View Full Version : Imperial

11-20-07, 11:42 AM
Imperial is a PG for those who love PGs. It will go in any direction its members want it to go. Here is some brief information on Imperial:


The operations of Imperial are run out of the Dirks Estate in Corone.

Internal Rules:

Members of Imperial follow only the most general rules:

1.) Respect all members.
2.) Do not kill fellow members.
3.) Do not share Imperial’s secrets.
4.) Show pride in your allegiance.

Violation of the rules will result in being expelled from Imperial.


Respect is earned in Imperial. All leadership positions are earned by providing exemplary services to Imperial. No deed goes unnoticed. Each member has unique talents that might not be easily classified, thus at the entry level there is no difference among classes. Agencies will be created in the future to direct activities, but they will be made known to only members.

Imperial Mother (Vacant)

High Council:
Imperial Revelator (Xalstad)
Imperial Breaker (016573)
Imperial Striker (~Poseidon~)

Imperial Army:
General: Vacant
Lieutenant General: Vacant
Colonel: Vacant
Major(s): Vacant
Lieutenant(s): Vacant

Entry Level:
Lexxum Vordic
Lasair Anubail

Merchant(s): Vacant

Each member and merchant will have the complete protection of the army in all their ventures and are asked, in the interest of establishing the GP, to donate 10% of the monetary rewards from each completed venture to the treasury in exchange for the protection.


To be admitted to Imperial, potential members must complete a few tasks. First, they must post their interest in the recruitment thread in the PG forum. In the post, they must include a link to their highest scoring thread completed on Althanas. If they have no threads, they must participate in one of several common threads with other members (this threads will be IC and ongoing, so anyone may join or leave at anytime). All members will choose an Imperial tag (see the high council) upon admittance. All members will begin as either general members or merchants. The following scale will be used to determine initial ranking positions:

75+: Qualifies for all vacant positions
65-75: Qualifies for all ranking army positions
55-65: Qualifies for officer level army positions
Below 55: Qualifies for positions on case by case basis

All potential members will be required to commit 100 GP to the clan treasury before they will be admitted. If potential members have no GP, they can have a Citadel battle with an existing member (at the members’ discretion) to obtain the money. If an existing member refers a new member, they will receive 50 GP from the treasury.

Note: Membership is not exclusive to Imperial except in ranking positions. Multi-members must be in PGs who are allied or friendly with Imperial, however.

Post if you'd like to join, or have any news for the clan.

11-20-07, 11:44 AM
News Update 11/20/07

We need a leader! Only female characters (with no other clan allegance) may apply. Post a reply to this thread or send one of the high council members a PM.

Lasair Anubail
11-20-07, 06:00 PM
I might be interested in joining either with this account or with Ira. I don't have any finished quests with this account, however you can find my highest scoring thread here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2074).

Heck, I'll even throw my hat in for the leader position.

11-20-07, 07:14 PM
I'd be interested in joining, though not as a leader (I'm bad enough leading quests as-is). I only have one thread finished between all my accounts, but the score was lowered because of being slightly unfinished, and it certainly wasn't my best roleplaying. Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4612&page=2) it is, just to say I showed it to you; I'm Angel of Light in that one.

This (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=8819) should score much higher, as Viola, and is the one I'd like to use as my rank-determining score. Would it be possible to slide me into the new recruit or member positions until that thread finishes? It should score high enough to hopefully put me in a higher rank. I have the 100 GP for the entry donation, just tell me where to post to put it in the treasury. As for the name... the Imperial Rune Witch would work best.

11-20-07, 10:17 PM
Are we voting on recruits? If so, I vote yes for both of the above, into the position of "Recruit" until they finish a quest with the desired accounts.

I could run a clan quest to get some new members on board.

11-20-07, 10:29 PM
I wouldn't mind joining you in a quest. Alex has been nagging me to write something with her for a few days now. And if it means I get placed higher than recruit, all the better.

11-20-07, 11:56 PM
I'm interested!

Here, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6502) is my highest scoring battle, 74. I guess that means I would get a rank? O.o

11-21-07, 04:55 PM
After much deliberation among the Imperials, the results are in.

