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03-26-06, 04:47 PM
(Closed to the Mizami Bloodline)

Footsteps echoed down the alleyway. The piles of trash and debris from people tossing things out their window were filling the air with a musty scent. One she had hoped would be gone soon. As she moved her tear streaked face stared forward as if afraid to look around, she just wanted to be gone. This whole trip had been pain for the young woman, and for it to be over would have been a godsend. The only person she could trust had betrayed her, and everything she knew had been a lie.

As she moved to the exit of the alleyway a figure moved before her. She stopped seeing them as she saw him begin to move forward. Turning to go back the way she came another one blocked the exit. It was obvious they were in cahoots, for when she turned a few more men joined the first, and it wasn’t a stretch to expect the same behind. As she fought back tears she spoke timidly, “Please, I don’t want any trouble…”

A few laughs broke through the group as a few gave mocking recounts of her words. Finally one of them held up a fist and they shut up. The assumed leader then spoke, “Well then sweetheart, give us your money. I’d hate to make you pay for the toll in blood…”

She shook her head slowly as a tear streaked her face, “Please, I have no money, leave me alone!”

A few loud laughs filled the air as the leader addressed her, “Well then, I guess you’ll have to pay. I can’t let everyone just move through my alleyway without paying the toll. It’s bad for business. Hope you understand sweetheart, I just need to set an example.”

“Don’t come near me, I’ll use my magic on you!” She said bravely, but her timid voice seemed to only cause more laughter.

The leader was hunching with laughter now before he spoke, “Please, a dumb broad like you? No, you’re just a filthy street rat, who’s finally run out on luck…”

“Abra KADABRA!” The young woman shouted as she threw her hands forward trying to look intimidating. As the leader tried to laugh something happened as a fireball came down and hit the leader square in the chest. It was hard to tell who was more surprised at the act, the woman or the bandit, but he growled as he looked at the singed clothing. The woman however looked at her hands before she looked at the bandit leader how lunged forward to attack.

“ALAKAZAM!” She shouted flinging her hands desperately forward. As the Man rushed forward he was surprised when a wall of dirt sprung up behind the woman. In the time it took for him to start trying to scramble the wall broke and crumbled down, as he looked he was in shock. The woman was still there, but the men he had put behind her weren’t.

As he looked behind her he shouted out, “Hey, were did you guys go?”

As the woman looked behind her, her owns eyes filled with shock, a body was thrown into the alleyway, as it landed it was obvious the man would survive for now. Slowly a cloaked figure entered the alleyway. As he entered he held two daggers in his hands, one was black and shined in the faint light while the other was bright white, and had no spark of light to it. The man looked at him before he said, “Stupid mage, think you can come here and ruin my party?” With that the threw his dagger point first at the cloaked man.

What happened next was surreal. He reached up with a hand and caught the knife, in two fingers. As he did so he sheathed the blade in that hand and began to slowly twirl it about his fingers lazily. The bandit now had a look of fear on his face as he said, “What are you?”

A smirk crossed the cloaked man’s face as he slowly pulled back the hood. Brown hair was the first feature, and upon looking into his eyes it was made clear. Stone grey and a look of intensity that forbade one to look away dominated the man’s face as he moved in front of the woman. He then spoke his first few words, “Sorry for being late, I had to take out the backup. Hope you don’t mind Myrhia.”

Myrhia backed away slowly as she saw the man that a couple of moments ago held a knife to her throat. Her hand slowly moved to her throat, to the minute cut that still burned with pain as her eyes looked at the man with trepidation. "Wh... What do you want, Seth?" she asked, her back striking the wall as she looked in fear what would the thief do to her now.

“Repaying a debt, that’s all…” Seth replied as he stood in front of her waiting for the bandit leader to make his move. As the man drew a blade he came at the thief who only shook his head as the move was so predictable. Rushing forward his gauntlet blocked the dagger as his hand went to the man’s throat. Slamming the bandit leader against the wall he growled lowly as he said, “I got a lot of repressed anger to let out, you really want to give me a vent?”

The man dropped the knife as he shook his head frantically. His head was moving as if it would quickly come off. Soon Seth let him go as he gasped coughing and clutching his throat. Seth shoved him back towards his partners before he said, “Get out of here, before I have to finish you off…”

The man nodded his head as he ran off his still mobile friends joining him. As they left Seth closed his eyes as he calmed the demons within him. He then turned and looked at the frightened Myrhia before he said, “I suppose that seemed a bit awkward didn’t it?”

Myrhia only looked at him scared as she backed off from him. Seth froze as he saw someone moving behind her before he said softly, “Myrhia…don’t move.”

03-26-06, 04:48 PM
Despite the effective rescue, the redhead still couldn’t look at Seth with anything else save utter dread in her emerald eyes. It was during Letho’s battle with Seth mere moments ago that the thief scathed her neck while Letho’s abandonment wounded her heart forever. Between the two, there wasn’t an ounce of trust right now and she disregarded the sincere look on the weary visage of the hex mage. “No! You stay away! I want nothing to do with you or Letho. Just leave me alone!” The voice was frenetic, her lips shivering.

Seth had to contain a curse as another voice spoke up, “Sounds like she’s a bit upset at you darling…guess I better take care of you for her.”

Behind the red head, what Seth had tried to warn Myrhia of was a woman, if she could be called such a thing. Her red hair was in long curly locks that seemed to try and hide her nature. However, Seth recognized a few of the finer features, she was clad in tight leather as if to accentuate her body rather garishly, and on her slender hips was three blades, and an assortment of throwing daggers. What concerned him was not the fact she was armed, no, that fact he could have dealt with rather easily.

Her eyes showed no life in them.

Stony grey much like Seth’s, the eyes had no spark of life to them, as if she was dead already, but Seth knew the truth. She was a Hex Magi, and that concerned him greatly if she was already awakened. He could even see a few traits that had marked her of one clan, a clan that he had until today thought long dead, the Dahlios Clan. As he drew spite and malice slowly he tried to get Myrhia behind him, “Don’t go anywhere near her Myrhia, you want a repeat of the Cathedral, she’ll give you one…”

The red head laughed as she moved slowly, like a cat stalking its prey as she spoke, “The great and mighty Seth Dahlios, afraid of little old me? I must say, I expected a bit gruffer personality from the Lavinian Demon…”

“He’s dead, but if you want I can pass a message to next of kin,” Seth retorted as he waited. Myrhia was now caught between two Magi, and possibly very terrified. As she whimpered she closed her eyes and just wanted to disappear. Neither seemed a good prospect for the girl, and no matter who won the fight she knew was coming, she knew she would lose.

As she huddled in the alleyway, the red head gently patted the girl, making her shy away from the touch, “Don’t worry my little duckling, I’ll take care of the big bad monster…”

Seth remained still watching what was going on and cursing the fact he had used two of his charges on the Ring of the Chosen defending Myrhia. Not that he thought them wasted, but that he was in desperate need of a full arsenal just in case. For him the ring was the unknown, and while he refused the call to embrace the magic for so long, he would need some tricks.

The red head smiled as she moved up to Seth, he did nothing yet as she moved within striking distance. For now he would observe as she acted, and the next act caught him off guard, “You are a handsome boy, despite that chip on your shoulder. I’m going to enjoy taking you down. I think I’ll go nice and slow, and build up from there…” She reached out a finger to touch Seth’s chest as if to entice him only to be swatted.

“Hands off,” He growled.

“Ahh there’s the Dahlios temper…” She replied before she moved closer. She then purred as she tried to meet his eyes. A quick shove moved her back and caused her to draw one of the blades. She then spoke almost pouting as if a jilted lover, “Aww, no fair! I only wanted to please you love…”

“You’re no love of mine,” Seth countered. The red head laughed as she moved forward and struck at Seth. As he parried the blow he ducked under her arms and attempted to disembowel her from the beginning only to find her bend back and come up giving him a deep kiss lustfully.

“Mm, you taste like heaven. It’s a pity I have to kill you, but I guess I can always ravage the corpse…” She said sultry. Seth growled as he went on the offensive striking at her with determined efficiency. She laughed as she dodged a few of the clinical strikes and parried the ones unable to be dodged. She then went on the offensive putting Seth into a defensive stance as with alarming ease she seemed to send his two daggers into positions barely able to protect his body. It was when she stopped toying that she went for the stab, only to hit a light barrier and get a punch to the jaw for her troubles.

Breaking back and giving Seth a chance to recover she gently drew a finger along her ruby red lips and upon seeing blood she let out a smirk and said sultry, “Mm, I do love the strong ones, so young and virile. I’ll enjoy breaking you…”

“You’ll be lucky to get your hands on me,” Seth countered as she went on the offensive. As she came in he once again moved and parried, trying to keep up with the strikes. The deadly dance rejoined until she came down for and overhead. As he blocked it with both daggers she smirked as their faces came within an inch of each other. Seth growled as he said, “What are you smirking at?”

“Simple math,” She replied as she said seductively, “Two hands to block one is always a mistake.” Seth gave her a look of confusion as the dagger dug deep into his stomach. Groaning he looked down to see a second blade hilt deep in his stomach. Stumbling back a couple of steps he leaned against the wall as she circled.

“That blade, has one of my favourite poisons,” She purred in his ear, her eyes lit up as he looked at her confused. She then smiled as she shoved him against the wall and kissed him again, “Mm, yes, perhaps I won’t have to kill you after all.” She then smirked as she moved to Seth’s ear pressing her body firmly against his, “Come now cousin, don’t be so shy, I only need you for a night. Did you really have to resist?”

Seth groaned as he felt something other than pain from the blade in his gut. Something within him was enflaming his passions as he closed his eyes biting down on it. Finally he removed the blade from his body, as a torrent of blood shot down his stomach and pants. He gasped and was taking heavy breathes before he growled, “Not on your life. I don’t screw family…”

“Oh come now cousin, you of all should know the grand dream, and to continue it we need your blood,” She whispered as he shuddered at the act. His body was trying to break down his inhibitions, and as a desperate act of self control his ring lit up on his fingers. As the red head stepped back from Seth she frowned until he shifted into a fox and ran away. She growled lowly as she muttered, “So damn close…I need him damnit, he got me all worked up!”

Turning to look in the alleyway she saw the huddled form of the woman, as she moved slowly up she gently forced the girl’s eyes up to meet hers as she said softly, “Well love, its just you and me for now, how about we have a nice, long, talk.”


Seth meanwhile had shifted back to a human and groaned. He was in a second alleyway, adjacent to the first and blocked off by fencing. As he heard the woman’s offers he closed his eyes and bit back a groan of pain. Holding a hand over his wound he rested on the ground as he looked about. Some of the bodies left over from the bandits were in the alleyway with him, and he groaned as he pulled his hood up. Closing his eyes he heard something else before the red head seemed to force Myrhia to go with her, the sounds of the, more than likely confused, teen whimpering did not escape him.

Closing his eyes he muttered, “Damn you bitch, clever play. Sorry Letho…” He muttered as he leaned back against the wall and groaned in pain. He was tempted to heal himself, but with the poison he couldn’t be sure if he would have control of himself if he did. Sitting in the alleyway he could only hope that he could rest enough to recharge his ring and heal himself.

03-26-06, 05:10 PM
[The Lounge...]

“Marshal Ravenheart?”

The inquiry fell on deaf ears. Letho was snoring like a bear in mid winter, his face using the hard surface of the ivory table as a pillow, his hand hugging the piece of furniture as if it was the dearest thing in the world. All over the flat surface stood overturned mugs, swimming in murky ale together with a handful of broken bottles of hard liquor. The reek of the conflicting alcohol fumes were stunning, spreading around the site like a plague. But the booze scent wasn’t the only one in the air. There was the acidic caustic malodor of vomit present as well, but one would have to look below the table to see the puddle between Letho’s feet to see the origin of it.

“Marshal Ravenheart?”

The scrawny youngling, wearing the official uniform of the Corone Armed Forces spoke, his azure eyes peering down at the bulky man, his hand timidly shaking Letho’s shoulder, more in fear of waking up the man. This time some of his words came through though, but it sounded more like: “...march...something...brat...” to the fallen knight that was sleeping the night away, intoxicated by the finest liquor the Lounge had to offer. He came in a little while ago, right after Myrhia, the girl who he loved more then life itself, told him she didn’t want him around anymore. He didn’t really blame her. How could he when it was all his fault?

It was he that, when Seth had a dagger to her neck, told the thief to go ahead and kill her. It was a decision influenced by the rage, the pride, and all bad that got accumulated in the knight, and it got out at the worst possible moment. As a result, the fair redhead told him she didn’t want to see him again, that he betrayed her, betrayed everything they’ve built up as a couple. And she was right. That was why he searched for an escape in the liquor. He didn’t find it, but at least for these couple of moments of solitude, when he passed out as drunk as a cork, at least then he didn’t think of her. And those burning emerald eyes, fuming with anger, etching themselves into his memory, spilling tears that he was the cause off. And the pain he afforded her with his foolish actions.


“Myrhia!” Letho’s head snapped upwards, away from the muck made out of numerous beverages he consummated during the night. His eyes were glassy and far away, looking at the boy but seeing absolutely nothing for a couple of seconds. When they finally regained focus, he could see the face of the youth guard, looking down at him with utter respect, as if he was sitting in his office instead in the cesspool of booze and vomit. His meaty hand rubbed his temples, feeling the headache starting to pulsate in his brain. “What do you want?” he muttered under his breath.

“Sir, I come from the captain of the Serenti guards. He sends you a message that there was some upset in the streets and...” the boy reported with trained casual soldier-like voice, but Letho cut him short, shaking his head which only resulted in an even worse headache.

“Wait, wait, stop. What’s that got to do with me? Let him deal with it...” the knight growled again, not even looking up at the lad as his eyes got used to the light.

“Well, the captain doesn’t have the manpower right now. With the hunt for this Hikari and Oracle that you issued after the fight, he doesn’t have enough...”

“Yes, yes, I get it. Tell him I’ll check it out. Now go away.” he instructed the boy, waving his hand, mimicking him to get away and stop yelling already. Lugging himself out of his scene of crime, he approached the bar, footslogged and hunched, planting his behind on one of the stools. The elven lady behind the counter was remotely familiar, he could almost grasp her name through the headache and the alcohol leftovers in his system. She was...uhm... R-something...no good.

“Miss, I...”

“I know, Ravenheart. You told me about Myrhia and I know she’s the prettiest girl in the whole world. She’s prettier then me and miss Asuka and all the girls that dance on the stage.” the elf cut him short, her tone slightly irritated as she wiped a mug with swift movements of her limber hands. She sounded like she repeated something she heard countless times before, but Letho couldn’t remember what was the reason.

“That’s true, but that’s beside the point.” he spoke, some of his eloquence returning as his brow furrowed under the assault of the headache. “I need a mug of coffee.”

“We don’t usually serve it in mugs.” she spoke, a kind smile appearing on her fair face. It broke against Letho’s face effortlessly.

“Miss, I don’t usually drink.”

[The Serenti streets...]

A mug of coffee and about two dips into the fountain later, and Letho was back to a fraction of his usual self. The headache was still throbbing so much it made his eyes squint even more then usual as he coggled his way through the sunlit streets, creeping through the crowd that mobbed the streets. Their voices were raucous clamor, piercing the very foundations of his mind and hitting it over and over again as he made his way to the place that the boy reported. The day went on as it usual did, unaware of the loss that the swordsman suffered the last night, unheeding his need for silence and Myrhia. Ah yes, his need for Myrhia. He didn’t exactly have a chance to think about what will happen if she didn’t return to him, or maybe he did, but the memory of that time was fuzzy at best. He remembered seeing another redhead in the Lounge, but she was way too catty to be Myrhia. He remembered a couple of faces with no names to go with them, but that was it.

It was an incredible relaxation to finally get away from the main streets and dip into the shadows of the side alley despite the fact that it reeked like a dead man’s breath. He veered around the corner, nearly stumbled over a corpse, before he regained his composure and noticed a hooded figure sitting at the foot of the wall. His wobbly feet took him to the apparition and one glance was enough for his headache to peak to a new height.

“Seth Dahlios. What are you doing here?” he asked, looking over what must’ve been his handwork, as usual, coming in human bodies and the means of ending the lives within.

