View Full Version : The Mancer's Blood is Redundant!

Cyrus the virus
12-03-07, 10:01 AM
If you're on the green skin, you might want to change to black to see the updates easier.

Name: Luc Kraus
Age: 33
Race: Human
Class: Geomancer


Luc is a physically weak, unremarkable man of below average height and weight. His hair is light brown and extends to his cheeks, his eyes are an emerald green of mesmerizing beauty, and his face is boyish. He wears a green tunic with black trim, arcane designs etched into its stitching; matching pants and a dark green cape for no reason other for decoration. He wears a black velvet belt and always has his gloves on for protection. Since his way of weaving magic often encompasses his hands, Luc long ago purchased the pair of scaled gloves to protect his flesh.



Level 8: Luc can melt and freeze large quantities of ice and water very quickly. His power to melt ice into water is instantaneous with all but the largest quantities, as is his power to freeze water into ice.

Luc may expand, manipulate, freeze and move water with his mind to a great degree. He may melt and move ice with his mind, but to expand or shrink it, it must be turned into water first. The strength of the ice he creates is that of titanium.


Level 8: Luc can fizzle fire spells that are level 4 or lower with a moderate chance of failure. When fizzling fire spells of level 2 or lower, the mage almost never fails.

Luc can expand, extinguish and move flames with his mind to a great degree and with large amounts. Using his sword, he can create flames around the steel by using the magic within it. This fire, like any natural fire, can be the target of Luc's abilities.


Level 8: Luc can enhance the air around him to create gusts of wind with a maximum pushing power of 1,000 pounds at it's most focused point. Using wind magic, Luc is capable of seamless flight. The mage can create weapons as light as air using the wind, but they break after a single use.

To a lesser degree, Luc can create dozens of small blades of wind to send forth in a gust. This is one of his most favored attacks. These blades, and anything similar to them created by Luc's magic, are as strong as titanium but often break as soon as they pierce skin.

Though he has always been able to create whirlwinds and cyclones, the power of such creations has increased. At its strongest, a tornado created by Luc can lift 1,500 pounds. He is capable of smaller, multiple cyclones, but they are drastically less powerful.


Level 8: Luc may harden and soften dirt, turning solid into liquid and vice-versa, seamlessly and in large quantities. The dirt he turns into stone is as strong as titanium. The mage can manipulate the movement of large amounts of stone, mud and dirt with his mind, often using the ability to quickly erect massive pillars and shards of rock to travel upon (despite his ability to fly).


Level 8: Luc can melt, bend and otherwise manipulate metal to his will in the same manner he can manipulate the elements. His power with metal is fairly developed. He can move medium-sized amounts of metal, such as multiple weapons, pieces of armor, or about 300 pounds, and items that belong to other characters are impossible to manipulate without OOC permission. He can bend, twist, melt and reform metal within five seconds.



Windwalk: Using this spell, Luc may reduce himself and up to three people with him into wind, and whisk through the skies as a form of travel - akin to "teleporting". Doing so takes a toll on Luc's vitality and thus it may only be done twice before one nights' rest.

Stoneskin: Luc coats himself or one other person in a green barrier, which fits like a second skin. The barrier absorbs three strikes of any sort, whether it is a slash from a Titanium sword or a thrown pebble, before disappearing. Stoneskin may only be used once every twelve hours.

Disenchant: Removes one enchantment of level 5 strength or lower from any character or item. Effect is temporary on items, lasting until the end of the battle/quest.

Burn Metal: Enchants all metal within a fifty feet of Luc to make it burning hot. This effect lasts for five seconds and can only be used once per thread.

Whisper: Allows Luc to send a message of any length to any one person on Althanas. The message comes in the form of Luc's voice, much like a whisper, and cannot be drowned out by other noises. Doesn't work if the target is in another dimension, is dead, or has become deaf somehow.

Conjure Food/Drink: Luc may conjure a great amount of food and drink from thin air. The quality and amount depends on how much time he chants the same incantation over and over.

Counterspell: When used, fizzles a projectile magic spell of non-elemental properties. Can be used once per thread.

Truesight: Allows Luc to see perfectly in all conditions, including thick fog, complete darkness and bright light. When used in optimal conditions, Truesight increases Luc’s vision threefold so he can see further and clearer than normal. Can be used twice per thread.

Blessed Speech: Allows Luc to speak and understand a language he normally cannot. Lasts for six hours.