Lasair and Bewitched are in as recruits until they have completed threads. I'll contact you both about a potential thread.

Koran is in as a member. Once you've made some IC contribution to the clan, you're a likely candidate for an officer position.

Congratulations all! Please put the clan name and your rank in your signatures.

11-21-07, 09:35 PM
Koran is in as a member. Once you've made some IC contribution to the clan, you're a likely candidate for an officer position.

Point me toward the nearest clan thread, and we'll get to it. =D

Twisted Infinitum
11-22-07, 04:15 PM
As long as every Sunday is set aside to plant pretty flowers in Radasanth drug slums, Calico will join.

Officially, it'll be Edgar joining, but he'll be under the sway of Calico and whichever other dream demons Calico wants to work with. My 75+ threads are lost to the rubble of Althanas crashes, but I'm sure you remember them. So, place Edgar in whatever position of power you think is most suited to emotionally-stunted godlings.

By the way... Calico wants to be the leader. She'll have Edgar wear a bra with grapefruits in it if that's what it'll take to meet the criteria.

11-22-07, 06:28 PM
Glad to be aboard Tony. I look forward to finally getting some rp done with you.

11-22-07, 09:13 PM
News Update 11/22/07: I've added all the new members to the list. Welcome to the group. Don't forget to donate 100 GP to the PG in the Treasury thread. Also, don't forget to choose Imperial as your clan in the Althanas UserCP.

11-23-07, 01:55 PM
Okay, here's a chance for any of our new members to prove themselves and move up a notch or three in the Imperial Hierarchy.

This is the link to an open Citadel battle. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9471) The task is simple. Accept Logan's challenge and make an IC attempt to recruit him during or after the battle. For IC justification of being at the Citadel, feel free to say that we have instructed your character to enter a random fight there, in order to hone their skills and recruit new members.

and... GO!

11-23-07, 02:27 PM
Also, don't forget to choose Imperial as your clan in the Althanas UserCP.

Imperial now appears in the drop down list. You will find it by entering your UserCP, clicking on "Edit Profile", and scrolling down to the bottom of the screen for the list of power groups.

11-27-07, 01:13 PM
I invite any of our feisty ladies to accept Lorenor's challenge in the Citadel (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9553).

A good showing might entitle someone to a ranking position.

11-27-07, 01:25 PM
I'm taking the fight, even if I have to force her into it.

Max Dirks
11-28-07, 10:55 PM
Two things:

First, we now have our own subforum. This was my prize for winning the Gisela way back when. We can use it for all sorts of clan RP. No HQ bonuses yet, but I'm sure that will change soon enough. The high council has decided to leave it open for the general public of Althanas to use, so be sure to get other people excited about clan RP there.

It's called Dirks Estate, and its located here (http://althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=206) in Radasanth.

Also, check out this (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9612) thread. Imperial is now hosting gambling on all open Citadel matches. I encourage you all to participate. It's a good way to get cash quick for some advanced weapons, plus a small portion of the proceeds come back to Imperial (3%) so we can afford raids, wars, and HQ bonuses. If you win, its not like you're spending your own money on Imperial ;)

12-01-07, 03:59 AM
Alright, Raelyse is going to join the party.

Max Dirks
12-03-07, 11:55 PM
News Update 12/3/2007: Imperial has now lifted all monetary requirements for joining. If you'd like to join, please post a reply to this thread!

12-05-07, 03:32 AM
i might be interested with one of my other characters if i had a better idea of what Imperial was all about. So far, it appears it's only about making money off the Citadel battles...

Max Dirks
12-05-07, 10:44 AM
Imperial's written directive can be found on our registration page:
IC: To build and establish relationships between and among the people of Althanas.
OOC: Imperial is a PG for PG’s. Its entire purpose is to develop and nourish PG relationships on Althanas. The group has no alignment at the moment and its direction is entirely up to the players who want to be a part of it. I hope that new and existing clans will decide to interact with Imperial, and hopefully we can return Althanas to a time when being part of a PG was both fun and exciting.Also, to think we make any money on the Citadel gambling is ridiculous. It is only one of a host of creative ideas that we have planned.

