View Full Version : Atsui Ai (((Closed)))

12-03-07, 08:57 PM
I should probably tell you all that this contains some guy on guy sex. If you're offended by this, fuck you. And don't read it.

Cold wisps of air circled the room and stole heat from everything they touched. Like thieves in the night, they squeezed into cracks in the wall, and from a window left ajar, the hand crank used to shut it was snapped and no where to be found. The room was sparse and bare, a spartan-style that left little room for creature comforts. A flimsy bed stood out vertically from the water-stained walls, crossing the dark wooden floor that was scraped beyond repair. There was a nightstand near the bed with one leg shorter than all the others causing the glass of water on top to tilt ever so slightly. A trunk opposite the bed reeked of mold, and the fireplace near it seemed impossible to decipher; covered in thick layers of suit and broken glass.

Night seemed fast approaching, the last stretched of sunlight were whisked away as the sky outside the window became ever darker. Hidden beneath the blankets was Lucien, the Earthling boy who'd spent nearly the past two years on Althanas. And in all that time, he'd never encountered an inn quite so terrible.

Like the nativity, the inn was full, leaving the boy with only this scant room to call his own. What was worse were the cryptic words spoken by the inn keeper. "We may need to put another person in with you." He could almost see the man's gray whiskers bounce as he said it.

As he struggled to get warm beneath the sheet and thin blanket, he felt his feet and hands go numb, and could almost see the tip of his nose shine a bright red.

12-03-07, 09:11 PM
Devon was horribly confused. He had just been on a plane going to Japan a few hours ago, hadn't he? Where was he now? He shuffled down the street he was on, hidden in his hood, watching the people go passed as he walked. It seemed like something out of a fantasy movie, somethings from a bad one.

He recounted everything that had happened to him that day: he had almost been beheaded, he had eaten something that had made him sick, he had fallen into a river that he hadn't seen and now he was wondering around aimlessly without a place to sleep.

It was then that Devon saw a small inn in front of him. He couldn't make out the name, the letters being far too worn for him to read. He headed in and went up to the desk.

"How much is a room for the night?" he asked the gnarled old man.

"15 pieces," the man replied. Devon pulled out 15 of the golden coins that he had discovered in his pocket when he woke up. The old man took them and returned with a key. "Here is your room key, the room is up the stairs to the left." Devon thanked the man and turned to go up the stairs. He missed the old man's devious smile.

12-03-07, 10:28 PM
As the darkness grew, so did Lucien's boredom. There was little the boy could do to amuse himself aside from play a solo game of peek-a-boo beneath the covers, and though the crisp air in the room said otherwise, he felt the need to get up and pace for a little while, if only to tire himself to sleep.

The second the soles of his feet touched the frigid wood, a shiver raced up the brat's spine that caused his muscles to spasm. Cold as it was, he pressed on towards the gray window that looked over sections of Scara Brae. Branches lightly scrapped against the glass, but the boy soon became enamored by his own reflection. With a grin on his face, he lifted his faded pink shirt in the dimming sunlight, striking the most dashing pose he could. He frowned, and replaced it with a slightly more vulnerable and effeminate one.

He didn't have time to react to the door creaking open, or the sound of hushed footsteps afterwards.

12-03-07, 10:53 PM
Devon slid the key into the door of his room. He palmed the cold metal knob and twisted it, swinging the door open. He didn't notice the blond boy standing by the window because of his hood. He closed the door and it wasn't until he turned around and removed his jacket that he saw the other room occupant. He froze as he looked at the other boy.

12-03-07, 11:53 PM
"Uh." Every word, every single syllable of the English language left Lucien at that moment. The boy let his shirt drop back down around his stomach as he turned to meet the unfamiliar face. His skin turned bright red as he arms waved through the dimming air like two long pink glow sticks. "I..." Air rushed in and out of his lungs as the boy grew desperate to calm himself, at least for a moment.

"Well, I guess we're roommates," he said with a half-coked smile through clenched teeth. He really hoped this new intruder would volunteer to sleep on the floor, because there was no way he was giving up the bed.

12-03-07, 11:56 PM
The only thing that came to Devon's mind was what the fuck? Of course, he wasn't going to say it out loud.

