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Thread: Maus.

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  1. #1


    Name: Maus
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 105
    Hair Colour: Black
    Eye Colour: Black
    Occupation: Agent
    Personality: Stoic, Sadistic, Ironic

    Appearance: Maus tends to pass himself off through rather simple means in public, wearing little more then a hooded something or other, and usually some boots, pants, a shirt, and maybe some gloves. Malnourished from an early age, his growth has been stunted, and his features left soft and slightly androgynous. His voice is light when he speaks, though he doesn't speak often.

    Weapons: Nothing but a long narrow knife that's probably a dagger, under most circumstances, though he can adapt and he can scavenge. He's a quick learner with any items he might find off hand. He's also quite capable at fending off an aggressor unarmed if he needs to. The knife in question was pillaged from the corpse of of a hapless traveler on the road, and was made of an unknown, black substance with a crystalline hue.

    Armour: Nothing in particular. He's been known to find, buy or steal anything he may need or like to use to a particular end, but on hand he doesn't usually wear any more armor then his clothing.

    Skills and Abilities: Maus doesn't possess any abilities that are particularly magical. They may affect certain magical abilities, certainly, but these abilities do not begin, but may certainly end, with him. Maus is a detective, using deduction, induction and annihilation of logical concepts to objectively determine the truth, or potential truths, in and of any particular thing. A fast learner, he is able to quickly determine several possible means by which a potential foe can do anything, and use this knowledge to his advantage. Not particularly arrogant, he sees no need to stand and fight directly, rather preferring to give his opponent a good chase, wearing down their energy and resolve, while trying to find a direction or maneuver which may likely lead to them disaffecting themselves. Entirely aware of the metaphysical ramifications of certain special abilities, he is capable of insulating himself from connection oriented affects, forcing opponents that are a bit more specific in their unnatural abilities to affect him by clumsily swatting at the environment around them, in an attempt to affect him, creating yet another means of demoralization.

    History: Born on the streets of a more robust archaic city, Maus was pushed into a reality of slave or die from a very early age. Raising himself, Maus became a creature of cruel logic, not availing himself to selfless myths or ideologies, instead becoming a creature of survival by any means. At the age of thirteen, Maus happened to be caught while stealing from a local Priorie's tithes, and was spared a punishment of losing his hand, at the hands of one of the Priors, a man that simply referred to himself as the Patron, no one seeming to ever bother to ask him what his real name was. The Patron, well liked by everyone, was above such silly questions, and lived a simple life, sharing the work of the upkeep and business of the Priory, and keeping to himself for the most part.

    The Patron was no ordinary priest, however, as Maus was soon discover. He was a charlatan, passing himself off as something that he very much was not, a deposed philosopher king and magician of sorts, pretending to be a holy man. The Patron also soon delightfully discovered that the person he'd indebted to him could be much more useful to him then he first imagined. Maus was a fast learner, and the Patron quickly taught him many secret philosophies, all of which he consumed faster then the freshest water, and in a year's time, Maus had tempered his understanding of survival with an edge of classical education the gist of which he understood all the better for his earlier hardships. Inducted into the Patron's secret revolutionary longings, he set out into the world as his agent. And it wasn't long before his travels and instructions brought him to many other worlds besides, his Patron safely concealed in an irrelevant priory, in a city built on the ruins of a once far greater and majestic one, on an irrelevant world that didn't seem to matter to anyone...
    Last edited by Mabus; 12-13-08 at 07:24 PM.

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