View Full Version : Lighten your pockets....Make your back heavier

12-06-07, 07:59 PM
The ocean breeze on Scara Brae was pleasant. The sun shone brightly in the sky, it was a shame it would set in a few hours. The weather made Banda drowsy. The mercenary walked by a tavern, shaking the thought of a bed from his mind. Priorities always came first, and this priority was rather easy to accomplish if the person weren't staggering from lack of sleep.

Banda looked up at the shop's sign, he stepped inside and took off his bandana as an act of courtesy, "Good afternoon miss," he waved a hello to the girl behind the counter, "It's a beautiful day to sleep on the grass isn't it?" Banda mentally smaked his forehead with his fist, priorities first.

He walked along the shop slowly and sleepily, looking for what he needed, "Aha," he grabbed the rucksack from the rack and practically tripped over himself as he placed it on the table, "I wanna buy this rucksack, how much is it?" He beamed at the store clerk.

12-08-07, 08:54 AM
Ella blinked back the surprise the moment Banda stepped into her quaint little store. His dreamy eyes, the light footsteps and hypnotic smile...

Her mind was snapped back to reality as the rucksack landed on the table. Fumbling with her words in awkward embarassment, the storekeeper quickly looked up the price from within her large tome of prices.

"Ah! Erm- Yes, sir! The price is..." The girl hastily flipped through the pages before answering. "Umm... fifteen gold pieces."

The lass paused momentarily before looking back down at the book and quickly realized her error.

"Ahh!" She squealed. "I meant ten gold pieces, sir! Greatly sorry, sir!"

Ella smiled meekly as she waited, hoping she did not leave a bad impression on the good-looking youth.

12-08-07, 08:11 PM
Banda laughed, and smiled at the clerk, "Ah, it would've only been five extra gold pieces, no worries." He handed over the ten gold pieces and put everything from his pockets into the rucksack, and put it on, "See ya later..." He waved goodbye to the girl and left the shop. Banda found a tree with shade, and fell asleep on his new rucksack.

12-09-07, 07:32 AM
Hastily collecting the gold coins from the counter top, if only to keep her eyes and hands preoccupied until the young man left, Ella barely had time to respond to his departure with a wishful greeting.

Well, had she been a bit less clumsy with the coins, she might have caught him when the store's creaky door closed with a bang.


She stared out beyond the tiny shop's window at the customer, her mind fallen into silence as she attempted to conjure up one last word.

"...umm, please come again?"

((Transaction Complete!

Streak101 loses 10 GP and receives the rucksack he selected. Nothing extravagant or extra-durable, mind you.

Streak101 also receives an extra 50 EXP for "toying" with the store clerk. ;)))