View Full Version : Howling through the night (Level 2)

Corvus MacCallum
12-01-07, 09:09 PM
All changes in bold.

Name: Corvus (Destrata) MacCallum
Age: 21
Race: Highlander
Hair Color: Black with streaks of white in selective places.
Eye Color: Dark green
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220lbs
Occupation: Monster Hunter

Personality: Whimsical, easily angered and harbouring a deep craving for raw meat, with the blood of a Highlander pumping through his veins Corvus is constantly trying to remain carefree,lazy and wind-swept despite how much he loves the thrill of blood-shed,wether in a fight or just an injury it dosen`t matter so long as that thick scent fills his nostrils. When outside of conflict or able to satiate his wolven side Corvus gets on much like a loyal mongrel, taking things in his stride and letting all those little miniscule things slip easily as he expands his knowledge. Often caught seeking the attention of ladies and making use of tricks he learned whilst growing up or garnered from travellers passing through his old to get some very appreciate smiles and doe-eyed looks from his preferred company.

When the smell of blood or the grip of his instincts take firm grasp of his mind he can be truly terrifying, while not uncontrolled his anger loses any barrier keeping it back and instead he will gladly seek out violent solutions to any issue presenting themselves..even if he has to make an issue first.

Appearance: First impressions are of a rather scrawny looking mixture of flesh and hair, starting at the top upon his head is a massive,spikey mane of black hair forced into spikes naturally and most of the more prominent spikes receiving a white streak along their body,several of them drooping into the path of his vision, this immensely wild mane reaching halfway down his back but all of it is kept behind him. Attached to that is his face, still fresh and handsome but certain features just ring of a slight, inhumanity, his mouth mainly, the teeth of a wolf residing in there instead of the usual ensemble most human folks posess, designed perfectly for tearing and chewing of meat and bone but not so good for a nibbling on the veggies.

While his general frame seems scrawny at worst or lanky at best it becomes obvious when unclothed that it just isn`t so, every part of his body toned and at the peak of its fitness, which makes perfect sense considering his choice of weapon and general movement, while his proportions are all the same his joints around the legs are a tad different, much heavier in toughness than the average human allowing him a speedy pace on all fours. The hair that covers his head is also featured on his fore-arms,hands,shins and feet with quite a sizable coating of fur,instead of simple blunt fingernails solid black claws protrude from his fingers an aid to the hunt really.

His final unusual mark extends below the base of his spine,a long,thickly furred and,reasonably scruffy looking wolfs tail,solid black but for the tip which is a rather stark white to match the streaks running through his hair,a helpful aid to his balance but not good for much else,lacking any form of dexterity or manipulation with it.

The clothing he chooses to cover his hide usually reside in the realm of baggy t-shirts of any colour,sleeves ending around elbow level, his forearms and their wolfish tendencies hidden by leather wrappings which are locked down by an iron buckler on his right arm and a simple slim gauntlet over the other though it offered little in the way of protection. On the lower half he wears a simple pair of brown pants normally of a simple rough material, easily restitched and repaired, but his feet aren`t so easily concealed and is usually stuck to wearing sandals if anything.

History: The Highlander race was one of the stranger prospects that were part and parcel of being a villager in Danube in the southern forests of Salvar. At their discovery they were little more than bipedal wolves, but with enough intelligence to pose a serious threat to the settlers, generation after generation were tasked with defending the fledgingly village from the adaptive creatures along with struggle to feed the people when hunting in Highlander territory, this menace brought in quite an influx of hopeful Slayers and other assorted hired swords looking to make a good profit from a town under constant attack,one such mercenary was Sasha MacCallum a far back ancestor to the present bearer of that surname,Corvus.

She took charge as the most experianced of the cheap-rate mercs and led purge after purge into Highlander territory but when faced with a nomadic foe while she may have felled several in each hunt there was no drastic result she could glean from such ventures. On the final hunt she was capable of leading Sasha was attacked by the Highlander alpha that can to be known as Destra, seperated from her group and at the mercy of the creature Sasha made the rather disturbing discovery that while certainly not fully human, enough remained within the Highlander blood-stream to cause cross-breeding. While Destra had raped the huntress he allowed her safe passage back to her village, he had broken their leader and thats all he cared for.

Despite the trauma of her experiance she kept the child and the MacCallum name led to a long line of tailed,partially Highlander children but only the first,a male named Destrata was to see the inside of the village for a very long time, when born the child was taken from the still mentally injured mother and dumped in the wilds, through loyalty to their kind and little else the child was taken in by one of the smaller packs picking at the farms and live-stock at Danube. Destrata grew and developed into something very close to a highlander, those powerful wolf-folk but didn`t take on the all covering hair, the coming generations saw more Highlander blood flowing through the family tree with a dilution of the single human origin. It was far too many generations later that the two races finally had no choice but to reconcile, there just wasn`t enough resources for each side individual,they would need to co-operate or face mutual destruction.

