View Full Version : Haikrazy! (Closed)

11-02-07, 11:35 PM
(Rules: Three Haiku per post. Try to explain things as best you, add comedic or serious elements where you see fit.)

Hardly any light;
A forest of thick bamboo
Blocked out any sunshine.

The boy stood confused.
The Citadel played many tricks
When one battled there.

Summer or warm spring,
He could not tell from daylight.
Leaves rustled beneath.

11-05-07, 01:59 PM
Golden haired elven
With eyes to match, glistening
Bright with anxiousness

A sword, a dagger
Held tightly, elf looks about
Sees no foe nearby

Only streaks of light
Through tall, reaching stalks on high
Pierce his watchful gaze

11-05-07, 03:14 PM
It builds and Festers quickly
Inside of the copse.

Forced into battle;
The boy played the foolish pawn
In a sadist's game.

Quiet chirps nearby.
More leaves rustle from small birds.
Fear from even that.

11-27-07, 05:21 PM
A sound from far off
Catches the elf's attention
Distint... It is him!

Running with all haste
Madyrn's blades shine in the sun
Hateful, they crave blood

A slash downs bamboo
The human's form is revealed
Kukri stabs, heartbound