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Call me J
11-23-07, 07:53 PM
There were certain types of advice that Jame ignored. Actually, that was most advice. However, when it came to warfare, Jame needed all the help he could get. When someone suggested it would be in his best interest to buy a polearm, the half dragon naturally wanted to comply. Fortunately, he had a sizeable amount of money saved up, and while he didn’t know all that much about prices on Althanas, he imagined that the over three hundred gold coins that he had on his person would be worth at least a beginner’s polearm.

However, Jame didn’t want just a beginner’s weapon. He wanted a good one that would impress his opponents. Unfortunately, the only thing he knew about weapons was that woods that were labeled liviol were of high quality. Given that he didn’t know much else about weaponry, he had resolved his polearm would be made of liviol.

Thus, Jame made his way over towards one of the bazaar’s best polearm dealers (or at least, Jame had been told this was one of the bazaar’s best polearm dealers) and made a simple request. “I’m looking for a fighting short spear made of liviol and some metal,” he declared. “What’s the best kind of metal and the best kind of liviol?”

Moonlit Raven
11-25-07, 06:41 AM
Rashid looked up from cataloguing his wares, the bright oily smile he presented to this newest customer displayed a mouth full of yellowed teeth and black gapes where a few were missing. Laying the cloth, remarkably white given his once bright; now faded and stained clothing, aside he bowed.

"Ah, good day my most valued customer. I am Rashid." Rashid rested his plump hands comfortably on the bulge of hard fat of his stomach. "I you ask for livol and metal for a spear?" Rashid waved a hand theatrically through the air as though grieved.

"It pains me to tell you that livol is a rare wood and as such, horribly expensive. The rarity of the wood and its magic enhancing properties are singular. It's simply impossible to find even a wand such as what a sorceress might use wholly of livol. If you seek a spear I can recommend Nihon or Rywan wood for the shaft, both are hard, strong and not prone to breaking, though Rywan is a bit heavy. For the metal, have you no idea of what you seek for it dear sir?"

Call me J
11-25-07, 10:31 AM
Jame sighed. "Thanks Rashid," he said politely. It seemed everything he wanted was expensive these days. He didn't know why things had to cost so much, especially when he was probably going to use the spear to help people, but now that he'd been told that, he tried to remember what the most basic of all metals was. After all, if he got the impressive looking liviol, no one would care about the blade.

"What would iron cost?" he asked. "And I think I want Nihon I guess... if you're sure liviol is too expensive. I have three hundred pieces of gold."

Moonlit Raven
11-26-07, 11:30 PM
A sly calculating gleam shone brightly in Rashid's black eyes. Once again he bowed to his customer and hurried off only to shortly return carrying nuggets of metal.

"My dear sir, nihon and iron will cost you 75 gold pieces. As you have 300 gold and I'm sure you wish to spend it on a fine weapon, yes? I have brought several better grades of metal for you to choose from." Rashid made a show of laying out the other metals.

"Here we have steel, damascus, delyn and mythril. The prices with the nihon wood included are 80, 116, 140 and 165. You originally asked for a short spear made of livol and while I can not supply a spear made entirely of livol I can have items inlaid with strips of it. Enough to enhance any magic you choose to use with the item. The cost to inlay your spear with several strips of livol is 150." Rashid smiled pleasantly.

"A hard decision, is it not?"

Call me J
11-26-07, 11:44 PM
For a moment, Jame wondered if Rashid was being sarcastic when he mentioned it was a tough decision. In fact, that was one of the easiest decisions that Jame had ever had to make. He had over three hundred pieces of gold, and a quick bit of mathematics told him it would be three hundred and fifteen pieces for the mythril spear with liviol strips.

That seemed like a good deal to him, though then again, he really knew nothing about prices. It was something he wanted, and he could afford it, so there was no need for hesitation.

"I'll take it!" he concluded. He pulled a bag of gold coins out from his pocket. It was a purse of three hundred and fifty. He counted out the remaining thirty five coins and placed the bag on the table.