“No, wait, I take that back.” Letho instantly retorted to himself, his fingers rubbing his temples as he placed his back against the wall, standing beside Seth with his head bowed. “I don’t care. I have a headache as big as a house and a hole in my gut and some trite dispute you had with these knaves is really something I don’t want to deal with right now. Go. I pardon you. Or whatever.” the knight spoke with a clearly weary uncaring tone, his eyes closed and his figure hunched, leaning over his gunblade.

03-26-06, 05:12 PM
Pain agony ripped through him. It was far worse than he expected to be gutted and left for dead, slowly bleeding out his gut. As he groaned in pain he clenched his teeth before he panted leaning against the wall. He closed his eyes trying to conserve strength as he waited for someone to help him. As he prayed to the gods he felt like he was there for an eternity before his prayers were answered.

Letho stepped in and literally tripped over his handiwork. The frustrations of the past few days having been let out on the rogues who assaulted the young lass both men knew. As he spoke it seemed Letho had gotten himself drunker than a dog, and now was paying in full the debt he owed the liquid courage of the gods. Still Seth remained silent until he was told to go, before Letho was forced to notice the thief.

His next words were strained as he spoke, “Mighty nice of you Ravenheart, but I can’t exactly move right now. I’m nearly gutted, so unless you want the honors of finishing me off, some help would be appreciated.”

His words were devoid of malice, simply a bit of self hatred. Seth didn’t like the fact he had been forced to ask for help, and the pain raging through his system wasn’t helping him any as it seemed to soar to new heights. Still he fought through it as he took his hand away from his gut, and stopped trying to slow the flow of crimson fluid from it to show his rather dire situation. Clenching his eyes shut he said, “That bitch did a number on me, and personally I’d like to return the favor. You want to help me; I’ll tell you what happened, since it’s mostly related to your little woman…”

He knew mentioning Myrhia might get help for himself, especially if it was the story Seth was willing to impart. For now he needed healing, so if Letho’s temper got out of hand, he could at least do something about it. Gift of the Magi, while controllable for now, seemed to be a bad choice, for he didn’t know exactly what poison he had been hit with. For all he knew Gift of the Magi would never give him back control, and force a new dark age in the thief’s life. The poison could be cured with it, or it could be fueled by it, and relying on the trick that could put the psychopathic Lavinian Demon in control was not his idea of a good time.

He sighed as he felt fatigue begin to grip him, but was not stupid enough to assume it was anything related to being truly tired. He had lost blood, and now he was slowly dying. He needed rest and healing, and perhaps the latter would allow the former to not end with him in a pine wood box six feet underground. As he groaned again, the first true sign of his discomfort to the swordsman he said softly, “Gods be damned that hurt…”

03-26-06, 05:19 PM
Regardless of the events that took place during their strife in the Cathedral, Letho held no particular grudge against the thief. What happened there and the consequences of that battle rested solely on the soul of the swordsman and Seth was simply a tool to bring out the worst in Letho. Just as so, any of the other contestants could have played the thief’s role and Letho’s treacherous decision would have been the same. It was that realization that stung the most, that brought the noble knight so far down to his knees that he sought refuge in the bitterness of the liquor and the disarray that the alcohol caused.

Still, Letho wasn’t particularly keen on helping Seth either. Serenti battle or not, handful of corpses, fistful of blood, lineaments painted with agony and the fetor of a random shadowy alleyway seemed like an appropriate setting for death of bastards such as the thief. Sure, there was a bond between the two now, decrepit and obscure taint that the two shared, but that by no means made them friends. Respectful acquaintances perhaps, maybe even allies if the circumstances were right and the stars were queerly aligned, but most definitely not friends. So while Letho had no intention to murder Seth in cold blood, he didn’t have to save him either. Whether or not it amounted to the same thing was not really an issue here. Walking away and turning the back on something gave a person a benefit of a doubt and the bliss of unknowing of what truly happened. Letho intended to do just that. Whatever folly the thief got himself into this time was not Letho’s problem and was probably something that the thief had coming.

And then Myrhia was mentioned and suddenly clarity detonated in the hazy muck of the hangover.

“Myrhia?! You saw Myrhia? What happened to her?” the swordsman suddenly straightened his posture and whipped the downed thief with the rejuvenated flames in his eyes whose weariness was effaced in a second. Discarding his gunblade for the time being, Letho lowered himself to one knee as his hands groped the collar of Seth’s shirt, tugging on it fiercely and placing the painful grimace of the wounded man inches away from his own. “Speak, knave!”

But one look at the wan visage made it clear that if that gut wound wasn’t treated soon, the only chitchat that the thief would do would be one with his deceased ancestors. “Ah, fine! Come on.” Letho spat in surrender, securing his gunblade on his back before he took Seth’s left arm and threw it over his shoulder, lifting the groaning man with ease. He didn’t have the Chosen sheath with him so he couldn’t heal Seth instantly, but his trusty belt bag with healing herbs would do the trick. Supporting the bleeding rogue, Letho led the way across the damp tiles, reaching the backdoor of a two-storey brick house and kicking the massive oaken door in with a crashing thud.

“What is the meaning of this?!” a lady, probably well in her sixties with an floury apron and a yeasty piece of pastry screamed from the other side of the kitchen, reaching for one of the kitchen knives. Letho swiftly shuffled through the pocket of his leather coat, providing a golden badge with an insignia of a crossed rifle and a sword.

“Corone Rangers, ma’am. I need a place to heal this man.” the swordsman spoke, flashing his badge at the befuddled woman that didn’t know whether to look at the badge or the two ghastly apparitions that just burst into her kitchen. “Today! Before he bleeds to death!” Letho spoke again, growling with deathly seriousness that snapped the woman out of her daze.

“Yes, certainly. This way, you can put your friend in the servant’s room.” the lady spoke, leading the way with her tiny steps that made her simple faded blue dress shuffle vehemently. She was probably a servant herself, Letho thought, cook most likely for some of the Serenti high society judging by her wrinkly hands and the mundane garment. She led them to a simple room with two beds on each side, both neatly folded and despite only a single narrow window giving a sharp xanthous beam of light, everything seemed spic and span. There wasn’t much furniture around, a pair of nightstands, an old wardrobe that seemed genuinely ancient and a couple of shelves with a handful of disarranged books. Letho didn’t bother too much neither with the details nor with the pleasantries and gentleness, not when Myrhia was an issue. He lowered the thief onto one of the beds rather roughly, ordering the woman to bring him some hot water and clean cloth.

“Alright, now speak, Dahlios. What happened back there and what does it have to do with my Myrhia?” he asked, tearing Seth’s shirt and starting to work on the gaping wound.

03-27-06, 01:58 AM
Seth grunted softly as Letho began to go at work, at first the pain forcing him to bite down on it, then it was gone. Mystically the man’s touch made it go away as he closed his eyes and finally relaxed. The herbs sending a refreshing cool through his muscles as he worked and making the thief rest easy. However, there was work to do, and it involved the thief fulfilling his half of the bargain.

He sighed as he figured out where to start. Finally he rubbed his eye with the clean hand as he spoke, “First off, I only killed to defend her. She had been cutting through the alleyway, and I was following from a safe distance. Making sure she would be alright, when the bastards cut her off in the alleyway. Insisted she’d pay a toll, the oldest con in the book. When she insisted she didn’t have money, they got violent…”

As he sighed he closed his eyes as he said, “You have to understand something. My intention wasn’t for them to die, just to give ‘em a good scare, but the frustration at the situation wasn’t helping any, and well you saw the result. I never expected them to abandon their brethren, so when I stepped in and helped her they didn’t have much fight left. I pretty much scared their leader shitless and he left taking what few survivors there were.”

As he relaxed he sighed again as he clenched a hand irritably. The look on his face was personal hatred now, self anger, mixed with a bit of the arrogance he had shown earlier, “Then she showed up. I was trying to calm down Myrhianna when she stepped up behind her. I have never seen the woman before, but I can tell you one thing, I knew everything about her. My mother always did tell me not to go looking for family, now I know why…”

As he felt the hands stop he knew Letho had to be questioning the act now. He had effectively healed someone who failed to protect his personal Angel. As Seth waited a bit he spoke, “All I know is she is my cousin, and wants me. We fought and I had to get out of there, as she came very close to taking me out. The only thing I knew that if I didn’t satisfy her craving, she’d turn on Myrhianna. However, she ended up taking her away, I don’t know where, but I guarantee you she’ll be fine until I face her again…”

Wanting to sink further into the bed he closed his eyes as he said, “I’ll understand if you walk out that door, and I’ll understand even more if you shoot me here and now, all I ask is you make it quick, cause I don’t like being dangled…”

03-27-06, 05:19 AM
Letho barely managed to stay focused on the wound treatment as Seth recollected the events that took place in the back alley. It was bound to be a flimsy healing job at the end, but the swordsman didn’t particularly care, especially given the identity of the person that he was trying to heal. Besides, he was far too angry to dilly-dally and pussyfoot with the thief, and his anger was pointed mostly to himself. His Myrhia, the frail scrawny gentle Myrhia, was running through some dank streets with nothing by the clothes on her scarred back while he was getting drunk in order to forget about her. His Myrhia was facing death once again while he was facing the bottom of the bottle and the smooth surface of an ivory table of the Lounge. His Myrhia was in trouble and he betrayed her once again, not being there to protect her.

Instead she got this mongrel of a thief as her guardian, and it seemed that one of his wretched family kidnapped the teenager in the end. Nothing else mattered to Letho. The talk about the ruffians that tried to extort the money and bought the farm? Utterly irrelevant. He reckoned that his judgment and penalty would have been thrice as harsh and bloody as the thief’s if he was in the alley a couple of moments ago. The fact that Seth nearly kicked the bucket? Even if he did, it would have not been a major loss to the world of Althanas. Still, he needed the thief for the time being. He was his only link to this mystic woman that took Myrhia and as much as he wanted to lecture Seth or just rant unjustly about how weak he was that he got beaten by a woman, Letho knew that without Seth he would still be in the Lounge, sitting in his vomit and sleeping in a pool of liquor. And without him Myrhia might have ended up raped, ravaged and eventually thrown to the bottom of the Firewine River with a stone tied around her neck. This way, even though it was the thief’s lineage that took his beloved, he knew that she was at least still alive. And fragile hope was always better then no hope at all.

“You have quite a mouth on you, Dahlios.” Letho said once Seth finished with a rather boisterous, even daring sentence. “Come on, get up!” he added, his hand grabbing the thief’s shoulder and lifting him up in a sitting position in order to bandage his wound. The clean piece of cloth that he tattered and cut into long stripes was deftly thrown around the wounded abdomen, Letho tying it up a bit more tightly then he intended. Finally, when the healing was done, the swordsman sat on the second bed and wiped the sudor from his forehead.

“I’m not going to kill you, Seth. I maybe am a bludgeoner, but while I don’t usually play the what if games, I do recognize that Myrhia would probably be dead by now if it weren’t for you. I figured that bandaging makes us even.” he nodded towards the tight set of white bandages around the thief’s torso. The minute nod was enough for Letho’s fingers to go to his temples, the headache that the rush tranquilized returning and once again throbbing through his frontal cortex and making him close his eyes. “Also, as it turns out, you’re now my only connection to this woman that supposedly kidnapped Myrhia, though why did she do such a thing is beyond me. We have nothing to do with the time-squandering disputes of your bloodline.”

The dark knight paused, opened his eyes and allowed a minute grin. “Besides, I don’t kick somebody when he’s down. There’s no honor in that. I maybe am a bastard, but I’m not that much of a bastard.” he spoke getting back up to his feet with a grunt, his hand gathering the bloodied rags and crumpling them in a red and while cloth ball. “Now shut that hole in your face and rest. You’re giving me enough of a headache as it is.”

Letho made his way out of the room with a handful of resolute strides, entering the hallway and making his way back to the kitchen where the woman seemed to be on her toes ever since they came in. It came as no surprise though, given the fact that Letho and Seth combined had enough of a dark dire air around them to fill three houses, not one. Not heeding the woman, Letho made his way to the sink and started to wash his hands.

“Y... Your friend... Is he alright?” she asked in a shaky, uncertain voice. The swordsman smiled widely and shook his head. People insisted on using the word friend so carelessly, as if friendship was something that was earned with ease. But for the sake of the placidity of the moment, Letho decided to play along this one time.

“Aye, he’s like a weed in a cornfield; always in a way and tough to kill.”

03-28-06, 12:09 AM
Seth groaned as he rested on the bed. As soon as Letho tightly bandaged his wounds he felt something stir within him. Like a snake it slithered through his veins, encompassing the whole of him. Closing his eyes he felt something else stir in him, once again the feelings of lust and desire seemed to filter into his system. They threatened to remove his inhibitions once more, but he bit down on it. It seemed that it was aftereffects of the fight with the mysterious Hex Magi, before the lust was replaced with a deep agony. Hands clenched and back arched against the sudden rush of pain as he clawed at the air screaming silently inside his body before it was released.

Panting and resting on the bed he clutched his head as he finally let out a groan of pain. Shivering slightly from what he just experienced he wasn’t sure what had just happened. In all his travels he had never felt anything like this before. The feelings of lust and pain were to be far from each other in the natural world, it just didn’t make sense to feel such strong desires only to be tempered with Pain. As he thought about it he stopped cold as he closed his eyes and groaned, “You bitch…”

“That blade, has one of my favorite poisons,” She had purred in his ear, her eyes had lit up as he looked at her confused.

He closed his eyes as he said softly, “I hope you enjoy this while you can cousin, cause I guarantee you won’t enjoy a second go with me…” he muttered as he tried to relax on the bed. Closing his eyes and trying to rest he felt the pain shock through him as he groaned again and once more was relegated to being nothing more than an animal caught in a world of pain it sought to escape. As he growled lowly he tried to force it down taking deep breathes, only to find the harder he pushed the more he received.

Panting once more on the bed he groaned as he rested unable to fall asleep with the mysterious toxin. Slowly he pulled himself to his feet, and moved to the doorway. Each step was forced but he had to move on, the pain of trying to sleep was only punctuated by the insult that he would be in far worse shape if he didn’t get Letho’s help.

Making it to the kitchen after a time he leaned heavily against the door frame as he said tiredly, “She poisoned me. I need help…” He said as he felt the flare of pain in him at the words. His hand clenched against the doorway as he tried to remain upright, but it was obvious to the servant he was in no shape to even be doing what he was. The iron will of him keeping him upright as his head drooped tiredly. Raising them up to look at the Savion Knight he said softly, “She won’t let me rest, and I can’t do anything like this, if we’re to get Myrhianna back we need someone who knows a thing or two about toxins…”

03-28-06, 08:43 AM
What stepped through the doorway didn’t look all that much like the infamous Thief Extraordinare, but rather resembled a cadaver that might have once been Seth Dahlios. The man was deathly wan, staying upright by the power of his will alone that drew the last ounces of energy from his system, making his extremities quiver and crumpling his face into a visage of agony. Letho didn’t make a move to aid him though, but rather fished out one of the bloodied rags from the pile that he left at the counter and gave it a swift sniff. However, his senses weren’t that developed yet, despite his new vampiric nature, so he had to bring it to his mouth and taste it. The taste nearly made his stomach turn, provoking a swift disgusted spit from the vampiric knight.

With blood being his food of choice now, he knew when it was spoiled just as a normal person could tell when an apple was rotten or a piece of cheese got too moldy to eat. This poison was different though. There were conflicting savors in it, as if somebody mixed absinth and honey, creating a repulsive concoction that made the stomach churn, especially one blood-sensitive such as the vampire’s. Letho knew enough about venoms to designate the caustic part as the source of pain, but the sweet part he could not decipher nor treat. He did, however, know that most witches and assassins made their own unique poisons, the ones only they could undo, and this seemed like one of those. It was the enchanted kind of a poison, more of a curse then a real physical condition, though the effects (aside the obvious pain) were beyond the swordsman.

“You say she’s family? This woman that kidnapped Myrhia and poisoned you?” Letho finally asked, looking at the thief as he dropped the rag and reached for his healing herbs again. His lips were curled in a sarcastic smile once he looked up at the Lavinian. “Your family reunions must be a hoot.”

“Should I go get one of the healers?” the woman asked, trying to help Seth to sit at the kitchen table. She was obviously upset, possibly en route to a heart attack if another dark figure jumped into a house that wasn’t even hers. Letho just shook his head.

“No, I can treat this. Well, partially anyways, since I do know a thing or two about poisons.” he said to the woman before he turned to Seth. “I can take care of the pain, but I’m afraid any other effects can only be undone by destroying the source. This is a cursed venom, not something you can sleep through and get over with a diarrhea and a pool of vomit. Whoever this cousin of yours is, she takes her business seriously. Now, don’t go anywhere...” Letho finished, turning to the stove where the teapot was already bubbling merrily.

