View Full Version : The Journey Begins. (solo)

11-02-07, 06:38 PM
She started out telling herself that the tears wouldn't come. And even if they did, she could take them. She could push them back. Before she made it to the top of the hill she could feel the warm droplets making their way down her cheeks. She was painfully aware of what was happening even if she couldn't see it. She turned around. Even up here, the fire felt like it would burn her face. She took her sleeve up and wiped her eyes as clean as they could go. The roof collapsed on the East Wing of her beloved school, her home. In her mind, she heard the cries of the instruments on fire. She heard them screaming in her head. It hurt her to think of them helpless in there, unable to move. In reply to their cries for help, she raised her arms in the air and let out a piccolo note screech. She shook as she swore her oath.

"If I do anything worthwhile in my life, I will avenge my school. I will find the man that did this to my life and I will destroy him if it's the last thing I ever do. I will kill one of his men for every instrument that perished here today. I will put him through more pain than can be imagined now." She shuddered as she ground her teeth.

Her tears had evaporated with her coming anger. One erased the other. She was surprised. She also noticed a few dark shapes scurrying about away from the burning school. Escapees? No, it can't be. He had everyone together. I'm the only one. I have to be the only one.

She heard shouts. Shouts about...her? Yes. She heard her name. Shouted from person to person. "Taeki!" "Find Taeki!" "Find her now! Find Taeki!" She widened her eyes and felt her jaw drop. Why on earth would they do all of this for the sake of her?

Taeki turned around and ran as fast as her short legs could carry her. She bolted down off the hill and out away from the streets. She went straigt into the woods. She didn't think about where she was going. It's not like she cared anyway. She only knew that she needed to get as far away from that monstrosity as phsically possible. Once she slowed down enough to catch her breath, she reached inside her cloak and withdrew her pendant. She gave it a swift kiss and kept it in her palm. She kept going deeper and deeper into the woods.

It was almost like the trees knew who she was. It seemed like they were on the offense and she was the defense. They purposefully drew up their roots as she came near so they could trip her and try to send her flailing to the ground where she would most likely gather some twigs, leaves or maybe a small critter in her hair. The trees threw their branches and took down her hood. Her anger turned to frustration. She wanted to come out the other end now. She'd had enough of this charade.

Unfortunately for Taeki, the end was nowhere near. And she didn't know her way around this forest! She'd lived in the school for two years. What on earth was she thinking?! Well, I've no choice now. I best keep going or risk heading back. And she knew for sure that she didn't want to do that.

She ended up coming to a small stream. Streams always lead somewhere, right? It's the best shot I've got at getting out of here... She decided to take it. She was a deft girl. Only sixteen years old, actually. She'd been told she was addicted to mirrors at school. She knew she was beautiful and she used it to her advantage. Now, she didn't have a mirror. She had the water though. And that was good enough for Taeki. If she could see herself in it, there was nothing wrong with it in her opinion.

She straightened up and put her hood on again. She tied it this time. She didn't need her face to be seen by anyone other than herself right now. If someone recognized her...well, let's not go there...

She only hoped she didn't run into anyone. Or anything.

11-08-07, 11:58 AM
Taeki kept walking until she felt like she couldn't walk anymore. And even then, she kept walking. She knew she couldn't be anywhere near her school. She slowed her brisk pace down to a meander and she searched herself for anything that might be useful. She had her piccolo. That does a lot. She had her necklace. Yeahh. And she had her cloak. Well, at least I'll be warm.

She decided she was far enough away that she could take a break for awhile. She sat down on the ground. In the dirt. Under trees. She sighed. Huddled in a small ball, she fell asleep. Prolly not the best idea...but it's all I've got right now.

As she slept, she dreamed. She dreamed that she was on a mountain. The view was magnificent. It was cold but it didn't phase her. She sucked in the cold air biting her lungs. She liked it up here. She was...home? No. Her home was at her school. that was where she really belonged. She wanted to go back there. She moved to head down the mountain. The wind pushed her back up to the top! It was so cold. She shivered. She hadn't shivered in such a long time. To hear her teeth chatter was a strange thing now. She st on her butt and tried to slide down the side of the mountain. Again the wind blew her back. It was almost like something didn't want her to leave. She didn't like it at all. She didn't like being pushed around one bit. Even by something she cuoldn't fight against. She moved her hands into position. She felt the cello come to life even if she couldn't see it there. She knew it was shaking; that it wasn't her. She played. One long low note. The G. Her favorite note. It was harsh; it was meant to inflict pain. Major pain. To kill. The wind came back at her and she kept playing. She sped up her strokes. She played quarter notes now. Faster, faster, faster! The wind pushed harder and harder but Taeki knew she could take it. Eighth notes. Sixteenth. Thirty sixth! Bring it. She thought. Bring it.

And then she woke up.
And there was someone else there.

06-13-09, 02:27 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.