View Full Version : Watchful entrance

10-26-07, 12:25 AM
Kelyia gazed for a moment at the sign before she entered the tavern Peaceful Promenade. An odd name for a tavern, she couldn't help but think. In the taverns she had visited so far she had found them far from peaceful. "A name is only a name, after all." She said in Forest Elvish, and then entered the tavern.

As she had suspected it was far from peaceful in an average beings sight. A few drunkards were in the far corner singing a song so slurred it was impossible to make out the actual words, creatures of all shapes and sizes were sitting or standing at the tables. Calls directed at the barkeep and serving girls for whiskey and ale rang out from all areas, often put into more color with a crude word or two. But in all she did have to admit that the place had a slightly calmer atmosphere than most taverns, at least for now.

The cloaked elf strode over to a secluded table when she realized she was starting to draw stares. Apparently standing in the doorway silently was considered a bit suspicious here, judging by the cold eyed look the barkeep gave her as she sat down. Once she was settled she lifted the hem of her cloak and sent a mental message in animal speak to Rowan, You can come out, but stay under the table and don't make any noise The mountain lion glanced up at her and agreed. Kelyia sighed, then leaned back against the wall, pulled her hood farther over her face and waited for a serving girl to approach her. After a few moments one did, a human girl with black hair and green eyes, "Wha' can I get yeh?" She asked. "Mint tea, please" She requested. The girl gave her a glance that plainly told her what she thought of that Beverage-You come to a tavern and you don't even order something with the spirits?- But Kelyia just sat back with a sigh, her odd-eyes roaming the tavern, settling on one face for a moments study then flicking away to another's. Once her tea arrived she reached out with a long fingered hand and grasped the mug. She took a short sip; not the best she had tasted, she thought making a face, but drinkable. Her eyes continued to study those around her, a habit she had developed long ago. It kept her from drifting off or losing attention to her surroundings-a potentially fatal mistake.

06-02-09, 03:55 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.