12-05-07, 07:41 PM
I'll throw my name in the hat, but I won't be available until after the first chapter of the FQ where hopefully I'll have a break. ;)

Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2097)

Max Dirks
12-05-07, 08:41 PM
Raelyse (happy birthday) and Saxon have been added as members. Congratulations.

Skie and Avery
12-05-07, 10:23 PM
I would like to join with Skie dan Sabriel. Here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3566) is a link to my highest scoring quest, which earned a 94.

Max Dirks
12-05-07, 11:15 PM
Sorry to see you go, Bewitched.

Nice to have you aboard, Skie and Avery (or just Skie).

12-05-07, 11:19 PM
I'm interested in joining (finally) with Madison Freebird. My highest scoring quest can be found here--an 84 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6970), and I'll take whatever (non-entry ;)) position you want me in.

But before we make it official and you gank me of my GP, I have something to discuss with Numbers. I'll post again after that.

Max Dirks
12-05-07, 11:28 PM
Everyone seems to have missed that we dropped the GP deposit until further notice. So don't worry about the money. We're going to start you out at as a member, then as you complete threads with fellow members or in the spirit of Imperial we'll assign ranks.

Glad to have you aboard!

12-06-07, 03:37 PM
Now that we have a decent member pool (and my midterms are almost over) Imperial's activity will finally be taking off.

But before we can begin, you must each State your Position (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9861). Details on this are found at the other end of the link. If you want more information before deciding, contact me on AIM (if you have it) or via PM (if you don't).

12-07-07, 06:28 PM
I'm interested in joining.

Edit: No score yet. I should have one, soon. And I've already fought a battle against Numbers.

12-07-07, 07:38 PM
Welcome aboard. Three orders:

Report to the Dirks Estate and state your position!

Make yourself a part of the clan in User CP!

Put a link to us in your signature... if you have space.

And finally... don't sass back by telling me this is my fourth order!

12-07-07, 07:46 PM
There were four orders there. Not three.

12-13-07, 12:30 PM
Gang I took the initiative and put together a big quest open to all members of the Imperial who want to participate in it. The link is Civil War Journals (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10067) its part of a series I want to do.

12-13-07, 07:14 PM
It's spare to say that we encourage the Imperials to participate in Imperial-related events such as quests. So if you are interested PM Lexxum.

Lasair Anubail
12-14-07, 08:58 AM
I would, but I'm up to my eyeballs in quests at the moment. If I take on another one it'll only suffer because I won't be able to post very often.

12-15-07, 12:02 AM
I retract my previously retracted withdrawal. Imperial isn't turning into the PG I thought it would when I joined and it is creating far too many conflicts of interest for me. Sorry, but this time I won't be coming back.

Death's Nephew
12-20-07, 02:18 AM
This is the thread where i WHOMPED the Numbers Guy. Wham! Bam! (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6008&page=2) XD

Looks like it could be fun. I'm game for a good PG.

12-20-07, 12:20 PM
You're in, wise guy. Terrific; now both the people that have beaten me are here.

Report to the Dirks Estate and state your position!

Make yourself a part of the clan in User CP!

Put a link to us in your signature... if you have space.

Welcome aboard.

12-20-07, 10:28 PM
Double post. Anyone who has not yet done so must report to this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=9861) and state their position, army or associate.

Boot Camp is starting soon and I need to know whose asses I get to kick.

12-24-07, 06:33 PM
Triple post. Deal with it.

Registration for House of Sora's Galaxy tournament begins tomorrow, and I encourage all members to register and take part.

The registration thread is found here, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10389) but be sure not to post until the 25th. I also suggest you read over the rules and procedures, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10388) to get your head around the differences between this tourny and most battles.

For IC reasons, participation may help your character advance towards promotion.

Also... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

12-25-07, 06:24 PM
Sorry guys, but for now, Mathias isn't going to be a PG-appliable character. I'm pulling out of Imperial for now.

12-30-07, 07:24 PM
I wish to join, highest score is Transformation (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1623) with a 69.

01-02-08, 03:36 PM
Alrighty, you're in. Contact me on AIM and choose Imperial in your user cp.

