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Jolie Fairchild
05-06-06, 01:54 PM
Name: Jolie Fairchild
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Jade green
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 (muscle and curves)
Occupation: Assassin first and foremost, but enjoys thieving as well.

Personality: On the job, she is serious, intelligent, and ruthless. She is considered coldblooded and fierce. She will kill as needed without compunction, and seems emotionless while doing so. Jolie is a perfectionist, and tends to spend hours practicing, especially if she feels her performance needed work. Off the job, however, she is quick to smile and laugh, and will often join in drinking or card games with the local guys. Flirtatious, but not permiscuous, she is the fantasy of many and the prize of none... yet.

Appearance: Statuesque and graceful, Jolie is beautiful in a wild, untamed way. Her long auburn hair is straight, and hangs to her lower back. Wide green eyes of jade add to her lighthearted personality when she is happy, or give her an eerie look if she is angry. Tattoos decorate her tanned flesh, adding to her bad-girl persona. Image here (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/GekkoPixie/Jolie.jpg).

History: As a child, she thought things were fine until her mother gave birth to a second child. Her sister, Lilla, had been sickly and small, but beautiful, with little red curls and a big toothless smile. But her mother slowly lost her mind after the birth, hating her children more with each passing day. The physicians could never define the issue, since the children were well behaved and supportive. Their father, however, saw only his wife's suffering, and in a tearful display, he placed the girls in an orphanage at the tender ages of 2 and 8.

They learned quickly that the other kids were not there to make friends, and the eldest daily defended her tiny, helpless sister from the bullies. Often they would take her food, steal her toys, or rip her clothes just to see her cry. Because of this, Jolie was constantly in trouble for fighting, as she would beat up anyone that challenged her or tried to take advantage of Lilla. After a while, they couldn't separate the two, which persuaded most of them to give up.

Three years after they arrived, after a particularly nasty fight, she was led to the Mistress's room for a scolding, blood dripping from a wide cut on her lip. Down below, a scream issued from the play room, followed by yells that sounded like blame being passed around by the older bullies. Alarmed, the older sister ran past the adults down the stairs. As she entered the room, a large puddle of crimson liquid hindered her path. Laying on the floor, eyes wide and staring, was the form of Lilla, her head and neck open wide, as though she had been struck by an axe. By the blood staining it, the true weapon quickly became apparent as a metal display case, which someone had bashed her head against hard and repeatedly.

Grief-stricken, Jolie could not sleep that night. Horrible thoughts filled her head, images of her dead sister, the blood... Rage caused her mind to break. Pulling her mattress off of the bedframe, she tore it apart with her bare hands. Tearing a metal support thread out of it, she went to each bedroom, strangling those she deemed unworthy of life, the ones who had bullied her sister in life. Her vengeance complete, she gathered a few belongings, stealing a little food and some money from the orphanage, and ran off into the night.

Several days later, she arrived in a city by hitchiking on various wagons, and later discovered it to be Radasanth. Waving good-bye to the last one, she made her way into the bowels of the city, intent on learning to survive. After stealing from the wrong vendor, a rather suave fellow stopped them from removing her hands, instead paying for the bread she'd stolen and taking her under his wing. His simple, plain features seemed almost lifeless, and the merchant's hands turned cold against her skin as he gazed at the man. Later, she was able to discover that he was a highly feared assassin, often hired by nobility to dispatch their enemies.

Jalen, as he was called, was intrigued by the audacity and spirit of one so young. After all, she was only eleven, and her eyes were filled with anger, her face a mask of pain. Impressed, he took her under his wing, teaching her what she sought to know. Mainly he concentrated on moving silently, stilling the mind, and the art of daggers. She learned fairly quickly, and he was happy with her, but he knew she would have to learn more from experience. After 5 years, his retirement and subsequent death impending, he told her to go out on her own.

She remained in the city for a while, stealing and killing for money. Quickly, she learned how to be one of the guys. Her sense of humor developed into something like a sailor's, along with some of her words. Often she would take to drinking games, though at first she lost constantly. At the age of 19, she is capable of drinking many men under the table, though standing isn't usually an option at that point. Her card playing is passable at best, but gives her something to do. Mostly, she practices, using walls, posts, dummies, whatever she can, to improve her knife play. When low on cash, she will sneak into homes, businesses, or what have you, stealing only money, since items can be traced if you aren't careful.

Dagger Use: Able to effectively wield daggers in hand to hand fights. Though she generally kills people from behind, the occasional face-to-face fight is necessary. She is by no means an expert, but she is capable of defending herself.

Silence: In prime conditions, Jolie is able to move silently. Conditions include perfect flooring, shoes that don't squeak, no dust to make her sneeze, etc. This is particularly useful in her chosen profession, as she can sometimes take people by surprise for assassination, or sneak through homes and other buildings to thieve from them.

Wrist Blades Steel and Leather, black Essentially daggers strapped to her hands and wrists for quick jabbing strikes and slashes.
Bodice Dagger Iron with gold accents With a special sheath meant to hang between her breasts, this dagger is specifically meant for covert assassinations of high class threats. This is rarely with her, since she can only wear it with gowns.
The Bitch Steel To the average person, this is merely a dagger that she wears strapped to her left thigh. To her, however, it is her best friend.
Light leather armor, made to look like her normal black ensemble, which only offers minor protection from slashing weapons.
Several outfits of varying quality, including a long sleeved gown, a cloak, and her signature leather ensemble.
A leather satchel that she wears over her shoulder like a purse, but hangs to her hip.
A loaf of bread, some cheese, and some jerky.
Waterskin, 1 gallon, which clips to her belt.
Lockpicks (though she is not proficient with them at this time)

Cyrus the virus
05-07-06, 07:23 AM
Looks to be approvable, I suppose, hmmm...

But how may I pick it apart, hmm?

Hmmm, hmmm.

Jade can sometimes NOT be green. HA!!!
