View Full Version : World Continuity?

10-29-07, 06:18 PM
I notice that Althanas has a world history, map, and brief synopsis of each area, but I don't see a lot in the way of more specific continuity.

For example, if my character wanted to become a queen, or own her own tavern, or join the city guard, or hunt down that band of thieves that's been plaguing everyone's threads for weeks -- would it be possible? If a character blew up a house and made a crater in the middle of a village, would that crater be there next time a band of PCs walks through that village? Is there ever any political dispute or unrest that takes place outside the main quest threads?

Is it unheard of for a player to come up with a wide and long-term plot and to integrate it into a number of separate threads? If other characters are affected by it, would they mention it in other threads?

Or, am I thinking of this all wrong? Are threads thought of as roleplay sessions, like in pen and paper, where each thread is a complete story from beginning to end, and no two stories have anything in common?

10-29-07, 06:34 PM
You can do almost everything you've stated in your second and third paragraph. If it's a village you made up, you pretty much have free reign over it, though the way you handle it will still be taken into account. If you're going to have a full-scale effect on, let's say, Radasanth, though, you'll need to contact the right Regions Moderator for permission. As for inter-quest continuity, you're free to mention it or not: it's very likely that if you created the village/tavern/gang/etc, it won't be mentioned in any other quest by anyone other than yourself, the people that participated in your quest, or people who thought the idea was good and wanted to continue with the settingyou started.

As for quests, they're what you make them. They could all be standalone quests with a modicum of continuity, or they could all be the intricately-linked chapters of an over-arching plot you made for yourself. Most people make a mix of the two: they follow their main storyline, but add a few sidequests on the way that have only a little to do with the main 'quest'.

In summary, you're pretty free to do as you want, though you'll have to take responsibility for whatever might transgress (score-wise, nothing really bad :P). To be sure, contact the mod for the region in which you want your quest to happen and ask questions until you're comfortable!

Also, you can use the information provided by those Info Threads you find in most regions. Scara Brae has the Scara Scourge which you can always use as a plot device, since they're pretty much the main villainous group on the island. Draves are the wolves from Salvar, Direlings are a race of tusked-men in the same country: you can use them for your own quests too, as long as they more or less fit their canon descriptions! Same goes for every other region. Really, you're free to use what's already there or come up with whatever you want, so just have fun!

Max Dirks
10-29-07, 09:17 PM
With the exception of periodic feature quests, Althanas' continuity is based on regions. As Ataraxis said, if you PM the continent writer and ask permission, you can usually make your change permanent. We've tried a number of things in the past (Athylia's Verse, primarily) to push continuity, but they never really took off. On a personal note, I've always wanted an Althanas Wiki. One of its perks would be to inform others of a player's activity. Since it's unrealistic that everyone will read everyone else's works, the Wiki (which I presume will be easier to navigate) would, in my opinion, boost continuity as well.