View Full Version : The Road to Scara Brae ((Open))

Cirdan Anarion
10-27-07, 02:55 PM
As he walked the paths and deer trails through the forest, C*rdan listened. He listened to the sounds of the forest, the wind through the trees, the small creaking sounds of branches moving on the age old oak and ash and ceder around him, the playful, gurgaling splash of a small brook hidden amongst the trees. He listened to the music of the forest with a smile, watching the birds and squirrels in their treetop homes. This was home to him, the peaceful beauty of the forest like the arms of a lover to the young half-elf, returning to his campsite for the night.

Why do you smile, young master? the large white and grey wolf padding silently next to him asked him.

"The forest is at peace, and the music and beauty of nature is all around us Lliorial, and we are alive and well on this beautiful day, what is there not to be happy about?" he speaks aloud, as if addressing the wolf next to him, which, infact; he was.

Deryn Ravenwing
10-28-07, 12:33 AM
Nayda had wandered upon a campsite and figured it to be an excellent idea to scope out whoever was in this forest. He doubted that his woman knew that there were others just camping in this place without her knowledge, but he could smell food and he was hungry. In he slinked poking his nose through things and seeing what there was to take.

The ocelot was surprised when he heard the approach of the owner's of the campsite. His amber eyes narrowed, they were very close... How had he missed them. He moved to hide and watched them as they walked up.

Ah... so it was a wolf and an elf huh?

He had left in a hurry so it was still a mess.

'Time to get back.' He purred before moving away through the bushes.

Cirdan Anarion
10-28-07, 01:50 PM
LLiorial's ears jerked up as her nose went into overdrive. Something found our campsite... she sends to her master.

Do you know what it was? he sends back

Smells like a cat... she replys with a doggy grin and a low growl that almost sounds like laughter to the young Half-Elf

Well lets see were it went... not many cats in this part of the woods, and that could mean that it's someones familiar... C*rdan sends back as the wolf begins to chase down the scent. He takes a look around the camp and notices not much is actually damaged, just a few items strewn about in the beasts search for food. Swiftly and silently begining to follow his companion, C*rdan nocks an arrow to his bow. He nearly blends in with the forest around him, and his footsteps make nary a sound as he runs.

11-01-07, 08:09 AM
Ciltimara had been finding herself wandering the woods the last few weeks. Today was not very different, with the exception that she had found a large slab of stone upon which she was currently resting. The stone felt cool and smooth to her touch, as if it had been cleaved in two with a single stroke of a giant's mighty blade.

The wind was in the leaves and every so often was blowing her hair into her eyes, much to her irritation.

She figured that while she was here she may as well relax. Reaching down, she placed her hand on the small piece of silk she had woven onto the inner lining of her clothing. Concentrating on herself, her standard adventuring outfit slowly changed into a more casual dark purple dress.

Turning herself around to get into a more comfortable position, she was certain she heard something moving about through the undergrowth. Quite confident that it was an animal, and in the unlikely event it was a more threatening creature she was sure she could handle it, she lay back and watched the birds preening themselves in a small nest nearby.

Cirdan Anarion
11-27-07, 11:17 PM
As LLiorial ran through the underbrush, she sent back a message to her master There appears to be a human in the clearing ahead...

Thank you C*rdan sends back to his she-wolf friend, drifting through the shadows edgeing the medow, running around rather than through the area to not draw attention to himself.

11-29-07, 07:52 PM
Ayerwulf felt at peace up in these cold mountains. The jagged glacial peaks reminded him on his homeland, long forgotten by time and forsaken by civilization. Nalva, his only companion, sniffed at the snow, occasionally digging attempting to find dirt. Ayerwulf growled gently and spoke to the wolf pup as a father would a hyperactive child,

“Nalva cut the crap. I smell some prey afoot.” Nalva did as she was told. She and her wolf-brother Ayerwulf shared a bond; they could speak to eachother through Lycan (wolfspeak). Ayerwulf turned his nose to the sky, sniffing the thin mountain air for a better trace of what he thought to be deer, but he picked up something else entirely. The scent of some sort of feline caught his attention, also the scent of something almost human, but not entirely. He could also smell a wolf with the non-human; most likely a trapper, going after another animal, Ayerwulf thought to himself.

“Nalva, we’re going hunting, stay close to me, I’ll be with the birds.” Ayerwulf said, his face twisting into a wolfish grin, barring his lupine teeth.

“Yes brother.” She responded. Ayerwulf immediately leapt with inhuman strength and agility into the tree canopies. He leapt from branch to branch, able to track the scent better from this elevation since he had to trail to follow. Nalva followed as close as she could on the ground. The scents were stronger now; he could feel their scents assaulting his sensitive canine nostrils. Ayerwulf rested on a thick branch; he could hear the pursuit now as if he was part of it. Beneath him, an ocelot scampered through the thick snow. Show yourself, poacher, let us see how you like being the prey. Not much later, a half-elf with a she wolf at his side ran through the underbrush.
With a bestial howl, Ayerwulf leapt from his perch in the treetops, diving towards his target like a hawk.

Cirdan Anarion
12-01-07, 11:58 PM
LYCAN Lliorial's thoughts screamed to him a split second before the howl shocked his senses.

Throwing himself backwards and loosing the arrow on instinct alone, C*rdan managed to graze one of the wolf-man's legs. Almost in the same motion, C*rdan rolled and landed in a crouch with another arrow on his bow. Lliorial crouched low infront of him, her lips drawn bag in a furious snarl, guarding her master.

"Do you understand common lycan?" C*rdan asked out loud, while gently probing the mind of the wolf-man to see if he could form a link, allowing for open conversation.

12-03-07, 11:17 PM
Ayerwulf snarled as he landed and a steel arrowhead opened a gash in his leg. The smell of his blood infuriated him, which was the curse of the berserker. He stared down at the half-elf and the wolf that was with him. He looked at the she-wolf that was with the half-elf. She was in an aggressive stance with her ferocious teeth barred, ready to rip and tear.

“Do you speak common, Lycan?” The half-elf said aloud. Ayerwulf laughed to himself, ‘What does this bloody fool take me for, I’m not even changed yet.’ Ayerwulf winced slightly as he willed the wound on his leg to sew itself shut. Ayerwulf’s answer came out more of a growling roar than actual speech,

“Grrrrh…Of course…rrgh, of course I speak BLOODY common!” The Beast within Ayerwulf was stirring, wanting to spill blood. The beast began to calm itself when he felt the smooth psychic fingers of the elf-man probe his mind. Ayerwulf snarled, showing his lupine fangs to the elf. With is cold canine stare he bored deep into the elf’s soul diverting his gaze. The presence of Nalva safely exiting the underbrush calmed him as well.

“Bloody good reflexes you have, boy. And damn good shot.” Nalva obviously sensed Nalvas feral rage, smelling her wolf-brothers blood made her hair stand on end. With a sharp Lycan tongue he made her calm herself. Ayerwulf measured the elf up, they were complete opposites. The elf-man was a quick agile and slender marksman, he could obciously make a kill with his blades and bow without spilling much blood; Ayerwulf was a bulking human wall that would rip his opponents in twain and adorn himself in their bile as a trophy.
He looked down then to the she-wolf, he could smell their psychic bond. This elf was clearly a strong psycher as well, if he could tap the will of his own kin.
‘Better to have an ally than an enemy, for the time being’ Ayerwulf thought to himself. He extended his hand in a mark of friendship, he could see that the elf was looking at his hand a child a needle, but eventually shook it. It appeared that introductions were being made all around as Nalva and the elves she-wolf shook hands in the canine manner

06-13-09, 02:26 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.