View Full Version : Little Red (closed)

11-20-07, 01:46 PM
The sight of the blue liviol island coming up ahead was a welcome one. She wasn't sure just when she'd stolen the little boat from where it had been hidden in the reeds, but she was quite sure that the current had been spinning her in circles before deigning to spit her upon the shores of the tiny island. Her belly was burning with hunger, her eyes beginning to drop as weariness took over. Somehow, the blue depths managed to continue to focus, see the way the clouds had sifted through the skyline in the day, now darkening to a deep purple as the night took over. The moon was high, peeking through wisps of darkness that tried to hide it away.

When the boat finally crunched into the gravel shallows around the island, pitching the girl nearly overboard from where she'd perched at the edge of the prow, it was a beautiful sight. A thick forest of trees as azure as her eyes rose high, the sounds of the night soft and soothing. There were many things said about the island, such as legends of a cat with more mass and muscle than the strongest twenty men of Radasanth, meaner than a Fallien heat wave.

She would have loved to see something like that, but for her purpose tonight, there was quite a different legend, one less spoken than the others, that she came. Something dark and feathered, a creature of peace and serenity. As she stepped into the mid-shin deep water, splashing her way to dry land, the girl wore the most feral of grins. She could feel the weight of her bloody carving knife against the side of her leg as she walked, the brush of feathers against her thigh as her nightgown shifted with the breeze.

She wondered if anything on this island knew that Chaos came.

11-21-07, 01:05 PM
This was a total disaster. His time with the Dajas Pagoda had resulted in utter and complete failure. What was meant to be an exercise in greed had become an exercise in denial. Taking a break from his warehouse in the Pagoda battle arena, the small warrior ventured his way into the depths of the Liviol Sanctum. Armed and ready to do combat, Lorenor felt frustration touching his heart. Staring up at the night sky, Lorenor investigated the stars and constellation. He stared at a particularly bright red star that always caught his attention.

The proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing, Lorenor needed something to take his mind off the recent failures of his life. He was gaining some success, but he wasn't gaining them rapidly enough. A cold wind came in from the north in Salvar as the ghoul felt a chill travel up and down his spine. He ignored that momentary taste of Salvar for a moment as he focused on the scents that came with the breeze.

The Liviol Sanctum was a different hunting ground all together than his precious Concordia Forest. A stranger to these lands, the predator thought it was high time he made himself familiar with the laws of this new jungle. The blue trees all around him yielded a different sort of harvest, the prize known as liviol. It was all around him and in vast amount to test the very nature of his greed.

Sounds of night predators touched the ghoul's sensory grid. He pulled his hood up a little bit closer about his head. The cool wind suggested that a cold front was rapidly approaching. With the Civil War peaking in Corone, and the dangers in both Salvar and Raiaera, the ghoul needed to test himself constantly. He needed to be prepared. He thought of his companions in the Gol'bron and prepared to brave the Liviol Sanctum alone. He needed to clear his head and THINK about things as they were happening.

If he was correct..all hell on Althanas was about to break loose.

06-13-09, 02:27 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.