View Full Version : Where Dreams Begin

Sighter Tnailog
12-09-07, 11:15 PM
As night was starting to fall, the traveler approached the inn. As he came closer, lights begin to come on in the windows, and he could hear the sounds of merriment beginning to drift towards him on the crisp night air. Something within him stirred, and he smiled at the thought of a cold pint and a warm bed. And if the prices were too high, well, that was okay; a pallet of straw was just as well.

As he finally reached the door, the traveler sighed with relief. He opened it and the noise washed over him, comforting jocularity, a sound almost as good as the ale his mouth could already taste and his nose could smell on the air. A young lad scurried by carrying a mug far too big for him and almost knocked the traveler down, but the man managed to leap back before he was bowled over. He cracked a grin and thought back to his days as a boy, when he would have been just as eager to enjoy such a prize.

Even as he eased his way into a chair and ordered his first round for the night, a man at a nearby table leaped to the top and began to deliver a rousing speech. He called for men and women to flock to his cause, to take up arms, to deliver the oppressed people of the world from such-and-such an evil and this-and-that prince of darkness. The man simply drank his ale. He'd heard it all before.

((This forum is in-character, and is a well-known place for the starting of groups and as a hub for their activity before they have their own place to call home. Posting is intended for members of groups that do not have HQs and their guests; OOC recruitment is disallowed, and IC recruitment for an HQ-holding PG will be punished by immediate removal from all PG-related activities.))