"Uh, yeah I guess so." He took in the site of the room, the lone bed, the broken window, the boy again, the dark fireplace in the corner. It was then that Devon noticed how cold the room was and put back on his jacket.

"Um, my name's Devon. Are you from around here?"

12-04-07, 12:28 AM
Lucien, rocking on the balls of his feet, sagged a little at the question. He was tired of answering the inquiries of every swordsmith and swordsman about him being a swordswallower, and one from Earth no less. His mannerism and phrases were queer to Althanas at best, and queer in generalat worst. He sighed deeply and looked Devon straight in his eyes.

"I am," he yawned, tired of explaining the situation. He'd been on Althanas for nearly two years, Earth was just a distant memory. He padded over to Devon, hoping to get a better look at the man. His modern clothes were no surprise to Lucien, who had found every style imaginable on the enchanted landscape the was Althanas.

"I'm Luc-," he paused, if only for a moment, as he was caught off by the lovely brown eyes in front of him. "Lucien," he finally choked out. He extended, with a tremor, his pale hand. With some convincing, maybe I'll get him on the floor.

12-04-07, 07:34 PM
"Devon," he replied. He couldn't help but notice how the other boy's eyes changed color.

"So, where am I exactly? I was on a plane a few hours ago, and now I'm here." The last thing on Devon's mind was the fact that there was only one bed for the night.

12-04-07, 09:30 PM
"Heh." Lucien wished he could explain it all so easily. For the most part, the boy had gotten use to Althanas, and remembered little before he warmed, if ever so slightly, to his adopted home. He was about to utter some profound words he had heard his first weeks in Althanas, when he realized just what the older man's words meant.

"A plane? You mean, like, from Earth?" He voice came out in sort burts that warmed the air in front of him. His eyes widened to nearly comical sizes as he firmly grasped the arms of his roommate.

Was this another refugee from Earth? And a hot Asian one at that...

12-04-07, 10:32 PM
Now Devon was confused. Didn't he just say he was from where ever they were?

"Yes, Earth. I'm from Earth. I was on a plane from Boston to Tokyo and now I'm here. Where am I?" Devon explained. He started to wonder if he had fallen asleep and this was just some elaborate dream that his mind had conjured up. Well, atleast my brain knows how to keep me entertained Devon thought.

12-04-07, 11:20 PM
Another person from Earth. Lucien nearly lit up like a Christmas tree. He shook, slightly, still holding on with a firm grip to Devon's rough jacket.

There was so much to talk about, so much to hear about! The fact that the guy was from Boston was just icing on an already perfect cake. Harvard Square, Newbury Comics; hell, the guy's Japanese. Tokyo Kid! All of the boy's old hangouts came flooding into his mind, a cavalcade of smells and sounds that he longed to know again. And Devon was his ticket to that world he'd not known for so long.

Lucien, slowly but surely, began to grasp the situation at hand. These are his first few minutes on Althanas. What was it like for me? Scary as hell, that's what. I've got to explain the situation as rationally, and with as much tact as I can. The boy grinned at the thought of helping someone else, all the while knowing the reward that lay ahead.

"Well," he started, "You've been transported to a fantasy world straight out stolen from some bad asia-uh..Role-playing game. Yeah. It was probably through some magic portal that flying ghosts pop through on their way to summonings. It's how I got here. Hell, I defeated a monster with a bottle a' lotion even!" He stopped the breath, his statement draining him. The brat was oblivious to how absolutely stupid he sounded in context.

12-04-07, 11:28 PM
Now I know I'm dreaming Devon thought to himself.

"Sure, fantasy world. I guess this place kind of looks like World of Warcraft." Devon commented. Maybe if he tried he could wake himself up. But if he woke up then he'd lose the sight of the other boy.

I guess this place isn't that bad. I still had a long way to go. Sleeping for another few hours won't hurt.

"So, does this place have a name?" he asked.

12-04-07, 11:43 PM
Grinning like a moron and nodding his head, the boy finally remembered to take his hands off the arms of Devon, although doing so reminded the boy of the bitter cold entering the room. For a second, Lucien thought he saw a wisp of breath escape from between his thin, pink lips.

