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Thread: Jaded Waitress by Day, Unwitting Catalyst by Night [GoS-Only Edition]

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    La Fantasque's Avatar

    Elliot Wernecke
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5’7” / 120 lbs.

    Jaded Waitress by Day, Unwitting Catalyst by Night [GoS-Only Edition]

    [Link to First Profile: The Unwitting Catalyst]
    Changes are in Blue

    Name: Elliot L. Wernecke
    Age: 20
    Race: Human
    Hair Color: Fair
    Eye Color: Blue-gray
    Height: 5’7”
    Weight: 120 lbs.
    Occupation: Waitress


    Elliot considers herself a common girl, neither outgoing and extraverted nor shy and unassuming. In fact, she hardly bothers to define herself beyond commonality – and for that simple fact, her image of herself is as wrong as can be. Most of those who spend more than a few minutes talking to her will eventually realize how worryingly bizarre the topics may become, or how she seems oblivious to their oddity.

    To put it plainly, they would call her inconsistent, either in her mannerisms, her propriety and sometimes even her speech. None can follow the tracks of her mind, and most believe that is because there are no tracks. For this reason, customers of the N.C.M. Café always give their most accurate and succinct orders, so that they may spend as little time as they can in her company. All for the better, as this gives her more time for her favourite hobby: watching time go by.


    Elliot bothers only with hygiene, leaving the finer points like haircuts and nails to few occasions within the year, when their state is beyond control. Still, by most standards, she is considered a rare gem: with a pleasantly trim figure, natural waves to the fairness of her hair, feline eyes of blue-gray and combination of lush, bowed lips and a finely-chiselled nose. On her worst day, however, it almost seemed as if she wore a wig tailored from a used-mop, and she tends to have a grim quality about her that makes her much harder to approach.


    Born to Howard Wernecke and Josianne Bishop, Elliot grew up in a relatively quiet environment as a child. Her father was a self-made man, once a farmer in the countryside of Corone, whereas her mother was the retainer of an Aleraran duchess. As a result, she lived most of her life in Ettermire with the servants of the Brixada House, brought up to become the Duchess’ daughter’s personal servant. As fate would have it, however, Elliot was born the bizarre girl that she remains even to this day, and the heir to the Duchy quickly became frightened of her. As they were sensible people and found no grounds on banishment other than her incredible strangeness, they simply chose another servant’s daughter as a replacement while Elliot was put aside, free to do as she wished. No one, however, expected that she would leave the comfort of the Brixada manor to err the grungy streets of Ettermire.

    When her parents found her at last, two weeks later, they were surprised to see that her change of lifestyle was actually more of a change in location. She had become a waitress at the N.C.M. Café, a rather respectable establishment frequented by middle-class men and the few aristocrats that enjoyed its charming simplicity. There were no hard goodbyes, nor were there clashes and falling-outs between parents and child: they simply came to an agreement that she was to visit every once in a while, and that they were allowed to drop by her apartment whenever they wished. All in all, Elliot lives the everyday life of a person with no concerns for the fate of the neighboring countries or for the thrill of adventuring – a concept most alien to her.
    ToC Involvment - The Cabal hired Elliot as a waitress due to her skills for the job and her unusual abilities. Always in need of a pretty penny to pay next month's rent, she agreed without asking any question other than: "How much?" After that, the Cabal promptly transported her to the Garden where she now works part-time, though whenever she is done with her work there, she quickly returns to her other waitressing job in Scara Brae by her own special means.


    Her skills in waitressing are those of a professional, due to her upbringing as an aristocrat’s servant. From balancing plates to remembering orders, as well as a general grace and delicacy to her movements, Elliot appears to be the paragon of waitresses – until she speaks.
    Elliot has recently taken up a new hobby: the art of decorative textile-making through knots. She is now impressively skilled in this domain, and has found an even greater aptitude at making macramé owls. She is currently trying to better herself at tablecloths, draperies, plant hangings, hammocks and full-pieces of clothing.
    Sharpshooting – For reasons she does not understand (or does not care enough to try), Elliot is a skilled, natural born marksman. A well-aimed shot nets her a high success rate, be it on moving or static targets. She is also somewhat accurate when shooting blind.


    Eidolon Shift
    Considering her ordinary life, no one would expect such an extraordinary ability. Unlike most auspicious people who find themselves with strange powers, she took the discovery of this one in stride, and considers it on par with riding a bicycle: merely convenient to get from point A to point B.

