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Thread: Savannah Matheson

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  1. #1
    Lord Saladin's Avatar

    Rardaag Dewwit
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    Savannah Matheson

    Name: Savannah Matheson

    Age: 20

    Race: Human

    Hair Colour: Brown

    Eye Colour: Green

    Height: 5 foot 5

    Weight: 8 Stone (112 lbs)

    Occupation: Serf, serving in Lord's small military force.

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual


    An intelligent woman, she thinks perhaps a little too much, and is often seen as a quiet sort of girl. As a soldier, she shows great prowess with the limited technology of her land - and can easily see the workings of siege engines etc.

    Drawing heavily on logic, she has a rather noticeable intolerance for things she sees as illogical, and will express her opinion with a quiet poise and stark demonstration of her intelligence.

    Her logic dictates that she is very utilitarian in nature - everything must have a purpose. As such, her preference lies in the minimalistic.

    However, this all changes, rather dramatically, when around her brother, Sebastian, who incites within her a deep, passionate dislike, perhaps even bordering on hatred. Her quiet composure changes into a loud, brash arrogance and obvious irritation. The change is so dramatic, some would even go so far as to suggest that the girl has two beings living inside her.


    A simple broadsword, the blade made of steel, hilt wrapped in cords of leather, similar to the leather than makes the scabbard.


    Arm braces: Made of a tanned, toughened leather, they cover her forearms, fastened with multiple cords of similar leather.

    Leg braces: As the arm braces, covering only her shins, to perhaps an inch below the knee.

    Other Equipment:

    Boots: Unbecoming and brown, they are the boots of a low level soldier, scuffed and well worn, they are at least comfortable enough not to hinder movement.

    Attire: Unkempt and of poor make, the basic soldier's uniform of her Lord's army is taken without colour or badge - a basic tunic and leggings.


    Hand to hand combat: With a slightly higher than average skill in hand-to-hand combat, Savannah tends to apply more of a brawler style to her fighting - mixing something resembling boxing and wrestling.

    Swordplay: An expert with a broadsword, she has been trained since childhood with a sword.

    NB: The following abilities are currently latent, and will begin to manifest themselves during the tournament, if such are proven necessary.

    Elemental abilities:

    Savannah possesses the two Elements of Air and Earth. This perhaps represents in her personality, as attributes of the two elements are as follows:

    AIR: Intellect, Logic, Technology and Design.

    EARTH: Body, Shapes, Health and Physical Needs.

    Now, for actual abilities:

    Air Magic is the magic not only of wind and lightning, but of the intellect and its creations and manipulations of the physical world. Spells involving electricity, technology, and intelligence are all Air Magic, as are magics related to mind control, contact, and reading.

    As such, the following abilities lie dormant in Savannah, in relation to the Air Element:

    *Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the mind, or seemingly so, it actually stems from shifting currents in the air surrounding the object in question. Savannah will be able to lift up to her own body weight in this manner.

    *Lightning: The ability to make lightning strike from the air to a given target - the lightning isn't as strong as 'natural' lightning and will only cause a three second paralysis, but without any pain.

    *Telepathy: Being able to communicate through the mind - This is mainly going to manifest itself through her brother. Other elements of telepathy include:
    *Mind Control: Or rather, suggestion... Planting ideas into the heads of others, carrying more influence than just simply stating it, she will also need to speak the suggestion. Will only work on those with weak minds, or who are exhausted mentally. ((OOC Note: Players have the choice whether to succumb to the suggestions of Savannah.))
    *Mind Reading: Again, will manifest ACTUAL mind reading in the form of communication with her brother, but will also display in the form of being able to read the movements of opponents in an attempt to guess their movements... This is something that requires training, so her success rate will be no more than 10% in accurately guessing future movements.

    Earth Magic is the magic not only of soil and metal and rock, but also of the physical body, of plants, and of health and physical needs. Any attempt to reshape a body, directly alter health for good or ill, grow or kill plants, and so on is Earth Magic.

    As such, the following abilities lie dormant in Savannah, in relation to the Earth Element:

    *Manipulation of Environment: Changing surface structure, ie: Making rocks grow up from the ground, changing the consistency of rocks/earth/sand etc to make pools of quicksand, and all similar things. Being able to weaken areas of rock, traps can be laid that are no larger than three feet in diameter.

    *Metal Adaptation: Any metal in the area can have its shape changed through the Earth Element; twisted, stretched, flattened, etc. Only metals rating from steel to Damascus can be affected by this ability.

    *Life Manipulation: This ability is directly related to plant life. Making plants grow, changing the direction in which they grow, speeding up growth, and also killing plants. The effects of this magic take some time to finalise and take effect, getting slower the more she utilises it.

    *Healing: The ability to heal minor injuries, or lessen more serious wounds. ((EDIT: Used only as justification for healing between rounds))

    ***PLEASE NOTE: All above mentioned Elemental abilities will be of minimal skill, and will take a severe physical and mental toll, tiring out Savannah quickly***


    The story of Savannah Matheson begins with her father, Arthur. Arthur Matheson was a Captain in the Royal Guard, protecting the palace of the King Arundel, serving for many years, he was a master of the blade, and a great tactician. Revered for his combat skill, Arthur was a well known soldier, and respected by both the civility and Royal guard equally, he was a loyal servant to the Royal family.

    However, Arundel was without child, and upon the King's death, a civil war ensued, as various factions vied for position of ruler of the land. Some twenty five years on, the land is still in a state of civil war, though it is now more stagnant, and several Lords and Barons have dominion over sections of the land. Arthur, unfortunately, was victim to the Civil War, and threatened with the death of his lover, he swore fealty to some minor Lord, who put Arthur to work as a serf. Tending land and living on only the bare minimum required to live, in terms of food, water and shelter, he impregnated another serf three years after being held captive - his true love held in the Lord's house, as concubine.

    His children, twins, Savannah and Sebastian, were also threatened when the Lord, a rather cruel man, found out, and Arthur was forced to become a soldier, though still under serf rules and living conditions. Bartering with the Lord, he managed to have his children enrolled in the army, as well receive an education.

    So it was that Savannah received training in the sword from not long after she could walk. Along with her twin brother, Savannah learned how to fight and wage war. Though never truly being in battle, Savannah is known as a fantastic swordsman.

    She has a particular dislike for her brother, something that has been in existence since she was little; his entire being offends her - the way he thinks, the way he acts, his mindset, and his sexual preferences.

    It was at a young age Savannah realised she was more attracted to women than men, and her brother's own preference is entirely illogical to her. It grates against he conscience in a way that brings out a side of her personality that throws logic to the wind. This is, perhaps, also a part of her dislike, though she would never admit to such.

    Always competing with her brother and the others in the army, she wants only to be the best. Logic stands to her that, if she is to rise to a position she deserves, becoming the best is the most pertinent method of achieving her goal.

    A truly intelligent woman, she is one of only a few within the serfdom that is literate, this has given her an arrogant outlook, and it shows quite plainly in her manner and attitude.

    It was during a sparring session with her much hated brother that the girl was caught within one of the many traps designed to bring fighters to Althanas for the Tournament. She knows not where she is, but will fight for the chance to prove herself.
    Last edited by Lord Saladin; 12-17-08 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Compliance

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