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03-26-06, 03:42 PM

If you are reading this then you are but a step away from the wonderful world of Corone. In many ways Corone can be imagined as the jack-of-all-trades when it comes to the land itself, for its diversity has nearly no boundaries. However, as it is with jacks-of-all-trades (skilled with all, masters of none), none of these hallmarks could be considered extreme. The winds can be harsh, but not quite as harsh as the ones in Salvar. The mountains are tall but not like those that stand between Raiaera and Alerar. The ale is bitter, but not nearly as bitter as the Lavinian one in Antioch. The summer is dreadfully hot, but not even close to the one in the Fallien desert. You get the picture.

Still, that doesn’t mean that Corone is not an interesting land. Au contraire, it is because it gives us all a flavor of everything, because there are such an overwhelming number of choices, that Corone is attractive. In fact, I could go as far as saying that all you need is Corone, because exploring every nook and crevice of this land would take more years then even an elf could afford.

Updated info in RED

03-26-06, 03:45 PM

Corone mythos

Of creation of the Corone island there is no coherent information. The only trace that even resembles a tale of the creation is a mere fable, speaking of the Dragon God that formed and shaped the most beautiful land of all to appease the so called Sky Goddess. But the Goddess was frivolous and wild and untamed, refusing to show her fondness of the new lands and its master. Pondering for an eon on what to do with this new island, the Dragon God finally came to a decision to destroy what he created. But the Sky Goddess steadied his hand and asked him not to do so. She told him that she could never be tamed, never bound to a piece of earth, but that if she ever decided to do so, she would choose his island. So the land remained and thought the two deities parted once again after a palaver, life was allowed to thrive in the new lands.

Opposed to the common belief (inspired mostly by the current racial diversity), Corone was originally inhabited exclusively by the human race. However, that is the only fact that is widely accepted amongst the modern day historians, because all other information of the early ages of the Corone continent and its inhabitants is sketchy at best. During the ages when the elves of the north already thrived and warred for thousands of years, Corone history comes only in means of stories that were passed down from one generation to the next, getting distorted every time the storyteller was changed. This comes as no surprise given the fact that the humans that inhabited the continent during those times were nomadic barbarians, gathered in clans and factions that waged meaningless wars amidst themselves.

However, even within such rustic society, there was a firm patriarch governing structure within every clan and though written word was unknown to the Coronians, they abided to a strict set of laws. Harsh and unyielding, these laws were first recorded by an elven merchant that had the misfortune of crashing his ship on the shores of the north Corone. While his name and origin is as of yet unknown, an inscription in the Malani Cave (in which he was most likely imprisoned) speaks of his pending execution for trespassing on what he could only translate as the Holy Grounds. There is also mention of what seemed like a ranking structure within the armed forces and a strict code of both dressing and behavior.

Where exactly these barbarians came from is as of yet unknown, but one of the tales speaks of a creature called a Nomad. Supposed to be a restless sea leviathan, this creature punctured his side at the jagged shores of the north Corone and from its entrails the first Coronians were born. In other stories, the Nomad is actually the Dragon God. Modern history supposes that the Nomad was actually a ship that carried the slaves from one of the western islands that were to be sold in the civilized lands of that time, but the lack of evidence leaves this probable theory at just that; a theory. The Clerics of Draconus agree, but adding that it was Draconus himself that caused the storm and welcomed the first settlers in his human form because his lands seemed empty without intelligent life. Needless to say, telltales and religious factoids are the only evidence of the creation and the early times.

The Age of Commencement

The first written evidence (save for the Malani Cave inscription) comes as a mere side note in one of the Raiaeran scouting reports some four thousand years ago. Eraniel the Farseer noted Corone as a lush untamed land inhabited by barbarians volatile and rather introverted in nature. The strict structure of the society was once again noted, enriched by the first mention of the Corone women and the worship of draconic figures. However, at the time, the females were treated as mere slaves and did everything from taking care of the livestock to chopping wood. Eraniel compared the society to that of wild lions and designated this new continent as unworthy of further inspection, for though the barbarians were segregated in clans, they would for certain unite against the outside invasion. And given their nature, even a friendly visit could be considered an invasion.

However, despite the report, after the official discovery of the island, an inflow of outsiders was inevitable. The rich landscape was greatly underused which was a perfect bait for the landowners, the mountains were the only piece of the information that the dwarves needed, and the vast forest became a second home to the elves. Needless to say, the barbarians responded in violence, but their rigid ways were soon reasoned with by the golden tongue of the negotiators. Chieftain Fannos of the Burning River clan was the representative of the six factions that negotiated (or were goaded into) the peace with the outworlders, led by a great adventurer of the time, Aranis Kaledin. Coy and friendly at first, the outsiders managed to make peace with the locals, staying away from their nomadic settlements and paying no heed to the constant movement of the barbaric folk. In return for the hospitality, the outsiders offered bits of civilization, teaching the locals how to write, read, farm, erect stone buildings, and with their joint forces the first Corone town was formed; Serenti, a coastal town that was monument to the times of tranquility and unity amongst the natives and the outsiders.

