View Full Version : Lost in the most obvious place in the world(Open)

11-17-07, 10:55 PM
Kelyia was sick of people, of beings of all races. She was tired of the constant noise, and the distastful scents of civilization. And those things were what she had been exposed to for the past 9 days. She truely was a forest elf at heart, happiest when under the towering cover of silent, beautiful trees. Unfortunatly she was lost, and wasn't quite sure where she was or how to escape the busy street she was wandering. She had heard that Scara Brae had a population of somewhere near 800,000. Why on earth had she still decided to come? Do you know where we are? She asked the mountain lion at her feet. No, how could I? You are the superior being here, supposedly. I left our directions and whereabouts up to you Rowan answered. No help there, the elf thought with a sigh; the large cat also got cranky when she was around to much action. With a small shake of her head Kelyia began walking once more, alert for any sign of danger, though this seemed a very friendly city so far. "I'll just have to ask someone where I am, I guess." She muttered. Much to her surprise an elderly human woman turned to her with a smile, "Deary, you are in the City of Scara Brae. I don't know how you couldn't have realized it. Tis rather obvious in truth!" She emphesized her last sentence with an arm outraised to indicate the walls that surrounded them. Murmuring a polite thank you Kelyia continued on her way with a frown. Why hadn't she known where she was? It was late last night, and very dark. We have traveled a long way and I've no doubt you would have been able to see your hand if it was waved in front of your face. Rowan had picked up on her thoughts, as always. You are probably right, She silently replied, I have been so weary since I left my forest, yet something almost compelled me to do so. The lot of you, humans, elves, dwarves and rest are all mad to my way of thinking Rowan retorted, you always have to go somewhere, or be doing something, or figuring out some problem. You never just lie down in the sun and have a good purr. "You are my familiar, your job is to guard me, not counsel me on how I should live my life." Kelyia told her friend/familiar. Well, she now knew where she was, though it didn't help much by the way of telling her how to leave-or more importantly, how to get away from the ceaseless rush of people.

11-27-07, 12:09 AM
Light reflected oddly off of the battle hardened yet milky white skin of Shu's face as he weaved his way through the crowded streets of Sacra Brae. His facial expressions were null and void, his mouth covered by a long red silken scarf that flapped in the strong city wind.

His gray eyes ringed with a rim of black glistened in the strong sunlight, struggling in his attempts to get out of the crowded part of the city. Aside from the eyes of the Magus, Shu could usually fit in anywhere. His red and white robes were common among men of Nobility, not to say that Shu had any noble blood in his veins.

Shu was a Vagabond at heart, wandering the open wilderness, living with tribes that would take him in for days, weeks, even months at a time. Shu was not one for City life, but there was always something brining him back; be it a companion, a quest, or just that he needs some supplies to continue on his journeys.

On this fateful day Shu had ventured into Sacra Brae to have his elegant staff refurbished by one of the most accredited blacksmiths in the land, only to find that he had taken his leave from Sacra Brae a few months ago. So the staff was kept strapped on his back, covered in black cloth. Shu liked to keep his identity as a Magus as little noticed as possible, some people were still terrible offended.

"A trip to the city wasted, a whole day I could have spent hunting, practicing my skills." Shu murmured to himself when he made sure that he was out of earshot of most of the large groups when something else in the city caught his eye. "A mountain lion?" Shu blinked and it was gone into the crowds.

"Now Sacra Brae is home to many extravagant beasts, but this would be a first, and does it have a master? I must find out." Shu often talked to himself when he was without a companion, a skill he was taught by a tribe of ancient Hunters who would stalk their prey sometimes for days on end.

Shu quickly turned on the balls of his feet and weaved his way back toward where he first caught glimpse of the mountain lion, hoping that he would cure his curiosity.

11-27-07, 09:19 PM
Kelyia saw possible refuge in a rundown stable that appeared to be blissfully empty. Lets go in there. She said to Rowan. The panther growled softly in agreement and trotted in ahead of her. It was quieter, though not silent inside the wooden building, and its only occupants were mice, rats, and a barn owl that was perched asleep on one of the rafters. The smell of dust and stale hay filled the barn. She could tell by other smells that this was a cow barn, other than that she didn't care. It was a place to get out of the storm of people, that was the main thing. Soundlessly she crossed to where a lone oak bench was placed against the wall, and sat down, pulling back the hood of her cloak as she did so. She checked to make sure her green streaked hair was still braided and pinned tightly to her head. She then leaned back against the wall, relaxing. She kept her odd-colored eyes open slightly though. She knew enough about citys to know not to fall asleep in a place she did not know. Rowan, who had settled down by Kelyia's feet suddenly lifted her head, rounded ears pricking forward; someone is coming. she mindspoke. Kelyia now heard the footsteps as well. She pulled her hood over her face and stood as a man walked up to the doorway of the stable. He was dressed as she had seen many men from the more noble houses, in long red and white robes. She quickly took in his basic features, white skin, grey eyes, white hair. It was the kind of appearence one never saw amont forest elves, and Kelyia still wasn't quite used to it, though it was more common in Althanas. Rowan stalked forward to stand in front of her mistress, the tan fur on her back standing up ever so slightly, though she made no sound. "Hello." Kelyia said guardedly. Had this human purposely followed her, or did he work here? Or perhaps he had wished the same thing as she, to get away from the pushy crowds outside. Her cloak hid her elven features, though her words held the unmistakable soft accent of the woods.

