View Full Version : Humanitarian Mission

10-25-07, 06:31 PM
As anyone who isn't living under a rock in Althanas will tell you, Salvar's great capital of Knife's Edge is in a state of utter chaos. St. Denebriel's Cathedral is being heartily defended from the royal army's siege by aeromancers armed with Aleran cannons. Meanwhile, riots are sparking up everywhere with mass hysteria and looting galore, some of the starkest anti-social action taking place just outside Ainrekva's Gate. Castle Rathaxea, which lies just beyond the gate, may not be as stoic a stronghold as originally believed by the natives, with rumors of underground invasions being carried out.

Amidst all this, however, there are some who care nothing for the politics of a power-hungry dictator and a manipulative, corrupt church. There are those in Knife's Edge who simply wish for their safety and that of their families during this violent interruption to their content routine. Luckily for them, Sidhe and others like him have organized a convoy meant to lead the city's peaceful unaffiliated refugees out of the turmoil and deep into the mountains northeast of the city. Along the way, different obstacles will test their ability to lead the innocents to safety without getting caught up in the fighting themselves.

OOC time. This is the basis of a thread I want to lead. My character was born and raised in Knife's Edge, so he has a personal stake in all of this. He thinks neither side's goals or methods are more worth adopting than the other. Yet, he couldn't sit on his ass and watch his city burn. As such, he's chosen to help whoever he can escape the violence for the sake of preserving life. The royal army is tense because they've got a massive revolt on their hands and are being more aggressive to strangers on sight than usual. The church is telling everyone to overthrow an unfit ruler, so revolutionaries are against the escapees as well.

See? We got a lot going on. Who wants in?

Keep in mind that you needn't be one of the good guys. As in most FQ threads, you get to pick where you stand on the issues. Just post here or PM me.

10-25-07, 10:44 PM
Hmmm, now that's an interesting thread.

I might not be able to make more than three IC posts a week, but I'm definitely inspired by your idea. I'm thinking about joining with Haruzame, since he's just sitting on his ass doin' nothing right now. He's an amateur thief, but his scouting skills should be of some interest here.

I'm in, Nya! :D

10-26-07, 11:13 AM
Excellent! Your aid will be much appreciated. Catch me on AIM if you can.

Anyone else? I'm thinking a group of four should give the thread enough diversity and drive for what I have in mind.

Winter's Lady
10-26-07, 08:11 PM
I'd be willing to toss Isa up if you're willing to put up with a green character. This would be a perfect thread for Isa to evolve and learn what it is to be human.

10-27-07, 07:54 AM
So long as the writer behind her knows what (s)he's doing. :)

Welcome aboard!

One more person at least. I'd love to see an antagonistic PC, though I will settle for a story-provided foe if it comes to it.

10-30-07, 12:46 PM
Sure, I'll join if you'll have me. I am a neutral character, so I don't care where I stand in this particular quest. I don't affiliate with the gov. much, so the revolt would seem silly to me. I would just need to find a motivation for whichever way my character will go.

10-30-07, 03:36 PM
Perfect. I'll have a look at all your profiles and write up the intro post probably by midnight November 1st.

I'll be glad to provide you each and all with possible scenarios to motivate your characters once the thread's up, which you'll be free to use or ignore.

Looking forward to a fun quest!

(If anyone else is interested, don't hesitate to post here or PM me.)

10-31-07, 11:05 PM
I'm out. :(

I can't find enough time to write more than I have on my plate at the moment. Therefore, Haruzame will have to sadly sit this one out.


11-07-07, 08:40 PM
What is going on? Are we still planning on doing this thread? Do we need another person, now that Advent Wings is gone?

~ / | \ ~

Well, it is now the tenth of Nov. And because nothing has happened, and because I'm tired of threads falling apart on me, I'm out. If you all want to continue later, let me know, and I might be able to rejoin. See you all around!