But with the creation of Serenti, Corone borders were now wide open. Merchant ships bearing settlers arrived more and more frequently and the ones bearing local goods were shipping out even faster. Corone was marked a vast unexplored land and there was plenty room for all interested and gradually the freedom that the natives enjoyed for thousands of years started to dwindle. Mining towns, farming complexes, sawmills slowly started to turn a paradise into a bee hive and the Coronians started to realize that they should have never given in to the first settlers. The first great Corone war was inevitable.

Though superior in number and with the advantage of the well known terrain, the barbarians were evenly matched by the foreign warriors that excelled in skill and armaments. For hundreds of years elves kept to their forest, dwarves to their mountains in the north and the local men controlled the flat lands, all three factions constantly bickering and fighting against each other. It was a stalemate though, since neither of the sides wanted to come out of their territory. Elves dominated amidst the lush trees that they named the Concordia Forest where they created the town of Underwood, the dwarves and their defenses couldn’t be breached in the Jagged Mountains where they constructed the city of Teria around the strange ziggurat structure later known as the Citadel, and none could oppose the barbarian light cavalry that roamed the flatlands like a wind, arrogating the town of Serenti as their own.

During these times of turmoil Y’edda, the Sky Queen, is mentioned for the first time, mostly in the chronicles of the elves that dwelled in Concordia. They mentioned signing a pact with the so called Protectors of the Forest, which modern history recognizes as the predecessors of the Y’edda Druids. The druids are a secretive society and even in the present little is known of them and few even encountered them.

Needless to say, Corone became a segregated land, torn by the turmoil of the three parties that could no longer find the mutual language. And then the demons came.

The Age of Darkness

They knew well where to strike first. The city of Teria was a supposedly impregnable bastion of the dwarves high in the north, nestled in the valley of river Niema. But regardless of the high walls and the intrepidness of the dwarves, the great city of Teira fell in a single day. The demons overwhelmed the walls like a swarm of locusts and the largest city in Corone fell with a whisper. The dwarves retracted to their caves, finding safety in the maze of passages they created during the ages.

The demons couldn’t afford to lose time on flushing the vermin out of their holes, because even as they razed Teria to the ground (save for the indestructible Citadel), the elves and the men in the south started to negotiate a peace treaty and an alliance against the invasion. The demon army rushed over the Comb mountains, invading the Concordia forest first, but by this time, the natives and the elves already forged a pact and they were a force to be reckoned with. Aroen the Lightforger and Gerth of the Crying Wolves clan led an army of men and elves against the darkness that threatened to overtake all Corone. On the Gisela Fields they fought for seven days, but in the end the demons were too many and their brute strength won the strife, claiming Corone as their own.

The defeated forces fled back to the Concordia forest, but the demons were merciless as they set the entire forest ablaze. Thousands of years of history written on the tree barks died in the flames that burned so vividly, they managed to enlighten the night sky and turn it into mere dusk. Luckily, the dwarves that burrowed through most of the mountains of the north, opened up their secret passages and accepted the defeated forces into their caves. And there for over a hundred and fifty years the three nations lived in peace, waiting for a right time to counterstrike the demons. Despite the fact that the dwarves received shipments through their hidden passage in the fjords in the west, it was a hundred years of famine and agony for the Coronians. Information of demon army advancement against the elven lands in the north was scarce but dreadful for soon it was known that even Raiaera fell under the demon’s advancement. All hope seemed lost and Coronians, caged like beasts in their caves, feared that the caves were to be their graves.

Alas, then their savior came. He snuck through the remaining demon forces, bringing the news of the great defeat of the demons at the hand of Alerar forces, and inspiring the beaten Corone folk to arise and aid in the final defeat of the demons. He was an elf, clad in mytrhil armor so bright, it seemed that it was made out of starlight itself. He was Radasanth, Radasanth the Starlight by the elves, Radasanth the Braveheart by the dwarves and Radasanth the Savior by the men, and he led the cave dwellers out in one final charge. The attack was carefully planned though, in sync with the elven forces that invaded from the northeast and together they crushed the last foothold of the demons in Corone, the razed town of Teria. With the aid of the Raiaeran wizards from the Turlin Schools, the demons were banished through a portal deep within Concordia forest that was sealed, disallowing the invaders from ever committing such atrocities ever again.

And with the banishment of the demons, the Age of Darkness ended.

