View Full Version : Location Category

Call me J
11-26-07, 09:51 PM
Among the other categories in the postbit, there is a category for location. Could we get this changed to hometown? I feel that would be more informative, and also not be made redundant by liquid time.

Cyrus the virus
11-27-07, 02:46 PM
I am in agreeance.

Slayer of the Rot
11-27-07, 03:47 PM
I also support this.

11-27-07, 03:51 PM

11-27-07, 03:51 PM
But then all the super witty people couldn't put in things like "drifting on the winds of change" or "right behind you!"


Needless to say, I support this.

EDIT: could something like "Primary Residence" perhaps be substituted for hometown?

Max Dirks
11-27-07, 04:18 PM
Dumb! No one even uses that field anyway.

11-27-07, 04:20 PM
Yes. Which is why it should be changed. To something not dumb.

Cyrus the virus
11-27-07, 04:23 PM
Max should make sass funny.

Corvus MacCallum
11-27-07, 04:24 PM
I also support this idea.

The Architect
11-27-07, 04:31 PM
I also support this. With little to no deliberation this should be donw quickly.

11-27-07, 06:21 PM
Upon looking, it turns out that while "location" is a profile category, it does not appear in the postbit. I'm not sure if this was an oversight on my part, or if the category's existence in the profile is vestigial.

Do you feel as if the category of "Primary Residence" is necessary (I'll change the field and put it back into the postbit, if yes), or should I just delete it entirely?

Corvus MacCallum
11-27-07, 06:46 PM
Be a bit characterful to have their residence listed, expand some village names and such.

Call me J
11-27-07, 06:52 PM
I don't really object to either solution, but hometown would be useful information.

Sighter Tnailog
11-27-07, 07:13 PM
I vote we change it to "Where Doth the Wind Take Thee?"