"They are...persistent." The dark robed traveler flitted into another building in the ruins, crossbow out as he waited for the inhabitants to chase him down once again, and kill yet another. Maybe if he killed enough of the...things, he would get some respite. He had slipped out of the city under cover of night, not wanting to try and obtain an exit pass he knew would not be granted. He was a shadow anyway, he would never be missed, and if he was, well, there were things to be done about that too. The first of his would be pursuers rounded the bend, ending his train of thought with suden violence, as the crossbow gave an evil twang, ripping a broadhead bolt through the chest of his opponent, and on into the next one following. It was technically a light crossbow, but light was a relative term, and with a 125 pound draw weight it had more than enough punch to rip through a human body and in all likelihood a third, had one been there for it to shred. Another of his precious broadheads wasted on a target that would not feed him. What a waste. So much blood, and all of it thinking beings, not a drop of it edible by such as he, who had sworn off the blood of thinking creatures. He jokingly called himself a vegetarian, despite the fact that he likely had eaten more animals than most of the living creatures he refused to devour.

Crumbling walls and ceilings gave the room an eerie cast as he let his crossbow drop and dangle from a harness he had long ago rigged up for it, as his daggers came out again, for the third time today. No matter how many of these armorless fiends he killed, it seemed their numbers never lessened. A meaty thump announced the arrival of assistance. Hs familiar was the most durable undead he had ever seen, and when its antlers penetrated the chest of one of these lunatics, the sound was unpleasant to say the least.

He was salivating now, the scent of so much blood was like an addict trying to recover having his drug wafted beneath his nose. He used that saliva well. The crippling venom it contained burned like fire, and he coated his daggers liberally with the deadly substance. Another pair of the creatures, wrapped in so much cloth he still did not know their true race entered the room. Now he was in trouble. The first had a spear, and lashed out wth the wicked blade, plunging it into his chest, where his heart should have been. The sound was like a cleaver hitting frozen meat. Even in this blasted desert his body was like ice, and the strike did little more than cause him some pain and anger. "That was uncalled for. He pulled the spear from his chest, not a single drop of blood coating its tip, and pushed it out of his way, walking forward slowly, until the shocked humans, and at this close range he could scent them, even through his nasal blockage, were directly in front of him.

"Why did you do that? It was utterly uncalled for." He lashed out with his dagger, slitting his throat, and shoving him away, while he turned his other weapon on the second mans gut, ripping it wide open with brutal efficiency. "Such a waste."

The humans seemed to have given up the attack for now, and he riffled through their bodies, searching for anything he could use. He didn't find much. He had no need of food or water, and shelter was moot as well. The short sword one of them carried was tempting, but it wasn't his style... He decided to take it anyway, the steel looked decent, possibly better than decent. It looked like a stolen blade, as he had never seen the particular emblem on its hilt, a sun, wth eight rays spreading out from the center. They had likely murdered the previous owner and taken it for themselves. "Kernos, come. We need to keep looking." The deer shook its head, and the dead body slipped free of his antlers, whch were now dark with blood.

Leareth, unlike many who ventured here, was searching for the ghosts said to inhabit this place. Undead called to undead, and he sought knowledge beyond his scope. Not knowledge of magic, but knowledge of life that had been. He was old, older than any other living being he was aware of, but he had lived his entire unlife in Salvar and the surrounding areas, because no one noticed a cold man in Salvar. But he had come here for knowledge, and that was what he intended to get.