He woke in the familiar stone room with several Ai’Bron monk-mages scurrying about. Although he had battled many times before, Travis was sure that he would never get used to waking up from death. It cheapens it, really, he thought. When he eventually returned to the world outside of the Pagoda, he would have to be careful not to risk too much. Out there, no Ai’Bron magic waited to snatch you from Death’s hands.

“Who won?” he asked curiously. Typically upon waking, he knew what the outcome of the battle had been. And although dying had no effect on one’s judgment, it was nice to know who had been victorious.

“It was too close to call,” answered one of the monks rushing about the room. “You’ll receive judgment when your opponent regains consciousness.

Travis left the room and returned to his personal quarters. Battling in the Roilig had not been such a great idea after all. Learn from your mistakes, Travis told himself. Battling Edward has only served to make him stronger; he would now be more ready to face the next challenger.

“You did well, Edward.”