Taking a pinch of his healing herbs, he placed them on the wooden counter and grinded them to a fine powder with the back of the spoon. Healing poison was not much different then healing the more mundane wounds. In the essence, these ailments were the same so naturally the cure was bound to be the same as well. Only with toxins and internal injuries, potions were the applying method that worked, because after all, the wounds were internal and they needed to be healed from the inside. Of course, one had to have the right mixture of herbs, but years of wandering were a good teacher and Letho was a good pupil. So once he ground the herbs, he merely threw them into the teapot and instantly a soothing rejuvenating freshness of menthol and chamomile filled the interior of the kitchen. After about a minute of boiling, the sullen warrior took the pot of the stove and poured the clear green liquid into a cup, placing the steaming liquid before the thief.

“There. It will taste like mud and it will burn your stomach and your throat, but so does Lavinian Ale so you should be familiar with the feeling.” Letho spoke, grinning at his own acerb humor before he took a seat at the other side of the table.

“What you boys need is a nice lunch, not some potions and witchcraft. You just wait here and I’ll get you something that will start you right up.” the woman finally found the courage to play a more prominent role. Letho didn’t particularly care. She didn’t serve his kind of food anyways.

03-28-06, 08:06 PM
Seth sipped the concoction before he set it down, some of the color returned to his face as he sighed. Holding the cup near his nose he inhaled sharply on the fumes, knowing there was many ways to put such a brew in his system. As he sighed he sipped it again before he said, “Nah, I’d say the ale has more bite to it, this is like alcohol without the teeth…”

He then finished the drink setting it down as he relaxed in the chair. The comment about family did not go unnoticed, however rather than the curt insult he would normally give, he let it slide, Letho couldn’t possibly know how much such a comment stung the thief. Had no way of dealing with it, and since he was on edge much like Seth, he wouldn’t be the one to trigger that rage in him. Instead he sat back in the chair as he waited for the food, a curt “thanks” and nod the only acknowledgement to the servant.

His mind meanwhile was dealing with the humiliating loss to his cousin. Such a trick, while clever, was something trivial something that Darith would have taught him. For a man that had lived and died by the dagger for over seven years, it made no sense that he would be so easily duped. It was this introspection that kept his normally guilt-ridden visage into a stony mask; the hurt was not that he had nearly been gutted, but that he had not predicted the move. It was sophomoric in proportions, almost like someone punching Letho and knocking him out on a lucky hit.

But the thief refused to believe in luck. Luck was a cop out. Luck was something man desperately clung to in order to believe he could do extraordinary things. He also disliked fate and destiny he was a Lavinian, they paved their destiny, and as damned as he had made himself, he refused to believe it was preordained. With a sigh he rubbed his temple irritably, not in pain, but in frustration at the situation. He was far weaker than he ever remembered being. He had just gone toe to toe with Letho in the cathedral, had forced a much weaker man than him to wimp out of the first round. He was one of the predicted winners of the Serenti tournament, and he couldn’t even beat his cousin?

There had to be something he was missing. Her entire façade during the fight was brilliant, she showed no fear, and even treated it like a joke. He had been lured into…

He felt more horrible than he ever remembered as he realized what happened.

She had drawn him out, played with his emotions to set him on edge. With the want and need to destroy his errant cousin, she had used it to defy the thief. Emotions used like puppet strings to the point she had begun to force his reactions, and once that happened, the knife to the gut. The woman was a manipulator, or at least that’s what he kept telling himself.

Closing his eyes he sighed softly as he looked at the empty cup. Smirking slightly he pushed it away as he asked solemnly, “Got any more tea?”

03-29-06, 12:22 AM
Though his face managed to sustain the frowning placidity, his mind was imploring him to get going as soon as possible. His Myri was once again in danger and while he dawdled here with the injured thief, the wretched tart that kidnapped his beloved might be committing horrid atrocities to the gentle teenager. He recollected the encounter Myrhia and he had with Martyna, a beguiling enchantress that took the redhead away and deceived Letho into thinking he was never to set his eyes upon her. Caught in desperation and disarray, it was easy to delude the man’s mind into adultery, and to add a despicable hue to it, the witch managed to create illusion palpable enough for Letho to fall in love with a fifteen-year-old lass. Those days nearly broke their affection, nearly made it fade away under the harsh winds of magic, and now the situation was even more direful. Back then Myrhia still loved him, he was still her knight in the shinning armor and they were still en route to a happy ending. But now she was running away from him, and did so rightfully because he did something a knight would never, something that a true lover wouldn’t even think about. He betrayed her.

Regardless of that, he would still ride to her aid. Would she still want the aid from the likes of him was yet to be seen.

As he sipped the remnants of the jade liquid into Seth’s cup, the servant made her way back from the pantry, her meaty hands carrying a pair of smoked sausages and a couple of pieces of beef jerky. The distinctive scent of dried meat filled the kitchen instantly, but Letho paid no heed to the salty aroma. He used to find much delight in such food, especially smoked ham and prosciutto that simply lured a man to taste more of the savory goodness of the seasoned meat. But after he willingly accepted the curse of vampirism, food became somewhat bland to him, unable to sate his hunger and evoke pure delectation in him. So when the food was finally served, arranger circularly on a simple wooden platter, Letho merely took a few pieces out of courtesy and nibbled on it distantly, remembering how much he used to enjoy Myrhia’s cooking and the innocent, almost childish way she ate her fill.

He had to get her back. Whatever it took, whatever she demanded from him, even if it was to take out the moon from the night’s sky, he would find a way to do it. She wasn’t just his lover, his friend, his woman, but rather a part of him. He loved the little red haired girl with all his heart and without her at his side, he simply couldn’t continue to exist. Because how does a person survive without a heart?

“Are you able to walk?” Letho finally asked Seth, alluding that they are both overstaying their welcome and losing time while Myrhia is in the hands of the thief’s demented cousin.

“It’s not walking that is the problem, Ravenheart, but keeping the balance.” the rogue replied with the usual knavish grin and a touch of jest in his voice.

“Great. That means I have to tow you again. Come on...” the swordsman spoke with a touch of bitterness in his tone as he got up to his feet and approached the injured man to help him to his feet. Swinging Seth’s right hand around his shoulder and providing sufficient support, Letho fished a small coin purse from his pocket with his free hand and placed it on the table.

“For your troubles, ma’am.” he said to the servant woman.

“Oh, don’t be silly. It was no trouble.” she replied in an almost embarrassed tone.

“Nevertheless, it takes a lot of courage to accept two strangers in a house that isn’t even yours. I hope this is enough of a compensation for your time and the fears you endured.” Letho insisted, his usual unmovable strictness painting his visage. With a courteous nod the pair exited the building in the same manner and through the same door through which they entered.

“You know, a funny thing is, Dahlios... I don’t even like you.” Letho spoke once the two were out in the alley again and he held the thief’s weight on his shoulders, taking them both to the nearest tavern.

“Well sweetheart, I’m not too fond of you myself.”

“Yes, well, just make sure that you keep your sticky fingers in your own pockets instead of mine.”

03-29-06, 02:57 AM
Far from the estranged thief and knight was a woman. Her crimson locks were once again flowing freely as she absentmindedly twirled a finger in with the curls of hair. A soft wistful smile was on her face as she turned and walked back into the room. As she entered Myrhia tied down to a chair, but mouth left unobstructed looked at her a look of both fear and revulsion on her face. While she had done nothing to the girl yet, she still insisted on not saying a word, despite the Hex Magi’s pleas.

“Oh my little one, please speak to me, you are making the wait so boring…” She said as she walked forward. A slender finger moved along Myrhia’s jaw before she whimpered and turned her head away. She smiled as she crouched next to the seated teen before the sound of metal upon metal could be heard. Using a blade she gently maneuvered Myrhia’s face back to facing her own. “All I want to know is what Seth is like. I hardly know my dear cousin, and it just wouldn’t do to be unprepared.”

She looked down as a tear slid down her face. She then sniffled as Myrhia replied, “Please let me go. I don’t know Seth.”

“Oh bollocks, if you don’t know Seth, how does he know your name, and was trying to protect you from those inept fools?” She returned crooning to Myrhia as she sat in the bound girl’s lap. Myrhia only turned away as she had fast learned that the woman was rather sexual. While invading Myrhia’s personal space she had tried to entice the young woman several times. Atop of this were the disgusting conversations about Seth she tried to engage in.

“He’s an acquaintance, nothing more,” Myrhia tried to say as the woman gently brought a hand to the girl’s face and brought her up to the stone grey eyes. As she looked into the lifeless eyes she shivered in fear, hoping to tear her eyes away from the fearsome visage.

“You lie my love. You know more, but I can’t tell how much. Perhaps he was an old one night stand? Perhaps you were ex-lovers? I know he traveled with a young woman for awhile, perhaps you are this woman?”

Myrhia whimpered as she turned away. The woman then gently whispered into her ears, much like a lover would, “Tell me what Seth is like? What does he love, hate? What truly drives him wild? Does he like it rough? Is he a hopeless romantic?”

“I said I don’t know!” Myrhia cried out as the woman slipped from her distressed chair.

She moved to the window as she sighed, “He desires you, that much I can see. His eyes, showed me more than enough, they showed compassion and love for you. You’ll crack eventually my pet; then I will know his secrets. In the meantime, you should get comfortable with the thought of me, after all I’m very patient, and what Seth wants, I’ll get.”

Myrhia could only shudder at the thought of what the woman would want from her as she closed her eyes more tears streaming down her face as she whimpered in hopes of sympathy and mercy being given. However, much like the cathedral, there would be no sympathy, and mercy was a myth.

03-31-06, 12:32 AM
The tavern was noisy, crowded and the smell of good food was thick in the air. Normally Sivienna would have taken the time to sit down and at least enjoy a good meal, but not today. Today something seemed to be bothering her, it seemed that her link wikth Letho was telling her that she was needed. Shaking her head nad sighing Sivienna took a deep drink from her glass of wine. Stariing into the shimmering clear red depths she mutters softly "What could he need me for now? I"ve shown him how to hunt successfully...he and Myhria should be fine...unless..." Shaking her head, she dismissing that notion, she knew that Myhria and Letho were in love, there would be no way that the two of them would ever have a disagreement.

Frowning as she toyed with the stem of her wineglass she thought to herself The only way those two would split up is if someone like Seth was involved.....or if they got into a problem that they couldn't get themselves out of... Frowning again, the night vixen looked up from her glass. She could feel it, that tug again, the long warm liquid pull in her belly. Groaning she mutters "What the? Why is Letho here?" Sighing as she rose from the simple wooden chair she was sitting in, her lilac eyes begin to scan the crowd.

She only felt one pull which meant that Letho was here...but where was Myhrianna? Sighing as she made her way past a table full of card players, she couldn't help but notice that Letho seemed to be helping someone. Stopping bye a nearby waitress, she smiled at the petite girl. Softly she murmured "When did the men by the door get here??"

The young girl blinked before her pretty green eyes looked at the two men, one was bulky, big and he seemed to carry the aura of a dark knight. The other the young waitress noticed seemed to be out of shape, perhaps suffering from a hidden injury. Shaking her head she murmurs "I"m sorry miss, those two haven't been here for long. I think they might have just gotten here...Why did you wish to know when they arrived?"

Sighing Sivienna held a hand to her forehead as she said soflty " I believe I know one of them...May I ask what the smaller man looks like?"

The young waitress sighed before she held out a hand "If your prying me for information miss, I would at least like some gold in exchange for the information I"m telling you!"

Narrowing her eyes Sivienna spits "Miss, this is a bar, you don't pay a waitress for asking a question!"

The girl placed a hand on her hips as she looked into Sivi's face shouting lowly "If you want to know a customer's appearence then I would like to be paid!"

Growling Sivienna thrust three pieces of gold into the greedy waitress's hand before hissing "Just tell me!"

Smiling the waitress said quickly "Brown hair, a nice build...if he didn't look like he was in pain I would call him handsome...but it seems like he is hurting." Looking at Sivienna she mutters "Well that is all I can tell you, I need to serve the other customers!" The young girl then sauntered away.

Moving closer, Sivienna carefully avoided the table full of card players, she had caught sight of the men looking at her before, and now since she was sure that the figures in the doorway were Seth and Letho she didn't want any trouble. Making her way across the smooth wood floor, she tuned out the chatter of hte other patrons as she simply made a beeline for Letho and Seth. Pausing for a moment when she felt the tug that always came when Letho was near, she waited for it to pass. Looking at Letho's bulky figure, she was silent for a few moments before she softly asked "Letho? What the? What are you doing here? The last time I heard from you, you were in Willowtown...just what has brought you here?"

Her eyes then fell on Letho's companion, closing her eyes she sighed. Her guess had been correct, it was indeed Seth along side of Letho. The night vixen remained silent for a few moments before she asked quietly "Seth....." Her eyes then grew hotter as she growled sharply "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Moving to poke a finger sharply in his chest she hissed "You haven't contacted me since Haidia!" Narrowing her eyes she screeched "You haven't even checked up on me to see how I have been!" Anger swirling through her belly she moved her hand back to slap Seth squarely on the cheek as she hissed "YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN THERE FOR ME! YOU DO REMEMBER WHAT KYCOO SAID DON'T YOU?" Quieting for a moment she waited for his response as her eyes simply glowered angrily at him.

03-31-06, 01:44 AM
Seth was in bad shape as he held onto Letho gesturing with the hand he wasn't using to hold onto the knight to blatantly show a lack of attempts to pick pocket the man. It wasn't as if he had the ability to anymore, but he figured it would put the knight at ease. As he moved through the crowded people of the tavern he heard the boot steps, distinct and with the presence only a noble could give.

He heard the cordial introduction to the knight before she turned on him. As Seth was more than aware of he had abandoned the woman after leaving Haidia, and apparently something rather big had happened. As the hand reached out to slap him he didn't stop it as it hit his face, leaving a red imprint of the assault. Closing his eyes he didn't even give her the satisfaction of wincing before he replied dryly, "I suppose I deserved that, but then again it would help if you could be more specific as to why I deserve it..."

He then grimaced as he shrugged off of Letho and forcefully took Sivienna's hand and brought it to his wound, "Since we're on the topic of being a frigid bitch, lets add a few more infractions to the list eh?" He then shoved her hand off as he moved to the table stubbornly and proceeded to sit down in the chair tiredly.

Rubbing his eyes irritably he spoke, "Now, since we both got it out of our systems, why don't we try talking like adults, rather than throwing temper tantrums that in the end don't help the matter any? If you're going to be civil, I can play civil, but keep that chip on your shoulder and you might as well just walk out that door, cause I am not in the mood for guilt games..."

He then sighed as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes fighting his impatience to do something drastic. As he remained silent he waited for someone to break the ensuing silence, knowing that more than a few eyes were on him at this point. He didn't really care, he just wanted it over with, and anything to make it go faster would have been welcomed, even if it was an ex-lover who seemed rather bitter towards him.

03-31-06, 08:45 AM
“The Smoking Mirror” tavern didn’t have the exquisite refinement of the VIP Lounge reserved for the Serenti Invitational participants and certainly didn’t have a perky elven maiden hopping around at every whim. In fact, it was rather far from it. Culprits and barflies dominated the scenery, with their glassy eyes, slurred murmurs and lack of hand-eye coordination. The waitresses were young and weary, the barkeep was old and weary and fresh air was a stranger for a while. It was the place you never want to enter, but always somehow end up in. And in their current state, Seth and Letho failed to jump out of the humdrum imagery; in places like these nobody noticed a rogue and a man suffering from a bad case of hangover. Here the lack of that would be considered a peculiar sight.

What was a peculiar sight was the dame that walked up to the pair. Figure that inspired heart attacks, glance that planted seeds of lust in whoever gazed into them, porcelain spotless skin, lips from which a man was ready to drink poison, all that and a whole lot more was what stepped before them shortly after they entered the tavern. Letho’s face was classically stern, unmovable, but even his will couldn’t defeat the call of blood that was boiling within him. She was the one that turned him, that gave him this curse that provided him with two everlasting things; life and lust for her. And for that reason her presence always stunned the warrior.

