View Full Version : The Necrisition

Caden Law
11-27-07, 12:04 AM

Until I get approval from a staffer of some kind, these bastards are sitting in potentia. Feel free to suggest edits if that's what it takes. The group is meant for everyone to be within the overall range of 5+. Individual histories and all that stuff -- I left it bear in case anyone wanted me to use this bunch for villains in a Quest of some sort.

Group Name: The Necrisition
Leader: Lord Coldin Crowley
Location: Mobile, possibly headquartered somewhere in Sulgoran's Axe
Occupation: Working in the service of His Dark Majesty, Xem'zund
Individual Membership:
Lord Coldin Crowley (Necromancer, former Weathermage)
Edorad Graves (Necromancer, Coffinbearer)
Killian Grimstone (Warrior, Geomancer, Ferromancer)
Nialon Sunscar (Swordsman)
Sir Anderson Maxwell (Antithiest Paladin)
Aegon Warsmith (Necromancer, Poisonmaster, Assassin)

History and General Information: What brought together the six black walkers of the Necrisition, nobody truly knows. Their individual histories are virtually unrelated to one another: Crowley originates from the Salvic Leagues, Graves is a former graveyard watchman and mercenary, Grimstone is a former Aleran mineworker and metalsmith, Nialon was once a reclusive Fallien mage, Maxwell was a Coronian Paladin in service of the Triplicate Church, and Warsmith was an apothecary roaming the world for his masters in Anebrilith. The only account of their meeting and subsequent journey to damnation is recorded in the memoir of Mylanine Starfall, and even that is considered highly suspect since the woman vanished decades ago, and there are mysteries around that too.

According to her, the six who would one day become the Necrisition met in the Peaceful Promenade. All of them answered an invitation given not in pen and paper, but in dreams. They gathered around the table to find a map waiting for them; so ancient that only with their myriad knowledges arcana were they able to read and decipher it. Whatever they said that night, and whatever agreements they reached, none are still living to tell. Even Starfall, who reportedly attended the meeting, doesn't record it.

As men and women across Althanas do, the lot of them went questing. Their journey carried them from Scara Brae to all their homelands and everywhere between, and more than a few places beyond. Suffice to say, madness claimed them. Then death. In what order, Starfall's memoir does not say. Evidently, they set up shop in the wilds of Sulgoran's axe, and evidence suggests that at least Lord Crowley survived a pilgrimmage to Icehenge. It's unknown what they spent the next decades doing, but the six men are known to have achieved a form of lichdom and the immortality that comes with it.

Needless to say, when Xem'zund resurfaced, they pledged themselves to his banner and became his unholy Necrisition. Perhaps they would've sworn with their hearts and souls, if they still had them...

Overall Group Magicks: Lichdom, Necromancy, Combimagicks, Recollection
Lichdom: The members of the Necrisition are all Liches. Their bodies are artificial replicas of the originals, created using magic and alchemy, and held stable through unknown means (through artifacts and leftovers of their original bodies are suspected). Scholars speculate that each man has a proper phylactery, as well as a single group phylactery that probably acts as a back-up, power amplifier and memory hub. The bodies are thought to be undead homonculi crafted in the overall likeness of the originals, kept animate and stable through the use of expendable, lesser phylacteries and small components from the original body. Their bodies can be killed, in the temporary sense that any undead can die, but preventing one from being necromanced requires destruction of both the phylactery and the original body part.

Necromancy: No less than three of the Necrisition's members are properly trained and versed Necromancers, though only Crowley truly excels at it. As such, even if one of the men falls in battle, these three can resurrect him on the spot. Similarly, they can raise the corpses of other fallen warriors for a time, though their magicks lack the intricacies of control used by their master. Crowley is personally able to raise up to fifteen freshly slain corpses, and ten who have been dead for more than a day. The other two, Graves and Warsmith, are believed to be limited to ten fresh corpses and three who have been dead for more than a day.

Combimagicks: A century or more of working together has gifted the Necrisition with an inhuman, supernatural sense of teamwork. One man can start a spell and another can end it, effectivelly spreading their skills and powers across the whole group. This only works whenever both are able to use magic and hear each other's voices, and there are exceptions which require actual, traditional teamwork; such as Grimstone and Maxwell's joint ability to destroy enchanted weaponry.

Recollection: A byproduct of Lichdom is that although their bodies can be destroyed, their souls (what's left of them) invariably linger on...as do material attachments. Whenever one of the Necrisition is truly struck down in battle, his valued belongings vanish in columns of green light, presumably back to whatever dark keep the Necrisition calls home. Recalled items are listed in green.