The Age of Dawn

Swearing never to succumb to dispute that could tarnish their unity, the Corone and its colorful inhabitants started to flourish. They rebuilt the city of Teria and named it Radasanth after the hero that brought salvation when all hope had faded. With the grace of the elves, the skill of the dwarves and the domestic influence of the men, the city of Radasanth was built into one of the greatest cities on the face of known Althanas. Radasanth, though Raiaeran by birth and lineage, was moved by the honor bestowed upon him and accepted to become the first Steward of Corone. Despite the fact that he was offered kingship, Radasanth knew well about the greed and envy which a position of monarch inspires, so he instead made a republic out of the free land of Corone.

With Radasanth at their helm and the bickering nothing but a thing of the past, Corone started its rapid growth. Concordia forest was replanted and named New Concordia, but the prefix was lost during the time because nobody liked to bring back memories of what happened to the old Concordia. Cities destroyed by the savagery of the demons were rebuilt and slowly but surely Corone was sailing towards the gentle waters. Their merchant ships dominated the waters, the quality wood from the forest that now grew on the ashes of the old forest became their main export, the renewed farmlands were lush enough to feed thrice the population and the ages of war were soon forgotten.

However, after some fifty years of righteous ruling of the land, Radasanth abdicated from his place as a Steward for his heart longed for his home. He named Theras Amuranis as his successor, a local man that climbed to the spot of one of his ministers during his ruling. But soon it was proven that while Theras lacked no benevolence and good intentions (for which Radasanth chose him), he didn’t have the strictness of the elven Steward. Under excuse of creating a firmer trading bond with Salvar, the remaining ministers (supported by the merchants that grew in power with every day) extorted a decision to invade the frozen land subtly. Though the first attempt failed, the second one was supported with a much larger force and Corone managed to establish a colony on the foreign soil, called the New Corone.

By this time four years passed and the power of the Steward diminished to a mere puppet figure under the influence of his ministers. A mandate time was established for all positions within the government whose members were chosen by the “people”, people being the most influential individuals in the region. All of this resulted in politicking and unrest within the society in which the rich kept getting richer and the poor were left to themselves. Stewards came and went unnoticed, the royalty fighting for the spot in the ministry of the government, and for almost five hundred years Corone is torn from within, dying a bit with each day. These times were also known by the commoners as the Age of Decay, though none of the history books has it noted.

The Age of Resurrection

The separation of the New Corone (now known as Salvar) shook the foundations of the Corone government and resulted in a forced abdication of the entire government. Seeing that by this they were given a clean slate, a new constitution was formed, written by the hand of Ferien Selamen. Rumors were that none other then Radasanth the Savior taught Ferien of politics but rumor was as far as the confirmation went. In the new constitution the ministries were abridged of most of its powers, and the reign was separated between five figures, each representing the people in their own way. The Steward, The Grand Marshal, The Master General, The High Baron and The Revered Congressman all had a single vote in every decision with only the Steward having the power to veto any decision that wasn’t unanimous with the other four.

Such composition of the Corone government exists until this day, and it was threatened only once during more then a thousand of years. Some six hundred years ago, an extremist merchant syndicate joined forces with the underground organizations that desired the return of anarchy. The merchants didn’t really care for the reasoning of the criminal organization as long as it could provide them with a strife that would overthrow the current government so they could put their people back on the main positions in the republic. The insurrection was only partially successful. The Royal Army and the Corone Rangers drowned the revolt in blood, and though the perpetrators were executed, the harshness of their actions shook the belief of the commoners in the Five and their ruling.

It is rumored that the merchant syndicate still exists within the threads of the society, under the fabled name of the Coalition, but regardless of how many investigations the Rangers and the Guards execute, no trace of this organization was found. During the following years, most of the insurrections and minor rebellions were blamed on this secret organization, but their agents always seem to evade the public eye. The most known of these rebellions was the one on the ships of prisoners that were on their way to Antioch. Supposedly, Coalition agents released the prisoners and helped them in the foundation of the new realm that became the nemesis and the thorn in the side of Corone government.

Regardless, Corone is currently at an ascending path, though the foundations might be more perforated then it seems at the first sight. Some say that at all times, the Coalition hold at least one vote within the Five...

Recent History – The Age of Strife

Fires of war have consumed the land of Corone. It is now clear that the spark that started that fire was the assassination of the two members of The Assembly – The Steward Arno Erriades and the Grand Marshal Aidan Johnston. The fact that they were murdered in their own homes despite heavy security was reason enough for the surviving members of The Assembly to believe it was done by domestic culprits. However, their retaliation was misdirected, and intentionally so as it would turn out. A country-wide witch-hunt ensued; thousands were arrested and brought in before the Inquisitors of the newly established Tribunals. But what was supposed to be an interrogation of suspects turned into a massacre as all were found guilty and executed. Needless to say, the word spread across the land with lightning speed and people started to rebel against such senseless prosecution. And that was exactly what the surviving members of The Assembly expected.

