I still figure I should raise my hand and say hello regardless of approved character and first rp post.

So, uh, hello!

I've come from another rp-board which died in a rather spectacular fashion, dragged over by the player of Caden Law along with a few other migrants. In all honesty the size of the board scares the living daylights out of me, but I hope to re-adjust to a site three times as big as the previous and...well, it's stupid to say 'make friends' but at least have a few more amusing rp contacts.

I don't play seriously. Serious Business is better handled by those with massive swords and massive powers. I'll be the one that gets caught on the sidelines of a brawl, gets molested by the monster in the dungeon while the girls escape, and gets pickpocked by small children.

So, once my character reaches civilizations and learns some tradespeak, I might be able to join some quests. Otherwise; see you around!

Oh my. This turned out much longer than I thought it would o.O;;