Individual Descriptions and Abilities:
Lord Coldin Crowley (LV: 5?)
Age: 55 (usual appearance), 195 (true age)
Appearance: Coldin is a tall, thin figure tucked away beneath layer upon layer of green, purple, gold and dead blue robes, and at least two pairs of pants for reasons unknown. He bears the paleness of undeath like it was made for him, but his eyes are still lively, intelligent and red. He has a pointed nose, gaunt features and long gray hair, as well as a well-trimmed beard. He once wore a Wizard's Hat, but now favors a ram's headdress, with large golden horns curving out towards his shoulders. He wears eight rings of power -- one for every finger but the thumbs; as well as an amulet, all of them bearing dark green or blue gems. He carries a delyn staff at all times, though he doesn't need it for most spellcasting; it's approximately seven feet long, ending in the figure of a sharply angled hawk clutching a black orb with each foot, its wings and beak sharpened to razor points. In all bodies, he bears a glowing blue Mark from passing the Trial of Icehenge.
Specific Magic: Greater Weather Manipulation, Greater Hydromancy, Lesser Lightning, Lesser Thermomancy, General Wizardry
Greater Weather Manipulation: As a former Weathermage, Coldin is able to control the weather in whatever area he's in at the time. His control is such that it defies the logic of nature (triggering a hurricane in the desert, or a sandstorm in the icecaps). His precision is such that he can literally tango with a tornado, or generate ground-level thunderstorms. Coldin can also gleam information from existing weather patterns; sensing magic and local levels of industry by reading clouds and smelling the air. Using weather manipulation requires that Coldin be outside, or at least to be in proximity to a window, doorway, or a suitably large hole in the walls or roof.
Greater Hydromancy: Coldin's ability to manipulate water is incredible; he can focus water into razor-thin whips or massive tidal surges, sink ships and even control the temperature. Up to a certain level, he can perform Hydromancy without so much as blinking, but anything above walking on water or generating weak 'tentacles' to lash his foes requires some type of movement.
Lesser Lightning: A talent gleamed from his weather magicks. Coldin is normally able to call down bolts of lightning with ease, but he can also generate them with some considerable effort and focus. The actual power involved is not lesser, but the amount of time it takes is such that Coldin only uses it to make a point, or when forced to fight indoors.
Lesser Thermomancy: Another talent gleamed from weather magicks. Coldin is able to raise and lower temperatures of an area by up to twenty degrees every three seconds. His ability to manipulate his own bodily temperature, or the temperature of things he's wearing, holding or carrying, is much more intense: He can turn his staffhead boiling hot in under a second, or reduce his fingertips to a hundred below just as quickly.
General Wizardry: Coldin Crowley was, during his youth, trained as a typical Salvic Wizard. As such, he bears a true Sorcerous Name and presumably owns a Grimmoire of some kind. As Wizards, even former Wizards, are extremely meticulous and methodical, his Grimmoire likely contains a wealth of information ranging from arcane lore to the exact mechanics he and the rest of the Necrisition used to cheat death so thoroughly. His Sorcerous Name has been stricken from the books, and is currently unknown. His Grimmoire is presumed to be hidden away with his true Phylactery.

Edorad Graves, the Gravedigger (LV 5?)
Age: 63 (usual appearance), 203 (true age)
Appearance: Tall and broadshouldered, wearing leather pants, a dirty black shirt and a long, mantled leather duster without pockets. He can often be seen wearing a wide-brammed hat and thick leather gloves to match. Like most of the others, Edorad is as pale as death, with stark white hair and eyes that are black on black. He bears a permanent stubble so rough it could give rugburn, and has the broad, angry face of a gunslinger in an age where the revolver doesn't exist yet. At all times, he can be seen carrying a steel gravedigger's spade, and a massive alloy coffin he carries on his back; its make consisting of alloyed osmium and delyn, lined with pure dehlar and covered in runes and a huge dehlar cross converging with a crisscross pattern of delyn bars. It's underside is covered in sets of straps, allowing it to be carried on ones back or, with sufficient strength, used like a large shield or slung about like a weapon. He's also been known to carry a dozen or more ornately crafted daggers for throwing and melee use.
Specific Powers: Extreme Strength, Unholy Summoning, Communion, Secret Reading
Extreme Strength*: The fact that he can even carry that coffin with one arm should be evidence of this one. Edorad's strength is superhuman, though not supreme. How he achieves it is unknown, but he's been known to lift up to one ton with a single arm, and up to 1.5 tons with both together. He can throw his daggers with enough force to pin a normal man to a wall ten feet behind him, and he can even hurl his coffin around like a featherweight.
Unholy Summoning**: A power tied specifically to his coffin. Normally, the coffin is kept shut with three heavy duty bolt locks. Edorad opens it by undoing each lock and then slinging the door open, and Gods have mercy on whatever happens to be in front of it then. The things that emerge from the coffin range from impossibly large limbs flailing blindly (or, point of fact, reaching very, very deliberately) to completely independent monsters so abhorrent looking as to shatter the minds and wills of anyone who looks upon them without some form of protection. Massive blasts of hellishly flaming winds are also common, complete with an army's worth of blades that fade out of existence in about an hour. The Summonings are always worst whenever Edorad sacrifices someone by hurling a living, unwilling victim into the coffin and bolting it shut first.
Communion: As a consequence of his time spent tending graves and dealing with the dead, Edorad is able to communicate with deceased spirits -- even if their bodies are completely destroyed and all that remains behind are mere fragments.
Secret Reading: A byproduct of the above power. Edorad is able to read the soul of a living person by gazing into their eyes. In this way, he can gauge their general abilities and personalities, but more specifically, Edorad can read Secrets. These range from any secret they're actively trying to keep, to any names they may own (true names, magical aliases, even nicknames and titles). He can only use this ability on a single person at a time, and the victim is completely immune for a week afterwards.