Seeing these outbursts of violence as a direct assault at the stability of Corone, the remaining three members of the Assembly decreed that the current democratic government was too weak to fight the domestic enemies. The current system was abolished to make way for the uprising of the new power; The Corone Empire. What soon became clear was the newly established Empire was backed by none other than the clandestine organization only known as the Coalition, which masterminded the downfall of the Republic that would make room for their own rise to power. But there were some who resisted.

At the very heart of the arboreal expanse of Concordia Forest, Corone Rangers made a stand against the tyranny in the city of Underwood. The numbers of these freedom fighters were scarce, their rebellion trapped by the newly established Empire from all sides, but the woodlands were their home. In it, they seemed untouchable. A campaign was started almost immediately after the treachery of the Empire, to fortify the four borders of the Concordia forest. Four Companies were formed and dispatched north, south, east and west. But the Empire reacted accordingly. Defeating all but one company of Rangers with the aid of the secretive Scarlet Brigade, they not only stopped the rebels, but struck back at their very heart. Once a great City of Wood, Underwood was turned into charcoaled rubble in a single afternoon by the Empire’s magicks. But that wasn't the end of the Rangers.

Concordia offered shelter to these freedom fighters and they soon struck again from their base at Cathedral Hill. Taking control over a small fleet of Empire's ships that were being retrofitted with cannons in the river harbors of Yarborough region, they descended downstream and overtook Gisela. This proved to be a turning point in the war. After seizing Gisela, the Rangers soon spread their dominion over the fields of Yarborough which were the main source of food for the entire Corone island. On top of that, they started filling their ranks with the rebellious common folk that refused to acknowledge the Empire as an official governing body.

With half of the land rising against them, with the famous ‘Red Marshal’ leading the rebellion of the free folk that still believed in the Republic, the Empire started to score more losses than victories. The conflict between these two sides now lies at a precarious balance, and the victor is far from decided. The Empire still has a greater number of trained soldiers at their side together with the majority of the most powerful navy in the known world, but tactical advantage and an almost fanatic zest of the Rangers and the gathered militia are obstacles that would not be easily overcome.

03-26-06, 03:46 PM
General Description

Starting from north, Corone seems like an inhospitable land at best. The Jagged Mountains descend to the shores in a series of sharp outlets and capes that made many a sailor lose their vessels. One of the tales of old even speaks that the great sea behemoth known as the Nomad ripped his side at these ridges and gave birth to the Corone folk, but the history has a tendency to lean towards more probable explanations. The Jagged Moutains stretch to the east shores as well, where they are brought to an abrupt end by countless fjords that are inaccessible and deadly for all that try to venture into them.

However, once beyond this thick outer shell, the land of Corone unrolls like a fresh parchment, unraveling a land with as many faces as one could possibly imagine. Beyond the Jagged Mountain range is the valley of the Niema river on which banks the capitol of Radasanth (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=46) is erected. Contrary to the belief of most foreigners, Radasanth is not situated on the delta of the Niema river, but rather a couple of miles inland. The mistake is an honest one because the delta is so wide and littered with docks that one easily mistakes the docking area as the city limits itself since it stretches down the river all the way to the city itself. The valley itself is tame and well irrigated, but mostly used for orchards because the majority of farming is done further southwards.

Continuing the descent, the Comb Mountains are a mere crease in the parchment. This mountain range is nowhere near to the Jagged Mountains in height and inaccessibility, but rather a set of hillocks and elevations that separates the valley and forms the border of the Radasanthia barony.

Beyond it lays Concordia forest and the barony that bears the same name. Claimed by some (mostly locals) to be the largest most magnificent forest in all the known world, Concordia is a place of serenity and bliss. Evergreen trees that grown closer to the mountains slowly give way to the deciduous ones that compose the majority of the great forest. The forest itself is less then two thousand years old, but the ruins within it date as far as the island itself. The capitol of the Concordia barony, the woodsman’s town of Underwood, is situated in the middle of the forest and is the center of the woodcutter industry that is the very foundation of Corone’s economy. Countless trees are cut annually only to be replanted by the foresters that dwell in the midst of lush foliage and mighty trees. Two rivers are notable in Concordia forest; the Firewine river that flows through Underwood itself, and the Bradbury river a little further to the east. During the spring’s snow melting and the autumns heavy rains when the tide is high and stream is powerful, these two rivers take the chopped wood downstream to the ship builders in the south baronies. As the great forest comes to a close, the two remaining baronies stretch to the south.

Towards the southwest is the barony of Yarborough, a flatland as far as the eye can see, littered with farms and green pastures that put food to the mouth of the Coronian people. Its capitol is Gisela, a city built as a celebration of the first union between the local men and the foreign elves at the site of one of the greatest battle that the Corone ever witnessed. Ironically, it is the place where the generals from all around Althanas come to play their wargames and compete under the enchantment of the illusionist that allow them such battles. In a way, once a year, history repeats itself in Gisela. Also, the Yarborough barony is the one connected to the adjacent Scara Brae island further westwards via a magnificent bridge build by both sides.

