View Full Version : Receive the Sound

Broken Dragon
12-04-07, 01:24 AM
"You're a thief. You're a dirty little thief and you're going to get what's coming to you."

Javet's gleaming gold eye stared down at the scruffy boy as his grip tightened even more around his small wrist. Two coins fell from white, bloodless fingers, and chattered as they struck the road. Other shoppers passed by warily, some shooting him dirty looks that he ignored, but none stepped forward yet to stop him. Whether they were too craven at the sight of the long, worn hilt rising from the fold of his crummy brown cloak's shoulder, or something else, the paladin could not say.

"Please mister! My momma is sick! We can't afford the medicine! I gotta-" Scowling, Javet shook the boy, pulling him up by the wrist and off his feet.

"A crime is a crime, boy! There's no such thing as a noble cause in a crime!" The boy reached up and grabbed the paladin's wrist, and hefted himself up far enough to sink his teeth into the flesh there. Grunting, he dropped the child, and watched him reluctantly as he escaped into the crowd.

'You need to calm down,' he scolded himself as he drew in a long, low breath, closing his eye for a moment. 'I'm not on duty, and even if I were, I don't have the authority to punish a criminal here. I just have to remember the reason I came to the bazaar in the first place.' Opening his eye again, Javet glanced over the heads of the crown and towards the shop to his left.

Inside, a mulititude of men and women were milling about, studying the weapons and pieces of armor on the racks or within the display case. He ignored them, stepping rudely into their paths or bumping into their shoulders, sending whatever they carried crashing to the floor. Within a few short minutes, he had gained the scorn of almost every patron of the store, and he could feel their eyes aiming daggers at his back.

Javet paused before a rack and made his decision with careless speed, picking up a three foot long katana with an undecorated tsuba and a dark blue oak sheath. He carried it to the counter, setting it down gingerly, the first act of care he had shown since walking in.

"I didn't check the blade, but this is a fairly generic item anyway. I'm sure you have more in stock, so I'd appreciate it if you told me some of the best sword-metals I could get for this weapon for about five hundred gold."

Moonlit Raven
12-05-07, 07:24 PM
The sound of a child's shouts drew my attention, silently thanking the forethought to have a small window placed by the front counter I looked out side and watched the short scene unfold. Frowning, I shook my head. The boy was wrong for stealing but that man was cruel to a child. Sighing, I resolved to have a talk with Grov and Kale to see if they could find that child and offer what aid I could extend.

Much to my dismay the man entered my store and within moments managed to annoy, irritate and upset all of my customers. Several left as the man approached the counter, flustered I looked up at him, at a lost to say anything. Killing a person with kindness never hurts.

"Good afternoon sir." I smiled up at the man, while fiddling with a thick lock of ebony and ruby hair. "Welcome to my shop, my name is Elena. You said five hundred gold? the best you could get is Damascus, which is an single upgrade higher than steel."