A moment later, he realized he hadn't actually said what he was taking. "Oh..." he said. "Sorry... I want the spear with mythril and nihon with the livol strips."

He would have been content to leave with that transaction, save for an idea that had suddenly popped into his head. Three hundred and fifteen gold coins wasn't too much money for the half dragon, but going to the bazaar was deathly inconvenient. He always needed to remember how much money he had, remember how to get there, and the last time he had ended up with a delyn sword that he didn't even like any more.

If he was getting this spear, he was going to make sure he didn't lose it. "How much would an enchantment that gets it to return to me if thrown cost?" he asked.

I'm looking for something that I could have Jame call out for the spear and have it return to his hand after throwing it. Basically a simple enchantment that would have the spear return to him if he was 50 feet away or less.

Moonlit Raven
11-28-07, 12:24 AM
Rashid nodded as he quickly thought over the enchantment asked about. Looking about Rashid knelt and began digging under the counter for the tome he knew was stored, somewhere. Several minutes and a short exclamation later he stood up holding a slender book.

"But a moment sir and I'll find what you ask for." Rashid trailed off as he skimmed through the book, muttering under his breath.

"No.... scent hiding.... soul bound.... color alteration... returns... ah, here we are. Return to hand." Rashid frowned at the simple enchantment. I simply hate doing things for cheap, my profit margin drops.

"Most valued sir I can indeed give your weapon the enchantment you desire. Four levels of this enchantment are listed. Level 0, weapon retrieval from five feet, 10 gold. Level 1, retrieval from 20 ft, 30 gold. Level 2, retrieval from 50 feet, 80 gold. Level 3, retrieval from 100 feet, 180 gold. Dear sir, whatever level you wish, and pay for, I can lay into the wood so that you may simply call for your weapon and it will come to your hand. Much that that of a hound, yes? Three days it will take me to get your weapon ready for you. I sincerely hope that it is not too long of a wait."

Call me J
11-28-07, 10:26 AM
Jame smirked. He had just enough gold for level 1. He tried to think whether thirty feet would be enough. He figured he could throw farther than that, not that he'd ever actually checked how hard that he could throw, but he was quite strong. Thirty feet shouldn't have been too challenging.

Still, it was either agree to the level one enchantment or head back to his house for more money. He didn't feel like doing that. For a moment, he thought he'd settle on the level one enchantment. Then, he wondered if he couldn't work a special deal with the merchant. "How about you give me a special deal?" he asked. "Instead of mythril, I'll take delyn for the metal part. That'll be 290 peices of gold. Then you can cut ten gold off the price, and it'd be 280. Then, you give me the enchantment at level 2 for 70 instead of 80, and I can pay for it all with three hundred and fifty pieces of gold."

He wasn't sure how reasonable that would sound to Rashid, but it sounded reasonable enough to him. "Otherwise," he said. "Unless you also buy stuff, I don't think I'll have enough to get what I need..."

Jame was particularly proud of himself for adding on the last addendum. He doubted stores both bought and sold. That seemed particularly redundant. Plus, he had managed to put in a little lie about needing to go elsewhere. He wasn't going to, he was far too lazy, and would have been content with iron as his metal if it was necessary. Dropping to damascus, whatever that was, wouldn't bother him. It was just that he wanted expensive things for their own sake.

Moonlit Raven
12-01-07, 04:07 AM
Rashid wondered at the fact that the enchantment was more important to the customer than the grade of metal. Perhaps he has a history of losing weapons. Yes, that must be it. A careless customer makes for better profits.

"My dearest customer, of course this modest shop buys items. I am more than willing to accept the terms you have offered for the spear." Once again Rashid bowed. If only I hadn't found that retrieval enchantment. Rashid thought, envisioning others requesting the enchantment or worse an enchantment that kept a weapon from dulling and breaking. The thought of his business dropping off was a horrifying one.

Call me J
12-01-07, 04:25 PM
Jame thought for a moment. If he sold the sword he never used, that would mean he'd have enough money to spend at the clubs nearby. He didn't even like the weapon, it hadn't really impressed anyone, and after having used it to kill orcs in Salvar, Jame had all but forgotten about it.

