View Full Version : ETA on Bazaar posts

11-14-07, 02:34 AM
So... how long is the response time on Bazaar posts, recently? I know how easy it is to miss a post on a forum, and even beyond that, we do have that whole event thing going on. However, I would greatly appreciate some kind of estimate on when it'll happen, if only so that I can stop wondering when it'll happen.

Oh great and powerful mods, I beseech thee! Look at my post, and get back to me with a time frame! I humbly prostrate myself in various worshipful positions!

On an unrelated note, I wonder if Modism is a religion?

11-14-07, 06:58 AM
ok, usually the bazaar mods are very diligent about Bazaar posts. But lately the active Bazaar mod, Moonlit Raven, has been experiencing some computer issues, so she can only post when she can.

I don't doubt that things will be the same again soon.

And anything is a religon when you think about. I'm a religon, if you really think about it. :) ;)

Moonlit Raven
11-14-07, 12:26 PM
Worship me and I return! Thankyou my minion. ^_^ .....at least for now. There is no telling how long this dinosaur of a computer will play nice nad allow me net access.

Artifex Felicis
11-14-07, 04:00 PM
I apologize for that. I'm kinda sorta the head bazaar mod right now, though I've been taking a break/slacking on the bazaar. This is mostly due to school and college applications, which are not permanent, and the bazaar shall increase in speed after that.

11-14-07, 04:57 PM
Meh. I'm chill with waiting (not that I have to anymore - Thanks Moonlit!), just so long as I know what I'm waiting for - and you guys have explained that nicely. My curiosity is - temporarily - fulfilled!

Moonlit Raven
11-14-07, 05:59 PM
Awe, you're so cute and new! I think I'll add you to my hugging list.

11-14-07, 06:23 PM
You know, that list is very ominous. It might be the use of quotes around 'hugging'... Frightening <.< >.>

It's like "Fresh" Fish signs =P

Moonlit Raven
11-14-07, 11:47 PM
The quotes are around hugging because I send not only hugs but cuddles, smiggles, the occasional smooch. Once in a while there are encouraging lines full of cheesy love.

Would you like a hug? :D

11-15-07, 01:46 AM
Hmmm, I *do* like hugs... But I'm not sure I trust that grin, especially since your fellow mod people have enslaved so many!

But...sure, I'll take a hug

Moonlit Raven
11-15-07, 05:10 PM
Alas! *weeps* My good name is mistrusted. Forever more shall I weep!I wish only to spread love and kindness through Althanas.... okay enough of the cheesy crap. ^_^

Just call me the good fairy, I don't capture people nor do I poison them. Though, I will wave a pompom for a person to help along the creative process. It's all in the name of fun.:cool:

11-16-07, 08:55 AM
Worship me and I return! Thankyou my minion. ^_^ .....at least for now. There is no telling how long this dinosaur of a computer will play nice nad allow me net access.

Oh ho, I am a Minion! *dances the happy minion dance* Ahem. Anyways, belated welcome back, in a way, mistress. >.> What?

*coughs* Good Fairy. yeah. We'll go with that. *runs away to avoid Moonlit's Sexy no Jutsu attack*