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Thread: Diary of the Dead: Chapter I - Hollow Daydreams

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  1. #11
    Memento Mori
    EXP: 53,567, Level: 9
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 433
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 433
    Witchblade's Avatar

    Hair Color
    Black, like her soul
    Eye Color
    5'9 / 130lbs

    The sun was just beginning to break over the horizon. The darkness that had enveloped the land for so many hours was now being chased away and replaced, by the bright and fiery orange that marked day’s entrance. Soon the sky would change from the navy blue it had turned into and become the vibrant and clear blue that humans loved so much. But for now, things remained quiet in the Gol’bron town. Her sensitive ears could pick up the sounds of the many creatures that had slept through the night slowly awakening to a brand new day. The chirping of birds would soon ring out and the gentle and soft steps of rabbits and deer alike would litter the forest floor. Even the wind was beginning a soft dance through the leaves and branches. The humans in the camp though would remain quiet for a few hours longer, especially those still sleeping off the effects of alcohol strewn before her.

    Their bodies were rather haphazardly lying across the hard ground in a way that only a drunk man would do, as he was without care for the aches and pains he would receive in the morning. Though she had a feeling it was their heads and their stomachs that would be feeling the brunt of the aftermath. Even Daegun was using Trey’s chest as a comfortable bed to curl upon. Witch had never been drunk before but she had seen the effects on more than one human and they were rather rough the next day. Why they would willingly put something into their bodies that would only dull their senses that night and the next day was beyond her. Sure, they’d all looked to be having a grand time, but half the things they’d said made little to no sense in her mind, not to mention their words had been rather slurred and they’d practically been falling over themselves. Thankfully, none of them had questioned her when she’d politely declined the ale, perhaps for obvious reasons. Her mouth was of course sown shut. Drinking any kind of liquid was a task she’d rather not attempt, not to mention her body rebelled when things like food and water were introduced to it, making her feel extremely ill. More often than not, she threw it up.

    Despite all those facts, the night had been fun. She couldn’t remember the last time she had talked so freely with anyone, let alone a group of humans, and some of the stories she had, had greatly amused them all. They’d especially loved the ones about regions of Althanas they’d never been to before, but wisely she had kept a lot of her memories to herself. After all, destroying entire villages just for fun usually didn’t go over too well when sharing tales around the bonfire.
    When the sun broke the tree line, Witch watched as Jacob stirred slightly. The first signs of it were the increased beat of his heart, it sounded like a distant drum thumping through her ears. Slowly, he opened his eyes only to hiss and roll over, burying his head into his arm.

    She smirked, “Good morning.”

    He groaned, “There’s nothing good about it...”

    His voice sounded very hoarse, either from his throat being too dry or from laughing and talking so much last night. She didn’t know. Reaching beside her, the Halfling grabbed a skin of water and tossed it towards the human, hitting him in the side of the head with it. He barely moved or even acknowledged it.

    “I suppose that depends on your perspective.”

    “Stop yelling at me...”

    She wasn’t, in fact his ears weren’t even hearing her words, it was his mind that perceived them. Watching him grab the water skin with sluggish and uncoordinated movements, the halfling turned her eyes towards Trey as she heard him moving around too. He seemed just as rough as Jacob. As he began to stir, his movements jerked Daegun awake, who stretched and yawned rather lazily atop the human. His white, curled up body looking like a giant rock with spikes and a head. Kind of cute really. Trey didn’t seem to think so.
    The moment he opened his eyes and saw the sleepy face of her baby dragon, he did what came naturally to most humans. He quickly threw him up into a sitting position, throwing Daegun off him and scrambled back.


    His loud cry woke up Adrian and the others from their slumber, who’s immediately instincts were to reach for weapons. Weapons she wouldn’t doubt would do them more harm at this point in time than good. He merely broke into a loud bout of laughter as Daegun shook his addled head and looked at the human slightly perplexed.
    Last edited by Witchblade; 02-02-08 at 10:13 PM.
    Do you ever Feel like a Monster?

    Do you dare to read The Diary of the Dead

    Have you seen my Hollow Daydreams
    Or listened to this Serenade of Haunting Voices
    Pray for The Heart I Once Had
    Then grant A Rose For The Dead'

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