He smiled and steadied himself, a bang of blonde hair falling over his eye. "It's called Althanas," he said, "I believe we're in Scara Brae right now. A city-state or something." Rubbing his lip against his nose in some desperate plea for warmth, he backed slowly towards the bed, sitting down cross legged while gripping the blanket for dear life.

"So, tell me about what's been going on on Earth."

12-04-07, 11:46 PM
Devon had wondered when the other boy would stop touching him, but with some of the looks he had gotten he figured it would be better to not push him.

"Scara Brae? Okay....wait what do you mean what has happened on Earth? I thought you were from here?" This was getting a little too weird for Devon to handle. Why was his dream wondering what was happening on Earth?

Maybe I should try to wake up now Devon wondered.

12-05-07, 12:08 AM
"It's a long story," laughed Lucien with only a hushed voice, hoping he hadn't upset Devon in some way. As the man sat next to him, the boy could only shift uncomfortably on the bed, and hug tightly to the blankets in hopes they weren't taken from him.

"It sure is cold in here." His voice was soft, and he wasn't referring to the temperature alone.

12-05-07, 07:19 PM
Devon hugged his jacket around him tighter at the other boy's words. He was right, it was cold in the room.

Okay, I'd really like to wake up now Devon thought. He looked around the room again and once again came up empty with anyway to get himself to wake up. Devon sighed and let his head drop into his hands.

12-05-07, 07:25 PM
The air was tense; the awkward silence was almost enough to choke the occupants of the room. Lucien felt uneasy near Devon, who relaxed his head in such a way that signed defeat so completely. The boy was empathetic, if a little unnerved at it all.

"Uh...," he started, with all the confidence of a man on death row, "is there anything I could do to help?"

12-05-07, 07:52 PM
Devon looked over to the other boy. He shrugged.

"Unless you can figure out a way to wake me up then probably not, " he said. He studied the blond for a few more moments before he removed his jacket and draped it over the other's shoulders. He could deal with out it. As long I'm here I might as well be nice to him he thought.

12-05-07, 08:26 PM
The boy cringed a little and a smile betrayed his face. He felt Devon's eyes on him for a few moments, and the warm feeling of a jacket draped over his shoulders, the smell of the other man filling his nose. It wasn't unpleasant, and that scared the shy Lucien, who often hated the presence of strangers nearby. Still, he felt sorry for the man, his first days on Althanas were an ever present memory.

An idea popped into the boy's head that caused him to grin. He twirled his feet that dangled just above the floor and looked into Devon's eyes. It took him a moment, the words were stuck between layers of sheepish nature and embarrassment.

"You know," he paused, if only for a brief moment to enjoy the adrenaline caused by the idea, "I've heard making out helps people wake up. Wouldn't you if your blanket got wet? Hell, it may help you keep warm." He grinned sharper now, a more devious grin that he tried to hide behind a layer of cuteness. The real world stories can wait, I'll have a taste of it for myself.

12-05-07, 08:51 PM
Devon gave Lucien a sidelong glance. Did he just say what he thought he said? He didn't know how to take the idea. Well if he was dreaming it wouldn't hurt, it may frighten the old lady sitting next to him in the plane but she would get over it. Devon considered the idea. Atleast he's cute he thought.

"I don't know how warm making out will make either of us, but whatever." With that remark Devon leaned in and pressed his lips against the others.

12-05-07, 09:08 PM
I can't believe that fucking wor-

His thoughts were cut off now, the blood needed for more pressing matters. Only the tingle of cool lips that slowly warmed against his own, and the near blackness brought on by night could be noticed. Lucien's head felt light as his eyes closed in wait of the sweet embrace he'd hoped so dearly for.

Slowly, and with some courage needed, he found himself reaching his arm around Devon, hoping to bring him closer and prevent any chance of escape should the situation call for it. Warmed by the man's jacket, he could feel through frozen finger tips the hot flesh beneath Devon's clothes. He pressed even harder in the kiss, not really sure of what to do next. Fan-fiction and poorly filmed porno was all he had to go on, and the latter had little to do with foreplay.

