
Real Name: Djinn Sang

Common Name: Exodus

Known As: The Harvester of Souls

Age: Unknown

Race: Demon

Gender: Male

Weight: 183 lbs

Height: 5’9”


If one were to gaze into the soul of the devil himself, such a grotesque image of pure corruptive evil would pale in comparison to one such as Djinn. His skin is covered in a thick red hue, almost as though Titus had bathed in blood so long that it had seeped through into the flesh of his spawn. His eyes are a piercing crimson, glaring from their sockets as a brilliant ambivalent emanation springs forth from them, forced by an obsession with many souls and the many emotions they all bear. If one were to imagine what Hell would be like, it is mere the reflection of the Harvester of Souls.

There was a demon, not manifested into the plains of reality who rested in a plane of existence transcending anything known in the lands of mortals. It was a realm crafted by euphoria and built upon the tumult of creaming souls, a mysterious land of dreams where the demon’s reign was absolute. Life itself paid homage to Titus Sang, and the demon enjoyed every second of life.

Time passed, the demon immured within the pleasurable walls lining his kingdom, lined with the most precious of rubies, which relented a blood red reflection, which Titus found quite flattering. He was living in his own private hell, barricading himself in this echo of reality and basking in these waves of glorious agony. The environment nurtured practice with the blade, knowledge of the art imparted upon him by the many souls pounding in his head and forcing him to take violence upon the arena which fate had provided. There was only one thing missing, escaping his grasp that he wished he could claim ownership of: a reputation.

Bashing against the walls of his dreams led to no avail, a powerful fist crashing against what now resembled more of a cell within his perception. Life itself seemed to hold little meaning within these barriers, the voices in his head… all the souls which comprised him screaming in eldritch multitudes within his head that they might release into the land and wreak havoc. It became too much stress, pressure placed upon a massive body who couldn’t handle it all even within such a warped dimension formed from his own hellish desires.

A colossal implosion occurred within the quiddity of Titus, followed shortly thereafter by a bone-rattling explosion which shattered everything into complete silence. There was nothing left…

Nothing… save two voices

All the voices had now silenced saved for twin whispers, murmurs tossed against empty walls of complete blackness. Suddenly the blackness subsided and a darkened forest unfolded as the lids of sable lifted. He was alive… staring upon Althanas in a way he had never before done: Inside of it. All of the voices had left, dissipating into evanescent particles of blackness, which fell off of his clothing. It was abnormal, for he had come into this world with clothing and a blade rather than as he had expected to… weak… exposed… powerless.

The man turned, head shifting toward his counterpart, which had also survived the inexplicable horrors of the explosion. This demon had, like him, just come to the realization of what had happened, and was now standing. The two were companions in a journey that would lead them to greatness, a path traveled by few and completed by none as far as he was concerned, for no one understood the true nature of the soul. Only through the soul could one become complete, through the refining and knowledge of such quiddity. As the man pondered this, and name sprung to his lips as it reached the deadened air around him…

"Djinn Sang"


Soul Harvest: Djinn’s lifeline and the thing that he loves most about himself. Being a Soul Harvester granted Djinn the ability to rip the souls from bodies, currently he is only able to take the souls of the deceased and must have both hands grasped firmly around the target’s skull to perform the task. The soul is pulled through the mouth of the victim and sucked into Djinn’s own. This feat must be done in two seperate posts, one for the preparation and then one for the extraction. Afterwards, Djinn is usually left in a groggy state which he can recover from after a few minutes. Only humans and other similar races may be used in this process.

The Demon Feather:
Throughout his lifetime Djinn has used one weapon and one weapon alone. The Demon Feather. With this weapon Djinn is capable of performing the basic attacks and is good enough to leave low wounds. Fatigue isn't usually a factor due to his natural physique, but he will begin to tire if he is becoming overwhelmed. Majority of his skill left him when brought to the land of Althanas and so he still has much to regain.

Attitude/Alignment or Personality:
Evil is chaos, and chaos is unruly. That is the stereotypical point of view upon such a concept. However, Djinn believes Evil holds a bit of refinement, an unearthly poise to compliment its complete professionalism. The Harvester of Souls is a sadistic creature, yet believes in adding his own gentle flare to everything to compliment the true nature of that which describes him. He is also obsessed with souls.

Souls Harvested:

Demon Feather: Not your traditional Short Sword, instead of a short wide blade the Demon Feather was crafted with a thin jagged and kinked blade so that when plunged into an enemy’s torso the blade would tear through the vital organs. Making for a quite painful death. It current has the strength of Silver but will gain in strength as Djinn does.

Location: Unknown

Religion: Evil… he worships anything and everything that isn’t good. He also has hopes of turning Althanas into a giant temple dedicated to himself and his brother.