I had a few questions about the portals in Salvar! :)

-What do they look like? Because right now I am totally imagining the stargate and I need a quick smack back to pseudo-reality if that's not the case.

-Can only the Church of the Ethereal Sway use them, or both the church and the Monarchy? Are they still in use currently during the FQ? And are people required to be a certain rank/level to use them?

-What kind of magic are they activated by? How do you control which destination they go to?

-Would other destinations know that a particular destination had been selected?

-Should I stop asking nitpicky questions and just BS through?

My questions are for a FQ I am in, I just need to know which side and rank NPC I would need to have as an "inside man" to use the portals to sneak food to hungry villagers, and who would potentially know about the portals being used/abused that way, the rest is just filler.

Thanks in advance for any help. :D