Towards the southeast is the barony of Tylmerande that despite its lack of major forests or flatlands is considered to be second richest barony in the land of Corone. Most of the bridge building takes place in this barony and the gentle warm shores are perfect for pearl foraging. Given the time that was needed for the pearls to become, it is no wonder that it was the elves that took upon themselves this line of work. The capitol of the barony is Serenti, yet another place in which warriors come every year to cross their blades and take the title of the champion.

There are two major roads that go through the mainland; the South Road that starts at Radasanth, passes through the Comb Mountains, descends down into Concordia where it passes through Underwood and continues down to Serenti. It is considered the more important of the two roads given the fact that three out of four most prosperous cities are found on that route. However, all know that while the East Road is the artery of Corone, it is the West Road that gullet with Gisela being the mouth that feeds the rest of the land. On top of that, it connects the bridge to Scara Brae with the only major eastern shore, the town of Jadet. The two great roads intersect in the town of Underwood.

03-26-06, 03:46 PM
Places of interest

Radasanth (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=46) is the capitol of Corone and as such, it is a wonder of modern construction. Rebuilt after the demon’s banishment, Radasanth (formerly Teria) is built by the joint forces of all three races that were subdued and defeated by the demons. Combining all three building styles, the buildings of the city are unique, containing the sturdiness of the dwarven built, a touch of elven grace and the mundane functionality of the humans. The city itself is vast, stretching on both banks of the wide Niema river, but the fortifications were built only around the northern part of the city that, in case of invasion, is closing its four massive gates and securing the part that has its back against the Jagged Mountains.

Because it was rebuilt relatively recently and by the hands of the dwarves and more civilized elves, the city is well planned and urbanized with straight streets and clearly distinguishable blocks. The center of the north side of the city is dominated by a large square with a colossus statue of an elven hero that carries the same name as the city itself. Most of the rich manors are not, however, located around the bustle of the center, but rather northwards, where the land starts to rise slightly, creating perches and cliff ideal for secluded manors of the rich folk. South, over the Niema river, are the living quarters, connected with the main bulk of the city by a series of bridges. Further south are the slums, where the poorest folk and some of the nomadic people dwell. To the east and a couple of miles down the river, opening up to a wide delta, are the docks.

While the city is full of surprises and places of interest, two are the ones that are widely known. The first is the Citadel (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=50), a place of interest for the warriors throughout the entire known world. The ziggurat building was proven indestructible even when attacked by the demons and as such is the only remnant of the city before the demon war. The second in the Silver Pub (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=47), run by a Dranak woman Tshael Nito. It is a gathering place of most serious adventurers and despite its location in the outskirts, one of the most visited inns in Radasanth.

Concordia (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=48) is the vast forest that covers almost one third of Corone island. Though under the constant watch of both the rangers and the foresters that dwell within it, Concordia is still a place of mystery, with uncharted ruins and unattended boggy parts deep in the east. It comes as no surprise that it usually ends up to be the hiding place of most criminals that find their places on the wanted posters. However, the foresters of Underwood (mostly elves) are doing a good job at tracking all such perpetrators and handing them over to the authority. The port town of Jadet, the only major eastern port of Corone, aids them in the process given the fact that they are situated on the east borders of the forest.

In the middle of the rich flora and the mighty trees is a town of woodsmen, Underwood, which beside its importance as a lumberjack town, is a crossroad of the West and South Roads. As such, even though deep in the shade of the forest, the town is an important trading place touched by the grace of the elves that lavish in the beauty of the forest.

03-26-06, 03:47 PM

While there are several of economic branches in which the realm or Corone excels, there is one paramount to them all and that is trading. Being an island nation forced the Coronians to seek the market for their goods beyond the seas and soon after the commencement of the Age of Resurrection, Corone ships spread across the known realms almost like a plague. One of the largest one is the ferry called “The Juggernaut” that constantly travels between the mainland and the island. Buying cheap and selling expensive has become an art for the merchants of Corone.

However, without the solid industry that is the foundation of every healthy nation, the trading would be pointless. Rye, corn, wheat and pretty much every other edible plant from the barony of Yarborough that is the surplus, is being traded to the less fortunate lands that are willing to buy... with a minor profit of course. Concordia forest is a seemingly bottomless source of wood that is being sent down the Firewine and Bradbury river to the mills. Some are sold as raw wood, some are turned into glorious ships, while others are used as firewood, but the common denominator is that they all bring profit. The mines of the Jagged Mountains aren’t too shy either as the dwarves still carve new halls beneath and produce more ore and metal from the bowels of the earth.