However, it seemed that Sivienna had some previous issues with Seth because instantly after he got a rather pleasant introduction, his companion got bitter words and a slap. She was a scorned woman towards the thief, showering him with loud words and harsh tone as her face attained a furious look. Seth took the blow, took the words, then replied twice as bitterly. It was a squabble over something or other that Letho knew nothing about and quite frankly didn’t particularly care right now. With his right he single-handedly picked up his massive dehlar gunblade, slamming the brown weapon on the table before them, attracting at least two thirds of all the eyes in the tavern. His solid face sent them back to their business almost instantaneously.

“Now, listen you two. I don’t know what crawled up your behinds and I don’t really care.” he spoke in a fatherly gruff tone, looking at Seth first, then shifting his eyes to the imposing beauty. “There are matters far more important then some beef you have with each other. We have a task to do, Sivienna, and I ask you to postpone any issues you have with Seth. After we save Myrhianna you’ll have all the time in the world to fight him.”

His face was frowned, burdened by the direness of the mission at hand, casting reflection in the might of his voice. He had no time for pleasantries, not even with the vampire vixen that a part of him wanted to take right then and there on the table in the middle of the tavern. But the thought of Myrhia captivated, tortured, maybe even dead overruled any emotion that his body was sending and his resolute was at its peak.

“You see, Myrhia and me, we had a...” he paused, recollecting the events in the Serenti battle and the moment of truth... The moment of betrayal. It made his eyes shift to the gunblade on the table, staring blankly at the “Lawmaker” inscription. “I... I betrayed her and she ran away. And for some reason Seth’s cousin kidnapped her, wounding him in the process.”

Another pause, this one filled with tension and heaviness from the words spoken. Letho was a master in concealing emotions, but in this case they were too overwhelming, too potent... too important. His eyes once again looked up at Sivienna. They weren’t frowning anymore. They were desperate.

“I need to save her, Sivienna. If there is one thing I need to do, it’s to save her. I don’t know are you here to help us, but if you’re not I ask you not to stand in our way.”

03-31-06, 09:43 PM
Sivienna blinked as she stared at Seth. Normally he would have insulted her back..or at the very least he would have told her the reason why he had not shown up to ask if she was arlight. But no..instead he seemed to be in an irritable mood. His posture was different as well, it wasn't proud and strong, it was hunched over, he was leaning on Letho as if he were a feather that would be blown into the wind without the support. Slowly the anger left her eyes, the lilac irises softening slightly. But, before she could say any softer words to Seth,he had grabbed her hand and roughly placed it against some clean white bandages. Closing her eyes, Sivienna could feel the sickeningly sweet smell of poison. Trying to resist the urge to gag, Sivienna was glad when Seth forcefully pushed her hand away. Still with her eyes closed, Sivienna tried to regain her bearings, the poison was still in her nostrils, the smell a combination of sickingly sweet gardenias with just the slightness hint of clover honey. The night vixen could tell that this was no ordinary poison, furthermore she also realized the reason why Seth wasn't his normal self. Someone had injured him, had overpowered him. The person had not only injured him physically, but the being had also hurt Seth's pride as well.

Mulling the scent over in her mind, the beauty's other senses soon kicked in. Hidden within the sweet sickly smell was a dark strand of magic. Frowning as she recognied the magic, she turned to look at Seth critically before softly asking. "You were just in a tangle with a hex mage weren't you? The reason you were poisoned was due to the curse of hex magic..."

Seth looked up from his chair as he responded dryly "And the last horse crosses the finishing line! Congralutions Sivienna did you figure it out all on your own?"

Her eyes narrow as she hisses "Whats got you in such a foul mood?"

Seth simply firmed his lips as he responded in a monotonous tone "I don't know just nearly getting gutted by my cousin, doesn't seem like it would make this day a great one!"

Sivienna sighs as she mutters "Family problems? Gee I can understand ya there." Sighing and shaking her head she moves closer to Seth, moving her hand torwards his bandages she holds them above the bandaged area before muttering "It feels like she poisoned you to...what type of toxin did she use? I don't recognize it..."

Groaning Seth muttered "I don't know, maybe next time we see her, we can ask.. Listen I'm not in the mood for any stupid questions right now, you can ask Letho he knows as much about the situation as I know."

Sivienna narrows her eyes as she mutters coldly "Touchy aren't ya?"

"Family's never been a good subject for me." He said as he looked down.

Sivienna laughs dryly as she spits out "I know Seth, I well remember that family was not a good subject for you from our time in Haidia."

Sighing deeply, the night vixen turned from Seth to look soflty at Letho. Sighing as she ignored yet another warm tug from her belly, she coughed as she let the liquid feelings of lust pass through. Hearing Letho stoically reprimind both her and Seth over her babble, she laughed softly as she murmurs "Always the stoic knight aren't you Letho?"

He looked up at her with, barely managing to prevent his eyes from passing over her luscious figure before setting them at her own. His voice was sharp and to the point. Lust was a luxury he couldn't afford right now. "My knighthood has nothing to do with it. This is a matter of time and we are in short supply of it right now."

Sivienna's eyes blinked before she sighed and murmurs "Something happened to Myhria?"

His eyes drifted away from her own, falling on the gunblade, the same goddamned gunblade he wielded in a battle where he traded her trust for his own foolish pride. "Something happened, yes... And something even worse can happen if we don't act soon. If this cousin of his is as vicious as it seems, I don't want to leave Myrhia at her mercy."

Sivienna nods soflty as she murmurs "I understand completley Letho." Turning to look at Seth briefly she softly murmurs "That toxin he is suffering from...it isn't normally...it has a sweet smell, a smell that can bring lust and desire to a person...." Frowning she murmurs "From what I can get from the scent of the toxin it is used to bring out a person's lust for someone or something..." Shaking her head she murmurs "That is all I know of this type of toxin...I read about it in one of the books in my father's library...but...I've never seen anyone suffering from it....until now..." Sighing as she looked at Seth she murmurs "I guess I have no choice but to help you two...Myrhia is partially my responblity as well and...it seems you need an extra pair of hands..." Looking at Letho and Seth she murmurs "I'll try to help out with the toxin and I'll help you rescue Myhrianna." Grinning as she moved torwards the two she murmurs "We should get moving.....from what I know of hex magi they'll only keep their victim alive as long as they need them...so its best if we leave with haste."

04-02-06, 12:57 AM
Seth meanwhile had already begun to feel like a piece of luggage to be tossed aside when the moment fit. Sitting out of the conversation had allowed him to see in this case that he truly was baggage, and in a problem that he himself had started. As he grumbled he flagged down a waitress and ordered a house ale. Not caring about the price he shoved a few gold in her hand with an order to rush the order.

As the waitress traipsed off he closed his eyes resting his head against his hand as he tried to ignore the splitting headache he was feeling. A soft longsuffering sigh escaped his lips before they opened again and saw the waitress returning drink upon tray. Taking the brew he sipped it before he sighed, feeling the alcohol relax the tension in his body. It was then he spoke up, "The way I see it, she has only a couple of options, tomorrow is supposed to continue the tournament right? She probably knows I entered it too, and would wait jsut long enough to see if I got dropped out. So that gives us at most a day. The second the result of our fight goes public Letho, you can bet she'll drop any excess load, including your little woman in an effort to hunt me down if need be."

He then closed his eyes before he said softly, "Hate to even use me like this, but we need to bait a trap for her. If we don't your little lady will probably be dead, gutted and gods know what else in the gutter of an alleyway. Considering the only thing she wants is me, we just gotta figure out where to set the bait, and hope the rat climbs into the trap."

"Now, I know that you feel the sole burden of that fight, but I'm a fair man, and I believe in a life for a life, so I will guaran-damn-tee that I will do everything in my power to keep that wench of a cousin of mine from harming your friend. I figure after that we're even, and we can go our seperate ways, and you can pray for my death later..." Seth said calmly before he closed his eyes and rested his head on his hand trying to stave off the fatigue catching up to him. Sipping the ale to keep his stomach from tensing he sighed as he waited for the reply.

However the words were mostly directed at Letho. He knew he had another issue to deal with, one of a jilted lover. And so his head lifted as the cushioning hand pointed at Sivienna he spoke tiredly, "As for you, when this is over we can talk about whatever the hell Kycoo did to you, and not a moment sooner. I'd rather deal with one family crisis at a time. Letho has the floor for now, you can rant and rave at me later..."

04-02-06, 08:09 PM
Letho listened to the dispositions of the pair attentively, assaying to separate the important details form the peanut ones. He knew a thing of three about poisons, but his knowledge of magics was scarce at best. Needless to say, the clandestine ways of Hex magic were pretty much an uncharted territory and he had no interest of venturing there any time soon. Magic was a wretched thing, a mean to end something that should be ended face to face, head-on, honorably. If you rob a man of the one necessity he cannot live without, you do it while looking at his face, taking in the despair and the excruciation of that last seconds of his life. And when the deed is done, the empty eyes filled with pain become a haunting burden, an image to stalk the darkest corners of your psyche... And that’s the way it should be. Life was too valuable not to come with a macabre price.

The dark knight paid this price countless times before and oftentimes over matters far more inane then this one. Ending lives was what he was trained for, it was a skill that he honed to perfection and somewhere in the process it became the only skill he had. He came to Serenti because it was the only skill he had. He betrayed Myrhia because it was the only skill he had. And he was damned because that was the only skill he had. Myrhia would usually disagree. She would be his last bastion of hope, his personal savior, the invisible hand that would guide him through the moments of darkness. But Myrhia wasn’t around anymore. And while he didn’t know the conclusion to the story between the chaste redhead and the dark knight, he knew that he would look this kidnapping wench in the eyes and pay the mesmerizing price once again.

Seth’s idea was sound; he was at the gist of this fairytale gone wrong and he was the only thing that would draw this foul witch out in the open. Using him as a decoy was the trump card that, if played right, could ensure them at least a chance in the shadow game that his cousin played. Letho pondered on the whole issue for a moment, blocking out the vacuous jabber of the surrounding tavern patrons, doing his simple math and trying to come up with the winning formula. His eyes fell on the inscription on the gunblade once again. In the wispy flicker of the rusty oil lanterns, the “Lawmaker” offered him the solution.

“We’ll get the word out...” Letho begun distantly, his eyes still locked on his weapon as he paused, focused his vision and set his eyes on Sivienna. She was a much more pleasant image then the wily thief. “We’ll get a word out that Seth Dahlios murdered a couple of innocent folk, in the shadows of the Serenti side alleys, and that he was apprehended by the local law enforcers. I’ll contact the local law and make them spread the word to their petty snitches and smugglers that will make the news spread like a plague through the city. That big reputation of yours will make the word echo like a thunder.” he turned to Seth with a smirk. “Folk always like to see the celebrities hanged.”

Getting up from his seat, Letho picked up the humongous gunblade and placed it in the holster on his back before he spoke again. “By nightfall Serenti will know that Seth Dahlios was captured and was to be transported back to Radasanth via the north road. If that doesn’t draw the wench out, there is little else that would. I’ll go notify the authorities and we’ll meet at the north gate after sundown. Stay inside until then. Stay hidden. I don’t want this ruse to go to waste because you paraded the streets.”

He wanted to move away, but by some obscure magic, his eyes got stuck on the vampire beauty once again. He didn’t want to leave her with Seth. In fact, now that it was his time to leave, he didn’t want to leave her at all. His right hand shivered for a second, wanting to move towards her, touch her skin, feel the refined suave texture under the fingers, but his willpower overrode the lust, making the swordsman clench the hand into a fist. “Beside, you two seem in desperate need of some quality time.” he managed to say rather jovially. His left reached for the inside of his leather coat, providing a small velvety bag filled with herbs. He threw it onto the shabby oaken table. “Make him some tea from those herbs. It will quench some of the discomfort.”

With that said, Letho turned around and made his way back into Serenti streets. His desire was prominent, like a fishhook that yanked him back to the vampire’s presence, but as much as he wanted to be with her, he wanted to be with Myrhia more. Because as much as there was lust between Letho and Sivi, there was little chance that there would ever be love. No. True affection was reserved for the coy emerald eyes of the redhead that a long time ago, in the outskirts of Scara Brae, arrogated his heart for eternity.

((So yeah, I thought this is the best plan. You two can have a little talk, I can set all up, and we can kick Beatrix’s ass. If any of you had something else in mind, let me know and I’ll edit.))

04-04-06, 10:47 PM
The tavern was fairly quiet as Sivienna listened to the two men come up with a plan. From what the night vixen could gather, Seth's cousin wanted Seth and she was using Myhrianna as bait to lure Seth into her seductive hands. Sighing Sivienna ran a hand through her hair, she knew Seth's cousin's game all to well. Her father had used the exact same trap and lure on her when she had been much younger. Sighing as the night beauty briefly recalled what her father had done she sighed. He had used one of her old lovers...a human who she had become rather close to. He had told her that he would exchange his life for her to come to him without a fight. She had almost done that had almost given herself up to him but he had saved her and had told her "LIVE! Don't obey your father! Be your own woman Sivienna!" These words had stuck with her ever since, since that time Sivienna had lived by her own path. She hoped that Myhrianna would do the same and that the red haired lass would be strong enough to resist Seth's cousin's charms.

Sighing as she turned to look at the two men who were to be her traveling companions, she could feel what Letho was feeling that momentary jolt of lust, that resistance to it and then she heard Letho's words. Smiling softly she murmurs "Yes Letho...that would be a good idea...we will see you tomorrow..."

She then paused as she stared briefly at Letho before turning to go to Seth. She could feel the smoothness of the wood under her feet, but she could also feel nerves pattering in her heart. She hoped that Seth would be able to figure out why she had been so rude to him when she saw him...if not...she had a lot of explaining to do.

Sivienna sighs as she looks at Seth briefly before turning to head towards the bar top. Waving to get the bar keep's attention she murmurs "I'd like to get a room for two please!" Glancing at Seth's hunched form she murmurs quietly to the bartender "Make sure that the room has two beds..."

The bar keep nods as he passes the vampire vixen a gold key marked with the number five. Waving her off the tender murmurs "Up the stairs and to your right miss."

Nodding Sivienna makes her way back to Seth. The tavern was quiet as the patrons all had gone back to their own business. Sivienna moved to help Seth up, however Seth held up a hand indicting that he would get to the room on his own. Shaking her head Sivienna mutters quickly "Your hurt Seth! Your poisoned! Just for once...ACCEPT HELP!"

Seth's reply to her was short and to the point "Help, is a word that I will not use when asking for something. I will do this on my own SIvi, I've been "helped" enough already..."

Sivienna sighs as she hisses "Prideful stubborn fool, if you don't accept help now then you'll just as likely fall again." Looking him in the eyes she whispers "What makes you so sure you'll be lucky next time?" She then sighed when she saw the look in Seth's eyes. Grimacing she waved her hand and murmured "Fine...you can get to the room on your own Seth." She then made her way up the oaken stairs.

The hallway was decorated simply with a pretty bright green rug that accented the smooth oak of the floor. Sivienna knew that the lounge was run down, but it seemed that the owners kept the rooms themselves simple and clean. For this the beauty was thankful for, if she was about to tango with a hex mage she wanted to at least sleep in a clean and comfortable room.

Hearing foot steps behind her, she turned the key into the lock opening the door she stepped inside. Moving to let Seth in she made her way to the bed. Sitting down she watched as Seth entered the room before she continued with their conversation from downstairs.

Sivienna sighs as she hisses "Prideful stubborn fool, if you don't accept help now then you'll just as likely fall again." Looking him in the eyes she whispers "What makes you so sure you'll be lucky next time?"

He looked her dead in the eyes before he said, "Luck is the thing of fools. I got up against Kycoo and managed to fend him off, I think my darling cousin will be easier in comparison...

Chuckling softly Sivienna murmured "You got off easy with Kycoo because I was their to distract him, what if your facing your dear cousin alone?" Moving to him she said dryly "She topped you once and washed the floor with you Seth, wouldn't you rather count your blessing and say your lucky to have allies to help?

His hand shook as he held back his anger before he spoke softly his voice deathly soft, "She got lucky, that’s all there is to it, and I'd appreciate it if you'd shut up about her luck streak..."

Sivienna sighs as she turns to study an arrangement of flowers. Staring at the colorful blossoms she murmurs "Stubborn idiot..." Sighing she enters the simple room, there was a single bed, made with a green quilt and green matching sheets, a oak night table and one green armchair that you could sink into. Sighing as she looked at the room she murmurs "I thought I said a room with two beds..."