Recklessness: Manipulates the mind of the target to make him reckless, but can be overcome by one of strong will or mind. May be used only once if Luc is in a battle.

Enslave Fool: Gives Luc the power to enslave a minor enemy, such as a goblin or orc. Works on up to three such stupid creatures, and lasts until Luc must focus on something else. Can be used once per thread.

Enslave: Enslaves a target to put them under Luc’s temporary command. Depending on the target, this effect can last anywhere between five minutes and several hours. Can be resisted by those of very strong will. Can be used multiple times in a thread, but only on one target at a time.

Ghost: Turns Luc incorporeal, allowing him to pass through solid mass or liquid. This effect makes him invulnerable while he remains this way, though he can still use his abilities and cast spells. In a battle, this effect is temporary, lasting through one round of posts. Can be used once per twelve hours.

Hinder: Counters a natural enhancement such as regeneration, enhanced speed, strength, senses, invulnerability, immunity or other such characteristics. Unfortunately, the effect temporarily removed is random and Luc cannot control what is removed (basically, to be discussed between myself and opponent). Can be used once every twelve hours.

Animation: Grants life to an inanimate object, but does not guarantee allegiance to Luc. This works on items or beings he creates with his elemental manipulation, as well as typical items in the world. Generally, Luc’s minions are incapable of magic and are as strong as the object that houses their spirit. Their intelligence is never impressive, but they are usually capable of speech and basic tactics. Can be used once every twelve hours.

Great Animation: Grants life to an inanimate object that is then allied with Luc, granting it greater intelligence than Animation. The minion has life until it is destroyed. Luc cannot summon a minion in battle if he's facing only one person, and if he's in a situation like the Cell, Luc's minion will automatically die after two rounds.

Giant Growth: Using this spell, Luc can double the size and strength of an ally for up to three of the ally’s posts. Can only be used once per thread.

Reconstruct: Allows Luc to heal one severe wound or several slight to moderate wounds, but can only be cast on himself. Can only be used once if in a battle, or every six hours in a quest.

Muddle: A spell that clouds the mind of an opponent, blurring their vision, changing their center of gravity, ruining their equilibrium and sending waves of pulsating pain through their head. Lasts for a short time, and can only be used once if Luc’s in a battle. Muddle's affect on other characters is limited, in that it will give them a headache for a maximum of two posts.


Transportation Glyph: Luc paints a circular glyph upon the ground and chants an incantation, transporting himself and any number of people (so long as they stand within the circle) to a location of his choosing. All rituals take several minutes to prepare.


Element Influence: Luc has reached a point where he has a true bond with organics. The elements react to his presence and inner desires, so if he is about to step in mud, it would often turn itself to stone seconds before his foot touched. Breezes will spontaneously start around him to fix creases in his clothing or a misplaced hair. Candle flames always lean toward him. These effects are innumerable and Luc is generally unaware of them.

Magic Sense: Luc has a very keen sense for magic, able to detect the locations of magical items, wards, enchantments, and the locations of people who have recently cast a spell.


Luc's equipment consists of his scaled gloves, made from the scale of a "Large Beast" (Sorahn's words, not mine). They endure intense elements but otherwise provide no protection.

Flame Sword of Slykrit: A steel sword that can be used to create flames. Luc is an average fighter with the thin blade. The sheath for the sword is black with green thorn designs that climb up to the top. The sheath dangles from his belt securely.

Wand of Webbing – Fires a sticky web from the tip, which is incredibly tough. The webbing lasts for five second before it melts into the air. This wand begins with 5 charges.

Wand of Bedlam – Releases deafening sounds that effect all nearby except for the one who uses the wand. This effect lasts for a very short time. This wand begins with 3 charges.

Transformation Wand – Changes the appearance of the target for 3 hours per charge used. The appearance is chosen by the imagination of the user. This wand begins with 4 charges.

Wand of Telepathy – Using an item taken from a person, the user of this wand can create an effect which allows him to know the thoughts of the item’s owner when they are within 100 yards, for 2 minutes. This wand begins with 4 charges.


To say the least, Luc has led an orthodox life, keeping himself from many experiences that a young child might face, and he is therefore ignorant (sometimes arrogant) toward the ways of the world. He's set in what he thinks, and it often takes a well spoken phrase or actual facts to make him change his mind about how he perceives things. He was born in Raiaera, and was raised there by an elven couple, as he never knew his Mother, and his Father had supposedly died months prior to his birth. He believes that they both live, though he's never had any experience that provided evidence to their whereabouts.

