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Thread: MQ: Blood Red Blossoms 2 - The Reach of the Tower

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  1. #21
    Throbbing Member
    EXP: 101,041, Level: 13
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    Level completed: 79%,
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    Godhand's Avatar

    Godhand Striker
    Hair Color
    Prematurely Gray
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    Wine collector

    He could already feel the armor take a strange root in him. The helmet, in particular; he could feel it's dark tendrils snaking their way into his mind. Suddenly, Godhand bellowed. The students all jumped back in surprise. It was a strange sound, like the moan of a dying whale. The mobster shook his head and began the trek down the tower's stairs, small pebbles and dust jumping lightly into the air with each ponderous step. Suddenly, he heard a loud crack from downstairs he didn't know quite what to make of. It was only when he stepped unto the fifth floor and noticed the undead pouring in from the stairwell that he realized they must have gotten past his barrier. He couldn't imagine how; it probably would have been easier to break the walls down than budge that enormous oak. It was only as the swordsman swatted away the undead hand from one of the approaching horde that he realized it'd be wiser to focus on the enemies before him than whatever battering rams were at the base of the tower.

    Godhand swiped at one of the zombies with a snarl, a good portion of it's face getting ripped off by the clawed gauntlets of his armor. The surrounding undead lunged forward and tried to get a grip on the warrior, but he shrugged them off without much trouble. Now that he was protected from the rot, he could crush them at his leisure. It was with this thought that he chose to add a little flair to the fight, purely for the sake of his own vanity and any hypothetical observers. With a small hop he belly-slammed one of the zombies, sending him tumbling into the milling horde of undeath behind him. He forgot all about his blade and instead chose to bully his way through their numbers with sheer brute strength. By the time he'd made his way to the stair case there was nothing left behind him but crushed bones and blind, flailing limbs.

    The fourth and third floors were more of the same. It was only when he got to the second floor that anyone really interesting showed up. It was a patchwork man of disturbing quality; he looked like a failed experiment in either taxidermy or necromancy. Maybe both.

    Last edited by Godhand; 06-29-08 at 06:44 PM.
    "I almost shook his hand but then I remembered I killed a man."
    -Camus, The Stranger

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    "But I can smile...And I can smile while I kill..."
    -King Ricardo

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