"Well then, how about I get the mythril metal on my spear, and then I give you this sword and about two hundred gold coins?" he asked. He remembered paying more than he would have expected for the sword, so he figured that would have to be a good deal.

(Link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6819) to sword.)

Moonlit Raven
12-03-07, 03:37 PM
Rashid thought over the proposal for a moment. His first instinct was to try and barter down what gold he would give along with the enchanted spear. Afraid of losing what little edge he did have, Rashid nodded as he plastered a smile on.

"We have a deal good sir. Give me three days to have your spear readied for you."

Call me J
12-03-07, 05:29 PM
Jame smiled. This was exactly what he wanted. He was quite impressed with his own powers of negotiation. Not only had he got rid of a weapon he no longer had much use for, but now he had a new spear that supposedly would fit his fighting style much better. At least that was what he hoped.

As if he wanted everyone else around him to hear of his purchase, Jame announced it to the store. "Thank you Rashid!" he said. "I will come and pick up my nihon and mythril spear with liviol strips and a level 2 enchantment in three days!"

Glowing, Jame left both the sword and the necessary currency on the table and waited for a receipt.

Moonlit Raven
12-05-07, 06:30 PM
Rashid pulled a book the rested close by and flipped it open. Eyeing the sword and gold he quickly, filled out the order on two of the slips in the book. Smiling he turned the book and held out the charcoal pencil.

"I'll need you signature on both slips. One is for you and the other is for my store. " Rashid kept his other hand from wandering, despite the lure that the shiny gold coins sang.

Call me J
12-06-07, 09:07 PM
Jame signed proudly. In his pride he couldn't help but put an extra flourish on the "e" at the end of his name. "Looks like I got myself a real weapon now!" he declared again, still unaware that there wasn't anyone around him who cared.

He wondered just how much fear this new spear would strike in the hearts of Xem'zund's undead minions. Jame wasn't sure exactly, but he knew at the very least, it would be a lot.

Moonlit Raven
12-08-07, 12:12 AM
"Ah, excellent excellent. Now my dear sir. I shall see you again in three days with your weapon readied for you." Rashid swept the gold coins over to a slot cut into the counter. There the coins tumbled through the opening and into a lockable box. Rashid smiled, the sound of coin against coin like sweet music to his ears.
Laying the sword behind the counter Rashid bowed once more to his customer made sure he had his receipt and hurried off to start work on the spear.

Three days later

Rashid ran an oiled cloth over the nihon shaft of the short spear, polishing it to a high sheen that undoubtedly would swiftly fade under rough handling. While he waited for his customer to show he admired his handy work and judged it his best yet.

Call me J
12-08-07, 09:25 AM
Jame had spent three days beaming with pride. He had told everyone in every tavern that he had met along the way that he was going to be getting a spear that was worthy of his talent and skill. Most people ignored him, though a few suggested that the spear he would be receiving would undoubtedly be poor.

Now that three days had passed and Jame could return to the bazaar. He did so eagerly. He left immediately after waking up, though that was only at noon given how late he had stayed up the previous night drinking. Now he entered Rashid's shop with a bright smile on his face. Showing no sense of decorum, he pushed two other customers out of his way in his eagerness.

"Lets see my spear!" he said.

Moonlit Raven
12-10-07, 12:40 AM
Rashid found himself up long before dawn putting the final touches on the spear and making sure the enchantment would be a lasting one. Hours later, he sat with a oiled cloth in one hand, polishing the the mythril head to a high sheen. With more than alittle pride he glee the spear and came to the decision that it was his finest work yet.

When, at long last, Jame arrived Rashid rose to greet him.

"Good day dear sir. I hope the past three days were pleasent in passing. You're weapon is ready for you." Rashid handed the short spear over with a twinge of sorrow.

Transaction complete. Call me J loses 200 gold, the Delyn short sword and gains 100 EXP for good IC interaction.