, the one she focused on was knocked on his behind by an immense wave of sound. This only boosted Taeki's confidence. She knew that she was doing this right and she wanted to continue. She focused even harder on the man and she could see him being slammed into the cobblestone by her power.

Taeki paid next to no attention to anything else seeing as all she was focused on was beating the shit out of the man on the ground. She played a song that she'd learned about half of and then made up the rest. It was a song that made her angry. If she was already angry before playing it, the song made her positively furious. In her mind, she saw the asshole being pounded to a pulp. She saw his brain scattered on the ground and his blood in a pool at her feet. In reality, she did none of this. She simply elongated the man's punishment. She secretly wanted him to live to tell this story to others. In a way, she wanted her legend to be spread.

And then the song ended.

10-28-07, 06:35 PM
The next conscious thing Mathias felt was the absence of the little bastard on his back. Without realizing it, he'd covered his ears, the sound of an angry cello reverberating off the cement and brick walls. Music? he thought, lifting his head weakly. He saw an old woman, like some sort of oracle, proclaiming rescue, standing there, moving her hand across invisible frets and running an unseen bow across imaginary strings. Music... what are they hiding in music, then?

Immediately, the planeswalker's instincts starting to take over him. He hastened to his feet, looking over the raggedy hag. Whoever the hell she was, she was a savior. With zest, he spun on his heels and ducked as a fist came flying at him. He hurled an uppercut straight into the tallest fiend's stomach. He quickly retracted and came up above his opponent, slamming his elbow into his back. He hit the ground with a sudden and solid thud. The one who smelled like disease and rotten vegetables was writhing on the ground, beating his head into the pavement as the eerie music ebbed pain through his body. The littlest one was running towards the musician-magician, scrambling left and right in a clumsy charge. Mat called out through the agony he'd already been dealt and braced himself - the bracers on his wrists activating and turning his blood to needles. He felt on fire, being pricked by a thousand little points in every square inch of his insides.

But then, it happened.

For the first time in what must have been a month or two... ever since awakening on the Slaver's ship and being introduced to the Master... His essence ripped apart. His consciousness spread and he felt attuned to several different levels of reality at once. He felt the world expand and his mind smooth out over what seemed like yards. He could... feel everything in between, and suddenly, without warning, he appeared behind the elderly woman, incorporeal. He was jumping, aiming a drop kick right at the scurrying little hunchback's head. He passed through the musician like a ghost, solidifying and materializing as he did so. His boot connected with his intended target; his materialization happened at just the perfect time. He didn't cause the woman any inconvenience other than his display of the oddity of his power. And though she could probably have taken care of herself in the case of the crazy, rabid hobbit, he saved her the expense of having to. His hair blew backwards as he flew through the air, almost touching his rescuer's face.

As his boot hit his enemy's face, his own body dropped and then hit the ground. However, the dwarfling's smack against the cobblestone was much more satisfying than he could've imagined. It justified the pain that shot through his hipbone and allowed him reprieve from uttering a curse for his brash action. The trio scrambled together, stumbling and beginning the sprint of a retreat. The tallest of them turned around, covering his ears. "You're not safe. You'll never be safe. His eyes and ears are everywhere. You'll come back to the fold!"

Mathias took a deep breath and slowly turned around, his eyes prepared to meet the woman's. "Hi," he said, his lungs barely able to sustain that one word.

10-28-07, 07:05 PM
He just spoke to her. Taeki hadn't spoken in so long, she was uncertain if her vocal chords even worked anymore. She nodded instead. He'd just have to live with that as a reply.

Taeki looked him over. He looked rough. The "Master's" buffoons weren't exactly gentle on him. She wasn't exactly sure what was the matter with him, but she didn't need to know the details.

Taeki stretched out her fingers. The last song had worn her out quite a bit. She took a deep breath and stretched out her lungs. They're not as good as they were a few years ago. They don't take as much abuse.
She licked her lips. She hadn't done this in awhile either. She lifted her hands and felt the cold metal of the flute warm up. She positioned the mouthpiece in the center of her lips and she began to play a song. This time, the song was a sad one. It started off slow and low. A low C to start off with and then it rose. She closed her eyes and concentrated on a beautiful tune by a composer who's name she could no longer remember. She played on a range from a B flat to an F. Nothing special, but those were her favorite notes. She stayed in the key of E flat so as to heal and not harm.
Taking herself by surprise, Taeki went up and octave. She hadn't done this before so it was a new experience, but she liked it. Something about the high notes made her feel more exhilerated. It almost seemed to give her energy rather than take it away, but she coulnd't be sure of that yet.
Taeki decided to stay in the upper octave. She wanted to see what effect it had on this man.

