MQ here.

Claimed Reward:Damascus Masterwork Longsword. A well forged weapon by the Agents of the Cathedral. Lorenor obtained this weapon during the confrontation with the deadly Spider Ninja. Which turned out to be an Agent of N'Jal. The weapon is a fancy longsword and comes equipped with a Masterwork scabbard. Lorenor wears this weapon on his hip.

Actual Reward:Lorenor V'halkulus gains: the Damascus Masterwork Longsword. It is, however, heavily damaged from years of unimaginably-abusive use by its previous wielder, which explains his eagerness in giving it to the ghoul, favoring his newer, shinier weapon. It will need to be repaired soon, lest it shatter and be forever lost!

Enchanted Reward Notes: ((Notes: I will pay for enhancements out of pocket if need be)) I'd like my Damascus sword fully repaired and upgraded to Masterwork quality. No Enchantment. I will add those later as I quest. The scabbard is included and also Masterwork quality. I'll pay for repair job if need be.