    An eidolon is, in short, an astral projection of one’s self outside of the physical body. This projection is capable of traveling independently from the body, and though it is incorporeal it can have moderate interactions with its physical surroundings (such as standing on the ground, leaning on a wall, holding light objects or exerting resistance upon physical contact, thus allowing her to waitress even in her eidolon). The eidolon is visible to anyone with functioning eyes and it appears to be exactly the real thing. Moreover, Elliot can create two Eidolons at the same time.

    Elliot’s ability, however, goes one step beyond this: she can literally exchange places with one of her Eidolons, which becomes an effective alternative to teleportation. Moreover, she can shift her consciousness from her body to one of the Eidolons at will, though it takes a certain amount of time and concentration to achieve this. With effort, she can occupy one or both Eidolons and her body at the same time, and if her consciousness leaves an Eidolon to return to her body, the unoccupied Eidolon will remain motionless where it stands unless she actively focuses to make it disappear. The same applies if her consciousness leaves both Eidolons.
    Living Catalyst
    This ability, however, is unknown even to Elliot. Basically, when it activates, any sort of energy form that comes into contact with her is absorbed and catalyzed, that is to say, enhanced. Spells cast on her, for example, will still do their damage, only somwaht lessened(for example, spells of same-level characters will do about half the damage, those of characters one level higher will do about 75%, two levels higher will do about 87.5%, and any spell three levels or higher than hers will deal full damage).

    With time, however, Elliot has learned how to let half of the damage she takes glance off her body and continue on its merry way behind her.

    The interesting part, however, is that her body will absorb the ineffective portion of the spell and will automatically redirect the build-up to the sender (if she absorbs 50%, she will redirect 100% of the spell’s original power, if she absorbs 25%, she will redirect 50% of the spells original power, etc). Depending on the nature of the spell, its redirection can manifest in different ways (wild-aspected spells of the same level, such as lightning bolts, might transform her body into an EMP device with the same voltage as the lightning bolt itself).

    There are, however, important stipulations as to the usage of this power: firstly, it can only be used five times before shutting down for half a day. Thirdly, the catalysis also applies to things other than magic, such as high levels of heat, focused light, radiation, electricity and the like, but only when in harmful quantities. Lastly, there are ways to improve the efficiency of both the absorption and catalysis, though these methods are impossible to use within a battle and are unknown to her.


    N.C.M. Café Waitress Uniform
    A large white apron over a maroon corset, with ample elbow-long sleeves that are bared open at the shoulders. She also wears a plain, crimson long-skirt and 2” heel pointed boots.
    Macramé Supplies
    Cotton twine, hemp, leather, yarn, glass beads, wooden beads, semi-precious gemstones and seashells are what make up most of her supplies dedicated to her hobby. She also has a few books on knots, designs and macramé tips and techniques.
    Keys to her Appartment
    Actually a bunch of keys, three of which open the door to her apartment while the rest open the locks to a variety of boxes and drawers. They are made of brass and are numerically etched for her convenience.
    Her Appartment
    So that her keys do not become obsolete. It’s a small 2 ½ on the third floor of the Qu’Ellarin Building. It has anaglyptic flower-pattern wallpapers and a nice view on the streets and a public park that no one apparently visits.
    Her Wardrobe
    More than a change of clothes, she has a decent number of vestments to wear on different occasions. She, however, owns no night dress, cocktail dress, party dress, or actually any dress other than a summer dress.
    Elliot P. Redding’s Pistol
    Kept in a locked box is her namesake’s only remaining memento, his gun. It is of an antiquated design to the current Aleraran pistols, though it has a remarkable balance and a stylish look. Though there are six bullets in the box, the pistol was unable to fire for decades, as certain components Elliot never bothered to learn were either missing or broken. After she asked one of her friends in Alerar to repair it for her, it has become fully functional. He also provided her with a boxful of bullets, though she never cared enough to count them. She used to keep it only because it was a gift from her father, and a bitter reminder that this Elliot Redding, his childhood hero, is the reason why she has a boy’s name. Now, however, she carries it in a holster, carefully fastened on her left thigh, in case of emergencies.


    Mac the Macramé Owl
    Mac (short for Charles Macintosh) is not a familiar per se, but rather a pet she sometimes refers to. While people who hear this are led to believe she owns a real, live pet owl, it is in truth her first macramé masterpiece, which she hangs over her night table. Upon hearing this detail, most people try to ignore her.
    Other Notes

    Elliot will not be participating in the ToC, and will only be tending to whatever restauration locales will most likely pop up during the event! Also, her abilities serve not to fight, but to make her a bit of a parody for all those indestructible NPCs you seen around in towns. Granted, she can be 'killed', but she'll most likely shift to another location in that case.
    Last edited by La Fantasque; 12-18-08 at 12:07 AM.

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