12-05-07, 10:56 PM
Devon's arms came around behind Lucien and pulled him closer to his chest. He gently nipped at the boy's bottom lip then soothed it with a small swipe of his tongue. He could tell that Lucien was pretty inexperienced.

12-05-07, 11:27 PM
A sharp pain grasped Lucien's lip as Devon bit lightly into it. The boy would've pulled away if the man hadn't held an intimate grip with him, and as soon as that soft tongue ran along his bottom lip any feeling of pain was lost, replaced by a soft and constant tingle that caused the bulge in his pants to increase. The feeling of his hardness slowly grinding upwards against the fabric was maddening, and his heart felt like it could leap form his chest at any moment.

Invigored by these new sensations, the boy left his inhibitions behind as he pulled Devon on top of him, still tightly holding to the lip-lock. Despite the stiffness of the bedding, all was forgotten as twists of blonde hair were tasseled amongst the sheets.

12-06-07, 12:03 AM
As they went over onto the bed Devon noticed that Lucien's grasp on the kiss tightened. Once they were laying stark against one another he could feel the growing buldge in the blond boy's pants. Devon smirked to himself and slowly snaked his tongue out and glided it along the meeting point of Lucian's lips, asking for enterance.

12-06-07, 12:17 AM
The boy's eyes began to water as excitement ran through his body. Devon's weight on top of him added another instrument to an already perfect orchestra, sending Lucien's mind a flutter and making his pants increasingly tighter. His finger tips dug into the other's back, if only to prove to the boy that all this was real. It was all a rush, and he became flustered with the speed of it all.

As Devon prodded his tongue, almost begging for an opening, Lucien just couldn't refuse. He allowed entry, and, despite how the foreign tongue felt, the boy seemed to enjoy the intrusion. It was all new to him, and all so wonderful.

The boy could barely stand the built up anticipation and began a move he learned on the dance floors of Boston's gay youth events. He used his hips, sloppily grinding against the man's crotch in hopes of relieving his arousal, or stimulating Devon's.

12-06-07, 12:26 AM
Most logical thought left Devon's head as he felt Lucien grind against him. As much as he wanted to keep believing this was a dream it felt too good and made him way too hard for it to be. Devon's tongue explored the other boy's mouth throughly, tasting him, feeling the roof of his mouth, his teeth, and occaisonally grinding back.

12-06-07, 01:22 AM
Despite having a guy on top of him explore every cavity inside his mouth, and despite himself now grinding furiously against this guy, Lucien knew this couldn't last forever. The overflow of stimulation was too much for the boy, who quivered as he pushed back against Devon's tongue. He knew what was coming.

He felt his crotch shake even as it slid again and again against Devon's, and in a matter of seconds he felt it. Short bursts of warm liquid came out of him, hitting the denim fabric. With each grind, more and more came out, causing Lucien to moan into Devon's mouth, trying his best to hide it.

And within seconds, it was over. He let go of Devon, stopped and motion, and pried his tender lips from the man atop him. The coldness was gone as a serendipity spread over his body, a relaxation to what just happened. I was over excited. It was my first time. Rationalization took place between short, gasping breaths as he nudged Devon away a little to sit up, embarrassed about the stains that would appear soon.

"That was fun," he said with a grin, moving sweaty bangs of hair out of his eye. He honestly thought it was over.

12-06-07, 01:06 PM
"Aw, how cute, virgin immaturity," Devon giggled. Lucien had been right, making out did make him feel warmer.

"But where do you think you're going little one? I never said it was over." With that Devon pulled Lucien back towards and crushed their lips together once again. He stradle the other boy and pushed his tongue back into the other's mouth. It was his dream, he could do what he wanted.

12-06-07, 02:12 PM
In a flash Lucien was back under Devon, who shoved his tongue down the boy's throat and straddled him like a horse. The boy tried to cry out, if only in surprise, but it happened too fast for him to stop. He grasped the bedding, holding tightly to it as he felt is arousal return amidst a thick wetness. He was spent; tired from all the excitement that had already taken place.

Lucien enjoyed it for a few seconds more but began to push back, both in body and tongue. He was afraid he'd succumb to his baser instincts and ignore the screaming exhaustion that overtook his lithe form. Despite his best efforts, however, he couldn't gather the strength to get Devon off of him, and only succeeded in wetting the man's appetite more.