Able to return to their point of origin the half-breeds,quarter breeds and assorted other MacCallums claimed their surname and heritage becoming proficient hunters and warriors for their homeland.Most pure Highlanders remaining aloof from the society but very willing to teach the new generation of mixed bloods their ways.

Moving further in time and the village of Danube became almost exclusively mongrel with very few pure-bloods on either side of the coin and it was into this pack community that Corvus was born,the last of the titled MacCallums, the others either foregoing that name of not producing any off-spring to continue the legacy,he was exceptional as Highlanders go, his natural wolfen senses keener than even the Alpha males of the wilds, his endurance and ability to keep on pushing no matter the odds gained him much acclaim from both his people and the travellers that came to exchange their tales of adventure for anything they could get their mitts on.

By his sixteenth birthday Corvus had shown the makings of being the best in his village but he didn`t want their promises of glory or whispers of splendor, he wanted to venture into the wide world those travellers spoke of and show using his own grit and gumption that he could rise above any challenge laid before, take down any prey and carve out his own legacy away from the village.

Over the following years he dabbled in anything he could get his claws into, near the end of his sixteenth year the Highlander came across someone with whom he had an instant connection with, the Aldrian Sokket. Same sort of age the two got on well enough and travelled together, taking on many obb-jobs and requests sticking to the combative side mostly as Monster slayers, being adept at the tracking and with their team-work capable of bringing down some of the larger brutes this just seemed natural. At nineteen the two took part in a large-scale extermination of a Blazen dragon, several groups of Slammers, arrowers, mages, spearmen and hunters were sent in to destroy this menace to life. It had many more centuries experiance than they could ever hope for and the two were finally split as it rampaged against the group. Dazed and injured Corvus beleived himself to be the sole survivor of the Dragons ambush and quickly clambered to his leaders sword and slew the monster by impaling its heart with the iron blade, the same blade he carries now. To the present day he continues his wandering never afraid to stray too far or go past the point of no-return and seeking some form of excitement to stamp his paw on and declare that 'he was there'.

In the time since his monster hunting party had been wiped out Corvus beleived himself the only survivor and has been performing similiar deeds single handed to try and keep the legacy alive. His conquests have been gaining in number after enough experiance fighting without anyone to depend upon, his most recent and notable acheivement was slaying a relatively young Blazen Dragon near Corath Springs (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4253) without any aid. With the Blazen beheaded and skinned made a bit of spare change selling its head to a local tavern renaming itself immediately to the Dragons Head Inn... not imaginative but with that treated and hung outside it was good for business.


Not Just for Show - With all that constant work out with his Slammer along with his unusual instincts when it comes to fighting his skill with the blade has reached Proficient[/I] talent, although his lack of stances, tactics and general wildness don't make it outwardly apparent.

[B]At first he focussed solely on the swinging of that monster felling iron lump that characterises what few tales are spoken of him, Corvus has quickly put attention back into the undersized weapons of Broadsword and Katana. He picked them up to return those weapons to bring them back into fighting properly and has been fixing his swordsmanship to take their relative fragility into account compared to his Slammer. Currently his skill is Slightly above Average with his Broadsword and Katana though the skill is dependant on them due to their curious physical make-ups.

Raw animal Power - Through carrying his Slammer with him at nearly all times, swinging it as often as he possibly can and engaging in all manner of weight training, marathon endurance trials and other such endeavours Corvus has brought his already impressive Highlander strength to three times of a human with a relatively larger build. Of course with such powerful muscles his speed has also been boosted by the sheer amount of force and power he can push through them, his speed is currently 1.5 that of a lighter built human.

Endurance - With his unusual and highly endurative species Corvus is able to make rapid use of his slammer sword,swinging it for longer than most other warriors. His continued training has been pushing this pure endurance to higher and higher thresholds, at current hes found himself able to run at a constant pace for a good six hours. This endurance also extends to his pain threshold which while quite large before has been improving where he is able to withstand a greater deal of pain and blood loss than a similiarly built Highlander

Natural Hunter - A born hunter, able to memorize most scents but requires more than just a faint hint to get specific when it comes to people, with his over-active adrenaline glands is able to keep his muscles pumping fast enough to excel and match most of his prey targets along with heightened hearing,despite having a body built mostly for land he is fully capable of hunting in any enviroment along with surviving though certainly not in the fullest of health.