All in all, the economy of the Corone is flourishing, making it one of the richest nations in the known world.

Racial Structure

Though the diversity is the word most commonly associated with Corone, humans are still the dominant race by a rather large margin. They form around sixty percent of the local population, the half-breeds not included. Elves are the second most dominant race with some twenty-five percent of their kin living on the surface of the island. The dwarves are small in number and mostly keep to their mines, but with their ten percent, a person is bound to run into one, especially in Radasanth that is close to the mines. But as the racial percentage shows, there are other races in Corone as well, which is one of the charms of the realm because people are used to the strange creatures and mostly hold no prejudice against any race.

03-26-06, 03:47 PM
Mythology and religion

Apathy is probably the best word that describes the nearly non-existent relationship that Coronians have with the known deities. The most prominent of all religious groups in Corone are probably the Clerics of Draconus that have a temple in every larger town on the majestic island. They offer their services to the common folk, preaching of their Dragon Lord, but most of their words fall on deaf ears. Some say that’s mostly because the very nature of Draconus whose mannerism is known to be depicted with a rather slow reaction time. This is probably the reason why the clerics accepted a handful of demi-gods as well, most of them drawing roots from the tribal worshiping back in the Age of Commencement, making the religion somewhat polytheistic. Three of these half-deities are most common amidst the common folk.

Wyron – The deity of harvest, mostly worshiped in the Yarborough county, but it is not rare that people in Radasanthia are caught with an idol of this deity in their homes. Usually depicted as a reaper with the head of a bull and a tail of a dragon. By his blessing the crops grow and the trees bear fruit.

Am’aleh – The deity of the sea, worshiped in most of the coastal areas, especially in the Tylmerande area where the seashell crops supposedly rise and fall by the desire of this deity. Am’aleh is also the idol to which most of the sailors tell their prayers if facing a tremendous storm, and to which most fishermen thank for their catch. Though gender of this deity is unknown as of yet, it is mostly described as a creature with a lizard’s head and the tail of a tail of a fish, holding a pitcher of water.

Trisgen – A demi-god of strife and war. Most soldiers of the Royal Armed Forces have a minute idol of this god around their neck just to stay on the safe side of this deity. It is said that when the humans and the elves rode against the massive force of the demons, Trisgen rode with them, wreaking havoc amidst the demon lines. While there was an unknown hero during that strife, it was never confirmed that it was Trisgen himself. The figure of Trisgen mostly resembles a gallant warrior, mounted on a back of a winged lion, holding a hammer or an axe.

These three are the most known, but by no means the only ones that can be heard throughout Corone. It is said that there is a god in Corone for pretty much anything and that is the thing that angers the Y’edda Druids the most.

Though the druids remain hidden in Condordia, mostly around the town of Ruild, both the druids and the fabled town are ever elusive to the outsiders. It is suspected that this town stands on the back of something known as the Rootwalker, but nobody got more information about this to make it anything more then a rumor. Their enmity towards the clerics is not an open one, but if a wandering druid meets a Cleric of Draconus, there is a good chance he would give him a piece of his mind. The druids think of the polytheism as heresy and they remain loyal to Y’edda despite the fact that “The Rogue” gives them little in means of presence and blessing.

For more information on Draconus and Y’edda, please consult the Book of Thayne.

03-26-06, 03:48 PM

The Assembly

At this point, The Assembly exists only in name. The remaining three members of the former Assembly have proclaimed themselves viceroys and as such the ultimate rulers of the new Corone Empire.

The Steward of Corone – Arno Erriades

Steward’s importance compared to the other members of the Assembly is somewhat more eminent, since the Steward that is the representative of Corone in foreign affairs. Also, even though the Assembly is the crown figure of the government, it is the Steward that is considered the governor of the realm, despite the fact that every decision must be ran by the entire council (except in dire situations when the Assembly can’t be summoned).


The Master General – Emien Harthworth

The Master General is the representative of the armed forces of Corone. His dominion over the army is complete, even though just like any other member of the Assembly, he cannot make any decision unless it is the will of the council. He is elected by his own subordinates within the ranks.


The High Baron – Sivien Arundiel

The High Baron speaks for all members of the royalty in Corone. Given the fact that Corone is divided into four baronies, his influence spreads throughout the entire land, since it’s the barons that are the local governors that dictate the minor issues within the republic. As it is with the Master General, the High Baron is chosen by the members of his ilk, meaning the royalty of Corone.


The Grand Marshal – Aidan Johnston

The Grand Marshal is the commander of the Corone Rangers. Since it’s the rangers that patrol all the lands of Corone, he and his men are the overseers of the realm. Little goes by in Corone that doesn’t reach the ears of the Grand Marshal. He is elected from the Ranger ranks and it is the only position on which a person can not serve two successive mandates.


