(Closed. Remake of Rock and Roll All Night)

The Big Country was a magical place. In the Big Country, dreams stay with you. Quite like a lover’s voice fires the mountainside. The Big Country had thrived for many years. The Kids were united, and would never be divided. Together they had overcome the greatest odds, and had built a city where they were free to live the lives that they wanted to live, free from the people trying to bring them down just because they got around. They built this city on Rock and Roll.

All of that was about to change, The Man was out to destroy Rock and Roll. The Kids wanted to fight him, but they didn’t know what they could do. The Man controlled everything, the high school football team, the frat houses, he even brewed the beer that they drank. There was widespread panic through the city. Almost immediately, there was a meeting called by all the Cool Kids.

“Here, here!” shouted Johnny B. Quarterback, as he rapped his fist down upon the podium, urging for silence from the panicked crowd. “This arguing will get us nowhere, we’re going to have to do something about this!”

“How do we even know if it’s really real?” a voice came up from the crowd. “Rock and roll will never die.”

Johnny B. Quarterback was at a loss for the words. After all, it was one of the few accepted facts in the Big Country that Rock and Roll could in fact, never die. Not as long as it still lived in the hearts of all the Kids who just wanted to hang out and have a good time.

His question was soon answered by a sudden cackle over the loudspeaker. Moments later in walked Hal Monitor, known flunky to The Man. “The Man has no time to answer your foolish questions, but trust me, he will destroy Rock and Roll. He is currently building an evil device in his secret lair! You will regret ever messing with him… and you Sandra, you’ll regret not going with me to the prom when he makes me his second in command.”

Sandra merely turned up her nose.

In a sudden rush of bravado, Johnny B. Quarterback rushed off the stage. “Sandra, couldn’t love you, you don’t even know what love is!” he shouted. After all, as star quarterback, it was he who was in love with the head cheerleader.

Hal Monitor just chuckled. He pulled out his revolver and coldly shot Johnny B. Quarterback.

“Oh!” Johnny exclaimed as he looked at the gaping wound in his chest. “Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame! You give love a bad name.”

With that, Johnny passed out. Pandemonium broke out in the auditorium, and Hal Monitor escaped back into the darkness to go and conspire with The Man and his various allies.

In their panic, the kids held out hope that something, someone could come and save them. If no one stopped The Man, they would forever be without Rock and Roll. Also, since the quarterback had been shot, the kids didn’t have anyone to lead them at quarterback for the big game against Rival High.

Somehow, somewhere, the kids pined for someone who could come and save them. Perhaps five people, five people whose bravery would be known by their willingness to wear matching, but differently colored, jumpsuits and helmets. As the panic settled, they decided that they would have to send Killroy and his robot friend to go find five people who could save Rock and Roll from the clutches of The Man. Their courage would be known throughout the land by their abilities to wear such garish clothing.

Out of Character:
As you can probably already tell, there will be a good number of rock songs which have their lyrics referenced or alluded to in this thread. This is meant as satire, and not as plagiarism.