11-28-07, 01:06 AM
Shu had been caught quite off-guard as he had lost the Animal he had been tracking in the dense crowd, only to find himself wandering through a more empty part of town, with run down buildings and barns that smelt of manure.

Shu's eyes bolted up wards to meet the voice that had greeted him from the shadows. "Good day to you, I see you have found shelter from the large crowds." Shu was very careful in his choice of words as he now saw that the animal he had been tracking was a companion of this person.

"Please, take lightly of me, I'm but a mere curious person. Whilst walking through the ever so populated town your companion caught my eye. it is so rare to see a four legged mammal here in Sacra Brae. I'm not one for large crowds, but even I know it's a sight to be seen. Take me with a grain of salt adventurer, but might I ask your name and very well how you came about your friend?" Shu asked, the soft warm air blowing his robes toward the barn.

11-28-07, 04:46 PM
So at least he wasn't a thief or pickpocket. Even if he had been, she had nothing to steal. He was fairly polite as well, if he was compared to some of the people she had met since she left home. "Good day to you as well, my name is Kelyia Toreincroft, and this is my familiar Rowan." Though she had not moved from her guarding position in front of Kelyia, Rowan had relaxed her stance and was now sitting with her head slightly cocked watching the man in the doorway. Due to her many years spent with her Elven friend, and her close connection to her, the mountain lion could understand Common speech, as well as elvish quite well. "Someone had shot her through the neck with a bow, I found her and nursed her back to health" The elf motioned towards her familar, "That was eleven years ago." At least that was the bare outline of the story. Rowans black tipped tail twitched as a rat squeaked and her head turned to watch the rodent scurry across the back wall. but aside from that she made no move.

The breeze that was coming through the doorway spiraled around Kelyia, pushing the hood back from her head and playing with the few loose strands of hair. Even when Kelyia wasn't using her magic wind sought her out, pestering her, wanting to play. It was a rare person of any race that knew the Wind had a kind of life, a pattern of thought. But Kelyia had grown up knowing. Wind had loved her since she had been born. Unfortunatly it wasn't always a blessing. She waved away the unwanted caress and tucked the hair beind her pointed ears, then turned her gaze back to the man. "I gave you my name, but you have yet to give me yours."

11-28-07, 07:47 PM
"Ah, how could I be so un-cooth?" Shu asked, scratching his ambient white hair. "My dubbance is Shu Abishi, traveling vagabond, it's a pleasure to have meet you and your guardian..." Shu said, taking a moment to pull in his robes and secure his scarf to hide his lower facial features.

"It is very rare that I meet someone else with talents such as I. I dare say that the certain element has taken a liking to you. As a practitioner of Elemental arts, I bow to you." Shu said, bowing curtly as his hands ignited quickly in flame, then were doused.

"Though I will say, it does strike me odd that I would find an Elf so far from her homeland. I myself do not like crowded places, but I could only assume Sacra Brae a daunting place for one such as you." Shu said, backing up slightly, eying the Lion, hoping he wasn't it's next meal.

11-28-07, 09:01 PM
I think I like him Rowan said. How would you know? We don't even know who he is, really Kelyia replied. Her friend looked up at her Still, he is interesting. The elf sighed You thought the bawdy songs at the taverns we visited were interesting as well. That doesn't mean they were good.

She nodded back towards Shu "I to you as well." Flame was an interesting thing to master, and no doubt powerful, for one who had great control. She saw him watching Rowan, and smiled slightly as she replied to his last words " It is true my race often doesn't wander far, but I spent two hundred and ten years in my forest, it was starting to get a little boring. Though I do admit it is true that some of this has made me want to turn right around and head back" She waved a hand in the air towards the noise outside. "And don't worry about Rowan, by the way. She doesn't attack anyone unless they attack me first."

She waited a few moments before voicing a question, "Would you happen to know if there are there any inns around here that are somewhat...quiet?" She asked him. She didn't know if he would know, but she wasn't going to spend another night in the place she had spent the previous evening. It had not been enjoyable.

11-29-07, 12:32 AM
"Well it's a good thing I don't have any malicious intents then isn't it?" Shu said, his snicker letting her know that a smile was hid beneath his red scarf.

"Though in response to your question, in my many visits to this massive city I've yet to find an Inn that has been suitable to me. Maybe it's because I prefer the cozy warmth of a fire and a plush bed of grass to sleep rather than a firm cot, call me crazy." Shu said, images of a burning white house flooded his mind but were quickly trifled.

"To find the comfort you desire, the peacefulness and the length from your homeland you shall have to venture into the pastures. Along your way you will find landscape beyond your wildest dreams. Skies of blues that that only existed in a fairy tale. But these lands are full of bandits, likewise scavengers hungry for their next meal. You have to decide whether you are ready to risk it all to find the peace you truly desire." Shu said, giving a small bow once more. "I'm sure your guardian will be up to the task." Shu winked happily at the Lion and began to walk off in the direction of the pasture.

"Oh, and by the way, just follow element if you ever need to find me." Shu said, his red scarf flapping wildly in the wind. As he gave a final glance, the outline of his mouth moved slightly against his scarf as if words were spoken, but he was too far away to be heard, and he disappeared in a ball of flame.

06-13-09, 02:26 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.