Dyne didn't want to stick around in order to hear what said next. He just wanted out of there before the shifty eyed Knights got any funny ideas about the two of them. Dyne eyed his companion Shu for a long moment when he cleared the group of Knights. He was still in the alleyway and waited for the other to catch up. Once that was taken care of; Dyne still found himself holding his breath. He released a sigh of relief when the alleyway was cleared and they were once again standing in the parade. Dyne had a serious expression and turned towards Shu.

"We better bring this matter up with Seti." The youth said. He was still the Patriarch of the House of Sora and this was a serious matter to the leader. He was also a Corone Ranger and knew that the Empire was their enemy. There was so much going on that the youth barely had a chance to grasp his fingers around the situation before it slipped out of his hand, lost in the wind.

Dyne wanted a drink. He turned towards his companion once more with a softer expression on his face. "Okay; let's get going. We need to discuss this matter further. I'll arrange for a meeting with Seti so that we can figure out how to proceed next. Someone needs to take care of this matter with the 'almighty' Empire." Dyne said in a hushed voice as he walked, knowing that Shu would follow.

Walking towards one of the many stands of food and drink, the youth noticed that the crowds started to disperse. Soldiers were busy trying to calm the situation down. The area near the Mayor's last position was barricaded off almost completely. There were heavily armed men in black suits that strangely made Dyne think of the Syndicate agents. The youth frowned deeply as he stood by the stand. "Do you want anything to drink Shu? We better get out of town for a bit to someplace we can discuss this situation openly and without worry. Maybe back to the smith shop." Dyne suddenly missed that mysterious girl that they came across earlier. She was a character all right. He picked up some orange juice for himself; paid for his drink and meal and looked over at Shu waiting for the lad's response. There was a lot that needed to be said now.