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View Full Version : Check this out! (POST ONCE)

10-31-07, 07:59 AM
I want to conduct a survey of how many actual human individuals visit our site on a regular basis. For this, I want everyone to post here once stating the active accounts they use. This is not to say that you should post once per account, but just once for every real life, breathing homo sapien. This is not a discussion or argument of any kind, but a way to gauge the actual popularity of Althanas. If you post once, please stop there. If you forgot to mention an account in your post, simply edit the one you already made. Any discussion can be conducted in a separate thread.

To kick things off, I'll go first.

I used to have another account that I suppose is lost to cyber oblivion (more high-tech than regular oblivion) and RP at this time only as Sidhe in Althanas.

Zook Murnig
10-31-07, 08:16 AM
Zook Murnig, Amatullah Fadiyah, Leon Adalbert, Rhonwen Bel, Zel Donovan, Aurt. Six characters, only one of which I use regularly.

10-31-07, 08:43 AM
I am Seth_Rahl, Bullet Witch, Red Lightning, Whiteshadow, Black Zeromus, and was given the account to Shortie_Chee's. Plus I have a major NPC called Regrasoon to come in the future.

10-31-07, 08:55 AM
I have another profile, BlackAndBlueEyes, but I don't think I'll be using her anymore.

Storm Veritas
10-31-07, 08:56 AM
Storm Veritas.

10-31-07, 09:04 AM
Right now it's just Reiko

10-31-07, 10:14 AM
Eyes of..., Farsight, Ranger, Lugh, Osato, Modrue, Nwalmaer, Garwocket, and Dirge...

Others, probably, but not linked, and not used..

10-31-07, 11:05 AM
As this thread doesn't really encourage discussion -- and, in fact, discourages it -- I'm going to lock it. Here are the statistics you'd be interested in, though:

Althanas gets, on average, about 437 unique visitors per day, and 112 of these visitors have an account. This means, on a typical day, 112 individual Althanas users will log into their account/s. Over the course of a typical week, 274 unique visitors log into their accounts, meaning approximately half of our very active users log in daily. In a typical month, 404 unique users log into their accounts. These numbers grow at a rate of approximately 4% monthly, accounting for the effects of seasonal spikes.

So, as a simple break down, I'd estimate that we have roughly 400 currently active unique users, about 275 very active users, and about 100 daily users.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joe...