"Well surprise surprise..." He said softly as he sat on the bed before he put his hand against his bandages, "Going to need a new shirt after this..."

Groaning Sivienna mutters "Dammit it all..." Looking at Seth briefly she mutters "I’ll go back downstairs to see if the bar keep has a room that has two beds..." She then turned to make her request.

He held up a hand to stop her before he said, "Do you honestly expect me to try and pull something on you? I think our time together has made it clear that unless you initiate something, I tend to be on my own. Besides in my condition it wouldn't be possible anyways..."

Nodding Sivienna murmurs politely "I thought you'd prefer to sleep in your own bed...after all Seth you've had a grueling day...it would be impolite of me to make you sleep on the sofa or the floor."

He snorted as he said, "I've slept on worse. In far worse conditions. Besides if something happens, you'll right there to keep me alive...despite the stupid poison..."

Sivienna sighs as she mutters softly "True. But in my humble opinion sometimes its better to get a decent sleep when your injured, especially if your going to be decent bait for your cousin tomorrow."

"If I can stand on two feet I can be decent bait, I assure you Sivienna..."

Sighing Sivienna mutters "Stubborn.." Before she enters the room again, sitting down on the bed she murmurs "Well were alone, now would you like to know what went on during the time you did not come to see me?"

Looking at the door as it shut he sighed as he laid back before he said softly, "How old is it?"

Blinking Sivienna murmurs "What? How did you...know?" She asked her eyes wide.

"You're greeting finally made Kycoo's words click. I hadn't thought about it in awhile but when you screeched out about it, I figured it out. I'm not a complete idiot, just a fool who has been in one bad situation after another..."

Sivienna sighs as she covers her face with her hands, her body shook slightly before she spits out "He's about 2 months...he's a very beautiful boy but..." She then whimpered before she spit out "he was born awoken..he tried to hurt me and he was so little so he is at the citadel right now..."

In a rare moment of empathy he pulled her closer to him hugging her close as he sighed, "One day that bastard will pay...one day soon indeed..."

Shock filled Sivienna's face as she whispered soflty "Seth?" Looking at him she whispers confused "W...w..what are you doing?" The shock and surprise could be heard in her voice.

"I may act like a bastard towards you, but I guess you could say I consider you a friend. The only reason I didn't pull daggers on you when you slapped me was because of it."

Laughing softly Sivienna nods as she sighs and snuggles closer to Seth's warmth murmuring "I’m glad about that. I don't have many friends to turn to..." Looking at him she laughs as she murmurs "When your a vampire, It always feels as if your the one looking through the window at some happy people and..." grinning weakly she murmurs "Your the one left out in the cold, alone. So alone.." She smiles as she honesty says "I guess you could say I’m an outsider."

He chuckled before he winced and whispered, "You and me both...though I earned my station..."

Sivienna laughed as she looked at Seth before she murmurs "I guess that connects us then Seth." Running a hand across his cheek gently she murmurs "Hopefully our son will be able to overcome the darkness within him...hopefully he won't turn to the ways of a hex magi.."

His eyes closed as he whispered, "Perhaps we shouldn't stick so close to each other, I just remembered, your scent drives me wild..."

Blushing as Sivienna respectfully stepped back she murmurs "oh that’s right..." laughing softly she murmurs "I can always take a bath with no bathing oils...that way I won't have the scent that drives you wild on..."

Shaking he head he said, "No time, and the thought of you in less dress would probably do it for me anyways. Lets just keep our clothes on and I doubt anything will happen..."

Laughing and nodding Sivienna murmurs "Alright." She then stepped towards the bed as she murmurs "Well now you know what happened to me..but I'd like to know..what is this cousin of yours like? It seems rather odd that she'd have access to such a powerful poison of lust..." Smiling at him she murmurs "That is what the poison is called, its a toxin that makes all your inhibitions go out the window."

"I don't know, She showed up after I rescued Myrhia from bandits, came onto me then when I refused her she pulled blades...after that you know how it goes..."

Sighing Sivienna murmurs "She didn't get her way, so she attacked you and I’m assuming one of her blades was coated with the toxin..."Sighing she murmurs "Well I guess we'll have to get the antidote from her tomorrow...for now it would be best if we got some sleep, so that we are ready for tomorrow."

He sighed as he laid back before he looked at her, "I can see why Letho chose you..."

Blinking as she looked at him quizzically for a moment, she smiled before she murmured "Thank you." She then snuggled into the bed, before she glanced at Seth briefly.

Seth sighed before he winced again and muttered, "Perhaps a bit of something before I sleep would be best...my stomach is killing me cause its so tense..."

Sighing Sivienna looks at Seth for a long time. Her lilac eyes soften before she gently asks "Letho chose me because he saw that I was different from a normal vampire. I gave him a choice, I could either embrace him to help him save Myhrianna, or I would let him go and pray that he found a cure. He chose to be embraced because he knew that I would help him." Moving closer to him she reached out to gently touch his shoulder as she continued "I could do the same for you, I could take away the pain that your cousin caused you and embrace you into a night where pain would be just a single memory, One that can be easily healed."

04-05-06, 05:29 PM
He looked at her for the longest time, he was tempted, very much so. The realm of immortality was within his grasp, and all he had to do is take it. He would forsake what little light he had left, and become a true creature of Darkness. The power alone was an incentive, and the thought of being immune to any tricks from his cousin was equally alluring. The voices, while diminished in strength seemed to coo to him to take it, become so strong. Was the price of the light really worth that much in the long run?

He sighed as he finally broke the look into her eyes and said softly, "The pain won't go away Sivienna, every time I look in a mirror, I will know what I did. Every time I go to bed, I will see them dying. They didn't yell, they didn't throw a tirade, they forgave me, and they said they loved me. Had they have done something anything else, I could possibly have forgotten the pain. But they didn't, they were my parents to the end. If I die, I want it to be the only time I die, and not be forced to continue to live my life as a monstrosity..."

"I have to say no Sivienna, I hope you understand," He said softly before he gently removed her hand from his shoulder. He then laid back on the bed as he sighed. His eyes closed as he seemed to try and sleep before he said softly, "I can't stand the thought of immortality. So, I'm going to have to tough through this Sivi. Sorry to be a pain in the ass..."

He then tried to relax on the bed sighing softly as he did so. As he felt himself begin to drift in sleep he could feel the lust within him. Already in a somewhat aroused state it was starting to get to unbearable before once more the lust was replaced by pain. His eyes opened as he arched clawing once more into the air. He could feel the scream in his lungs, trapped by the pain that wouldn't allow him a single breath to expel it. As suddenly as it came it disappeared. As he panted on the bed he tried to sit up before the pain hit again, causing him t curl into a small ball to try and escape it. As he groaned softly in pain finally able to breathe he felt himself slowly shutting down before all was black, and he was passed out on the bed a pitiful wreck.

For now the Lavinian Demon would sleep, dreaming of the perfect revenge against the woman who had done this to him, even if it killed him.

04-06-06, 03:51 PM
The barracks of the Corone Armed Forces were an unimpressive compound to say the least. Simple square buildings made out of crude stone looked like a handful of cardboard boxes surrounded with a rather ratty palisade below which the moat was as dry as the Black Desert. Letho wasn’t surprised by the crummy outlook. Peace reigned in these lands for centuries now and the funds from the budget were diverted to other, more crucial, branches of the government. However, while he wasn’t surprised by the lack of concern for the local bastion, he by no means approved the neglect. “If you want peace, you always prepare for war.”, that was what Lothirgan said in one of his tirades as he tried to tutor Letho and forge him into a king he was supposed to be. The crown was out of reach now, but the teachings remained and they always returned in these retrospectives that struck the swordsman on certain occasions.

“Halt! Identify yourself!” the guard reaffirmed his stature as he shouted towards the sullen knight that stepped onto the narrow drawbridge made out of pine logs. His comrade did the same, only without the audio component. They tried to put on their mean face, their serious face, but their lack of experience was oozing out of their pores more and more with each passing second. “Trainees.” Letho thought. On any ordinary day he would give them a little scare, maybe pull out the monstrosity of a gunblade that bobbed on his back. But he needed to play it smart today. There was never enmity between the Rangers and the Armed Forces’ grunts, but a certain amount of contempt was always present in both parties. And right now Letho was on their turf and he had to be subtle.

“No worries, lads.” he replied, raising both of his hands to show that he wasn’t hostile, before he pulled an edge of his leather coat to reveal the badge pinned on his shirt. “I am Letho Ravenheart and I have urgent matters to discuss with your commander.”

“State your business with the captain, ranger!” the same guard spoke, desperately holding for his spear and desperately hoping this dark stranger won’t show any hostility on his second day on the job. Letho merely smirked.

“Tell him I apprehended the Lavinian Demon, Seth Dahlios.”


It seemed that Seth was the magical word that opened many doors here, because it took him only two minutes to reach the captain’s quarters deep in the interior of the complex. Whispers and murmurs spread through the barrack like a tidal wave, many radiating with disbelief in the truth of this claim. They all knew Seth was to compete in the Serenti Invitational, but none of them had the skills and the guts to hunt for the hefty bounty.

The captain’s quarters failed to jump out of the general imagery of the barracks. The room was equipped with nothing but the necessities that all looked a couple of decades too old. However, the captain at least had the decency to keep it neat. The scarce books that stood on the shelves were precisely arranged, the windows were kept as clean as possible and all the items on the desk stood at their proper place. Letho got the impression that the captain might have been a general once, but somewhere along the way he made misstep and got this post as a “reward”. That or he had a run of bad luck.

“Letho Ravenheart, right?” he asked as Letho stepped in and took a seat at the chair before the desk. The squeak of the wood beneath swordsman’s weight was the only response the captain got. He was a gaunt man, probably in his early fifties judging by the wrinkles around his azure eyes. His black hair, cut about half an inch shorter then Letho’s, refused to show marks of old age. “So, you are the one that captured the Lavinian Demon?” his incisive eyes measured the bulky swordsman that just strolled into his fortress. “Well, what do you want from me then? Usually bounty hunters come to me for aid before they even start their hunt.”

“I do not come asking for your aid, captain. We could consider it more of a... bargain, shall we say?” Letho responded in a quizzical tone. It wasn’t like him to play the game of guile and slyness, but the situation demanded it. If he told the truth, the captain would ask him to deliver Seth for certain. “I am offering you to take the credit for apprehending him. Something like that could earn you a big promotion.”

The captain didn’t flinch at the offer, he didn’t even change the expression on his rugged face. But beyond those azure eyes Letho could clearly see that the cogs were turning. “Perhaps. But what’s the catch? I may be getting old, but I’m not getting dumb. There has to be a catch.”

“Of course. That’s why I called it a trade. You get to take the credit, but I get to escort him back to Radasanth for trial.” the swordsman replied in a manner of a true merchant. “I have some... personal issues to settle with him.”

The captain looked at Letho long and hard, like a poker player that thought he had psychic powers and could see the cards in the eyes of his opponent. But both of them played the same game at this time and no secrets were revealed in their glances.

“There is something else. You could have escorted him to Radasanth without notifying me and take all the glory for it.” the captain spoke, shifting a bit in his chair. He could just say yes, but the sliver of doubt in his neck was making him prod a bit harder.

“Yes, perhaps there is something else. I need you to spread the word that he is captured. Especially amongst your contacts on the streets. By nightfall I need for every soul in Serenti to know that Seth Dahlios has finally been captured and brought to justice.”

“And that’s it?” the captain again, suspicious, lifting his eyebrow. Letho nodded. “Why do I get the feeling that you have some secret agenda?”

“Even if I do, it’s none of your concern. Maybe I want to beat him to a pulp on the way. Maybe I’m just benevolent like that. Maybe I like to stay in the shadows. Either way, you have nothing to lose.” the swordsman replied, this time his tone a bit more bold, almost annoyed, like a rich customer that was growing tired of bartering.

The sallow captain allowed the deliberation to last for a couple of more seconds before his dry lips curled into a smile. “You’ve got yourself a deal, lad.”


Letho ambled out of the barracks at a steady gait. The dusk was still many hours away and he didn’t want to intrude on Sivi’s and Seth’s little reunion, although a part of his definitely wanted to. It was certainly rotten luck that Sivienna just happened to bump into them in the tavern. He wanted her away, away from himself and this task, he wanted her away because her luscious curves clouded his mind, drawing him towards her despite of what his heart and his mind spoke. There were too many negative factors in this mission already and he didn’t need temptation to top it all off.

04-06-06, 07:26 PM
"Perhaps I should try a different route, how do you know Seth?" The red head said as she paced around the chair slowly. Myrhia was already looking down hoping the woman would let her go, but if she hadn't in the past few hours, she certainly wouldn't now. As the woman stopped in front of Myrhia she crouched so they were looking eye to eye.

"He's...an acquaintance of my..." She stopped not knowing what to call Letho anymore. He was a friend to her, but he had also betrayed their trust. She just didn't know what to call him anymore, and it seemed the hex magi picked up on it.

"Ah, he hurt you didn't he darling...the cut on your neck, was that Seth, or this "friend" of yours. For lack of a better word of course," The woman said softly.

"That was Seth," She replied curtly.

The woman nodded before she said, "Who stopped the blade, Seth or the other?"

"Seth," Was the reply once more. The woman nodded as she stood up. Myrhia was puzzled as this was contradictory to everything the woman had done previously. As she waited in silence she found the words spilling out of her mouth, "Letho called Seth's bluff. Seth was going to slit my throat, but for some reason stopped. He was willing to sacrifice me for some stupid tournament!"

The anger resounded through the room as Myrhia was shocked by the ferocity of her normally timid voice. The woman was looking out the window before she turned around, "Yes, I can see how it went down. Seth was going to kill you I have no doubt of it, but he stopped himself, because he saw someone else in you. The woman he's traveling with, did you happen to hear her name?"

"He mentioned a friend he cared about, but never their name," Myrhia replied.

"Well, my friend, it seems we have something in common. Both of us have been betrayed by those we trusted. I trusted my family, and yet they kill their own, and tried to kill me as well. I have to hunt down Seth for a chance to live. You, your Letho hurt you in an unforgivable way. So, we have to come to a decision and fast, we can unite, and you can take the revenge you seek, and me Seth. Or, we can go our separate ways, with you alone and unprotected again, with no Lavinian Demon to rescue next time," The woman said as she moved swiftly cutting the bonds on Myrhia.

Myrhia rubbed her wrists where the ropes had dug in before she looked up at the woman, "What, what do you mean?"

"Seth Dahlios was reported caught not to long ago, the sun will be down any minute, and under the cover of night he's probably going to be lead out of town. We have one chance to get our vengeance, and live our lives free of our tormentors," The woman said.

"Seth was caught? By who?"

"They say the guard, but the rumors are flying about the man he faced in Serenti. I believe he's a good friend of yours, Letho Ravenheart..."

04-09-06, 01:55 PM
Sunlight slowly filtered in through the filmy green curtains that donned the windows in the hotel room. The sunlight slowly creeped over the two occupants in the bed. However, the light stopped just before it reached the green quilt tht covered the bed's occupants. The female in the bed slowly stirred and stretched before sitting up in the bed. Holding the comforter against her chest she murmurs "Well...at least now I got that off my chest..." Rolling to look at Seth she sighs as she studies his sleeping profile. For now it seemed that the poison that flowed through his veins was dormant..it seemed that it wasn't affecting him but...moving closer to him she studied his profile intently.

She then sighed when she saw that he had not fallen asleep, instead he had passed out with a look that told her someone had caused him pain. Sighing as she moved to tuck him into bed more securely she murmurs "This must have been your cousin's work...she really does seem to desire you but.......she doesn't deserve you at all..." Still looking at him she bends down to move a stray lock of brown hair from his face.

Once she had done that she rises again as she murmurs softly "You suffer so much Seth...you...give your all to protect those that are dear to you...' Moving a stray lock of her own hair she sighs as she puts it back in place. Looking tenderly at Seth she murmurs "I'll be here for you Seth..you may seem like a demon but inside you have a soft heart..the heart of a brave and caring man who deserves good things in life." Rising to gather their things she puts them in order as she finishes "You don't deserve the bad luck that fate has placed before you." Looking at Seth's still form she murmurs 'Hopefully your luck will change soon Seth and that today Myhrianna's rescue will go without hindarences."