She also ended the song early. She was too eager to see this man after she'd done her work on him.

She opened her eyes.

10-29-07, 07:09 PM
"Oh ... kyay... then. Right. Uh... I take it you don't even know who the hell those men were, huh?" Mathias said, looking over his shoulder. They were gone. Then, turning back, he didn't even wait for a reply. He looked the woman deep in the eyes, his own sky-blue eyes and voice both synthesizing the epitome of the "sober and serious," tone. "You need to come with me. They're going to be looking for us. With probably a lot more backup next time. My name's Mathias. You can tell me yours and your story on the way. I take it you're an Escapist, too? One of those gotten away from the Master? Your... music. Magic. Whatever it is. It's interesting. Something that he would like to get his hands on. You're definitely marked, now, if you weren't already..."

Suddenly, a vision flashed through his mind of the torture he'd endured at the hands of the Master and his minions. Needles, in particular and... well... the million little pricks from his fingers for which his namesake had been garnered from. The scars - little dots in close proximity to one another, blanketed his chest. Every once in a while, magic ebbed through them, testing his control over his own essences. If he disregarded caution and attempted to planeswalk anymore, he couldn't imagine the agony... Nor could he imagine the actuality of being ripped asunder. Not just in a bodily sense... but on so many more levels. The thought of his soul cracking and splitting and shattering into pieces sent a shudder down the spine of his spirit. To take his mind off the recollections of his imprisonment, his attention turned to the musician once more.

Was this one of the people they were talking about? Some decrepit old hag? Music... musicmusicmusic. Something about "hiding it in music?" I don't get it. Is it her magic? Doesn't seem like someone too terribly talented, the uniqueness of her skills aside. What did they think that I could possibly know? Especially when I can't even identify any of the other escapists... what would be interesting to a wizard of the Master's dimensions?

He took the woman by her hand and quickly led her out and away from the alley, trying to keep his pace moderated so he did not inconvenience her. As they fled, he spoke calmly. "We're moving a few streets down. Once we make it to a tavern, we can talk safely. Not even those bastards will attempt to engage us in any form while in the midst of public."

His resolve hardened and his awareness spread. He attempted to discern whether or not there were eyes that were following him, specifically. Aside from the oceans of bodies in the streets of the city, he could divinate nothing that seemed utterly or remotely suspicious. All he had was a feeling of impending battle, in one form or another. His body tingled with anticipation and his heart pumped with the after-affects of adrenaline flowing through him. He relished the fight. He wasn't particularly interested in it... he could actually do without it. But some primality overtook him... some base and inexplicable need to cause pain. It was frightening... no. That wasn't a strong enough word. It was horrifying. He almost succumbed to bloodlust at the slightest hint of conflit. Although, his blame shifted from whatever base urge that it may be, and onto the conditioning that the evil mage had imposed on him.

Yes, that was it. And it may be... something else, too. For sure, every emotion he felt was always amplified. It was like... for whatever he felt, he felt the history of it. All the people that had ever wanted, desired, cherished, and enjoyed the heat of destruction ; they flooded through him. All the times that anyone had ever felt sorrow... they overwhelmed him. It was as if he became the personification of emotion at the exact moment he felt that particular one.

Right now, it wasn't terror that so much gripped him. It was more worry. A need to defend himself, to defend the woman who'd just aided him, as helpless as he'd been... ironic, then, that he felt the need to help her!. Ha. How arrogant.

The retreat was coming to it's close however. Just down the street, Mathias saw the perfect end to their miniature sojourn. A tavern with widespread arms - an open door and a sign which read, "The Tumbling Troubador," welcomed them. He only hoped that it would not welcome their enemies, as well.

10-30-07, 04:38 PM
She couldn't exactly argue with this logic. A blind monkey could see the reenforcements those buffoons would be coming back with. When he took her hand she was a little startled. Not many people just reached out and touched her anymore. The feeling of flesh was strange to her.

He...what was his name?... Mathias? Yes. Mathias led her out of the alley and down the streets. He didn't exactly give her a chance to talk when he told her to wait until they got to the tavern. He didn't walk very fast... May be he thought she couldn't keep up? She'd have to explain later.

Once settled at a table beside a large window in the corner of the bar, Taeki sipped on her drink and tested out her voice. She'd cleared her throat to make sure it still worked for the function of speaking. And then she began to recall her story and how she'd ended up at this point in her life. Once she began, she got so immersed in her relay that she completely forgot where she was in the present. The past seemed to simply suck her into itself.

