This is great news for everyone, the participants hoping for a great challenge and the staffers who have been working hard to make this event a success. For those who aren’t familiar with the GT League, I will use the words of the League’s manager to introduce you:

What is the GT League Hall of Records?
The GT League is a service designed to allow a fighter from any site to track his or her fighting record, and rank them among fighters from other sites according to their relative score.

Fighters across the entire web enjoy their sport, and they are very competitive about it. However, competition within a single site eventually becomes stale, and the fun wanes as fighters struggle to find new challenges. The GT League aims to provide a link between sites, allowing fighters to mingle with new blood and ultimately enjoy a more rich experience.

How does it work?
League members can use the navigation at the top of every page to manage their league status, make challenges, and validate matches. All changes are automatic unless there is a dispute, in which case a judge can be requested to moderate or validate the match.

How Do I Use The GT League?
The GT League process is very simple. It is simply something extra you can do with the fights you're already having. It doesn't matter where you had the fight - when you've finished the fight, just log in to the GT League, and click "Add Battle" in the top menu. It will allow you to select who you had the battle with, and then it will add it to the system.

The next step is for you to choose who won the match - go to "Running Games" and validate the winner. Your opponent needs to validate, too - but as soon as they do, points will be calculated and your records will be updated. Your match is now in the system, and you can add another battle now!

Note: For the Althanas Invitational, you do not need to add your tournament fights, as they will be added automatically! Accounts will be created for you on the GT League website, using the same usernames and passwords as your account on Althanas. If for whatever reason you would prefer to be excluded from the GT League or would rather register manually, you may opt out of the automatic account creation by PMing either Serilliant or I.