He cursed himself, knowing that, in part, he was sabotaging his own efforts. He liked this feeling, and sleep took a back seat to whatever was going on right now.

He white-knuckled hands let go of the mattress, and grasped Devon at the base of his spine. The boy was pulling him in closer, almost begging for more despite himself.

12-06-07, 08:19 PM
Devon grinned as he felt Lucien pull him closer. As he continued the assult on the other boy he managed to wiggle out of his top leaving behind a black thin strapped under shirt.

Soon his mouth found other things to occupy it, like Lucien's jaw and neck. He first ran it along the line of his bottom jaw and down the side of neck to his collar bone.

12-06-07, 09:01 PM
Lucien felt the soft rub of Devon's tongue all up and down his neck, and the light prick from teeth that teased with quick nips of pain. Not only was he warmer, but he felt as if the temperature in the room was now well over boiling. His previous zeal returned with what seemed a stronger arousal, caused in large part by the man's somewhat forceful approach.

The boy could not longer stand it. He let go of Devon's back, hoping the man kept at the work he did so well, and inbetween the love bites and tongue lashings, Lucien managed to peel off his, now damp, pink shirt. He threw it with little grace while lying down, and heard the light thump when it hit the wooden floor. "I'll find it later," he said through short, innocent squeals.

12-06-07, 09:10 PM
As Devon heard the thump of Lucien's shirt hit the ground he smirked. He sucked on a portion of the boy's neck, leaving a mark. When he had finished he sat up and removed his under shirt, leaving himself exposed up top. He looked down at the blond beneath him, a predatory gaze fixed in his eyes.

"This will be fun," he purred.

12-06-07, 09:51 PM
"Ahh," cried Lucien, trying his best to mask the pain of his hickey. It hurt him more than the love bites, leaving a rapidly red turning mark that would develop into a bruise soon.

As Devon stripped off his shirt, revealing golden skin that seeped with sweat, the boy relaxed completely as he stared up at the man who sat atop. There was a moment of tense relaxation when both participants waited for their instinct to take over. The man smirked from ear to ear, waiting to hear but a sound from Lucien.

The boy knew what he wanted. "Take them off," he whispered as his eyes darted towards and pants. "All of it." It was an aphrodisiac to Devon, who took the invite with all the glee of a spoiled child.

12-06-07, 10:25 PM
Devon struggled off the bed and Lucien and stood up. He laid a seductive gaze on the bed's only occupant and his hands went for his belt. The silver buckle opened and the black leather was slowly removed from the pant's loops. Devon carelessly threw the belt to the floor and started working on the button and zipper next. He took his sweet time pulling down his pants, he watched Lucien the entire time. They joined the belt on the floor and Devon rested his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers.

"Ready?" he asked playfully.

12-06-07, 11:31 PM
Stripped bare save his boxers, Lucien blushed a bright pink that so perfectly complimented his position. He curled up slightly, reminiscent of a playful kitten, awaiting with intense anticipation for the curtain to draw on opening night.

"Yes," he said, sounding almost like a surrendering soldier. He loved the attention, the submission, and the power that Devon now held over him. As the man drew down his stained boxers in one fluid motion, the boy was at full mast, the penis pulsating with each beat of his unsteady heart. It was by no means big, but average enough to gain it a passing grade.

He looked up at Devon with widened eyes that asked, begged, for more. Cognition be damned, Lucien now ran purely on passionate heat that rose from him.

12-07-07, 12:18 AM
Devon fixed Lucien with his sultry gaze once again and grinned like the cheshire cat. This was going to be more fun than he thought. His fingers curled around the top of his boxers as he slid them downward teasingly slow. He knew if kept at this that Lucien would probably beat him but it was too much fun to play with the unexperienced boy. Before he pulled the fabric down all the way he let it rest on his hip bones. He could see Lucien shaking with anticipation. The smirk widen and the boxers joined his pants and belt on the floor. He stood in the open area for a bit but soon he started stalking towards the bed, a panther like sway in his hips.

