Hearing the Dirge Mage's words; the ghoul simply grinned underneath the layer of the endless. Sharpened senses heard the heavy boot falls. Screams in the distance also caught the ghoul's ears as the enemy fell to the various traps and vile contraptions placed eons ago by the ancestors of the ghoul. These goblins are careless bastards. Their forces will be cut in half long before they ever make it to our position. Seeing a goblin sword on the ground; Lorenor moved his boot quickly and kicked it in the general direction of the Dirge Mage so that the other could wield it effectively. "Arm yourself; there will be many and we have proper supplies at our feet! Take the weapons and equipment of the fallen. Don't be too proud to steal."

Lorenor instructed; taking command of the situation. The ghoul knew that the Dirge Mage probably wouldn't like being bossed around but the situation required leadership. The ghoul stepped up deciding that he would rather be the one to do most of the bossing around in whilst his companion faced a moment of weakness. He suddenly found himself missing Tyria; who was likely to become a friend. The numbers that accompanied him prior to his meeting of the Dirge Mage dwindled down and in the end there was one. Lorenor didn't care so long as he met his goal and found what he was looking for.

Their chieftain is in possession of it. The Endless whispered in the back of his mind. Lorenor nodded and grabbed the handle of his newly acquired sword tightly. He waited until the enemy was well within range. With his eye sockets narrowing; the ghoul observed the haze of the hallway carefully.

Torches were visible in the distance as the sound of the mob came at them and a feeling of destruction entered his gut. Lorenor was prepared. A feeling of determination crept up his spine. Staring at the face of the enemy; he knew that the traps were making short work of their forces. Also; there was another quickly cutting the goblins down as well...


...Lorenor's spawnling ran through the hallway towards a cadre of targets.

He had eyes full of hatred and wrath. The goblin was armed and still retained the memories of his martial skills through genetic memory.

Stopping approximately a few pieces from the nearest uninfected goblin; the goblin leaped forward and prepared his attack. Nearby goblins suddenly stopped everything that they were doing as their own ken attacked their forces. Goblins reacted in a slow fashion; confusion settling into their ranks as their numbers fell to the traps of the temple. The infected goblin quickly slashed at the nearest warrior; pulling the victim's weapon to the side. The goblin reached forward with snarling maw and vicious teeth. Overwhelmed by the sudden savage act; the attacked goblin fell. The infected reached forward with his powerful jaws whilst the other goblins shrieked and screamed in shock. This all happened in a matter of moments. The infected tore through the throat of the goblin he was attacking and began to consume the flesh of his victim. He tore out much of the trapezius and neck region; but left the spinal cord intact. The infection was passed from attacker to victim starting off the process of domination.


Something was happening. The goblins were taking too long a time to arrive to their destination. Lorenor reasoned that they were hopelessly outnumbered and outflanked by their forces; what was the delay? Then; loud shrieks and shouts of confusion emerged from further down the hallway. It is beginning. The Endless whispered. Lorenor felt his muscles tighten now as he could only guess at that meaning. He remembered the blur passing by him moments prior. Lorenor shot a glance to the Dirge Mage as his own chest rose and felt with intensity at the thought of battle. "Something is going on; I'm not sure what. But it is something extremely dangerous."

The ghoul was the catalyst.