Karyna carefully listened to Karuka's lecture. Kyprith had laid himself down in the center of the room in order to take full advantage of the breeze and stay out of the strong sunlight, but still kept an ear pricked to the proceedings inside. As she listened, she realized that her original thoughts about the woman’s past were inadequate. This woman had been thrust into a life she didn’t want. She had been ripped from all that she had known and was forced to survive through adventuring. And she had accomplished a lot! Karyna was amazed and intently watched Karu’s expressions as her tale unfolded.

After the adventurer had finished her tale, Karyna was silent, mulling over how to best show Karu why she had made this decision. While doing so, she turned slightly to look out over the rooftops stretching out to the bay below.

Within a few moments, she turned back to face Karuka and began to outline her reasoning, “I apologize for giving ye such inadequate reasoning during our walk here, ‘tis what I always told myself since the rest was second nature tae me. Just as I was starting the transition tae womanhood, my Elvish father visited. During his visit, he took me aside an’ told me o’ an important tradition o’ his clan.”

Karyna paused, making sure she remembered everything clearly. Kyprith stretched before rolling over on his back.

“A person isn’t given a manual that explains her purpose in life, what she is meant tae do, how she is meant tae do it, or who she is meant tae be. Those are things that she must figure out for herself. To do so, follow the strong urges; albeit, not the ones that come an’ go, but rather those that consume ye. He told me that people have the tendency tae choose between the head an’ the heart; which means they ignore half o’ the recommendations necessary an’ half o’ the ones they do listen tae are inadequate tae say the least.”

Hardly pausing as her mother entered the room with a curious look on her face, Karyna went on to explain the next step in the reasoning.

“It’s nae that I want tae leave my mum, but we both understand that there is something missing for me here, an’ I need tae find it. Right now, I danna ken where my wanderlust is leading me; I probably won’t ken till I arrive there. But I have tae take this chance. I’m nae relying completely on heritage or drive tae guide me. I have experience in both hunting, scouting, an’ fighting; albeit, I ken I am nae expert. But I am a quick learner an’ I have tae start somewhere.”

During this, her mother had made a pot of a spiced ice tea and poured each of them a glass of the refreshing and invigorating beverage. Then she sat down next to her daughter. If one looked closely, one would notice the hint of a look that was pained, resigned, loving, and understanding in the depths of her dark chocolate eyes. When looking at the mother and daughter side by side, one would think they were related but distantly. While Karyna had pale tanned skin, brilliant rusty red hair, sparkling sea green eyes, and sharp but gentle features, her mother had caramel skin, raven black hair, deep cocoa eyes, and rounded features with a heart-shaped features. It was clear to anyone who was slightly observant that Karyna took after her father’s appearance more than her mothers, but if one was careful in their observations they would notice the similarity in the shape of the lips, the expressions, the way the two held themselves, and the broad shoulders that no graceful Elf would posses in his heritage.

Once she was done with her explanation, unless there were questions or comments, Karyna introduced her mother to Karu, mentioning the defeat of the Spider Monkeys. O’Feargail, or F’gail as she liked to go by, was friendly and gracious, following the normal customs before letting out a jibe…

“It’s ‘bout time those Monkeys jumped intae web of their own making. They have been muddling in things above their heads, an’ if they hadn’t had the muscle the collection of weak brains would nae have kept them alive this long. The only one with a decent level of intelligence that I met was their leader, that Draconian brute. Well, good riddance, an’ I hope ye danna get too much trouble from this,” with that she raised her glass, used it to salute the visitor before her, and took a gulp.