Max Dirks
01-28-08, 10:58 PM
Hey everyone. I just wanted to see if any of you are up for doing an in clan free-for-all spar for some training. It would be like the Cell, but limited to us. Let me know if you're interested.

01-29-08, 02:03 PM
If I can cut down on my quests I have right now, I'd love to do it. But I'm beginning to understand that battles and that sort of thing don't require as much thought as I first imagined they would have.

02-01-08, 09:17 PM
I'm handing in my resignation, peoples.

Max Dirks
02-02-08, 01:21 AM
Why on earth are you doing that?

Get me on AIM...Ez150.

02-10-08, 02:50 AM
Hi, I would be interested as throwing in my hat in the ring as leader, though my highest score is only a 67 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2956)

But as far as anything else is concerned, Tera has no other clan affiliation, and for that matter (yes the thread i submitted she died in it, but that was part of a long story i was developing in my head and will post some day, but for now its safe to assume she has once again "rose from the dead") and would pose a good leader as she is immortal for all intents and purpose.

Max Dirks
02-10-08, 09:32 AM
Lets talk on AIM. Mine is EZ150.

02-15-08, 09:59 PM
Hello everyone, after talking to Dirks It was decided that I am now taking on the rank of Imperial Mother.


just kidding..no I'm not...yes I am...no not really


anyway as such, if anyone wishes to come forward and represent our clan of their own accord in the tournament please speak up. otherwise, I have already began thinking up a roster.

also, just for the sake of it all, give a shout out if your still here.

02-18-08, 02:36 PM
*raises hand*

Eh eh, I am still here...

02-18-08, 03:05 PM
President and accounted for. Are we gonna participate in that PG tourney or what gang?

02-18-08, 11:20 PM
my my, we might only have a small handful of members to participate, and that is just not good.

I would participate in the tournament, but thats not the kind of scene Tera would ever get caught in again (was in a cell tournament a long while ago)

02-19-08, 01:53 PM
I'm still here, but Saxon's loyalties at the moment are tied with the Brotherhood for the tournament. I told dirks if this continues to become a problem I can always pull Jack up for 1v1 if you guys need it. ;)

02-19-08, 11:57 PM
Ive decided that while it is sad, we don't really need to exert ourselves for this tournament. our current state seems...well not good. so in light of that.

I would like to propose the first annual imperial hunt!

I would like everyone interested to post and i want everyone to try and invite at least one IC friend of your character to join in

sort of a recruitment type thing too.

02-21-08, 12:46 AM
I'm definitely interested Tera. I'll do whatever rp needs to be done in order to save our group.

02-21-08, 06:47 PM
After thinking it over, the first annual Imperial Hunt will now become an invitational as well.

02-22-08, 03:57 PM
Seems pretty good. I can get a certain friend of Lexxum's involved more than likely. Yup yup. I'll talk to them about it okay?

02-22-08, 04:18 PM
I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this: What is an 'Imperial Hunt'?

02-22-08, 07:52 PM
why the Imperial hunt is only the finest trophy hunt in all of Corone! its like a fox or a bird hunt in england.

02-24-08, 12:53 AM
Double post for member notice.

due to limited input back on the imperial hunt, it will be slightly postponed till i hear more from other pgs.

I propose that Lexxum and Poseidon accompany Tera on a little tour of Corone so that she may survey what she wishes to have.

when lex said he's in, so its up to you Poseidon, soon as i have your interest ill post again with the link to the thread.

02-26-08, 09:42 PM
I formally renounce my membership with Imperial.

Thanks for all the fish.

02-27-08, 12:11 AM
sorry to see you go sax, but catch you later.

EDIT of five minutes later to this post to include an after thought so i don't have to double post.



This whole pg thing needs a shaking like you said Godhand! I look forward to finally RPing with you and I'm glad that finally everyone that is in this pg for the haul will get to test and see what we are all really made of!

yeah it does sound corny, but F**k ya'll. I'm right out Excited.

on a side note, this will be most likely the last post for this thread as I will be having it archived for a new updated thread.