12-07-07, 12:32 AM
The prey was helpless, the predator ready to fulfill his every hunger. Devon's hands moved methodically on the bare boy's body, taking in the full view from where he stood. He breathed in deeply and looked intoxicated, as if drunk at the very sight of the boy; the boy was no less drunk at the sight of him.

Waiting was terrible for Lucien, who looked as if he could jump from his very skin with nervous anticipation. He wanted it, craved every touch from Devon he could.


12-07-07, 12:41 AM
"Please." It was this utterance that stopped Devon in his tracks. He had had no intention at the beginning of making the other so hot for him but if that's how it worked out who was he to complain? He walked a little quicker over to the bed and when he reached it he studied Lucien with a quizzical. He wondered if Lucien knew anything about what was coming. Well there was only one way to find out. He grabbed the boy's right arm and hoisted him up onto his knees.

"I have one instruction for you, suck." Devon commented as he gestured downward.

12-07-07, 08:09 PM
It was scary, there was no doubting that. Even with all the excitement the boy was just a little reluctant to go that far with Devon. At most he expected the best form of handshake and more foreplay, but oral seemed like an unclimbable peak that stared him right in the face.

As he knelt on the bed with the man's manhood in his face, Lucien's eyes darted up and down, full of confusion. The droplets of sweat started to freeze up in the cold room; the smell of which was now mixed with the former musty odor.

This is too much. Maybe if I play dumb, he won't go further, and we can go back to some of the earlier stuff. He gulped down a large swig of spit, his throat giving away a nervous demeanor as his eyes stared blankly at Devon's face.

12-07-07, 10:30 PM
Devon smirked at him.

"Oh please, don't even think that I don't know that you're playing stupid. You have little virgin slut written all over you."

12-08-07, 10:22 PM
The words were cruel and drew down Lucien's back like a cast iron whip. His ploy was foiled, and Devon's words had left a cool sweat on his body.

"I think I can prove you wrong," he said, his voice full of spite and cockiness. He turned his head to face a barren wall, shunning the man's member in hopes the cool air would bring him to apologize.

12-08-07, 10:46 PM
Devon snorted, a deep cold laugh leaving his lips as he threw his head back. He studied the boy's back for a bit then ran one black painted nail down his spine.

12-08-07, 10:52 PM
Oh Fuck.

The twinge in his cock returned in full force as he body heated up with all the speed of a forest fire. The finger that so lightly touched his back drove him mad with lust. The boy's protest was over as he turned his head back to Devon and, reluctantly, wrapped one hand around his member. His small hand seemed somewhat dwarfed by it, and memories he had wished to forget began to resurface.

Back on Earth, the entire extent of his sexual experience had been a single act of oral to someone he barely knew from high school. He ended being horrid at it, or so the other person told him, and the entire act left a "bad taste in his mouth."

Still, Lucien had to admit defeat in this case. Soundlessly, he engulfed the man inch by inch, trying his best to keep his teeth from scraping the top of the shaft. He tongue flickered awkwardly around in some vain attempt at a move, and he decided to wait for further command, lest he fuck something up.

12-08-07, 11:01 PM
"There's a good boy," Devon purred. "Don't think there won't be something in this for you at the end. Now, do as I say and move you're head slowly back and forth while twisting you're tongue," he instructed.

12-08-07, 11:37 PM
Bright idea, jackass, thought a rather spiteful Lucien. Anyone who's turned on the seven a'clock news knows this basic move. I was expecting some ancient Chinese sex secret you Asians are known for.

Despite it, the boy followed the instruction and began to bob his head the length of the shaft, careful to go as slow as he possibly could to avoid teething Devon's cock. He remembered reading an article online a few years back that recommended putting the lips of your lips over the teeth to prevent scraping. He attempted the maneuver as clumsily as possibly, leading to droplets of drool to roll down his chin. Still, he pressed on, increasing his speed and even adding a little hand movement the the action, all the while gyrating his hips in hopes of feeling something as well. The taste was terrible, and Lucien knew there were much worse flavors to come.

12-09-07, 12:01 AM
Devon moaned in the back of his throat as he watched Lucien. His hips started moving on their own according, keeping up with the bobbing of Lucien's head. As he felt pressure starting in his lower abdomen Devon placed his hand on Lucien's forehead and pushed him away and back onto the mattress.

