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Thread: To Lighten the Load

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  1. #1
    Fitz's Avatar

    Kuldroc "Kul" Thrasher
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    6' 5" 260lbs

    To Lighten the Load

    As I followed various leads regarding my mysterious mark I found myself traveling the width and breadth of Althanas. One of the more memorable locaels however was the mighty forest Luthmor home to the Fae, and if rumors were true an enchanter with the power to “lighten ones burdens”.

    Having made no progress on tracking down a lead on the councilor’s wife, whom I am more than certain preferred it that way. I decided to try my skills at locating the enchanter. After all what did I have to lose, but perhaps a bit of my burden… whatever that meant. Perhaps the biggest motivator was that this shadow chasing had left me a little burnt and I need to get lost in the wood for awhile.

    It had taken me a few hard days of trailblazing, but the stories were accurate enough and I was within sight of the ruined temple rumored to be home to this enchanter. I made camp for the night deciding it best to approach the ruins in the day light. These secluded mystics, I’ve come to find, have a thing about their privacy and maintaining proper business hours.

    I had managed to snare myself a native porcine brute that was roasting up nice beneath my canopied fire. I’d heard there were some nasty beasts in these parts; so far I have fared well enough. Perhaps the enchanter was powerful enough that the local predators knew better then to infringe upon his turf.
    Last edited by Fitz; 12-18-08 at 10:52 PM.

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