Freedom! Trapped! Run! Stay! We! You! Tobias! Tobias! Each word came from a different voice in head of The Homunculus. After the blinding light passed, his arms, legs, and head hanging limp as if no muscles held them up. Though his legs were limp, strings were attached to various parts of his body and pulled kept him in mid-air. The wind blew across the plains once more and there was a clakka-clakka sound of his body shuffling about in one place. In the distance, the rolling hills almost seemed to be pulled toward the battlefield. The stream, while pouring in one direction, flowed slightly toward the side where the three were located, hitting the shore before continuing its murky journey. Hazard... The wooden-like flesh on The Homunculus started rotting, peeling off and flying into the air. In its place regrew new skin, but not fast enough to replace most of the old. Something started appearing in the sky, but it had no concrete form yet.

Before the creation of this strange meteor could commence in earnest, Homun looked toward Banda and noticed Tobias heading right for him. Tobias? Tobias? Tobias? Tobias! TOBIAS! TOBY! TOBY!!

"Hoo~! Toby Toby~!!"

His thin, hollow body was lifted into the air by the invisible strings, and he started flying towards Banda with bits of his flesh still peeling off and flying towards the sky. His previously white body had started to turn a shade of metallic gray, slightly taking on the quality of iron. Genocide... His left hand detached itself in the same manner as his right, and out of both arm sockets emerged two long steel swords he had assimilated earlier. They extended out of his arm all the way to the handle, so it looked like just blade stuck right out of where his wrists were, with his dangly puppet hands clacking listlessly below. His black coat changed and and rather than turning into a cape, it turned into what appeared to be unwound blue ribbons, spinning themselves around his arms. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he flew towards his enemy.

Before Banda's fist could connect with the young boy, Homun's lightweight body flew in and took the blow in his cheek. Despite the loud CLANG! sound one would hear from striking iron, part of Homun's jaw ripped off like wood and fell to the ground, leaving only half a bottom jaw and a large gaping maw of darkness where half his mouth was. Time's running out! Time's running out! It was fun while it lasted! We tasted freedom! Freedom from the Toy World! The long blades sticking out of Homun's arms started swinging wildly at Banda, with the two unwound ribbons partly attached to his arms flying to the side, then at Banda from behind in an attempt to wrap themselves around him and suck out his adrenaline. Homun's jaw was not regenerating from the blow, in fact pieces of it were slowly being ripped off and sent towards the rotting meteor forming in the sky. While swinging his sword-arms around, his body was light and moving wildly, almost independently of his arms. He was fighting like a puppeteer was controlling him from above.