Air Rip - A technique that Corvus has been dedicating a lot of his travelling time into practicing and managed to reach the next step of mastery on such an old technique. In the move he focusses his concentration and in a way 'spirit' into the blade of his sword, taking both hands at the moment for any of those concentration to work... then he swings the sword with all his might and releases a thin sliver of a shockwave firing off from the edge of the blade. Unless barriers of a magical nature are in play the silvery sliver of energy will go straight at the angle it was unleashed and slice through what it touches before disappating around ten foot from Corvus.

With all this practice the Air Rip is now capable of slicing into thin materials that are equal to and below the toughness of leather but is still immediately stopped in its tracks by clothing, slicing its way through only one layer, either clothing or flesh. When it hits bare flesh however it will cause a one inch deep cut though despite its unusual nature it does not sever clean through nerves and so results in quite a lot of pain.

Technically Corvus is able to use this as often as he wishes but that is purely because of the long time it takes for him to build up, release and then begin again. Charging time takes around half a minute but he is unable to refocus and repeat the move until five minutes have passed.


Slammer - An iron Slammer sword,a weapon around five foot or more in length, in Cor' case his Slammer is of six foot in length, several inches in sheer thickness and a good two foot in width. Designed for the hunting and slaying of large beasts,usually frowned upon or just simply laughed at when used in one on one combat,a plain design with double sided blade.

Broadsword - Plucked from a Slavers corpse as a trophy here - Alone (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4625)

Four foot long with a good heft, the blade was originally heavily embossed with delicate swirls and patterns, before Corvus had got far out of town he sat down and scraped every single decoration off the sword. While its flat looks heavily scarred the actual toughness of the blade hasn't been lessened and as a result its now much easier to slip in and out of its sheath.

Corvus has the brown leather sheath of this weapon slipped under his buckler so that its jammed between his arm and the small peice of armour, the handle of the blade when stored jutting out above the back of his right hand.

Katana - Pried from the fingers of an idiot bandit here - A storm on the Rocks. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5211)

A five foot long samurai sword, sporting a blade of tungsten, oak handle wrapped in leather and sporting a recently undecorated leather sheath. Mounted beside his Slammer on its harness.

Steel Sectioned Buckler - Scooped up from the muck here - Clawing at a Puddle. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4494)

A main gloveless gauntlet that has several thick, solid U shaped sections that slot over each other allowing a lot of movement and also to trap enemy blades by forcing the sections together. It is worn on his right arm and the previous round buckler he wore before is stashed for now in his backpack.

Enchanted Glove- A fingerless glove with a gemstone embedded in the palm,designed in the past to be capable of receiving limited magical enchantment and turning the attacks of it into elemental assaults but currently has no charge. One half of a pair, the other given to his friend Sokket after garnering them from a very old alchemist who had no use for something he couldn't embue himself. At rare times, usually in the presence of strong magic or when using his Air Rip move the gem on the palm of the glove gives off a faint glow, though its brightness dosen't change on proximity. Due to these glowings when near magical forces Coruvs has changed his opinion that the glove is unenchanted and has a feeling its power might just be dormant instead of gone

Blazen Hide Poncho - Purchased in this thread after the result was fixed by Atzar "Oh!... Suits you Sir" (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6568).

Carved from the Blazen he slayed in Caroth Springs, the hide has been treated and retains its red/orange hue of flame, despite this the Blazen hadn't aged far enough to gain external fire resistence. It is as strong as Plynt.

When worn the Poncho is a sleeveless affair that hangs in the front to around waist level, its stitching and design allowing a lot of loose material around his neck to form a hood and covering for below his nose. At the back it hung to his knees and after a bit of tugging was well fitting for his sword harness.

Rope-O-Fangs - A rather roughly hewn rope that Corvus uses as a portable trophy rack, a Highlander tradition when dealing with large prey is to rip out the largest fang of the beast while its heart still beats, proof that you bested the enemy in one of its most lethal areas. Currently it holds a lot of old fangs or various beasts, a handful of Drakes, two green dragon fangs, a broken tooth from the Blazen Dragon that killed his party. A recent addition made in the form of an Undead Bears main canine.

Loot -

Treated Blazen Dragon Hide - One and a half rolls remaining in his care.
Blazen fangs - Two and Large.
Blazen Claws - Four each four foot in length.

Among that,basic survival supplies,ropes,flint and other assorted fire-starting elements,small pick-axe and a rather ragged fishing rod.

12-02-07, 08:17 AM
I'm going to have to cut your speed down to 1.5 times that of a normal human. And you're going to have to take your endurance down as well. It's a bit too much of an increase from your last level. If you want to have him run around for 6 hours without tiring, that's fine, but not an entire day.

Corvus MacCallum
12-02-07, 10:34 AM

12-02-07, 09:30 PM