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Thread: The Sapphire Eagle

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  1. #1
    A Nony Mouse's Avatar

    Travis Kiltias
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5'10'' / 170 lbs
    Adventurer, Explorer

    The Sapphire Eagle

    Out of Character:
    Closed to Afin.
    Follows the events of Washed Away

    Stretching his arms out in a sleepy stupor, Travis’ fingers extended as he yawned widely. Finishing his yawn with a vigorous shake of his head, the traveler ran his fingers through his hair and looked out the window of his room at The Honeysuckle. Last nights torrential downpour seemed to have subsided, but the redhead was sure there was damage all over the city. By the Goddess, the streets had practically been rivers last night! Images of his black-clad savior falling into those swirling waters had haunted his sleep and the morning did little to erase them from his mind.

    He glanced to the corner where his newly liberated polearm rested. The crimson wood held the dim morning light well, only serving to enhance the spear’s beauty in his eyes. Rising from the lumpy mattress that had been his solace for the past five hours or so, Travis pulled his tunic on over his head and turned to head out the door.

    “I better take these with me,” he muttered groggily to himself. Grabbing his bracers and chainmail from their place near the door, he yanked them on and continued out into the hall. Food, that was the only thing on his mind as he slumped down the stairs and into the streets of Radasanth once again.

    The change from the night before was astounding. Where there had been sheets of rain pummeling the vacant streets there were now stalls set up hastily by vendors looking to dupe unsuspecting citizens in to purchasing items that had no real value. Travis smiled knowingly as he passed several stands; the hawkers weren’t going to persuade him to part with his gold.

    Spying a bakery down the street, he dodged puddles as he made his way toward its heavenly scent. The small pools of water and the dripping rooftops were the only testament to the maelstrom that had hit the city only hours earlier. It was hard to believe it was the same place.

    After he purchased two warm rolls, the adventurer sat under a nearby overhang and pondered his next course of action. After battling in The Citadel yesterday and then stalking several miscreants around the flooded streets of the city, Radasanth was beginning to lose its appeal. Maybe it’s time to head back to Scara Brae, he thought to himself. There was plenty to do on the inviting isle and he had been meaning to check out the Dajas Pagoda; maybe now was the perfect time.

    Smiling as he chewed on the fresh bread, he watched the passers-by for several minutes. Everyone in the city had a specific place to be; it seemed that no one simply took a walk to clear their minds or enjoy the weather. Travis missed the simplicity of the woods, he felt far more at home there. Swallowing the last of his roll, the traveler pulled out his hand-carved rywanwood ocarina and played a few tunes on it for fun.

    People tossed small coins his way and Travis couldn’t help but shake his head. Not everything was about earning money; why did these people put such stock in it? Regardless, it was their choice and he left the gold on the street near him as he switched tunes. Playing the notes to his familiar’s summoning song; he then tucked the ocarina away and waited for the otter to show.

    Ardinne splashed playfully through a puddle as she emerged from a nearby alley and ambled over to her master. The adventurer rubbed her head, happy to once again see his friend. He leaned contently against the wall, the horrors of the previous night receding from his mind as he watched the scarlet otter chase anything that walked by.

    Travis closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the waking city wash over him and taking it all in. Soon he would return to the woods and be away from all the stress that Radasanth brought. Very soon.
    Last edited by A Nony Mouse; 05-19-08 at 09:07 AM.
    Chan ann leis a’chiad bhuille thuiteas a’chraobh.

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    Travis Kiltias (2) (1) (0)

    Other characters: Drizaghar Maena'triel, Brammas Ghistre, and Bhakti'mat Zu'ura

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