"Now, it's time for me to have my fun," he murmured.

12-09-07, 12:11 AM
Lucien was unceremoniously thrown back, slamming lightly into the bedding as he stared up with wide eyes at Devon. The man's powerful form was fading in a sea of darkness. The sun was nearly set, and the dark and grainy blue that lit the room was all but gone. Whatever move happened next would require the night vision of an animal, and, Lucien hoped, the skills of one as well.

The boy was tired but willing for what he knew would happen, and as the surprise of the push faded, he laid limply on his back with knees high and the air and spread apart. Lucien didn't know the man's idea for position, and decided to play rag doll and let Devon make the first move.

12-09-07, 12:42 AM
Devon licked his lips at the sight before him. He was pretty sure Lucien couldn't see him, he on the other hand had excellent night vision. He bent to his knees and studied the pale unmarred skin of the blond. First, he ran his fingers over one of his thighs, ghosting over the top of Lucien's manhood and up the other one. Soon his fingers were going down the undersides. He wanted Lucien to squirm.

12-09-07, 12:53 AM
As Devon's fingers prodded along Lucien's thighs, he couldn't help but bit his bottom lip. For the entire night, it hadn't been the acts that had tensed him up, but the man's near constant teasing of his body that made his muscles spasm and his lips utter muffled cries of hallelujah. Even now as he wanted to scream at Devon for not moving faster, he secretly enjoyed every minute of the attention, hoping it would never really end.

Night had finally come, and his eyes had to adjust to the budding darkness. All the while, he hoped the man could read his lips, that kept begging for more, and to bring him to climax.

12-09-07, 01:04 AM
Devon felt the skin underneath his fingers quiver and it brought a smile to his face. He licked his lips and leaned over. He first lightly ran the tip of his tongue over the underside of Lucien's testicles in slow strokes.

12-09-07, 01:11 AM
In an instant Lucien went from gripping the sheets to clawing at thick bushels of black hair, pulling Devon's head closer down in hopes of finishing the work. His body trembled lightly, his breaths became short and almost labored, he was at the man's complete mercy in those few strokes of a tongue.

His silent pleas became vocal, a strong and and screechy voice was becoming louder and more vibrant. He tried to pull Devon in closer, for more, becoming nearly zealous in his attempts for release.

12-09-07, 01:21 AM
Devon took the left in between his lips and carefully swirled his tongue around it. He did the same to the other then moved his tongue downwards, stopping just before the tight ring of muscle. He wondered if touching it would send the blond instantly over the edge.

12-09-07, 01:30 AM
Devon's tongue stopped short of the one area Lucien crazed to feel. Nearly everything thus far had been an experiment in experience, a taste of things the boy had only dreamt about on Earth. As he felt the warm tongue of the man near his muscle, he allowed the feeling his testicles had just had to pass by, leaving him starved for more.

The man seemed a master of his craft, teasing Lucien to greater and greater lengths each time. The boy knew what he wanted, and as his balls turned every shade of the rainbow he let it out.

"Please," he said in a whiny tone through his teeth, "go all the way." He was embarrassed to say the least, biting his bottom lip hard. "Do," he paused, unsure if he wanted to say it. "Anything"

12-09-07, 01:42 AM
Devon stopped at leaned back at the request. He tented his fingers and looked at the figure it front of him. A grin so large and twisted spread across Devon's face that he could practically contain his glee. He leaned back in with a new purpose and slowly circled the ring of muscle in Lucien's backside with his tongue. He did this a few times before he started prodding at his softly. He leaned back again and sucked the pointer finger on his left hand into mouth. When it was nicely coated in saliva he brought it to the ring and placed it on the puckered opening. He licked his lips as he slowly pushed it in.

02-11-08, 08:50 PM
It was foreign, it was painful, and it even caused the butterflies in Lucien's stomach to run completely rampant, yet it was somehow surprisingly alluring. Even as Devon pushed his digit inside the boy, Lucien began pushing back against the intrusion, as if to force his own climax sooner.

06-13-09, 02:34 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.