The night beauty then rose from her still vigilence over Seth's sleeping form. Moving away from the soft rays of sunlight, the vampiress opened the door briefly. Before her stood an arrangement of pure snow white lilies and beautiful red roses. Sivi's lilac eyes remained fixed on the beautiful flowers for a moment before she walked up to them. Picking one of the lilies from the pretty golden vase, she turned the fragile bloom over in her hands as she thought to herself. Hmmm..Myhrianna is like this Lily...fragile...innocent...delicate...a bloom that needs love to flourish and blossom..while... Her thoughts stopped momentarily as her eyes fell on the pretty red rose. She knew from expierience that while roses were beautiful, yet they concealed deadly thorns. A sigh escaped her as her thoughts continued Seth's cousin on the other hand is like this rose, shes beautiful, yet shes wild, she can flourish without the love and care needed to grow. Putting the Lily down, she then reached for the rose and winced when one of the hidden thorns pricked her finger. Staring at the bright crimson drops of blood for a moment she whispers "Hmmm...could this be an omen? A sign that perhaps our plan won't work?"

Looking back at the door, she groans as she places the rose back amongst the other flowers. Moving back into the room, she once more stared down at Seth as she murmurs "Will our plan go well? Or is there some surprise...some kink that we are not expecting?" Shaking her head as her eyes closed she whispered softly "I hope everything goes well today..."

04-13-06, 09:47 PM
Seth awoke with a groan as he rested on the bed. The sleep while no where near restful was enough to refresh him. He could have sworn he heard something while he was waking up, the gentle brush of finger tips, muttered words. He wasn't sure what was said, but he knew better than to pursue it. As he pulled himself together he sat up hand on his wounds as he fought the grimace of pain through him.

As he reached out and pulled on his gear he ignored Sivienna. His mind was elsewhere at the moment and he needed to remain focused. As he stretched he groaned softly at the pain form stretching the wound but remained okay at the moment as a glance revealed no blood on the bandages yet. He was lucky in the least, but perhaps it had opened and hadn't seeped through yet...

As he pulled on his boots he finally said his first words, "We should head to the north road. I believe that’s where Letho wants us, after that, I guess we split ways. I need to find a friend and I'm sure you have things you'd rather do than spend time with me."

The words said he rose up ignoring the pain as he focused himself on his goals. Moving over to the water basin he splashed his face with water as he tried to pull himself together. The poisons residual pain still made a few joints ache, and he couldn't afford them to flare up when he started to fight his cousin. As he pushed himself to walk through the door he gestured for Sivienna to join him.

He refused to have help this time as he leaned on the railing downstairs and to the tavern floor. His steps were a bit heavier and showed the pain he hid but he refused to slow down as he moved outside the tavern. Waiting for Sivienna he muttered, "Alright, time to take her down. She got lucky once, but lightning never strikes twice..."

04-14-06, 06:08 PM
Without Myrhia at his side, the streets of Serenti were so hollow that their chill perturbed the swordsman. Despite the frolicky sun that danced over the endless blue dome and inspired every single thing to spring to life rejuvenated and fresh, he found himself pulling the brim of his leather coat over and over again, enveloping his body into the black leather completely. He didn’t want to be the part of this vivid river of faces that passed by him, didn’t want to look at the mirth that mocked him like a drunken jester. His hood was up, hiding his frowning face in the shadows, and after a long while he was once again the dark wanderer, hated by all and an unwelcome sight in every neighborhood.

He didn’t care about the looks though. They meant nothing to him now, mere chintzy swords that impaled themselves into the numb flesh of his soul, trying to wound a beast that was already on its death bed. He wanted her. He needed her. Without her even the brightest sun was wrapped by a shawl of gloom, every whisper became a harmful gossip behind his back and every passerby was a dire foe. Bazaar colorful tarpaulins lost their hue, salty scent of the sea faded as if somebody magically erased it from the air, merry yammering of the streets became a deafening clamor in which he was searching for her voice, her cherubic face... To smile at him in the manner only she could, cocking her head minutely and looking into his eyes while her entire visage joined in to reflect the glee that erupted from her pristine heart.

She asked him once would he beg for her. And though at that time, captured in some random moment of elation with her in his arms, he answered that he would, only now he actually recognized that he was speaking honestly. He would fall on his knees. He would beg. He would shatter his anserine pride, fall at her feet and beg her to forgive him. He only hoped that it would be that simple.

The evening took its time to make its final approach, drooling over the west with agonizing slowness, bringing an even more prominent chill and announcing that the moment of truth was nearing. It was out there, staring at Letho like eyes hidden in some random shadow, causing discomfort and restlessness. The swordsman was sitting on a pile of wooden boxes, sticking to the shadows of a damp alley that reeked a fraction less now that there was no head to aid the decay of the gutter litter. His figure was hunched, his gunblade cold and steady in his limp hand, his eyes out of focus and staring at some mushy memory, desperate to recollect as many details as possible in some foolish hope to feel her near, feel her at his side, feel her grasping his forearm coyly.

Sivienna and Seth finally broke his moment of agony some half an hour afterwards. They were walking down the winding alley, shadows embracing their two figures, nearly masking the gimp of the man and the saunter of the vixen and turning them in nothing but vestiges. Letho’s head made a remark that the thief wasn’t strong enough to fight a child, Letho’s loins prodded with the flames of lust for the vampire, but the swordsman shoved both aside for the time being. In some peculiar manner he cared for both of them, but right now they were unimportant. They were the demons he would wrestle once Myrhia was back in his arms. He got up slowly, almost tiredly, securing his gunblade on his back and providing a length of rope.

“You two had a nice rest?” he asked, but it wasn’t a question that needed any other answer then the expression on their faces. Seth looked like rest was at least a month overdue. “Come on, let us make this look genuine.” he said, circling around the two and fastening the thief’s wrists together. He made a single knot, strong enough to hold as they walk, but loose enough for Seth to wriggle his hands out of it in a second or two. Or less. He was a thief after all. Once he was done with Seth his hand dipped into the interior of his coat, providing a small golden badge of the Corone Rangers.

“Put this on. And let us be done with this.” he pressed the insignia into Sivienna’s hand, her touch for the first time not inspiring innumerable immoral thoughts. There was nothing that could penetrate the walls of his determination at this point. Silently, like mere phantasms that barely touched the paved road, the three walked towards the north gate.

04-15-06, 10:54 PM
As the trio marched to the end of the north road a figure stood in the middle of the street. While it most certainly wasn't there to begin with, the lithe figure was unmistakable to Seth as they walked the crimson hair shining in the faint torchlight of Serenti. He tensed seeing her as he carefully shucked the rope from around his wrists and pulled a lung popper from its position on his dagger belt.

She then spoke, "So nice of you to gift wrap for me. I'll be gracious and give you the chance to leave my cousin to me. You don't need to get caught up in this, now leave him to me and go about your business, you'll have your body soon enough."

Seth felt the heat of anger rise up in him before she snickered, "Ahh getting hot under the collar Seth? I wouldn't be surprised, not the only one who I tease for cheap thrills..."

"Shut up you glorified wench," Seth spat. The hatred in his eyes only hinted at the malice that dripped with every word from his mouth. It was getting obvious Seth had no love or respect for her, and she was trying to goad him into a fight. As he waited seething he could feel his heart beat increasing as the hatred began to sedate. Frowning he looked at himself before twinges of lust filled him.

"I would lay off the comments dear cousin, right now that poison makes you my property. Anything I wish you to feel, you will feel, be it lust..." She then smirked as she snapped her fingers causing Seth to hunch and groan in pain, "Pain, anger, you name it, it will be my pleasure to create it in you."

Looking Letho in the eyes she spoke, "Now, I'll give you a chance to leave the wretch to me, I guarantee you'll get his body to parade around, but he will be mine. You have no claim over the laws he’s broken from where I come from. Resist and perhaps you'll be my newest toy, until I take the pleasure of breaking you and leaving you for the others in the pleasure barracks, they do love a good strong man..."

She then eyed Sivienna and a sense of recognition seemed to wash over her face before she hid it expertly. Seth tensed as he continued to pretend to be in more pain than he truly was, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

04-19-06, 05:20 PM
Sivienna's hand ran lightly over the smooth golden badge that Letho had placed in her hand. She found it ironic, her an exotic dancer..pretending to be an officer of the law? The idea was almost laughable, smiling slightly she pinned the badge to her dress. Once it gleamed there,she looked at Letho for a moment before she murmurs "You know..this is rather funny..normally I"d rather have NOTHING to do with the law..and here I am pretending to be a member of it? Letho after this, this will be nothing but a funny memory for me." she then turned to begin walking torwards the North Gate, a slight smile still on her face as they made their way through the smooth cobble stone streets.

He looks at her shortly, emotionlessly and grins. "Don't worry. I'm not letting you keep it."

Sivienna laughs warmly, moving towards Letho she purrs softly "Oh don't worry Letho, you'll be getting your badge back." Looking briefly at the shining gold she murmurs honestly "Besides I wouldn't want to keep it."

Soon the ornate iron gates rose in front of Sivienna's eyes. A sigh escaped her as she stared into the quiet shadows, she saw that nothing was moving. Not one mouse was scurrying about nor was their any sign of a human coming out to see what the trio was doing. Sivenna's eyes roamed over the quiet section of the North Gate. It seemed that despite the rumors of Seth's capture, not many had come out to gather to see the display of Seth being led to his doom.

Sighing as she ran a hand over her face she murmurs "I don't like this...its too quiet...to serene...almost as if someone is waiting for us..." Blinking as her eyes centered once more on the North Gate, she blinked and let out a slight gasp as a figure appeared out of the shadows. The figure was definately female, but it seemed that she had an air of pride and arrogance ot her. The light of the shadows revealed that the woman's hair was red, her body appeared to be curvy and pretty, but it was the face that Sivienna looked at. The eyes seemed cold, it seemed that the woman had come here for one thing...and that one thing had to be Seth.

Sighing Sivienna moved forward to speak, before she caught sight of the woman giving her a carefully concealed once over. Blinking at the look Sivienna felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle in concern. Studying the woman the night vixen couldn't help but think She knows something...but what could she know? Why does it eeriely feel as if she knows me?

Shaking off her feelings of dread Sivienna begin to speak carefully and loudly "Excuse me miss..but we can't just give Seth to you. He is in our custody and we must escort him to his destination...now if you'll be kind enough to excuse us...."

04-19-06, 05:28 PM
It didn’t take long for them to see their little plan unfold as predicted. The dame before them was a macabre phantasm, a conjuration made of darkness shaped into a lissome willowy figure. Her demeanor was dominating, imposing even for one as strong as Letho, as she tranquilly set one foot before the other and got close enough for her facial features to be recognized in the dim shimmer of the street lamps. Her hair was like fire, her outfit provocative enough to lure a sigh out of a noblest of paladins. And her eyes? They were imbued with the maniacal murderous glare, the kind that served as a warning and a statement that there was no obstacle that would prevent her to attain her goal.

Her exchange with Seth was rather disquieting, the woman displaying the control she currently had over the thief with a mere snap of her fingers. Whatever poison she used, it linked the two in some obscure manner, turning the woman into a sadistic mistress and Seth into a mere slave to her whims. But Letho didn’t care for the wicked relationship between the two. He held back his culminating anger until the dialogue between the two was done, his gauntleted hands squeezing into fists so hard it made the metal crunch and bend.

When she finally addressed him, her tone was insouciant, almost businesslike, as if she came here today to bargain for a sack of potatoes. Letho took a step forwards, positioning himself between the hellcat and his two allies, never breaking eye contact.

“No, you listen to me, you filthy harlot.” he spoke in a raspy venomous tone, his eyes locked in a hateful glare. The woman seemed unimpressed, but indulged the swordsman for the moment, setting her hands on her hips. “I give you one chance to free Myrhianna. Your beef with Seth has nothing to do with her. Free her and you’ll live to see the sunrise tomorrow. Don’t and I’ll make certain you regret the day you crawled out of your mother’s womb.”

He wasn’t bluffing. Torture wasn’t something he practiced, but he knew a thing or two about the methods that could make a person look at his own guts and still be live enough to spill the beans. Savion, after all, had traitors and dungeons and a big red carpet underneath which the dirt was swept. It wasn’t the good way, the knightly way, but the pyramid of values and morals caved in when a human life was at stake. Especially if that life belonged to a person that held the other half of his heart.

The woman smiled at first, then the smile gradually evolved into a chuckle that eventually echoed through the streets as a villainous laughter. Letho’s fists clenched tight enough for the metal to draw blood. “Foolish boy. Your precious Myrhia is not my captive anymore.”

Letho disallowed any further dialogue. His right darted to the hilt of the sword on his back, his feet taking him to the woman in a blink of an eye. The diagonal downwards slash was blisteringly fast, the twinkling blade a mere blurry arch as it flew hard enough to cleave the body of the harpy in half. But despite his inhuman speed, the woman backpedaled just as fast, brandishing twin daggers and just in time to push his blade away. She countered, but the swordsman merely reversed his initial move, parrying one of her daggers effortlessly. The second one though he grabbed with his hand, wrapping the dragonscale gauntlet around it. Instead of their weapons, their eyes clashed once again.

“Where is she?” he growled, his eyes a blazing inferno compared to her cool liquid steel.

“I told you, she is not my captive...”

“LIES!” he bawled, pushing her hand away vehemently and bringing his sword from the side. The woman barely managed to get away from the slash that would gut her for certain, jumping back as fast as she could. Instead the tip of his blade merely drew blood on her bare stomach. Her hand passed over the wound, her lips smirking menacingly as she smeared the burgundy liquid over her finger.

“You’re strong, Ravenheart. I can’t remember the last time somebody wounded me. But you’re missing the point. Your efforts are futile. I don’t hold your Myrhia anymore.” she mused, as if enjoying the situation thoroughly.

“You can’t fool me, harlot!” he refused to be caught in the web of her deceit. But just as he was about to charge again, the woman spoke again.

“Stubborn, stubborn.” she said jovially. “Perhaps I should prove it to you then. MYRHIANNA!”

And even as she shouted, out of the shadow of a side alley a small figure stepped out. Her mahogany red hair was lifted in a defiant ponytail, her usually conservative outfit exchanged for a scant tank top and a pair of tight black leather pants. Her emerald eyes were lined with dark mascara, her usually benevolent eyes locked in a firm frown. She moved like a cheetah eying its pray and her eyes were looking at the man that betrayed her. In her hands two daggers glimmered threateningly.

“Myri? Myri, you’re alive?” he spoke, his raspy tone effaced in a flash as he moved towards her. The two weapons in her hands were instantly raised as her knees bent and she took a fighting stance. Her voice was like nothing he ever heard, cold and infuriated, stopping him in his tracks.

“Stay away from me, you bastard!”

04-20-06, 01:43 AM
"Didn't I tell you Myrhianna? He will always use brute force to get his way. It doesn't matter who he hurts or why, just so long as the ends justify the means. Look how ready he was to kill me, even when I said you weren't my captive. He's like all men, prejudiced, and only looking for the easiest lay they can get their hands on. To him, you're nothing but a cheap thrill to keep the cold night at bay..." The woman said as he looked at the blood on her finger. Sighing she wiped it away as she looked at Seth, "Otherwise, why would he sacrifice you to win a stupid tournament?"

Myrhia looked at Letho as the cold look turned positively icy. The once meek and mild woman had been turned into a ravenous beast of fury. She moved closer to Letho almost predatorily, like she sensed fear or weakness. Her words were stiff and resolute, "You were right Beatrix, he hasn't changed one bit, he will just keep destroying everything in his path, and not care about who he sacrifices..."

"Handle the knight, leave the vampiress and Seth to me, I'll be able to handle my own..." Myrhia nodded at the order, seeming to be happy to take care of Letho all by herself, as if it was a treat. As Beatrix moved swiftly she raced sprinting towards Sivienna and Seth.

Just before she could reach Sivienna a lungpopper flew through the air unnanounced and almost unoticable. The woman spun lithely, but the attack put her off balance as she growled, "Should have known that wasn't enough pain for you."

Seth moved to attack her ignoring his injuries as his rage fueld him, making him forget the pain he was undergoing. As he moved swiftly they locked up before Seth grinned and hissed, "What should I call you other than wench?"

"Beatrix Dahlios at your service," She said with a saucy wink and another series of attacks. As she tried to swing Seth moved with a fluid grace taking a chance and kicked, connecting with the already wounded stomach and sending her back a few feet as she groaned, feeling a stab of pain.

Seth twirled his daggers characteristically as he closed his eyes and said out loud, "Come on Sivi, Seems Beatrix here needs to be taught a lesson in lady-like manners..."

