Well, might as well since I'm running something.

I'm Artifex, or Arti, or Leon, or anything else really that I'm called. It's been a while so I think that's it. Been on Althanas for a long time, much longer then most would guess to be honest. Mostly on, with only a bit of off in the past year or so as I've tried to keep in touch just with lurking mostly. Still, I've seen my share, done my modship and I'm mostly just back for a bit until Althanas' rather iron claws dig into me again.

Still, fun times. I have a character that can't be scary, about 4 others, and I knew most everyone from some time ago. All of these youngsters here now appear to be not respect their elders that much (Seniority anyway) so I might join into the tourny too. Probably not, thanks to kollije, but still.

I'm on AIM a lot, so give me a message if anyone wants to talk, or if you got any questions about the site.