"I guess I should start with my name, huh? Well, it's Taeki `Osaj`aanlegur. I started reading and practicing music at a very young age. The first instrument I learned was the flute. I progessed from that onto the piccolo and eventually onto string instruments. Music comes very naturally to me. It's an attraction that I can't ignore which is why I had to stop and listen to you when you played on the street and then followed you when you moved. When my musical talent got to such a high point, my parents sent me to a school for musical magic. There, I studied the art of music without the use of the tangible instrument. Naturally, the first instrument I wanted to learn was the flute. My instructor became a second mother to me. She was the one that I looked up to and she inspired me to continue learning. She saw me in herself and that was enough for me. She took it a step further and gave me this necklace."

Taeki held up the beautiful purple stone hanging from a silver chain wrapped around her neck. The sun caught it wonderfully and little purple sparkles fell onto the table at which they were sitting. She tucked it back into her cloak. She also lowered her hood so Mathias could see her old face. She was letting her guard down for the first time in a long time.

"I had enough time to learn to heal with the flute and hurt with the cello. Before I could learn anything more, my school was attacked. One day, a man with powers beyond measure came, took over, cast spells, and obliterated my school...my home. Somewhere along the lines of this happening, I got hit with a spell. I appear to be in my sixties, correct? The truth is that I am only sixteen years old. I am more than I appear although I am more ignorant. It's wierd to think that you and I are the same age when we appear so different isn't it? ...wierd. Strange. Yes, strange. Anyway. When my school was erased from the face of the Earth and I was put under this curse, I lost all connection with my family. I've no idea where they are or if they're even alive. I travel all over the place searching for a family to take me in and give me something to eat and a place to sleep for the night. In return for their kindness, I play them a song on my piccolo."

She took her pic out of her pocket and showed it to him. Again, the sun caught it and made it look incredible. The golden metal glinted and even she was amazed even though she'd seen it thousands of times. This was her baby. She loved it more than herself. Taeki went on to explain.

"This piccolo is told to bring good luck to those for whom it is played. When someone gives me a meal or a bed, I play them a ballad usually lasting about seven minutes. They are beautiful songs, they are. They're my favorite. If I get the chance, would you like me to play one for you?"

11-11-07, 07:34 PM
Mathias sat there for a moment, an incredulously stupid look upon his face. The sly, sardonic part of him wanted to say, "Yeah, well... I didn't quite mean your life story." He bit that particular facet of himself back. Instead, he merely nodded and sunk back into his chair, rubbing his temple with calloused fingers. So, like they say old crones DO love talking. Ye gods, I thought the stories about hags were exaggerations.

Before he could reply, however, their waitress came over, queerly peering at the odd pair that she was about to serve. Her fine points made Mathias tingle - his eyes immediately caught from their apprehensive, wandering, and somewhat paranoid gaze. She was a bit busty and her legs were long. Her skin was a little too pale and her white and black outfit with its short skirt, didn't quite do much to entice him to look anymore. Honestly, her good qualities stopped with her breasts. She was missing two teeth and dirt smudged her face which was a host to blotches of freckles. Her hair was a dirty brownish red and was frayed and frizzy, kept in place only by a headband.

Math ordered a simple basket of fresh bread and cheese and a room for the night, then sent her off. He didn't have the coin to waste on anything other than necessity. Taking in a deep breath, he decided to take stock of the wording of his next contribution to the dialogue, intent on staying aware of his surroundings as well as giving company to his rescuer. His eyes flickered around the tavern, looking at faces, dress, sizing everyone up and making a note of what they may be capable of. It was almost like second nature to him. As the cogs of his mind kept turning for the sake of safety, his mouth began to run for the sake of companionship.

"As I said before, I am Mathias. No surname, no prefix, no title. Simply and utterly : Mathias. Call me Mat, Math... anything but Mathilda really, and that'll make me happy. As for who I am... eh. That's neither here nor there, nor really important in any sort of capacity. I'm simply me. Although," he said, pausing for a trifecta of reasons. The first being to take a breath. The second was to hold up his hands and show her the plain-looking iron cuffs that wrapped around his wrists. The third was just for pure, dramatic effect.

"I'll tell you that I've met my own share of powerful wizards, and I've had my own share of misery with them." He set his hands on the table and folded them together, his fingers crisscrossing. He leaned forward, staring down at the old, well-worn brown wood. He took in a sharp breath and glanced around nervously. "I would love nothing more than to listen to you play, or even have a duet. As it stands right now, however... that can wait. I take it you haven't been in the uh... 'running from crazy fucking psychos' business for very long, have you? We can play when our lives aren't in danger."