The couple that took him in was of close friend relations to Luc's parents, and they felt obligated to take him in until he was old enough to move on wherever he wanted to go. However, having the lack of a real Father figure led him to enroll in a nearby school of magic. This was when Luc's life began to change. He flew up in ranks, surpassing even his teachers in magical capability before he was even twelve years old.

Jealous of his power, six members of the school's administration conspired to abduct Luc and bring him to a sacred temple in Raiaera's deepest regions, where an unknown and mystic ritual robbed him of his powers and split them apart. Each teacher was imbued with incredible power, though the full control of these abilities did not come for many years.

Robbed of his powers, his innocence and his childhood, Luc was left for dead in the deepest region of Raiaera. To this day, he still does not now how he survived or where he ended up, so distant are the memories of that day.

The only thing that has kept Luc alive for these years is his thirst for that power he once held, the ability to control the elements and weave magic from them. His hunger for vengeance has never been satisfied, but even with the abilities he has developed he does not feel up to the task of finding the ones who wronged him. He tries not to think of the past, but if his anger is triggered, he will likely rise to action.

As if led by some destructive force, Luc has taken part in many battles, seen many deaths, and died a few times himself. Though he's experienced these things, Luc remains ignorant and prideful.

After the admission of Sid, when the man claimed to have no power against Luc, Luc realized how much he enjoyed his power. He has since used it to become a rampant threat in Corone, raping women and killing people who irritate him in some way. He joined Audeamus along with Dan and Witchblade, and they have since begun plotting attacks against the world.

Luc recently aided Venus/Delta and Edward as they battled Venerus once more. The fight took them to the Great Nether, a black dimension of pain and chaos. Venus and Edward escaped, but Luc was trapped in the damned land. At present time, he and Fyshrie, a green demon, search for a way to get back to Althanas.

Level 8 update

After returning to Althanas via a portal the great dragon, Glimmerfang, utilized, Luc went into hiding underground. With a plethora of tomes and parchments he had gathered over the years, Luc burrowed a home far below the crust of Althanas and lived there in intense study. While there, the mage entertained his long-standing thoughts concerning taking Eluriand, and he studied many books about the city’s defenses and history.

He rose after several months near the bazaar of Radasanth. He was assaulted there by an odd-looking man who adopted Luc’s appearance when they made physical contact. This was the homunculus, ‘Viral’, whom Luc took under his wing.

Using Viral as his helpful tool, Luc currently attempts to seize control of the elven city of Eluriand.

12-03-07, 07:46 PM
You're giving yourself five new abilities at level eight. Most of it looks all right, but I'm going to have to ask you to choose between Great Animation and Muddle.

Cyrus the virus
12-03-07, 08:04 PM
Can I ask why I need to choose between those particular two? I'd rather limit how effective they are against other PC's than get rid of them entirely, or maybe come up with another compromise. Do you have any other suggestions that might tone down the profile?

I could really tone down Reconstruct so that it only heals a single light wound in battle (but does as currently described while in a quest), and with Muddle, make it so if I use it against another player, it only gives them a throbbing headache for a few moments.

I just likes me new skillz. They're mostly for questing anyway.

12-03-07, 08:20 PM
Link me to your level 7 profile, so I can see EXACTLY how much stronger you've made him.

Besides, I was asking you to choose between those two so that I didn't have to ask you to limit your transportation spell. What's stopping him from transporting all of Audeamus (however living that PG is) at the moment?

Cyrus the virus
12-03-07, 09:11 PM
The things I've changed are in color. But here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5290).

Nothing's stopping him from doing that. What's stopping Audeamus from just starting their quest at whatever destination they're going off to? What's stopping him from Windwalking a few people at a time?

I'm actually pretty offended you'd suggest something like that, though I'm sure you didn't mean it to be personal.

12-04-07, 10:39 AM
You've been in this chair before, and you know as well as I do that I'm just doing my job.

I wanted you to choose between Great Animation and Muddle because the first is very vague as to how powerful it can be, and the second affects someone else's mind, and we're typically wary about that sort of thing. Reconstruct is fine the way it is, so I don't know why you brought it up.

Anyway, limit the way that Great Animation and Muddle can affect PCs, and we'll be good to go.

Cyrus the virus
12-04-07, 11:10 AM
Of course I understand, it's no big deal.

I edited those two spells to limit how they work against other characters. Let me know if that's enough, bud.

12-04-07, 04:32 PM