And I don't mean the people who come around when you don't pay your bills. Today, I found in a bargain bin a long sought out piece of my cookbook collection. I never thought I had a collection; in fact, today is the first day I've acknowledged that I do. It's really small, but I guess it's just starting.

I found, for nearly half price, The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookie Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes today on a fluke. I'd seen them on an online list of another woman's cookbook collection a while back and had been keeping a sharp eye out. One excuse or another always kept me from having a bookstore order the three book set. (The one I found today, plus The Star Wars Cookbook II: Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes, and The Star Wars Party Book: Recipes and Ideas for Galactic Occasions) When I was chattering to my roomie once I brought home book one of the series, her friend was looking at me rather strangely. Maybe it was because I was out loud debating with myself whether I should make Boba Fett-uccine or Tusken Raider Taters first... Erica said, "Oh, she collects cookbooks." I started t

o argue, because I really don't have enough that I thought of it as a collection, but realized that it was indeed a budding one.

Everyone I know has a collection of something. With my roommate, it's shoes and menorahs, with my sister it's coins. My brother collects used iPods and punching bags, both of which I count as collections because he has a ton and never uses them.

What do you guys collect?

My current collection:

-The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookie Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes by Robin Davis

-Cooking For Kids Bible: Your All-in-One Guide to Cooking for Your Kids (no author listed)

-The Caribbean, Central and South American Cookbook by Jenni Fleetwood and Marina Filippelli

-Chocolate Treats by Parragon Publishing
-The New Cook by Pamela Gwyther
-The Great American Cookbook by Parragon Publishing (The two PPublishing books and The New Cook are all little tiny books I got for a dollar each. In a bargain bin.)

-Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by Dr. Seuss by Georgeanne Brennan (I love this book!!!)

-Disney's The Magic Kitchen Cookbook (The first cookbook I bought, when I first became a private nanny and was looking for a good kid's cookbook to help a very fussy three year old who didn't eat much.)

I also have my own cookbook, where I store recipe cards written by myself and other people, recipe clippings from magazines, etc. I don't think that counts as part of the collection, tho. e.e

Pieces actively being sought for the collection:

-The other two Star Wars cookbooks, mentioned above.
-A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook by Patricia Telesco
-Celtic Folklore Cooking by Joanne Asala
-The Irish Pub Cookbook by Margaret Johnson
-Ruby Ann's Down Home Trailer Park Cookbook by Ruby Ann Boxcar (I've totally been wisting after this ever since seeing it in Borders. I love cookbooks that don't take themselves seriously.)
-Nanny Ogg's Cookbook by G. Ogg and Terry Pratchett - If I get my grubby hands on this one, I can die happy. Srsly.