View Full Version : The Pretenders ((Closed to Omegastar))

Red Lightning
11-01-07, 07:19 AM
I would like to note that this is liquid timed to the point where after Beniiro recieves the upgrade to his blade, so during this thread his sword Zakega is nearly as strong as mythril and as light as a rapier. On the unused tier system, in other words, it has a strength of 7.7.

Beniiro strode back to the Citadel, his blade Zakega sheathed into its decorated scabbard as he held it in his right paw. It was much lighter now that the feline Bladewraith could almost not believe it. And he could feel its new power humming through it, a sensation that traveled up his arm to his chest.

Zakega itself was much happier now. As soon as he had touched it it had flared into a bright red light, and he could feel its happiness like a floating balloon in the air, always there.

Although, it wanted to test out its newfound strength, and the closest place for that was the Citadel. While normally Beniiro would avoid such a fight, he knew he had nothing to lose there and he was curious as well. While that saying, "Curiousity killed the cat", came back to haunt him, he simply remembered the answer to it and strode on confidently, thinking "But satisfaction brought it back again."

As he reached the steps two monks greeted him. "Hello, young swordsman." They spoke in unison, and Beniiro noticed that they were twins. "Do you wish to request a match?" They spoke once more.

"Actually, I do." Beniiro grinned, his body feeling light and bouncy as he he bounded up the steps past them to an open door. "Just send me wherever." He told the twins, before they bowed in compliance and he leapt into the open doorway.

Again he felt that strange sensation of endlessly falling, like he did the last time, but unlike the last time he had been here he did not panic. This must be standard procedure... He thought to himself, as he let his body drift into darkness.

Then suddenly it was gone, and he found his paws firmly planted upon a mat of some sorts. Taking a look at his sorroundings, Beniiro found that he was inside an old-fashioned dojo, complete with weapons and sparring gear. On one wall there was over a dozen swords, and on another there were halberds and spears.

The room itself was shaped like a geometric square and each wall was about 30 feet in length, he guessed. The ceiling was high above him, maybe another 30 feet. So, we're in a cube...he thought to himself, before going over and lifting one of the broadswords from the wall. It was heavy, but he found he could lift it pretty easily. Giving the blade a couple practice swings, he heard, or rather felt, Zakega murmur in disapproval. Don't worry, you will fight. He told the unsettled blade, and its murmuring came to a stop.

Now all that was left was to wait for his opponent.

11-01-07, 10:29 PM
Omega was walking down the streets of a town he had found out was called ‘Radasanth’. And Supposedly there was a Place where fighters could fight with no fear of death. This was Omega’s place of fighting he had no fear of death but his opponents always did for some reason.

Omega say a Man outside wearing some what Omega could guess was Farmer’s Clothes.

“You! Man! Could you tell me where This Citadel is?” Omega said as he pointed his sword at the man.

“O…o…over th….th….there,” He Said shaking pointing to a tall building almost like a temple or shrine.

“Thank you, Farmer!” Omega Say’s as he disappears and then reappears ten feet away and does that tell he shows up at the front door and waits for service.

After about 3 minutes Omega got impatient and went to inside and was immediately blinded by a bright light and when his vision finally came back in he was in an old fashioned dojo perfectly squared with weapons in every Corner and along every wall with the typical sparring White mat in the middle.

“look in the corner our opponent.” Ferin’Sha linked the message to Omega

“Let’s Get Him,”ega said outloud “I hope your not afraid of death my young foe.”

Omega Drew Ferin’Sha and made sure all his other blade hilts were conceiled as best they can be.

“Let’s Go Warrior!” Omega said as he flash stepped behind his enemy and swung at his feet to try and cripple but not kill yet.

Red Lightning
11-02-07, 05:53 AM
Suddenly his opponent was there, shouting like an idiot. He had appeared in a flash of light, a bright wave that went throughout the dojo, and Beniiro stared as he looked at his opponent.

It was a boy, probably 16-17 years of age, and he was grinning like an idiot as he held a blade in his hand while he moved his robes around him to poorly conceal the hilts of other blades as well.

Suddenly Zakega hissed, and a bright red aura started glowing from it inside its sheath and his eyes began glowing red. What is it? Beniiro barely had time to ask, before the warrior suddenly disappeared.

Beniiro narrowed his eyes. The boy was using a type of super-speed, a technique of sorts that had often been employed by several members of the Bladewraiths. The feline had studied this technique but had never been able to perform it himself.

It was called demon dash. A move that all captains were able to perform, save for two: Beniiro and Ifrit. The fact that this boy had a move similar to a Bladewraiths was disturbing, but also Ben was grateful. Now that he knew what the boy was doing, this battle would be much easier.

After all, this hadn't been the first time he had fought a super-speed moving warrior.

The boy appeared behind Beniiro, probably hoping to surprise him, but the feline grinned as he blocked the low strike with the broadsword he had taken down from the wall, slamming the point down into the ground to as metal clashed against metal. This was a basic move, but effective.

"Amatuer." Beniiro said, as he spared a glance behind him. He hadn't even turned around at his block, his eyes now glowing red as they stared at the boy with the sword. "Your full of openings." And in a flash of black fur, he turned and drew Zakega in one step, and the blade howled in triumph. It screamed as it moved faster than Beniiro's arm could, a red blur in the musty air.

He had swung at the boy's neck. Unlike his opponent, Beniiro had no reservations about killing his opponents quickly. It was a direct but fast blow, all the more deadly from Zakega's refined edge and lightened weight. Even if the boy tried using his superspeed, the blade would at least catch him in the arm, Beniiro reasoned, and the feline pushed himself forward on his light paws to give himself momentum in case he had to chase after the swift moving fighter. It was a small and subtle movement, hopefully one that the opponent would not catch.

No longer liquid timing, as thread where Beniiro gets upgrade is finished.

01-07-08, 11:16 AM
Omega barely had time to blink before his opponent was attacking. he hadnt expected him to be this .... Talented. Omega used his Flash Step to go shoulder roll away, and as his feet hit the ground about 8 to ten feet away from his opponent he kicked off laucnhing himself at his opponent as he left one arm by his side,

hoping that this thing was as good as he thought it was. it would block his initial strike and try a coutner attack as fast as possible. so Omega had devised a plan, just before he was to hit his opponent he would grab another blade and swing that at the man aswell. as Ferin'Sha started Glowing blue from the anticipation to get blood over him once more.