View Full Version : Gisela Finals OOC Thread

Max Dirks
10-25-07, 07:12 PM
Please post all relevant OOC notes here.

10-25-07, 07:37 PM
Moved from Finals thread

Original Army numbers: 955
Round 1 losses: 6 troops (Eyes and Ears division)
Round 2 Losses: 219 troops (198 1st Strikers, 19 Wall Company, 2 Stormtrooper)

Troops at end of Round 2: 730

Army Numbers (with assimilations in bold, and have been made from Thoracis' army))

Behemoth Armor Company - 50
Behemoth Hammer company - 25
Behemoth Body Company - 150
Behemoth Magi Corp - 25
First Striker Company - 102
Swarm Company - 200
Wall Company - 81
Field Medics - 10
Stormtroopers - 33
Shock Troops - 25
Assault Company - 20
Eyes and Ears - 4
Defenders of Kachuk - 100
Yarborough Cavalry - 70
Veterans of Khu’Fein - 100

Final Count: 975

Twisted Infinitum
10-26-07, 11:29 AM
Unit ~ original total changes = current total

Royal Hare Regiment
Spearhares ~ 250 -25 = 235
Crossbowhares ~ 250 -35 = 215

Gravitopographers ~ 100 (no change)

Maximum number of cats = 14 (consumed 30 wounded hares, and 9 wounded Mandas)

Assimilated from RumpleGrumblePuss:

Shadows ~ 100

Trucks ~ 10

Total = 664

10-26-07, 04:05 PM
Troop Divisions and Movement

The Behemoth of Alerar (assembled), Wall Company, Storm Troopers, Assault Company, Eyes and Ears, and Veterans of Khu’Fein are on the ground, led by William Steinbock. They are traveling northwest from the bottom-right most square towards the middle of the map.

The First Striker and Swarm Companies, as well as Coproral Shalacius Krybirr, are aboard an airship, flying above William's troops and moving in the same direction, albeit 30% faster. (Due to their method of transportation)

The Shock Troops, Defenders of Kachuk, and Yarborough Cavalry are being led by Captain Evanthor Lashgiver. They are one square west of the main army, and moving N-NW towards the middle of the battlefield, moving about 25% slower than the rest of the army.

Twisted Infinitum
10-27-07, 09:04 AM
The whole of my army is at the dotted ring in the most upper left corner. They are traveling south along the edge of (what I assume to be) that long hilly rise, and doing so rather slowly.

11-02-07, 04:14 PM
The airship and it's men have begun moving west from the tower (center of the map). The Behemoth of Alerar and William have as well, though is a few minutes behind the airship.

The remaining ground troops under William Steinbock's command are holding at the tower, hiding inside.

Captain Lashgiver's men are slightly south, and will be moving northwest at a safe distance from the airship and Behemoth.

Twisted Infinitum
11-04-07, 01:54 PM
Sorry about the wait.

The group sent east to meet your army is as such. All the hares, spearhares in front of crossbowhares, then 10 trucks with 7 students to each (3 in the cabs and 4 in the back).

30 students, all cats, and all shadows are staying to guard the DMT.

11-04-07, 04:57 PM
The Shock Troops Company, Defenders of Kachuk, and Yarborough Cavalry have rejoined William's ground forces, and are holding temporarily just west of the tower.

Twisted Infinitum
11-05-07, 11:26 PM

Spearhares - 20 wounded
Crossbowhares - 5 killed, 10 wounded

New totals:

Spearhares - 215
Crossbowhares - 200

The 10 trucks are moving north and south from the formation in a retreat that will take them as far from the airship's landing point as the crossbowhares are.

11-06-07, 11:04 PM
Loses during the airship crash:
Corporal Shalacius Krybirr, 23 First Strikers, and 8 Swarm Units were killed in the crossbow volley prior to the crash.
Though the ship crashed into the tea cake, 19 First Strikers and 12 Swarm Units were thrown from the deck of the ship on impact and have suffered critical wounds.

Since the ground units saw the crash and presume Krybirr dead (as well as the ship's survivors seeing his death), all units other than Captain Evanthor Lashgiver and the Behemoth Company (as they are not "living", thus would be immune to the effects of the magic) are affected by Corporal Krybirr's "Hero's Death" spell.

-The Behemoth is holding just to the east of the crash site.
-The Yarborough Cavalry and Assault Company are leading a full cavalry charge towards the site. Being on horses, they will be the first to arrive.
-William Steinbock is moving towards the Behemoth in a quadripedal sprint. He will be able to reach it shortly after the cavalry reaches the crash site.
-All other ground troops are moving out towards the site. The ground troops- being on foot- will be the last to arrive.
-The survivors of the crash will be regrouping

Twisted Infinitum
11-07-07, 12:23 PM
To summarize, the ship's stern is ruined. The bow is wedged in a massive hunk of dough and mostly intact. The hares are at the bow making efforts to help your wounded. Go ahead and bunny the act of them helping men stand or carrying them off. The trucks are moving to hide behind the hares.

You may want to change your death tally, for the better. =)

The hares won't notice your men until they're closer, and Butterworth will sleep throughout your post.

EDIT: Casualty count. Almost forgot.


Spearhares - 40 wounded, 10 killed

New totals:

Spearhares - 165
Crossbowhares - 200
70 wounded are being cared for among the crossbowhares.

11-07-07, 06:59 PM
The ship's survivors are holding back the rescue effort, refusing help.

The cavalry and the Behemoth are engaging Twisted Infinitum's army.

The ground troops are still about five minutes away.

11-08-07, 07:25 PM
I just wanted again to give a great big, huge THANK YOU to Atzar Kellon, Max Dirks, Twisted Infinitum, and all the other Gisela participants for making this whole thing happen. :D

Twisted Infinitum
11-14-07, 10:03 AM
Yes. Thank you to those first two! And you as well, Bleater. Twas a very fun fight.