The Revered Congressman – Athenry Sergio

The Congressman is chosen by the ministry (that is ultimately also chosen by the people) and serves as their voice in the Assembly. The fact that the ministry is the one that plans the internal affairs of the kingdom makes his position that much more important.


The Ministry

The ministry is the bureaucracy of Corone. They are on the end of the all the information, they file it, sort it by importance and ultimately present it to their Congressman that brings it before the Assembly. Their mandate is ten years. The ministers and their positions are:

Minister of Foreign Affairs – Eldir Nathaniel
Minister of Defense and Security - Gawain Derun
Minister of Agriculture - Henry Downs
Minister of Trade and Commerce - Chrysanth Otello
Minister of Transportation - Roland Hearth
Minister of Internal Affairs - Jerrand Beats
Minister of the Treasury - Xera Ferenor
Minister of the Justice - Marion Kereness

Status: Disbanded

The Baronies

Formed mostly by geographical features of the land, the four baronies have relatively little autonomy. Every barony excels in one trade that is dependant on the other baronies, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that most of the commoners disregard the existence of these unseen borders. However, for the simplicity of governing such a large realm, the baronies and their governors are a necessity. Baronies, capitols, barons and their trade are:

The Barony of Radasanthia/Radasanth – Paige Relvest ~ mining
The Barony of Concordia/Underwood – Sandril Varntel ~ lumber
The Barony of Yarborough/Gisela - Lessli Ormandet ~ agriculture
The Barony of Tylmerande/Serenti – Aniel Marwena ~ ship building

03-26-06, 03:48 PM

Corone Armed Forces

Led by the Master General, the Corone Armed Forces (CAF) are the main bulk of the Coronian military power. Holding a garrison in every larger town, they are the prominent law enforcement that is supposed to wrestle any and all disturbance, foreign or domestic. However, during the times of peace, only the very essential were kept garrisoned while the rest are reassigned to more mundane duties. Still, once every year they are called back to receive one month of training in order to keep them on the edge. While their uniforms vary of their service within the ranks, they all bear the official insignia of the CAF, a feather and sword crossed on a scarlet background.


Corone Rangers

Unlike the bulk of the CAF, the rangers’ duty is full time. Their offices are carefully strategically positioned so that no part of Corone is left without their presence. They are hardy folk, stern in posture with incisive eyes, and they overlook everything that goes on in their dominion. Their skill with arms is only comparable to their trekking abilities and the nature knowledge, and though they often carry no armor, they are a force to be reckoned with, surpassed only by the Scarlet Brigade. The hierarchy in their ranks is a bit different from the usual military ranking, consisting of Marshals and Deputies that each oversee their county. They have no official uniform, but their insignia is a rifle crossed with a sword. Chances are if you are looking at this insignia that you are already in more trouble then you can handle.


The Scarlet Brigade

The Scarlet Brigade is where the best of the best go. Chosen from the finest that the Corone has to offer, regardless if they were rangers, mercenaries or just mere grunts, the Scarlet Brigade takes them under its wing and trains them even further. Though basically their task is to protect the Assembly, the Scarlet Brigade is in fact an intervention crew that is called when all other choices were exhausted. The identities of the members are unknown, they bear no insignia save for the crimson capes, but what is beneath them none lived to tell. The Brigade is not under the command neither of the Master General nor the Steward and it is unknown to the public who stands behind the elite warriors. A veil of secrecy is only amplified by the rumor that the final test of joining the Brigade is to cut your own tongue out. None can join the Brigade because it is the Brigade that chooses its members and not the other way around.

This collection of the finest warriors in the land has turned into something monstrous during the Civil War. The excellence of these soldiers wasn’t enough for the Coalition, so they called upon the necromancers to infuse these warriors with even more power. Using their dark talents, these wizards of death created a link to the underworld, trading the souls of the members of the Scarlet Brigade for additional strength. And thus the Scarlet Brigade was turned into a unit of wraiths, deadly, lightning fast and nearly indestructible. During the entire course of war so far, there have been only a handful reports of death of one of their members.

Some of those that refused to undergo the unholy metamorphosis were dispatched off, but those that managed to escape cast away their cloaks and are trying to stay under the radar. Betrayed by their masters, they swore never to serve another again and thus refused to join the Rangers.


Corone Navy

As an island nation, it is no surprise that Corone has a strong navy, especially since the Tylmerande barony makes good use of the Concordia wood in building vessels and great magnificence and durability. War galleons with dozens of guns constantly patrol the seas around the Corone shore, although they too, in the time of peace, are mostly docked and maintained. The dispute with Antioch made a rather large gap in their ranks, during the last seventy years the number of the galleons is replenished and doubled.