02-27-08, 05:51 PM
Hey Tera; I need links to all the new Imperials threads. I can't seem to find that anywhere. Also you can definitely count me in for the PG War. BOOYA! It's gonna be cool. We just need a solid plan of defense.

02-28-08, 01:03 AM
Skie dan Sabriel will stand for Imperial in the PG war, but afterwards, I'm afraid I'll have to leave. I won't be in a Power group led by a vampire, for IC reasons.

02-28-08, 04:29 PM
ah, I'm all depressed that you have to leave us, but good luck with your ventures anyway :)

Max Dirks
02-28-08, 08:05 PM
Hey everyone.

Because the Dirks Estate has apparently become a "de facto" HQ, it can no longer be used for any Imperial activity that excludes other groups or individuals. I encourage you to continue play there, but it will be of your own accord and no special area will be quartered for exclusive Imperial use.

That includes the forthcoming PG war. This, of course, will work to our advantage. But unfortunately I cannot share why because my chat logs will most likely be shared and my wonderful idea will be mistaken for an "abuse" of my powers again.

Sighter Tnailog
02-28-08, 08:18 PM
What Dirks means to say is that the Manor may be used as the HQ of your PG during the upcoming War, but at the end of the war he will have to choose whether or not to continue using the forum as a "pro forma" HQ for Imperial. He may continue using it if he and the membership of Imperial would like, but if it is used in this fashion it will become like a real HQ in that it will be subject to the possibility of conquest or destruction just as a regular HQ.

The choice is entirely Dirks' to make. But in any event, this stipulation only begins at the end of this Clan War, meaning you can continue to use the manor as a base during the war should you desire.

Twisted Infinitum
02-29-08, 03:10 AM
I hate to detract from the warliness, but me and Lasair need a high ranking Imperial member to post in our thread. Just one post.

The scene: A thick envelope has arrived at the Dirks Estate and has no return address. It feels... squishy. What's inside is, well, I'll describe what it looks like. It's a glob of clear goo with red veiny bits in it, and a collection of beautiful sparkly dust that will probably puff out like sweepstakes confetti upon opening it.

There's also a note, a bit smudged with goo, that says something to the extent of "Give us three million gold pieces or you'll never see them alive again." It's written with letters cut out of the Radasanthian Reader newspaper.

Of course, at this point in time, no one in Imperial knows of Edgar or Lasair. So, the receiver is allowed, even encouraged, to do NOTHING but throw the envelope away and go wash their hands.

Any takers?

03-01-08, 12:12 AM
Winter(my NPC) would be honored

03-01-08, 12:27 AM
Raelyse needs an IC initiation of sorts to lead up to the war.

03-01-08, 12:47 AM
does bagged, beaten and threatened work?

If you say yes, then thats not good...

but, what kind of initiation would you like?

03-01-08, 04:15 AM
Raelyse's invitiation aranged for, M'dame.

03-01-08, 10:05 AM
Thanks guys, hope to read good things.

anyway, as soon as edits and other such things are decided, we ill have a new thread up for imperial, and as such, said changes will not really go into effect until after the clan war.

Twisted Infinitum
03-01-08, 10:21 AM
Winter(my NPC) would be honored

Thank you very much. Here's the link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9949).

It's the reciever's turn, so have at.

04-07-08, 02:12 AM
I wish to join, highest score is Transformation (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1623) with a 69

Alrighty, you're in. Contact me on AIM and choose Imperial in your user cp.

So, I did that way back when, but I was never able to get a solid talk with 016573 about Poison’s initiation....

04-07-08, 09:45 AM
my appologies Poison,
Please contact me and we will work something out. I have AIM, MSN and yahoo.

04-27-08, 10:56 PM
Final Announcement as Imperial Mother.

Hello everyone,

yes all...what, six of you? Those of you who are members know exactly what was meant to happen, and thus, I fully endorse taking that course of action. For now, I am transferring total control, as per mine and Mel's decision, back to the only remaining member of the council, Xalstad, as numbers has seemed to become uninterested in his own group.

I am sorry that this group has not seemed to work out, and I hope you all find better places. Perhaps there will be a new chance on the horizon very soon.

04-28-08, 10:35 PM
i am officially stepping out of Imperial.