Killian Grimstone, the Dweller in Dark (LV 5?)
Age: 457 (true age)
Appearance: Grimstone is unique among the Necrisition in that he bears completely inhuman heritage; his father was a dwarf and his mother was a drow. As such, even in death his skin is a dark, dusty purple, turning red towards the palms and soles of the feet. He's a ridiculously stocky and muscular 4'5", with thickly pointed ears and a pale red beard to compliment an otherwise bald head. He differs from most dwarves by wearing a set of oriental looking robes with pronounced shoulders and wide-legged pants, but still wears his fur-lined boots. His eyes are brown, and he's also known to wear a pair of spike-knuckled osmium-delyn gauntlets. He can often be seen carrying, but rarely using, a crystal-bladed war-axe.
Specific Magicks: Greater Geomancy, Greater Ferromancy, Geognomics
Greater Geomancy: With this power, Killian is able to manipulate any sort of rock or earth -- even lava and falling asteroids (assuming they're already in the atmosphere). He can cause pinpoint earthquakes or stop them just as easily, create spires of rock to impale and muddy pits to ensnare. To do any of this requires movement though, and some sort of contact with the ground beneath his feet or hands. The stronger or more precise the movement, the stronger or more precise the earthen surge. The actual nature of his movements have nothing to do with shaping the earth to his whims. This power is nearly useless against already enchanted or sanctified ground or stone, but can easily manipulate ground or stone that's merely been worked with for agriculture or construction.
Greater Ferromancy: With this power, Killian can manipulate any kind of metal, be it natural or any alloy. Obviously, the more resistant a metal is the magic, the more difficult it is for him to control. If a metal has already been enchanted or sanctified, Killian cannot alter it in any way, though he can still prevent it from moving or striking him directly. Unlike Geomancy, he doesn't require contact with a target to use this, but he does require line of sight and a range within fifty feet.
Geognomics: As a result of being a dwarf and a drow, Killian already has an intense natural bond with the earth beneath him. Thanks to his skills at Geomancy, he can literally read and listen to the ground just by touching it, even through the thick soles of his boots. With this, he can tell an enemy's size and location, and even communicate with others or listen in on loudly spoken conversations. A byproduct of this ability is that Killian is also intrinsically aware of any leylines, and can tap into them for power at will -- though the process is often distracting and only results in restored energy, not increased energy.

