Lucht du Sol; The Explorer’s Society

Founded many years ago, the Explorer’s Society fell out of popularity with no real leadership to spur its growth. Any members that joined were allowed to do their own thing, independent of the rest. This quickly gave rise to vigilante fighters who stole enchanted treasure; the exact thing the Society stood against. As Lucht du Sol members, these rogue agents caused enough trouble that the group was eventually shut down. Until now.

Travis Kiltias met the last members of the Explorer’s Society when he was a green adventurer passing through Carnelost. Their tales of daring quests and harrowing escapes stuck with the young fighter; for years later they would resurface on his mind. With the original leadership of Lucht du Sol missing, the adventurer decided to take it upon himself to re-establish the Society.

The Explorer’s Society is determined to uncover relics of Althanas’ past and make public the links between her various regions. They are treasure hunters with a flair for the dramatic, but they desire knowledge above all else. Anything that tells a story about where we all came from is of interest to Luht du Sol; so long as they can obtain it legally. Its members follow an ethical code, only taking what they can so long as no one else would be injured by their doing so.

Total Immunity- The members of Lucht du Sol are nonviolent; therefore they tend not to become involved in hostilities amongst others. No treasure is worth the life of another.

Vital Information:
PC Members
Scison- Travis Kiltias (Clan Leader)
The Rilasciare- pending (Key Members)
Los Eruos- pending (Associate Members)
NPC Members
Scrutor General- Riley Finnegan (Second-in-Command)
Emissarius- Blaine Kuftic (Compiles Missions)
Treasurer- Finnola Aucoin

Location- The Concordia Forest