Name: Cordan Lirosso
Age: 17
Race: Human
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Cobalt
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer
Personality: Very outgoing and friendly, funny, but cautious.
Appearance: Muscular build, fair skin, short hair
History: Born in Haralai Village, he was one of the few people in his village's history to possess magical abilities. He was sent to a magic school, where he graduated and is now an adventuring mage.
Skills: Magic - Elemental skills (fire, water, earth, thunder, ice, wind), healing, scrying, augmentation magic (defensive shields, strength boosters, speed boosters, etc.), able to see and hear what another willing being sees and hears (spell).
Equipment: A single crystal dagger that belonged to his mother, with a fine silver hilt, crystal blade, and sapphire gem in the pommel that matches his eyes.
Familiar: A small monkey, Tek, that has been close to him since childhood. Tek can retrieve things, pick locks, and move mostly unnoticed.