Nialon Sunscar, the Dominion Rapier (LV 5?)
Age: 297 (true age; roughly analagous to a 29 year old human)
Appearance: A half-elf of average height, Nialon has the distinct traits of Raiaeran heritage on both sides of the family. His hair is graying blond and worn in a lengthy ponytail, and his chin and ears are both slightly pointed. He's corpse pale, and his eyes are faded blue-white, and his build is lean and rigid. He wears a blue vest, complete with red trim and, more recently, the banner of Xem'zund. He also wears a metal-plated headband. He dresses in padded leather pants and a matching shirt, along with a ring for every finger, fingerless gloves and a gemstone pendant. He can often be seen using a delyn wand in each hand, their grips usually shaped like pistols, and is rarely, if ever, seen without his pistol-grip mythril rapier. His bodies often bear a stylized scar on the collar, but no-one knows what it means.
Specific Powers: Dominion Mark, Flawless Swordsmanship: Rapier, Deadlight Pulsar
Dominion Mark: Nialon's primary power. Whenever he strikes someone with any part of his rapier, a dagger, or even a ring-clad fist, it leaves a red-and-black bull's eye-like mark around the point of impact. This Dominion Mark is constantly visible, to the point of glowing in the dark if need-be. The more hits that Nialon scores to that specific area, the more effects pile on. Nialon can have up to three Dominion Marks in place at any given time, but can't use the ability more than three times in a single day. The Mark fades on its own by midnight, but dispelling it requires one dispell for every single strike landed, and the damage requires additional healing magic to remove. One target can only have one Dominion Mark at any given time. The effects are listed below:
1: The Mark is placed.
2: Blood loss from the wound doubles.
3: The weight of the wounded area doubles, slowing down an effected limb.
4: The Mark begins to burn painfully.
5: Blood loss doubles again, as does weight of the effected area.
6: The Mark begins to generate a poisonous neurotoxin, slowly but surely paralyzing voluntary functions and stripping away movement around the effected area.
7: Lightning strikes the opponent from the ground up.
8: Death.
Flawless Swordsmanship: Rapier: Nialon has had well over two centuries to practice and improve his swordsmanship, and he may have been able to face his own martial prowess if he really did take the Icehenge test. He knows how to use a rapier in ways most men simply cannot compete with.
Deadlight Pulsar: Nialon is able to fire a surge of necromantic energies from his rings, pendant or wands, but not his rapier. The Deadlight Pulsar is a fast, weak attack that causes slight decay and painful physical impact wherever it hits the target. In order to really cause damage, Nialon has to fire off a lot of Pulsars -- which is why he wears so much jewelry and uses two wands, allowing him to fire off up to thirteen Pulsars at once. As long as he has the wands, he can lead the Pulsars in any direction; much like the targeting sights on a gun. Unfortunately, the Pulsar takes a toll on the items used to cast it, and eventually causes them to decay completely, often at random.

Sir Anderson Maxwell, the Unbeliever (LV 5?)
Age: 34 (appearance), 174 (true age)
Appearance: Foreboding at a glance. Anderson is the very picture of a Knight Templar gone wrong. He still wears the very same osmium-dehlar armor as he did when he lived, consisting mostly of layered chainmail and plate on the joints, chest, shoulders, hands, lower legs and feet. Worn over it is a stark white tunic, open along the sides from the shoulder to the hip, then again from the hip to the bottoms. On both the front and back is the emblem of Xem'zund. He wields the osmium-dehlar sword, Hadrian's Tear, and the only true constants of his bodily appearance are his pale skin, white hair, cloudy orange eyes and the pitch black tear tattooed on his left cheek.
Specific Powers: Tapturn Shutdown, Antithiesm, Master Spellbreak, Martial Prowess
Tapturn Shutdown: Simply put: Anderson is able to completely negate someone's magical abilities. It requires eye contact at a distance of no greater than fifteen feet, but the effects are brutally instant. Any magic already in effect will simply stop; no great explosions, no big flashes of light, just the sudden disappearance of it. Restoration of the magic is very easy, as there's nothing to keep it from coming back, but there's also nothing to keep Anderson from simply shutting it down again either. Most people require about one to two minutes to regain their usual levels of power, assuming they don't have some form of outside help. For magic-based lifeforms, and this includes demons and angels, the Shutdown can cause severe injury or even fatality. The Shutdown can also be used to remove any and all enchantments on a weapon, shield, or piece of armor; they can be brought back, but it requires conscious effort and generally has to be done after the battle is over. Weapon Shutdown requires physical contact between Maxwell's sword and his target.
Antithiesm: Such is the power of Maxwell's utter disbelief and hatred of higher and lower powers alike, he can simply ignore divinely powered magic -- including blessed weaponry or hellfire, demon-powered magicks or the songs of angels. His belief generates an aura of Antithiesm that strips away the sanctity or curse from any building he should enter. This power has no effect on arcane magic or enchanted weaponry.
Master Spellbreak: By deliberately striking with Hadrian's Tear or focusing his awful gaze for ten seconds or more, Anderson can completely shatter any spell or enchantment. The ability requires a ten second build-up time either way and while it may not seem as useful as Tapturn Shutdown, there is one major difference: Master Spellbreak's effects are much harder to dispell. Enchantments have to be replaced from the ground up, and there's a far greater chance of outright killing a magic-based lifeform if Master Spellbreak is performed with Hadrian's Tear.
Martial Prowess: Anderson Maxwell is an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and he excels in the use of the Coronian broadsword*** above all others. With most other weapons, he's still slightly above average. He can also ride a horse with a great deal of skill.