04-25-06, 05:24 PM
Sivienna's eyes closed softly as she heard Beatrix's orders to the red haired lass. It seemed that whatever had occured between Letho and Myhrianna had been bad. Worse yet, it seemed that the pretty young girl had felt betrayed by the burly warrior. Clucking her tongue Sivienna thinks to herself Poor Letho, so thats why he was so desperate...he thought Myhria was in grave danger...when it was the exact opposite. She might have been in danger...but now shes just this woman's pawn....

Her eyes slowly shifted from the sight of Letho facing down his beloved. Slowly her eyes fell on the woman...the woman who seemed cocky enough to be able to handle both Seth and her on her own. Shaking her head once more, Sivienna slowly withdrew her twin dragon bone claws. Placing them firmly over her smooth hands she whispers softly "I don't know who you are Beatrix, but if you think you can handle both Seth and I...then...so be it!"

She then charged at Beatrix aiming a smooth downward slash at Beatrix shoulder. Smiling she thought With Seth's strike...I'm sure she won't be able to block this... However, Beatrix did a surprising twirl of daggers, bringing one of her blades up to clash with the sturdy bone of Sivienna's claws. Surprise filled Sivienna's eyes as Beatrix used the weight of the two weapons to push Sivienna back.

Stumbling a bit, Sivienna glared as she murmurs dumbfoundedly "How could you? When you were..."

Beatrix smiled sweetly as she purrs "Oh dear, you thought I was disoriented? Think again little cat." Beatrix then charged at Sivienna aiming a downward slash at the vixen's stomach as she purred "You better be prepared little vampire...after all if you can't keep up...then that pretty body of yours might become mine!"

Sivienna's lips thinned as she moved to block the slash whispering softly "Keeping dreaming Beatrix....because that won't happen!"

04-30-06, 03:46 PM
The clash between his two allies and the minx that identified herself as Beatrix became irrelevant as Myrhia and Letho isolated themselves at the other side of the street. Her eyes were riveting, depraved, spewing fire and brimstone in a continuous stream, transfixing those of her former lover. He never imagined that something so tender and fragile could conjure such a hateful stare, effaced of any benevolence that might have existed on her marred face.

“Please, Myri, just listen to me.” he started, sheathing his sword and raising his hands in an feeble attempt to calm her down and prove his good intentions. But for every step he made towards her, she made one away from him, circling around him slowly, incisively, never ceasing the flow of hate from her eyes. Beside them the thief, the vampire and the harlot clashed and threw curses and weapons against each other, but they went unheeded by the pair.

“No.” her usually mousy voice spoke with dominance and resolute, her brow thickening the frown. “You left me for dead in the hands of that monster. You looked into my eyes, Letho, and told him to go ahead and do it! Do you remember that? Or do you need a refreshment?”

Her neck craned sideways, displaying a moderate scab on her neck that Seth’s blade created in the crucial moment. He didn’t need a refreshment. He remembered perfectly the shiver of her lips, the strain of her neck muscles, the tears in her disbelieving eyes.

“That wasn’t me, Myri. I was out of my mind, insane, driven by the rage and pride. Please, you have to believe me. I would never hurt you.” his voice was robbed of all strictness that used to be his hallmark, his face mellow and amicable.

“But you did hurt me, Letho. You hurt me more then anybody ever hurt me before. You said you loved me...”

“I still do, you have to...” but she cut him short strictly.

“You said you loved me and I believed you. I gave you everything I had, Letho. I know it wasn’t much, but it was all for you.” her face remained firm, but her eyes couldn’t keep the emotions tucked in beneath the mask anymore, materializing themselves in a pair of tears that streamed down her cheeks. “And you... You treated me like a token, a bargaining chip in your little game. Why, Letho? That is not something you do to people you love.”

“I... I... I don’t know.” he spoke helplessly, piteously, his eyes unable to look into her own anymore and descending to her feet. He couldn’t give her a plausible reason because he didn’t have one. Because it was his anger that made him do it, and his pride, and his rigid combat calculations, and his desire for accolade, and his fear of losing. It was all of those things and none of them. It was an improbable mistake that shouldn’t have happened. But it did.

“But I do love you, Myrhianna.” he continued, lifting his head back up to see no deviation in her visage. She hated when he called her by her full name. He always did that when the matter discussed was a dire one and his utterance always made her shiver minutely. “And I can promise you that I would sooner take my own life then betray you again. I can change. I will change for you. Tournaments and battles be damned. I’ll never fight again if you want that. Please, believe me.”

He moved forwards once again and this time she merely recoiled, but her feet remained planted to the stony street below. Her emotions were caught in a turmoil, turning her every thought into an incomprehensible clamor as her eyes followed his approach. He walked on eggshells, careful not to break the magic of the moment that enabled him to reach out and touch her withering heart. And when there was a single pace between the two, the prideful prince of Savion fell to his knees, casting away his royalty, his pride, his honor and bowing obediently to a mere slave girl.

“I love you, Myrhianna.”

The blades in her hands quivered like feathers in a spring breeze, her mesmerizing anger giving in to the shred of former benevolence, bringing her a hairsbreadth away from granting him redemption.

05-01-06, 03:36 AM
Seth was forced back as while he was ignoring the pain, the wound was still slowing him. Beatrix meanwhile was trying hard to keep him on the defensive as she knew her tricks would not hook him, still she knew her puppet was trying to shirk its strings and so she spoke her venomous words, "You love her do you Letho? Much like you loved Sivienna?"

Seth froze hearing the words as Beatrix smiled genuinely, the grace and the mirth never reaching the cold eyes as Myrhia's head snapped in her direction, almost pleading Beatrix to go on. As Beatrix broke back a few steps to give her room incase either of the two would rush her she spoke, "Oh, you didn't know? I would have thought someone trying to be honest would tell you who he's rutted with..."

The strings seemed to strengthen as Beatrix drew a knife. Tossing it at Seth, he attempted to catch the blades only to drop one when the blade bit into his hand, and stung harshly. Shaking the hand he looked at the charging Beatrix and was barely able to hold her off as she continued trying to best her cousin, "He's slept with the vampiric vixen, makes me wonder who she hasn't, since Seth has too..."

Seth growled as he lashed out, his anger and rage at the betrayal of Beatrix coursed through him. He struck blows at her once, then twice and lashed out with a kick before the sickening sound of metal upon flesh could be heard, resounding through the arena. Beatrix's arms wrapped around Seth's body as she said, "Oh, I tired him out...."

Pushing back on the elder Dahlios Seth fell to his knees his hands clutching the second wound to his gut. Lust poured through his frame as she said, "Don't worry darling, I'll take care of you shortly, now its time to finish off the adulterous Vixen..."

Pointing daggers at Sivienna she smirked as she said, "So tell me, how good was Letho in bed?"

05-23-06, 12:20 AM
(Sorry the post was so late guys!)

Sivienna's eyes widened in shock as Seth's vixen of a cousin revealed information about her that she thought NO ONE would know. Gasping as the arms that held her blades faltered, she felt Beatrix's daggers bite into the metal, however since Sivienna was in shock, she was unable to put any force behind her defensive block. Gasping as she tried to step back, she let out a groan as the metal of Beatrix's dagger bit harshly into her arm. Wincing as she felt the first few drops of blood fall. She let out a whimper before she reached her hand up to hold the wound. Shaking her head as she stared dumbfounded into Beatrix's eyes she whispered "How? How did you? How did you know?"

Beatrix smiled coyly, her eyes darkening as she purred lightly "Oh honey, its written all over your face! If you were trying to hide it, you should have done a better job!" The red haired vixen said coyly.

Sivienna growled softly, before her lilac orbs drifted over to Myhrianna. Sighing softly she murmurs to the girl "Myhria......don't listen to this red haired bitch...she's just mainpulating you in her own game...." Sivienna then turned her eyes back on Beatrix. Spotting that she had injured Seth, she took a step forward murmuring "Let him go...jesus he's your cousin! You don't sleep with your freaking cousin!"

Beatrix laughs loudly before she moves to pull Seth against her whispering seductively "Oh but he's so handsome! I can't help but want him!"

Sivienna growled darkly, as she felt the blood from her cuts drip down her body. Anger glinted in her eyes as she spit slowly "You are nothing but a b*tch Beatrix! You deserve to die...." She finally noticed that the little red haired slut had asked her a question, smiling slightly she murmurs "Thats privileged information."

Beatrix laughs as she murmurs" Oh really? Well then...I guess I'll just have to make you mine before I find that out!"

Sivienna's tongue moistens her lips slightly, before her eyes darken and a purplish-black aura over takes her slim figure. Clenching her fists together, Sivienna let out a slight groan as she let her demons over take her. Her hair slowly blew in an unseen wind and her nails lengthened marginally. Finally the transformation was complete as Sivienna spit soflty "You are a b*tch....you tempt, you taut and you tease until you have the person at your mercy! Well...I won't be your tool!"

She then moved swiftly forward firing a rapid spell of darkness flame attacks. As the attacks headed torwards Beatrix, the night vixen shouted "Let Seth go dammit!"

05-23-06, 04:43 PM
It struck like a kick in the groin, the words spoken by Beatrix backstabbing all the efforts that Letho did to regain the trust of his beloved. Every trace of gentleness that might have been awakened on Myrhia’s face by his honesty was effaced in a blink of an eye, her emerald eyes whipping him with a look that sought not confirmation in Letho’s eyes, but the rebuttal. She wanted his to refute the vile vixen, to prove her doubts wrong. Her hands tightened around the twin daggers as she made a pair of hasty steps away from his kneeling figure.

“Is that true, Letho? Have you bedded her? Tell me it isn’t true!” she spoke, but her voice wasn’t a plea, but a bitter commandment that the swordsman couldn’t fulfill no matter how much he wanted. His mind recollected his moment of weakness, the night when his blood took over, overruled his reason and dominated his actions. He was still learning the ropes of being a vampire and Myrhia was ill from the refusal of her body to take in blood. Letho sought out the help of the one that turned him and Sivienna answered his call. During that night they fought vampire hunters. And during that night they wound up making love in an abandoned manor. He didn’t remember the taste of Sivi’s skin or her seductive scent that ravaged his senses or the way she moaned pleasurably in his arms. No, all he remembered from that night was this sense of wrongness that snuck into his mind during that night like a thief and waited for him once the sun was up.

And Myrhia could see that wrongness in his eyes right now.

“YOU BASTARD!!!” she bawled, charging right at him and launching a roundhouse kick aimed for his temple. He didn’t even recoil. Her foot struck him vehemently, throwing him on the cold stone with a jolt of pain that exploded at the side of his head. His vision blurred from the impact, transforming the furious redhead into a dark blob.

“It meant...” he wanted to say nothing, but never got a chance.

“SHUT UP!!!” she interrupted him with a yell and a kick to his ribs that rolled him over to his back. She wasted not a moment, leaping into the air and burying her knee into his solar plexus. Once again, he made no attempt to defend himself, only cringed as her impact expelled the breath from his lungs. She loomed over him like an executioner, her malicious face growling as she prepared her daggers.

“I wasn’t good enough for you, is that it?!” And again, no chance was left for him to reply, her left blade stabbing right through his right lung. His torso insincerity jerked upwards, but the butt end of her other blade struck him across the face, sending him back down again. His eyes were hollow, defeated, empty vessels that found nothing to offer her.

“Not as pretty as her?!” The second blade came down, intentionally missing the heart and sinking below the right rib to aim for the spleen. The pain was excruciating, but steadying his hands from fighting back was even more so. But he had to do it because she had every right to do this, every right to kill him. He coughed blood, his horizontal position making the crimson liquid splatter all over his bearded face.

“Scarred?! Scrawny?! Weak?!” and with every word the blades were pulled back then stabbed on a new place on his torso, turning his internal organs into mush. Only the fact that he was a vampire prevented him from die from those injuries where he lay. Her pale hands were crimson as were her forearms as she kept ravaging his flesh to he point where it looked he had no clothes on, just a wet scarlet substance covering his torso. But she refused to strike the heart and kill him. After a while her arms were like lead and she heaved for breath. And he just looked up at her with those empty eyes.

“Together. No matter what. Isn’t that what you said, Letho? Isn’t that what you promised?” her tone wasn’t angry anymore, as if she vented out her fury on his body. But there was no benevolence in her voice either. Instead her tone was disbelieving, surrendering. She yanked the daggers out of his flesh, his chest rising and falling rapidly in vain attempts to provide enough air to burn.

“Goodbye, Letho.”

She got up from his massacred body, her pants, her tank top and most of her skin caked with scarlet liquid and turned her back on him. He managed to roll on his side, his face cringed in a horrible grimace, blood oozing from the edge of his lips.

“If... If there was a way... for me too... undo what I did...” he spoke between his breaths, struggling to pronounce every word. “...even if I... had to give my... soul... I would gladly do it... Myrhianna.” She continued to walk away, unfazed by his words, her eyes cold and frigid as they looked at where the three still fought. “She was... a moment of weakness... You are a lifetime of strength... Without you... I am nothing.”

He somehow summoned enough strength to push himself up to his feet, propping his back against the wall and holding his left hand over his gut. Down his crimson face tears streamed endlessly. “I love you... Goodbye.”

And with that said and a last look of her lissome figure he turned away and walked into the darkness. She couldn’t kill him, didn’t have the heart to. But there was bound to be somebody in Serenti Invitational that will be more then glad to do the job.

05-24-06, 02:04 AM
Beatrix quickly evaded the fireballs launched at her as she smirked into a crouch beside her hunched cousin. She then looked at him as he stubbornly began to uncurl and bring himself to his feet tiredly. She raised an eyebrow before she said, "I heard you have stamina, but if it’s that good, perhaps you're worth more than I thought..."

He however stumbled a few steps leaning against a nearby wall as he coughed blood trickling down his lips as his hair covered his face. He then spoke his words carrying, "So easy to pick on people who won’t fight back. Makes me wonder, if he really thought of her as nothing more than a sex toy, why didn't he strike back when she assaulted him?"

"The male mind knows no bounds for its treachery," beatrix snapped.

Seth snickered as he spoke, "Or perhaps one of us is bending the truth..."

Myrhia looked at him almost in disbelief. The man was still standing after taking two stab wounds to his gut, one after the other. He had lost more blood than she even thought was possible to have in one person, yet he cracked jokes like it was no one's business. Despite all this, he was still vouching for Letho, the man who had hurt her deeply.

"Dahlios, I recommend you just sit down and do as your told, momma will be with you in a moment..." Beatrix barked as she snapped her fingers. Seth however gripped the wall tightly and refused to go down.

"He needs you Myrhia, more than you know he needs you. Give him one more chance, and he won't disappoint you, I promise," Seth spoke, his voice grave as Beatrix growled lowly.

She then moved towards him like a cat stalking her prey, ignoring the Mizami vampiress she said, "Drop it Dahlios, Letho isn't deserving of her love, he used her just like he used you to fight his battle for him. Turning you in to get his little whore back...well she's grown up and doesn't fall for those parlor tricks..."

Seth only smirked as he thought silently, Come on Myrhia, you're a smart girl, see the crumbling facade and help me out...

05-24-06, 11:54 PM
Sivienna's lilac eyes blazed further with her anger. Curling and uncurling her hands, the vampriess itched to pounce on the red haired vixen and beat her until she could breathe no more. However, Sivienna let out a few deep calming breathes, trying to relax and remove the demons that were itching to drink the blood of the red haired harlot. Sivienna knew deep down in her heart that violence would get her no where, and as she saw Seth struggle to his feet. Her eyes blinked heavily, shaking the stupified expression from her face, Sivienna slowly turned to where the scent of split blood was heavier.

A gasp came from the vixen's soft red lips, as she saw Myhria beat Letho, the proud warrior into nothing more then a breathing bloodied pulp. Another shock came to her heart, as she watched Letho take each and ever blow. She was surprised, she had seen Letho fight and knew that the warrior would never take so much pain unless his heart truly belonged to that person.

Sivienna's eyes closed painfully, before she let out a loud gasp as she felt the dark aura leave her. Her body begin to shiver slightly as pain rushed through it. Blinking as she stared at the scene before her with somewhat blind eyes, she focused soon and saw Letho limp away. She then turned to stare at Seth as he begin to speak, his words directed at the bright red haired lass. Listening to them, Sivienna picked up the cue that Seth was going at. But she knew that his words alone wouldn't be enough.