A moment later, the barmaid came back, setting down the basket and a key with the number eight scratched into it. Math curtly thanked her, handed her a couple silvers, and started to raise. "Can we retire to our room? I don't like staying out in the open. Of course... you're free to leave if you want. You've done your part.. I just can't help but feel you're not going to fare much better than me if we part ways."

11-20-07, 07:11 PM
Taeki got familiar with the tavern. She found the room Mat had got for them. She checked for bedbugs (She hated those bedbugs) and then she announced her departure.

"I'm going for a walk," she announced.

She didn't hear his reply but she kept on her way. She closed the door behind her and then headed down the hall. She walked through the pub past the people living their lives. She didn't see anything or anyone too suspicious. She made her way to the door that lead to the streets.

It was cold so she wrapped her cloak around a little tighter. There wasn't anywhere special Taeki wanted to go; she was just a bit uneasy in the tavern. She needed to go somewhere. To meet some people...As long as they wouldn't give her any trouble.

Making her way around the town she was in wasn't too difficult. The only thing was the people. They all seemed to be staring at her. They all had these piercing eyes. No, it's just me. She ignored them best she could. Avoiding eye contact was a specialty of hers. Taeki wasn't a people person.

There was one shop that really caught her eye. It was a music shop. Just a glance at the window told her that what this place sold wasn't junk. She walked inside the door.

Just inside the small store was this horn. It was beautiful. She'd never seen anything like it. There were four valves. It was a bellfront horn. And it was big. The golden horn glimmered in the window. Taeki wanted to touch it, but a part of her was afraid to do so. It was all she could to do turn away for enough time to explore the rest of the place.

She hadn't seen instruments like these in what seemed like forever. Not since her school was wiped off the face of the planet. Not since the last lesson she gave herself in her instructor's office.

There were flutes. Too many to count. Their silver shining in the sun. They were hanging on the walls in columns and rows all over the walls! It was a sight that she'd be sure to remember. She'd have to do that someday if ever she got enough flutes. Or a wall to hang them on...

And oh! The strings. Lined up againts the walls in what looked like perfect harmony. The tallest being the contrabasses were first. There were only two of them. One was a darker shade than the other. She fell in love. Next came the cellos. There were more of them. They were all different shades. Silently, Taeki wondered what color her cello would be if it were visible.

The brass instruments were there too, but they didn't interest her as much as the one in the window. She turned back to it.

"Interested, m'dear?"

Taeki turned in surprise. A very tall man stood before her. He was tall and lanky. He was probably both the tallest and the skinniest man she'd ever seen in her entire life. He had long hair that he had pulled back into a ponytail that ran nearly to his waist. He had a goatee that was so coated in what appeared to be grease that it looked almost like the blade of a knife. He also had wierd eyebrows. Taeki mused on how someone could get their eyebrows to grow that long. They looked like they had been combed up out of his vision. He wore a grin. It wasn't a kind grin. It was a malicious kind of grin that made one wonder what kind of trap one had just been led into.

"Uhm, yes. I suppose you could say that. I was just wondering what this horn here is. I've never seen one before."

His grin faltered only for a split moment. However it was enough of a moment that Taeki noticed.

He asked her, "Wouldn't you be more into an instrument such as one of my flutes?"

"No. I already have a flute. I just want to know what this horn is."

The tall man took hold of her upper arm and steered her away from the mysterious horn. He turned her face toward the flutes.

"Just look at the quality. I have open keyed, I have piccolos. I have every brand of flute you could ever ask for. Why don't you try one of these out?"

He took down a flute from the third row and thrust it into her hands. Gently Taeki put the flute back on it's hooks.

"I've already told you that I have a flute. The only reason I came in here was to inquire of the horn in the window. If you're not going to tell me about it then I suppose I'll have to leave."

The man straightened up to his full height. He was intimidating. Very intimidating. He was not grinning at all now. In fact, he was almost frowning.

"That particular horn is not for sale," was all that he said.

Taeki nodded, gathered her cloak and took up a brisk pace toward the door that lead to the street. When she got outside, she took up her hood and gazed at the horn in the window for another time. She saw the strage man come forth and take the horn down and into a back room.

Taeki began walking again. And then she heard a man yelling.


It was him. The tall man. He was after her! All she could think to do was to run. Mat would help her. He would stand up for her.

"THIEF! That old woman! She stole my horn!"

Heads popped out of shops on both sides of the street. Taeki pulled her hood down and ran faster towards the tavern.

When she got there, she realized that Mat had the key. Ohh he'd better be inside. She began pounding on the door for dear life. When it finally opened, she practically fell inside.

She proceeded to tell Mathais all about her walk in a fast breathless story.

06-13-09, 02:22 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.