05-12-06, 04:50 PM

The Corone Empire – Borne out of the ashes of the millennia old Corone Republic (with no small aid from the Coalition), the Corone Empire is still the dominant faction in the Corone today. The three remaining members of The Assembly (Emien Harthworth, former Master General; Sivien Arundiel, former High Baron; Atherny Sergio, former Revered Congressman) wield almost absolute power in the Empire, despite the fact that none of them is officially crowned as an emperor. The vast majority of the Corone Armed Forces and the Corone Navy is under their command, and their ranks are constantly being replenished by the forced recruitment, which makes them the most likely contenders to prevail in the present bid for power. The Corone Empire is a well organized government, relying heavily on the military, and will be hard to overthrow. Martial law is proclaimed in all areas under Empire’s ruling. Radasanthia, Tymerande and several fortresses in the Yarborough County are under their control, as well as most of the naval routes. Radasanth remains their capitol.

It is also important to point out that, though the Coalition orchestrated the rise of the Corone Empire and the two factions are seemingly in secret alliance, the Empire is trying more and more to distance themselves from the Coalition as of late. Several important personnel in the government with known ties to the Coalition were released from the service (under charges of incompetence) to diminish the grip the Coalition has on the Empire. ((Direct link to mission board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=148930&postcount=3)))

Corone Rangers – Once a mere branch of the Corone Military, the Corone Rangers transformed into tireless defenders of freedom during the Civil War. Partially due to their natural connection to the land now suffering under the foot of the tyrants and partially due their lawful leadership, these freedom fighters are the only thing that stands between the Empire and complete dominion over the land. Led by none other than the famous Letho Ravenheart, they scored a number of victories against the Empire using their superior training and guerilla tactics. Concordia and most of the Yarborough county are under their control, with their headquarters being in the newly conquered Gisela.

Despite being widely known as the Rangers, there is actually relatively small number of actual rangers within their ranks. Their numbers are mostly comprised of militiamen, gathered in small, mobile units under the command of one or several Rangers. Still, a combination of strict discipline, periodic training and constant battling created a force of reliable soldiers more than capable to stand up to the empire on land. And with a small fleet of warships armed with the latest batch of Alerar cannons, they are getting closer to being able to do the same on the sea as well.

However, recently the very symbol of their resistance, legendary Letho Ravenheart, has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Corone Rangers in disarray. The aged Marshal Edward Stormcrow is currently in charge of all operations, but so far he is failing to achieve the same success as his predecessor. These brave rebels now need to find new strength in order to defeat the growing power of the Empire. ((Direct link to mission board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=148929&postcount=2)))

The Coalition – Not much was known of this mysterious organization prior to the Corone Civil War. Its name was spoken in hushed whispers, weaved into rumors that never had an ounce of solid proof behind them. However, they came out from behind the curtain during the War and more information became available. It is now known that the Coalition is a congregation of the wealthiest men in Corone: merchants, moneylenders, entrepreneurs, landowners, lords, blue-bloods. Their massive financial power allowed them to buy their way into every branch of the Corone government, creating a net that could influence the politics of the Republic itself. But soon partial control wasn’t enough. Using a combination of bribes, threats and blackmails, they took control over the three members of the Assembly, turning them against the Steward and the Grand Marshal, the two that couldn’t be bought of coerced. Furthermore, they gained control of the most lethal weapon in the land, the Scarlet Brigade. With the Assembly and the Brigade under their control, they planned to destroy the Republic and create an Empire that would be completely under their control. They would’ve succeeded if not for the two factors.

The Corone Rangers turned out to be more persistent than they initially anticipated. With their guerilla tactics and deadly battle prowess, they not only controlled Concordia, but successfully campaigned in the west, taking over Gisela and most of the Yarborough region. And with the free people of Corone mostly siding with the rangers, they soon turned into a real threat to the Empire. The fractioning within the Coalition didn’t help much either. Some of the members of the Coalition disagreed with the cutthroat tactics used to form the Empire and tried to leave the organization. Most were dealt with in an appropriate manner, but there were some who survived to side with the Rangers, offering further insight into the inner workings of the Empire and the Coalition to their enemies. Some say this was the prime reason that the tides had turned in the Civil War that had been quite one sided up until that point.

Still, nobody truly knows the intentions of the Coalition and their actual role in the greater scheme of things. Even though they still seem to be in bed with the Empire, they do not take fondly of the Empire's dismissal of several of their members within the government and are likely to take action against both the Rangers and the Empire they seemingly support. Their ultimate goal could be weakening both sides in order to take them both out and claim complete dominion over the land of Corone. ((Direct link to mission board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=148931&postcount=4)))

If you desire to help one of these factions, please refer to this (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=148928#post148928) this thread for further information.

07-15-06, 05:25 PM

Corone map can be found here (http://www.althanas.com/images/maps/coronelarge.jpg), as well as in the Althanas Almanac (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=althanasalmanac#faq_almalerar) alongside the maps and info of other regions.