Aegon Warsmith, the Dark Apothecary (LV 5?)
Age: 42 (appearance), 182 (true age)
Appearance: A man of partial Akashiman and Elven heritage, Aegon's hair is often a glossy black, cut short and carefully, neatly combed back with just one or two bands sticking out here and there. He's extremely good looking even in death, with porcelain pale skin and golden eyes, and a smile that speaks more of intellect than cruelty. He dresses as a scholar would: Immaculately, and often in long-sleeved shirts or jackets that grow baggy around the cuff. He has an affinity for plynt-alloyed weaponry, in particular favoring the use of plynt-osmium daggers and a short sword.
Specific Powers: Silent Transference, Willful Subversion, Poisonmastery, Transmutation
Silent Transference: With continued eye contact of ten to fifteen seconds, Aegon is able to forcefully transfer his mind to anyone significantly beneath his level (0-3). The process is shorter for transfering into a woman's body, but lasts much longer when transfering into a man's. In order to retain control for more than an hour, Aegon has to recover a phylactery from his former body. Even with it, he can only keep control of the stolen body for a maximum of four days to a week (0-3). Once transfered, Aegon gains all the knowledge of his new body, including its previous skills, its entire life story, and everything contained therein. The previous soul and mind remain intact and regain control once Aegon has left, while he promptly loses their powers and magical knowledge, keeping only important fragments of their memories afterward.
Willful Subversion: Through physical contact, conversation or eye contact lasting thirty seconds or more, Aegon is able to subvert the will of a victim at or beneath his level (0-5?). The more powerful the target, the longer it takes, though he has a much easier time Subverting women, while men have a much harder time breaking free of it. Once in effect, the victim will be compelled to serve Aegon and the Necrisition or, at an absolute minimum, to prevent harm or disadvantage from befalling them. The target will often remain unaware of being Subverted until they try to challenge it directly. Its effects last until broken, either by the victim or by an outside force of some kind.
Poisonmastery: A byproduct of his alchemic and medicinal studies, Aegon is a master in the art of poisonmaking and delivery. If you can name a poison, Aegon can find a way to deliver it silently and efficiently, often without the target ever even knowing what hit them. In an actual battle, he tends to favor poisons that cause more pain and disability than actual damage. In all likelihood, this is more for his own amusement than any practical gains.
Transmutation: Aegon is a skilled and well-versed alchemist, able to transmute with the best of them. His only requirements are circles and a little time to prepare, without which he simply can't do it. To counter this weakness, he often carries chalk, ink, or even a simple pencil wherever he goes.

* Edorad is not strong enough to even compete with the likes of Derris Warson or anyone who could overpower him. He's just in the same overall league.
** Unholy Summoning can only be used to full power with allowance of a GM. Otherwise its effects are limited to honkingly big limbs reaching out and 'touching' people. Violently.
*** Assume a Coronian broadsword is the same as a European broadsword.

07-28-09, 09:45 PM
As of July 28th, 2009, 06:37 PM, all members of the Necrosition have been permanently killed.

07-28-09, 10:07 PM
If you could do me a favor, please. Link me to the threads where all of these NPC's have been killed? I'd like to read them over, create a summary, and put you into the canon in the current projects of Raiaera and the Timeline/Canon of general Althanas; as well as anything in the future.

Thank you.

07-29-09, 03:11 PM
The thread where Ataraxis and I killed Maxwell (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=15930), The thread where Dissinger and I killed Edorad (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16041), the thread where Mage Hunter and I killed Aegon Warsmith and also Derris Warson (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17344), the thread where Mage Hunter and I killed Killian Grimstone (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17489), and the thread where Mage Hunter kills Nialon Sunscar and I kill Coldin Crowley before destroying their phylacteries. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18948)

07-29-09, 05:33 PM
Thanks man. I'm going to read over them and make summaries for each, then compile something so that we can get it into canon.

Also, I'm sure you already have something in the "Legendary Items of Althanas", but due to the exemplary work that you have put in for the FQ I'm going to either allow you to add something else to that, get something brand spankin' new that you can have added as well as take for yourself, or allow you to take something from the Items (other than the Railgun of course) that would fit your character and can be realistically obtained.

Please PM me with any questions you have about that, or any submissions that you would like to add or take. We'll work on something.

04-05-10, 01:51 AM
i find different type of post,actually i was surfing net and came here. find this post different one!Well someone who dont know about it may get interesting type of information from this post…good sharing of ideas

interesting and catchy post there………………….. interesting read should be a sticky lol

(> <)