Even though technically I wasn't really gone from Althanas, I wasn't really around much either the last couple of months, especially when it comes to IC stuff. I mean, I look back on some of the threads I'm in and I see that months have come and gone since I posted. And that's bad. I would apologize, but apologies got old about two or three months back. So I'll rather say that I'm officially back, that I'll try to make amends with some posts this weekend and that my posting will be a lot more regular from this point on.

Have I broken through my writer's block? No, not really. I realized that no such thing ever happens. You don't wake up one morning and find that your muse has miraculously returned and that you have the drive to write again. It's not a matter of inspiration, not in my case anyways. You can have a thousand good ideas, but without the will to write it down they're of no use. It's more a matter of persistence and stubbornness, of simply deciding to write even when you know that what you're writing is crap. But if you keep at it, one day you might be back to your A game.

So here's to hope that writing with all of you again will help me get my mojo back again.