Her lilac orbs shut briefly as she gathered her courage. She very well remembered her night of passion with Letho. They had both succumbed to their lust for one another and had shared themselves with each other, until they both had slept. However, when they had awoken Sivienna had seen the guilt in Letho's eyes. She had seen the hurt there to and had realized that he was thinking of the frail red haired lass he had left behind.

She didn't want to say it, but the memory made her moisten her lips before she shouted softly "Myhrianna....what Letho and I did...was a mistake...and a grave one." Moving forward she held up her hands in a soft gesture as she said lightly "He regrets it, as do I. We both gave in to our basic instincts Myrhia and when the night was done and the morning had come, I knew he had regretted it and I realized that we had done something gravely wrong. If anything you should forgive the poor man....he let you beat him to a bloody pulp to show how much he loves you!" Motioning to the shadows where the warrior had disappeared she said softly and carefully "He left because he could bear no more, you hurt him gravely Myhria. Forgive him and help us! Beatrix only used you as her pawn! As her pawn so she could get her own selfish goals! Wake up, don't be fooled to her and realize that Letho does truly love you!"

05-25-06, 03:06 PM
In the end, when Seth and Sivienna finished their feeble attempts at reassurance, Beatrix couldn’t help but smirk and shake her head in a rather condescending manner. There was confidence in that smirk, the kind that a general would have on a battlefield that he knew he already won. “Let’s see. On one hand we have a knave and a whore, and on the other we have the person who revealed to you the truth. I wonder which one will you choose, Myrhia.” she spoke with a faux pondering expression. They were at a stalemate right now and she knew that it was Myrhia who would tip the scales of this battle, and she was satisfied to see that her plan unraveled as planned. She could almost see the conclusions being made behind her doleful emerald eyes. But almost.

Because Myrhia wasn’t enthralled by Beatrix and her words no more then she was reassured by what Seth and Sivi spoke. Both parties made sense and she was feeling a little bit like a customer that wound up caught between two bazaar merchants that tried to outbid each other. And she wanted out. She wanted to back away and leave all of this behind her, just forget about Serenti, the betrayal and those cryptic bland eyes of her lover that just looked at her as she stabbed him over and over and over again. Not only that, but her heart ached for things to revert to their state before all this mess, so she could be innocent and loved and ignorant to all of the dire aspects of life. But then she looked at her bloodstained hands, her tiny little hands that were dripping with Letho’s blood, and she knew there was no going back. She was getting a crash course in growing up and the decision that stood before her was not the one she wanted to make.

Their words charged through her mind double-time, clashing with her reason as well as with each other, creating a tornado in which she was nothing but a dry leaf. Beatrix decided to make the decision for her. Keeping her eyes at her cousin and his vampiric vixen, she stepped towards the lissome redhead, transforming the confident smirk in what looked like a sympathetic smile. “Don’t feel bad about it, darling. He got what he deserved. Men, they always talk big game and then fail to follow it up with action. Come on, come here, to Beatrix that never lied to you.”

The woman’s hand touched Myrhia’s bare shoulder, and though a part of her wanted to recoil, she didn’t. Because she just wanted to let go, to be led like she was when she was with Letho. Beatrix – holding her other hand pointed towards the pair as a warning as she walked – looked the broken teenager in her emerald eyes, bore deep into them, before she placed a kiss on Myrhia’s cheek. “I’ll take care of you, baby.” she whispered after her lips picked up a single drop of blood that remained from the onslaught she exacted over Letho. Myrhia picked her head up a little bit, just in time to accept a gentle kiss that landed on her lips. She closed her eyes, hoping that the caress would take her away from here. And it did. Just not where Beatrix imagined it would.

Because there was a scent of Letho’s blood on that kiss, faint and vague, but more then enough for the vampiric senses of the betrayed lass. And even as their tongues touched, her mind’s eye was swept away from the cold Serenti streets. And she could see through Letho’s eyes, she could feel what he felt, the pain, the agony, the guilt, the insufferable shame that bombarded his thoughts every single second. And at the root of it, at the root of every sentiment, standing like a foundation of stone set at the dawn of time, was his love for her.

And on the other side stood the woman that held her in her arms, her intentions clear to Myrhia as if she managed to enter her mind. Her desire for Seth was abhorring, disgusting in every way imaginable, a force so dark it overruled every other sentiment, including the one she falsified and presented to Myrhia. She was a predator that cared for nothing but her prey and she would use any means necessary to obtain it.

Myrhia’s closed eyes welled up with tears, the sensation overwhelming her like a tide, and sending the tears down her cheeks gently, apologetically, as Beatrix broke the kiss. Their eyes met again. Beatrix had just enough time to ascertain that what she saw in those emeralds wasn’t what she expected.

And then she got an uppercut to her chin. “LIAR!” Myrhia growled as the treacherous fox stumbled back, surprised for the first time tonight. The redhead teenager slowly sidestepped until she stood beside Seth and Sivienna. “I’ve seen the scheme in your head, Beatrix, and you can’t fool me anymore. You thrive on lies and deceits and agony of others. And all so you could achieve your goal. Well, not today!” the daggers spun twice in her hands, her eyes burning once again, her mascara smudged around her eyes, making her look like a tribal ready for battle.

05-26-06, 12:21 AM
Seth watched the scene unfold before his eyes, his hair masking them as he tried to remain standing. As he viewed the treacherous words of Beatrix, he saw the kisses, saw her seduce the young lass before his eyes, in a rather arousing performance, yet Seth knew the truth. There wasn't a bone capable of love in Beatrix's body, and she had once again lied to the girl. As he steeled himself to fight the blood loss becoming greater he hunched fighting against the fatigue.

Then he heard Myrhia call out, "LIAR!"

His head snapped up like a prairie dog upon the plains as he watched to his amusement Beatrix get a solid hit to the jaw. She stumbled back a step or two before Myrhia took up stance beside Seth. He met eyes with his estranged cousin as she saw the life and fire burning in her eyes. In her hands was the blade of lust, and while Seth's blood was upon it, it would shed none further. With a hiss the blade was sheathed.

"You little brat, I should have known better than to trust you filthy commoners. I gave you true power, you finally tasted a life of strength and you spat it out. I won't forget this slight little girl, you will be mine, and I will break you for this one..." She said as she looked at Seth. Reaching into her pockets Seth tightened before she threw something which he caught in his hands.

"I can't let you die Dahlios, not yet, but one of these days you won't get so lucky. That’s an antidote vial to the poisons I hit you with, enjoy your freedom while it lasts...are we there yet?" She said as energy began to crackle behind here. A swirling portal of black energy began to form before she smirked and said, "See you round cousin, I promise next time will be more pleasurable..."

With a quick step back she was in the portal, not so much as a red hair left behind. Seth immediately fell to the ground as he looked at the vial. He wanted so badly for her to tell the truth, and it made sense. If her sole mission was to get Seth into bed with her, she would have to cure him, and so without further thought he uncorked and chugged the vial, letting the clear liquid slide down his throat. It tasted vile, but he endured as he felt the tension in his muscles fade and he lay hunched over the ground.

Knowing he was fully healed he finally clutched the one thing he had until then been afraid to do. Usually when faced with horrible injury, he would clutch the Gift of the Magi and heal fully after the battle. However, in this case he had to wait, unsure if the poison would cause him to go into survival mode, with the magic overtaking him. Now that he was cured to say the least, he could clutch it and be safe, and clutch it he did.

Grunting softly the wounds on his stomach began to close up painfully so as he began to heal himself. He groaned out as he continued to feel other small things, tears in muscle and even the nicks on his hands close up before the magic stopped. He was healed, but the magic wasn't over yet. Now he would have to endure the punishment for using the magic. As he felt it begin he clenched his teeth before he clutched his stomach and began to vomit, feeling the liquid magic left over form the process heal him.

(Edit: Spoils request - Iron will: So long as Seth has not suffered a crippling wound to his legs, should he wish to, he can always regain his footing and stand.)

05-27-06, 01:14 AM
Sivienna's eyes widened dramatically as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. At first she thought that Beatrix still had her little dove, her little fawn that she could easily seduce and control. Sivienna's eyes slowly closed as she feared her words of truth had fallen flat to the delicate red haired lass's ears. Shaking her head Sivienna turned to walk away, if Myrhia didn't understand that a man's heart was fragile...then there was nothing more she could do. The little cat Seth called his cousin knew her weak points too well, Sivienna did not wish to give in to her anger again. So the night vixen felt it was better that she leave to save herself from further heartache.

Slowly her soft leather half boots clicked across the cobble stone streets, shadows seemed to envelope her as the vixen headed for the town's exit. But, her steps halted when she heard a strong soft voice shout "LIAR!" Turning Sivienna gasped as she watched Myhria's small hand connect with Beatrix's chin. She saw blood on Beatrix's lips, blood from kisses that the wench had tried to give Myrhianna. However it seemed those kisses had awakened the girl from Beatrix's clutches.

A grin plastered on Sivienna's face when she watched the red haired girl come to stand beside both her and Seth. Her grin grew deeper as her lavender eyes fell on the red haired harlot. Licking her lips as she watched Beatrix toss someting at Seth she shouts "Looks like you lost this time!" Hearing Beatrix's final threat, Sivienna grinned as she continued "Oh really? Well maybe you should cut your losses and stay away!" She then smiled and looked at Myhrianna murmuring "You should go after Letho Myhria...if you don't find him...I"m sure he'll do something rash." She then smiled before she moved to hug Myrhia gently whispering "Go now, go to your beloved."

Sivienna then moved to release the girl, before she heard Seth's groan of pain. Turning to stare at him, she smiles wryly as she moves to hold him carefully murmuring "You just have to go through all that trouble, then hurt yourself some more to heal?" Sighing deeply she looks into his eyes murmuring "Maybe next time you should try to avoid trouble Seth?"

A cough escaped his lips before he spoke, "Trouble follows me, I don't go looking for it, haven't since Kycoo..."

Sivienna laughed dryly before she said softly "Yeah I heard that one before." Looking at him she sighs before she murmurs "We should get some place where you can rest and recover." She then moved to offer him her support to lean on as she said softly "Lets go find a room at tavern ok Seth?"

Seth sighed as he wiped his mouth and stood saying softly, "Don't worry about me, the worst of its over, I got strength again..."

Sivienna's grin turned icy as she said softly "Don't brush it off Dahlios. You just went through hell! Just accept a place to rest and save the arguement." She then sighed deeply before she moved to pull him up, slinging his arm over her shoulder, she begin to move into the busier part of town murmuring softly "I"m sorry Seth, but if your going to be stubborn again...then I'll just have to take you to a tavern myself." Not bothering to wait for a response, Sivienna soon arrived back in the busier part of town.

Moving quickly to a tavern, she entered it still bringing Seth with her. Plopping Seth into a chair she turned to the barkeep, ignoring his shocked expression she murmurs politely "Room for two please..."

The tender nodded moving to remove a key off its hook he murmurs "Here you go miss...will there be anything else?"

Sivienna shook her head as she murmurs "Only that we be left alone." She then turned to Seth and said softly "Shall we?"

05-30-06, 05:56 PM
Myrhia’s little heart desired nothing more then to run through the benighted Serenti streets and catch up with Letho. She wanted to throw herself into his bulky arms, get lost in those massive arms of his and cry until her tears dampened the front of his shirt. She wanted to feel his body against her own, smell his muscular smell, feel every breath he took. She wanted to look up towards those brown eyes and find that concealed affection that was hidden behind the mask of strictness. She wanted to be his little lark again, his wide-eyed lover without a care in a world. She wanted to hide beneath the wing of his adamant solidity, to just let him be the guide that she would follow into death if necessary.

But Letho that made her feel so safe, so loved, he wasn’t there anymore. The eyes that looked up at her as the daggers struck his flesh over and over again were cold, filled with profound guilt, eyes of an accused man that just became a convict by a strike of a judge’s hammer. Guilty as charged, those eyes said, guilty for doing something that left a scar that ached more then her marred cheek ever did, more then the whips that tore her back while she was just a slave in Scara Brae. And true love wasn’t supposed to hurt.

Myrhia slumped to the side of the road, her eyes locked on the crimson puddle in which Letho lay until a couple of moments ago. “Why, Letho?” her mind’s voice asked once Sivienna and Seth left the battlefield and she was left alone in the night that seemed so chilly, she started to shiver as tears started to well up in her eyes. “Why did you hurt me so? I know I’m just a slave, unworthy...” her thoughts trailed off, lost in a turmoil that ravaged her little head like a tornado. How many times did he tell her that she wasn’t unworthy? How many times did he fight because somebody called her a slave? How many times did he tell her he loved her?

Hundreds. Thousands. And even as she walked away from him, he swore that he loved her. Even when she stabbed him, there was a fragment of that old Letho in those defeated eyes that was trying to get that message across. “ He needs you Myrhia, more than you know he needs you. Give him one more chance, and he won't disappoint you, I promise.” Seth said to her and Letho tried to confirm that, begged her for forgiveness humbly, desperately. And she wanted to forgive him. Oh gods, how she wanted to forgive him.

And then she remembered Sivienna, the vampiric vixen, and the mental image placed her in Letho’s arms and Myrhia’s narrow chest hurt so much, she though her heart would explode. It was an endless cycle, exchanging her desire for Letho with the pain he caused over and over again and the redhead could do nothing save sit there, abandoned in the Serenti night and whimper as she sought solution to the chaos that reigned inside of her. In their time together it was always Letho that did the thinking, but now time came for her to weigh and measure, to ponder on the issue and decide which road to take. And for the first time since she was rescued from her slavery, Myrhianna Bastillien saw a future in which Letho wasn’t at her side.

It was a sight that ripped her apart.

((SPOILS: None save for some GP for the effort if possible. The story continues in the Serenti Finals (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=701) for those interested.))

06-16-06, 02:27 PM
I’m going to make more general comments to you guys here, instead of in the scores sections. This is primarily because your writing needs are particularly diverse.

Dissinger, the thing you really need to work on more than anything else is clarity. A lot of times I find myself having to read things very carefully just to get a general idea of what is going on. For example, it took me three readings of your introduction to figure out who was doing the magic. Also I think at times, you could have played up some of the more symbolic aspects of this storyline. The poison really seemed like it was a metaphor for Seth’s past, and it seems that you weren’t unaware of the symbolism. By being too extreme you can go over the top, but you were a bit too much to the other side of a happy medium.

Letho, I really liked your brevity. You’ve developed an impeccably uncanny sense of how and when to elaborate, and when not to. One weakness you have though is that you tend to neologize instead of using the correct derivative (e.g. acerb instead of acerbic). On a positive note, Myrhia was completely brilliant in this thread. Her character was exquisite. Great dialogue as well.

Nightsangel, I’d like to see more setting in your posts. Occasionally, your actions seem a bit inappropriate for the setting in which they take place. Also, when you RP Sivienna, it seems too often that you concentrate too much on one emotion and not on a wider picture of who she is. Yes she’s mad at Seth, but what else. In general it seemed like you should have emphasized her more. While Myrhia came off as strong, Sivi came off as a doormat. Also, be careful that your character’s dialogue isn’t merely repetition of the narrative.

Total Score= 74 Nice work guys!

Introduction – 7 I liked the way that characters weaved into this thread. You all did a good job there.

Setting – 6 It didn’t particularly contribute much to this thread.

Strategy – 7 Perhaps I would have liked more action, but the problems that were solved here were solved with careful consideration for character action. My one qualm was really I didn’t see enough problem solving for a thread of its size.

Dialogue – 7 See notes above.

Character – 7 See notes above.

Rising Action – 7 All three of you needed to work a bit better in transitioning between your posts and the posts before them. Your posts mostly flowed well within themselves, but the story overall seemed a bit fractured.

Climax – 8 Superb buildup + high drama + great character from Letho= good climax. The only objection I have is that Seth and Sivi faded a bit too much here in terms of relevance, but did not relinquish their pride of place in the spotlight.

Conclusion – 7 I’m somewhat surprised by Sivi’s reaction to Seth here, but Letho’s conclusion was superb.

Writing Style – 7 See notes above.

Wild Card – 8 I liked the continuity this offered between events at Serenti.


Letho receives 1000 EXP and 300 GP
Nightsangel receives 650 EXP and 150 GP
Dissinger receives 1200 EXP, 75 GP and Iron Will. However, I do want to add one caveat. It should not work if Seth is dead.

06-21-06, 12:25 PM
Rewards Added!